processing component that automates the activities
performed by middlemen and extend 24 × 7 support
to MSMEs through mobile phones. Hence we have
provided a specific solution for emerging
organization with a small budget to survive at the
market and achieve greater profits. For this, we have
developed an android application along with the
mobile cloud to support the calculation of the
optimal order quantity and the minimal buffer
quantity of raw materials using the Optimal
Inventory Calculator sub-component. When the
inventory nears the minimal buffer quantity, the
system suggests the reorder quantity from statistical
analysis of purchase history. The system also
provides provisions to parallelize order to efficiently
use the small warehouse, though they have a limited
budget using a Just-in-time inventory technique, thus
reaping extra profits.
Custom-specific negotiator component is used to
help buyers order custom-made products according
to their interests and requirements. We also have an
order tracker which keeps track of the undelivered
and pending orders, making it easy for the MSMEs
to keep track of them. The invention on the whole
provides a never before seen platform for MSMEs to
hold direct negotiations with each other, thereby
eliminating need for intermediation.
The recent past has witnessed development of a
multitude of applications and services to assist
MSMEs. Popular web applications provide CRM
systems (Achuama and Usoro, 2010) and human
resources management (Andersen, 2003) solutions.
Research has also been carried out to introduce ERP
systems for MSMEs (Upadhyay and Dan, 2010).
Most of the web solutions aim at providing a
business platform for the small-scale firms to sell
their produces in the online market. E-commerce
applications have been developed to cover business
transactions (Olatokun and Kebonye, 2010). In
reality, MSMEs are unable to comprehend the
technology involved. They turn to another class of
middlemen to carry out their online trading (Cooke,
2000). Consequently, MSMEs end-up paying two
different classes of middlemen.
A method (Nakamoto et al., 2002) processes a
simplified order placement and reception in a system
comprising a host computer and a PDA. The method
includes storing stocked-product data and estimation
data in an order placement and reception information
database provided in the host computer, then
transmitting from the host computer to the PDA, and
placing an order from the screen on which the
stocked-product data are displayed in the PDA.
These features support the order processing and in
addition, it allows the buyer to choose the most
nearby MSME to prioritize the orders depending on
the cost, thus reducing the delivery time when the
product is needed immediately without any
compromise on the price as well.
Mobile cloud, considered as the next generation
technology, is extensively used to provide services
to mobile phone networks (Taylor et al., 2011).
Location-based services are highlights of mobile
cloud applications. Main reason for utilizing mobile
clouds for businesses is the ability to carry out
remote computing. Mobile phones have limited
processing and storage capabilities. Hence storage
and computing tasks are delegated to remote Virtual
Machines (VMs) on mobile cloud that provide
Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS) (Sushil et al.,
Moreover, cloud developing platforms like
Eucalyptus and OpenStack (Pepple, 2011) extends
infinite scalability in processing of orders.
Nowadays, mobile phones are increasingly used as
entry points to cloud services (Giurgiu et al., 2012).
The Amazon EC2 is one of the recent developments
in the field of cloud computing that offers many
cloud related solutions as web services (Varia,
2010). The other paper describes a highly scalable
system developed for MSMEs using the ontology
engineered framework that uses cloud for data
storage and processing (Saravanan et al., 2012). The
android application has remote access to framework
components that run on cloud, for effective and
efficient processing.
The proposed order placement and processing
component has the following four sub-components
under them which executes linearly for each
product’s order placement and processing as shown
in Fig 1. The involvement of these components
improves the order processing system in MSME
sustainable development.