hand, the digital hand change its posture to mimic the
hand in real time. And when the digital hand grasp an
object in the virtual physic space, the collision detec-
tion between the digital hand and the object is trans-
mitted to the physics engine, and the digital hand can
grasp it according to the varying hand posture in real
This paper proposed a novel design procedure of the
digital hand, which is in reduced DoFs, the design of
soft skin, rigid body and those connection approach,
and real time operation system.
The reduced DoFs of the digital hand is proposed
by considering anatomy, which is to be operated in
real time. The total number of reduced DoFs is 16,
which is less than six degrees of actual DoFs.
The design of soft skin and rigid body is regular
way in CG creation, but the connection approach is
devised because the collision detection of each body
shows different phases. This approach relates on the
shape of the soft skin.
The real time operation is considered about the
digital hand with reduced DoFs and the usage of the
LMC. To use the cheaper devices will expand our sys-
tem to ordinary users. So, we have been develop-
ing the real time operation system, and the applicable
demostration to show the real time operation will be
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Gran
Numbers 25280125, 25560009 and in part supported
by JST RISTEX Service Science, Solutions and
Foundation Integrated Research Program.
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