Could Bitcoin Transactions Be 100x Faster?
Nicolas T. Courtois
, Pinar Emirdag
and Daniel A. Nagy
Computer Science, University College London, London, U.K.
Independent Market Structure Professional, London, U.K.
Computer Science, E¨otv¨os L´or´and University, Budapest, Hungary
Electronic Payment, Crypto Currencies, Bitcoin, Double-spending Attacks, Decentralized Markets, Equities
Trading, High Frequency Trading, Timestamps, Proof of Stake, Security Engineering.
Bitcoin is a crypto currency, a distributed peer-to-peer financial system. Well actually it is an electronic system
which manages the provisional ownership of a strictly xed supply of abstract fungible units which really
works as a distributed property register or a digital notary service. This is not so different than managing
the ownership of shares in traditional financial markets. Modern financial institutions increasingly just do
NOT trust each other, they build co-operative robust and decentralized and increasingly transparent, electronic
systems which are and able to both serve the diverse objectives of participants (e.g. traders) and uphold
certain security policies. Is Bitcoin actually so brilliant to be called the Internet of money as it is sometimes
claimed? Not quite. Consider just the question of speed. Super low latency transactions are a norm in the
financial industry, and even ordinary people have access to super fast bank transfers and real-time credit card
transactions. Bitcoin remains rather the horse carriage of money. In this paper we look at the question of fast
transaction acceptance in bitcoin and other crypto currencies. We claim that bitcoin needs to change in order
to be able to satisfy the most basic needs of modern users.
Bitcoin (Satoshi08). is a digital currency, payment
and final clearing/settlement system and technology,
a distributed property register and digital notary ser-
vice, all in one. Current bitcoin suffers from a num-
ber of obvious and well known technical problems:
slow transactions acceptance, large storage at network
nodes, poor anonymity, high volatility, cyber attacks,
to name just a few. Bitcoins cultivates a certain type of
cryptographer’s dream (CourtoisBahack14) in which
participants do not trust each other, yet the payment
system works due to cryptographyrather than through
some trusted financial institutions. In this paper we
look at the question of fast transaction acceptance in
bitcoin and other crypto currencies. Currently people
haveto wait for at least 10 minutes and more for larger
transactions in order to avoid being a victim of double
spending attack. We look at some essential questions.
Does a decentralized network without central author-
ity imply and mandate slow transactions? Could bit-
coin transactions be 100 times faster? Is there a fun-
damental technical impossibility? Could bitcoin be
somewhat fixed at a minimum cost?
1.1 Bitcoin vs. Traded Markets
A refreshing comparison is the comparison to tradi-
tional financial markets such as stock markets. There
is a number of similarities with bitcoin. Trading is be-
coming increasingly decentralized, especially in the
United States. Units/resources are fungible and in
limited (fixed) supply. Financial institutions increas-
ingly just do NOT trust each other, and they also want
to build co-operative electronic systems which can
function in presence of malicious participants. Mar-
kets are becoming increasingly transparent, at least
for audit purposes, although this has been very dif-
ficult to achieve in today’s markets. Bitcoin is as vir-
tual as most of assets in financial markets. Owner-
ship requires some type of proof of ownership (cer-
tificate) which problems are somewhat solved in both
worlds. Overall we see that bitcoin technology and
the traditional financial sector have many similari-
ties. Yet super low latency transactions are a norm
in the financial industry. In bitcoin they are consid-
ered problematic and difficult to achieve, cf. (Cour-
tois14). We should note however that traditional stock
markets exchange primarily “promises” rather than
property itself. In both cases these things could be
transferred very quickly. In stock markets final clear-
ing and settlement process takes typically up to 3
T. Courtois N., Emirdag P. and A. Nagy D..
Could Bitcoin Transactions Be 100x Faster?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005102804260431
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 426-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
days. Final property transfer on the bitcoin ledger is
done automatically and takes a multiple of 10 min-
utes. In addition current bitcoin network could also
circulate bitcoin transactions in microseconds with
non-standard software and networks (cf. also Sec-
tion 4.3). However no bitcoin transaction is consid-
ered as valid as long as it was not officially approved
by the blockchain which takes about 10 minutes or
longer. Moreover transactions do not have times-
tamps nor they are recorded. We don’t even know
how old they are. There is a question of inherent in-
stability of bitcoin, both imaginary/perceived and ac-
tual risk of any given transaction not being approved
later due to some attacks (Courtois14; CourtoisBa-
hack14; DeckerWattenhofer14). There is also a ques-
tion of lack of network neutrality (Courtois14), of the
ambient medium in which financial transactions are
done. In traditional financial markets all the activities
in the electronic systems are assumed legitimate and
principals are trusted. In bitcoin principals are really
allowed to be malicious. There is no easy way to ex-
clude some malicious parties from participating in the
P2P network.
1.2 Key Objective: Speed
All this makes that bitcoin transactions are slow or
are assumed to be so by careful users who wait for a
number of confirmations. The only judge is the state
of the blockchain in the future.
In modern finance, property irreversibly changes
hands in a matter of microseconds or is promised to
be so later on, and cheating is excluded. Bitcoin re-
quires users to wait for 10 minutes and longer for
larger transactions, and new ways of cheating and
for-profit blockchain manipulation are invented every
day (Courtois14; CourtoisBahack14; DeckerWatten-
hofer14). Bitcoin needs to change. In this paper we
look at how such a change could be engineered by ex-
ploiting the strengths of the current bitcoin network.
Before bitcoin came along we have a long history
of electronic financial transactions. A long history
of practical electronic systems which have been de-
signed, built, sold and massively used in the finan-
cial sector. Defenses against market manipulation
and other attacks have evolved considerably. What
lessons can be learned for bitcoin?
2.1 Speed and Decentralization
In financial services latency has different regimes. In
trading of equities (stocks), which is the most “elec-
tronic” markets, the latency for matching orders is
the micro seconds (10
). However for example for
bonds it will be much slower especially if they are
traded over the counter (OTC). In everyday payment
world credit card payment is certainly a faster option
than wire transfer, however not the cheapest for mer-
chants. Bitcoin potentially disrupts both markets: it
can be preferred to credit cards and overseas wire
transfers due to lower fees, and it could sometimes
be faster than bank transfers. We cannot ignore that
there are strong limits to acceptability of current bit-
coin: one cannot wait 10 minutes at a coffee shop.
Decentralized finance is not new with bitcoin. De-
centralized systems and markets have been around
for some time. This are just THE modern way to
build things: more robust, less prone to fraud and
abuse, etc. Various electronic market systems differ
by attributes based on their participants, instruments
traded, maturity levels, regulatory regimes and tech-
nology adoption. Dealer markets in over the counter
(OTC) derivatives and US equities markets are ma-
jor examples of modern truly decentralized(!) mar-
kets. The most common point for all these markets is
that there are many “market places”. More precisely
price formation happens at a number of different de-
centralized “nodes”. Nodes in this context could be
broker dealers, dealers, exchanges or other matching
. Essentially these are various intermedi-
aries which aim to bring buyers and sellers together.
In the case of OTC markets direct communication be-
tween these markets is very limited, and latency is not
as relevant. Importantly in case of US equities, due
to the regulatory regime these nodes must be aware
of each other, aiming to match the best price at very
low latencies. Timestamps for these markets are in
the range of single digit microseconds. A simplified
version of how these markets work is as follows:
1. Trader A wants to buy X shares of YY.
2. He sends his order to a market node” P.
3. These orders are represented as “quotes” on the
market P.
4. Market P checks for best prices not only on that
market but also on all other markets.
5. The order is executed on Market P if the best price
is there if not it is routed to a market where the
best price is found.
Nodes is not a terminology from stock markets, it is
used to show similarities with the bitcoin network.
This connected but decentralized market struc-
ture is a result of Regulation NMS (National Mar-
ket Structure) (Nanex13) which was mandated by the
US Congress and implemented after 2005. Following
(Maese14) the bitcoin network is actually reminiscent
of a network which was initially created to imple-
ment NMS regulations. No further details are given
however we read that bitcoin technology is “brilliant”
and maybe a ”kind of value transfer network that you
could dream about creating” for the stock markets ”if
existing businesses had the luxury of a fresh start”, cf.
In the US there are over 50 liquidity pools (again
called “nodes”). Under regulation NMS, there are
14 nodes which are Self Regulatory Organizations
(SROs), or the “lit exchanges” which “publish” their
data feeds. All nodes including these exchanges
themselves have to check the best prices on the 14
official exchange nodes.
In order to complete the whole picture, these
quotes are aggregated at the Consolidated Quote Sys-
tem (CQS) cf. (Nanex13). Actually the markets check
CQS for best prices which is called National Bid or
Offer (NBBO). Once a match happens on one of these
nodes, the information about it is “reported on the
Consolidated Trade System (CTS) where all trades
are aggregated. Everything is reported immediately
with the timestamp of the executing node in UTC
time. The combination of CQS (quotes) and CTS (ex-
ecuted trades) is sometimes called the SIP.
2.2 Timestamps
At microsecond levels accuracy issues around hard-
ware, software and application timestamps become
relevant. Some of the recent controversies (Lewis14;
Nanex13) in equities markets stem from intricacies in
inner workings of this system.
The nodes provide direct market data feeds which
consists of the quotes at those specific nodes. Some
traders (actually machines) have access to these direct
data feeds. Other traders access quote data through
CQS. Direct data feeds allow to obtain the informa-
tion faster, a few milliseconds before the SIP data.
At one moment the public data feed (CQS) had a de-
lay of 22 milliseconds versus the direct (paid) feeds
which was claimed contrary to the NMS regulations,
cf. (Nanex13). Direct data feeds cost considerably
more, in tens of thousands of $ per month in direct and
indirect costs including the necessity to build special
equipment, employing network engineers, large telco
fees. 2.5 million subscribers pay the exchanges about
$500 million each year to obtain such low latency data
cf. (Nanex13).
In these markets, timestamps are very important:
the first buyer gets the share at one price, another gets
it later at another price. The order of the execution of
transactions is crucial. Timestamps are generated by
14 trusted nodes or exchanges which are expected to
be honest. Their public version, the SIP timestamps
have lower precision and could be less accurate, cf.
(Nanex13). An interesting question is whether it is
possible to manipulate these timestamps for profit.
We are not aware of such scenarios.
This question will come back in bitcoin. No one
is trusted in bitcoin and in Section 4.1 we argue that
bitcoin needs some “peers” to certify timestamps of
other network peers. In bitcoin the order of process-
ing the transactions matters less, except in situations
of double spending. Unhappily transactions have NO
timestamps in bitcoin, the founders of bitcoin simply
forgot to implement any(!), cf. (Courtois14). Thus it
becomes difficult to distinguish between various sit-
uations and take reasonable well-informed decisions
which is a crucial question, cf. Section 4.
2.3 Validation
In these decentralized US equity markets there is a
process of “policing” and checking for the good be-
havior which is very different from checks which
need to be done by bitcoin miners. for the correctness
of the final bitcoin blockchain. There is a price time
priority for matching quotes. This means that quotes
match at first come first serve basis at the best price.
Now at a certain moment there is (or there can be)
a demonstration of the sequence of actions described
above to regulators and clients and verification that
trades were executed at the best price on the 14 ex-
2.4 Secure Property Transfer
There isn’t just one way to build decentralized finan-
cial systems. Timely decision making is crucial/ Bit-
coin system is somewhat fundamentally simpler than
equities trading. There is no matching of orders, there
is no double-entry bookkeeping. Yet it is all about
a some form of having a property register owned by
many participants with some degree of network neu-
trality (fairness in execution). Bitcoin blockchain is
a major innovation which could in fact also be used
to implement a similar concept of “Value Transfer
Networks” for the stock markets cf. (Maese14).
We see that the US equities markets are decentral-
ized and that “nodes” have obligation of some form of
“market neutrality”: best effort to find the best price
for customers on 14 nodes. In bitcoin we have the
problem of “network neutrality”. It has a more lim-
ited scope. A “fair execution” is only a problem when
two conflicting transactions are emitted. However
handling such cases is crucial if we want to accept
transactions faster. This problem is currently NOT
solved in a satisfactory way, see Section 4. One cru-
cial problem is that timestamp information is missing
for bitcoin transactions, cf. (Courtois14). Another
problem is that information propagates only on the
basis of best effort. There is no US Congress regula-
tion which would somewhat “force” the events in the
network to reach many other network nodes. We will
study these questions in Section 4 and Section 4.3.
In the US equities market the decentralization does
not make transactions slow. In bitcoin it does. Ac-
cording to the initial design (Satoshi08) the initial bit-
coin system is decentralized, asynchronous and can
work in very poor network conditions, cf. Section 4
in (Courtois14). The key underlying principle which
allows to achieve this objective is the Longest Chain
1. At any moment of the history of bitcoin, miners
are trying to extend one existing block, and some-
times two solutions will be found.
We call this (rare) situation a fork.
2. Different nodes in the network have received one
of the versions first and different miners are trying
to extend one or the other branch. Both branches
are legitimate and the winning branch will be de-
cided later by consensus.
3. The Longest Chain Rule of (Satoshi08) says that
if at any later moment one chain becomes longer,
all participants should switch to it.
With this rule, it is possible to argue that due to the
probabilistic nature of the mining process, sooner or
later one branch will automatically win over the other.
Bitcoin is quite stable in practice. Forks are relatively
rare. However forks could become more frequent in
poor network conditions or due to certain attacks, cf.
It is remarkable that in bitcoin literature this rule
is taken for granted without any criticism. Follow-
ing (Courtois14) claims this rule is highly problem-
atic and it leads to very serious problems. One prob-
lem is that this consensus mechanism in bitcoin has
two distinct purposes:
1. It is needed in order to decide which blocks ob-
tain a monetary reward and resolves the fork situ-
ations in a simple and convincing way.
2. It is also used to decide which transactions are
accepted and are part of official history, while
some other transactions are rejected (and will not
even be recorded, some attacks could go on with-
out being noticed, cf. (DeckerWattenhofer14)).
In principle there is NO REASON why the same
mechanism should be used to solve both problems.
On the contrary. This violates one of the most
fundamental principles of security engineering: the
principle of Least Common Mechanism [Saltzer and
Schroeder 1975]. One single solution rarely serves
well two distinct problems equally well without any
We need to observe that the transactions are gen-
erated at every second. Blocks are generated every
10 minutes. In bitcoin the receiver of money is kept
in the state of incertitude for far too long and this
for no apparent reason. It is a source of instability
which makes people wait for their transactions to be
approved for far too long time, especially for larger
Could transactions be accepted earlier? Could we
for example make that even in the case of a fork min-
ers are very likely to include exactly the same trans-
actions in both versions?
The following solution was already proposed by sev-
eral authors. One version was proposed by user joe
in 2011 (joe14), and another version in May 2014
(Courtois14). There is a core proposal on which these
sources agree, and it is also clear this is not yet a ma-
ture solution, more work is needed. The main goal of
this proposal is to allow fast transactions. An impor-
tant notion is the notion of zero-confirmation trans-
actions cf. (Chen14), which occur in the current bit-
coin software system. The question is really a ques-
tion of how to fix bitcoin and add additional secu-
rity and allow people to accept transactions faster. It
was sometimes claimed that zero-confirmation trans-
actions could just be accepted and that the risk de-
creases with time (Chen14). We should not how-
ever ignore double spending attacks (Courtois14) and
risks increase as attackers discover new more “subver-
sive” attack scenarios (Courtois14) and also for larger
transactions. The core proposal is as follows:
1. If two double-spend transactions are received
within 20 seconds of each other by some network
node, we consider that their ordering/priority is
unknown. Peer nodes may accept
blocks with ei-
A variant where both would be rejected by default was
ther transaction, and build on top of the longest
chain (current solution).
2. If two double-spend transactions are received
more than 20 seconds apart by any network node,
he considers that their ordering is known. He
should reject all blocks which include the later,
non-original transaction2 and accept the clearly
earlier transaction1.
An inherent problem with this sort of solution is
that different network nodes have a different view.
This leads to all sorts of problems. The solutions pro-
posed in Section 7 of the more recent paper (Cour-
tois14) differ fundamentally in that they propose to
use timestamps in order to make these decisions
more objective. Current bitcoin software already
somewhat privileges earlier transactions but there are
no timestamps.
4.1 Improved Solutions
Additional techniques are used to ensure that times-
tamps are not being tampered with. Two solutions
for this problem are proposed in (Courtois14). One
solution implements a certain type of proof of stake
through cooperation of additional network nodes.
They are asked to validate the existence of trans-
actions at certain moment by spending one of their
(smaller) inputs instantly. An additional solution is to
reuse shares used in pooled mining which already are
ready proofs of existence of transactions, cf. Section
7.2 in (Courtois14).
4.2 The Issue of Forks
It is not obvious that the basic solution described in 4
works well in practice. A possible problem with such
solutions was already explicitly suggested in (joe14).
The author recommends to:
”Reject all blocks that include the later [...]
stop rejecting blocks containing double-
spend transactions [i.e. transaction2] if the
block receives 6 confirmations”
This in order to avoid “permanent block forks”.
This is in fact problematic: it means that the attacker
may have eventually succeeded in his double spend-
ing attack and the network accepts it. We can only
hope that getting these 6 confirmations is sufficiently
costly for the attack not to be profitable anymore.
proposed in Section 7 of (Courtois14).
4.3 Super Peers vs. Speed
Timestamping does not necessarily imply centralized
“super-peers” which could be bribed, cf. Section 7
in (Courtois14). It should rather be ordinary peer
network nodes not known in advance to the attacker.
Recently these were alarming news about the num-
ber of nodes declining month after month and falling
below reasonable levels, less than 8,000 recently, cf.
(Cawrey14). Bitcoin is going to disappear if we do
not create monetary incentives for ordinary people to
run bitcoin network nodes.
In addition and however we could have a “super-
network”. It is NOT correct to believe that miners
have no other choice than to rely on the current bit-
coin network where the median time until a node
receives a block is 6.5 seconds cf. (DeckerWatten-
hofer13). Miners could actually - because they work
for profit - PAY a tiny little bit of money to have ac-
cess to a much faster and more accurate data about
all transactions, super-fast latency data based on a set
of some 1000 randomly chosen full network nodes
which are connected to a faster ‘backbone’ network.
Then it is easy to imagine and easy that miners have
access to all transactions within miliseconds rather
than seconds. Such network could be run by business
providers or as a cooperative and should also provide
double-spending alerts automatically.
5.1 Participation of the Recipient
There is a simple solution to double spending attacks
which requires only small changes to the current bit-
coin wallet software. A mechanism of optional “fast
transfers” which mandates sending the raw transac-
tion over to the recipient in addition to submitting
it to the network. Then the client software on the
money recipient side should make sure the transaction
is firmly entrenched in the mempools of several bit-
coin nodes after which he checks some random nodes
if no other competing transaction was also submitted
to the network. Software could show that if the trans-
action was accepted and display an estimated pro-
portion of peers which already know this transaction.
This proportion will grow with time and will allow
the recipient to do his risk management. There could
also be a business helping the recipient to diffuse their
transaction for a small fee and actively scanning the
network for double spends.
5.2 Reactive Solutions
Reactive solutions are about dealing with conse-
quences of double spending events. Depending on the
product sold, it could be possible to simply cancel the
5.3 Scripting Solutions
There is a number of scripting solutions to double
spending known in the bitcoin community based on
so called contracts coded via the bitcoin scripts and
enforced by miners (Hearn14).
In this paper we look at bitcoin network as a decen-
tralized property transfer network solution and ex-
plore a number of similarities with modern stock
markets. Interestingly stock markets are addicted to
speed, however bitcoin is very slow. In this posi-
tion paper we argue that bitcoin transactions should
be very fast, or bitcoin is not better than credit cards or
traditional banks. Blockchain and the Longest Chain
Rule do not yet solve this problem. We propose to
use timestamps and to accept earlier transactions also
in the case another transaction is emitted later. We
contend that the solutions needs to empower ordinary
peer-to-peer network nodes and allow them to gen-
erate some income. Our main proposal is to achieve
non-zero level of security against double spending at
a higher speed than the speed of the main blockchain
through distributed consensus and reusing elements
which already exist in the current bitcoin network.
In future works we are going to develop more de-
tailed solutions: an extended version of this paper will
be published by the authors and certain solutions are
already discussed in Section 7 of (Courtois14).
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