Environment for Hybrid Simulation of Information Security Solutions
for Grid and Cloud-systems
Valeriy Vasenin, Vladimir Roganov and Andrey Zenzinov
Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Michurinsky pr. 1, Moscow, Russian Federation
Grid Computing, Distributed Computer Systems, Information Security, Virtual Modeling, Simulation, Hybrid
Efficient and safe use of distributed information systems based on Grid and Cloud-computing technologies
requires an assessment and optimization of their security level. For this purpose it seems appropriate to model
the studied systems and their behavior under different working conditions. The paper presents an approach
to modeling distributed systems in full-scale, simulation, virtual and analytical sense, and also describes the
possibility of their simultaneous use in hybrid mode simulation. Such approach allows to investigate the
behavior of distributed systems from different perspectives, taking into account features of the architecture,
software, purposes of these systems and operation conditions. The paper also describes the mechanisms of the
developed modeling software.
In recent times, increasing attention is paid to soft-
ware tools for security of large-scale distributed in-
formation systems. Despite the fact that there are a
significant number of multi-level tools for Grid and
Cloud-systems with such appointment, developing of
security systems is very relevant and important re-
search area. In order to provide the effective pro-
tection of such systems it is necessary to assess and
adjust their security at different levels of their archi-
tectural implementation. This fact led to the problem:
design and implement software tools for hybrid simu-
lation of the Grid and Cloud-systems which provides
unified model to present and simultaneously test sev-
eral levels of the distributed system.
By the hybrid modeling approach we shall mean
the conjunction of several different ways of model-
ing. This approach has already proven itself and is
widely used in various fields of research and engi-
neering which are closely related to complex systems,
particularly in the space industry. It allows to study
simultaneously a large number of different modes of
behavior of a complex system without a real launch of
a spacecraft. For Grid and Cloud-systems hybrid sim-
ulation we had chose Natural, Imitating, Virtual and
Analytical modeling approaches. To stress the hybrid
nature and wide range of simulation mechanisms the
abbreviation NIVA (by first letters, means also Field
in Russian) was used as name for consolidated mod-
eling environment.
NIVA simulation environment does not require
high qualification from users. The environment con-
tains GUI-based editors for visual definition of con-
figuration of designed distributed systems and, more
important, their usage scenarios. It supports auto-
mated deployment of the configurations, interactive
simulation mode combined with graphical visualiza-
tion and batch control via command files, which was
written on a standard interpreted language mixed with
arbitrary decision logic. Usage scenarios of dis-
tributed systems are based on the template library of
typical behavior patterns. With use of these patterns
it is very easy to describe both normal and abnormal
work flow of a distributed system, under conditions of
the various attacks.
Thus, the environment allows to perform hybrid
simulation of developed Grid/Cloud-systems in order
to obtain their characteristics in terms of performance
and information security, as well as support their op-
timization using multivariate non-interactive simula-
tion with relatively small resource consumption.
The main idea to simulate distributed computing sys-
tems is not new and already has a long history. Start-
Vasenin V., Roganov V. and Zenzinov A..
Environment for Hybrid Simulation of Information Security Solutions for Grid and Cloud-systems .
DOI: 10.5220/0005105502550260
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2014),
pages 255-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-038-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing from epoch of grid concept a lot of simulation
tools have been created, mainly based on discrete-
event simulation, which, apparently, is the most versa-
tile approach and has worked very well in the area of
data communication networks. At present, the most
famous and widely used specialized tools are Sim-
Grid (Casanova et al., 2008), GridSim (Buyya and
Murshed, 2002), CloudSim (Rodrigo N. Calheiros
and Buyya, 2011), which are widely used for solv-
ing various tasks, such as optimization algorithms of
key system components (Yaser Mansouri and Buyya,
2013). As an example of such kind of software devel-
oped in Russia the system developed in the Russian
Institute for System Programming RAS (Grushin D.,
2008) should be noted. In these environments, dis-
tributed system typically represented by a collection
of objects belonging to its upper layer, that is, compu-
tational nodes, inter-node connections, etc.
For our purposes we chose SimGrid tool as base
simulator. Its role would be discussed in the sec-
tion 4. GridSim and CloudSim are written in Java,
and SimGrid code is C-based, so it seems more conve-
nient to perform large series of non-interactive exper-
iments. SimGrid tool supports both Grid and Cloud-
simulation, while GridSim and CloudSim are closely
oriented on simulation of Grid and Cloud-systems, re-
spectively, and we should use both of these two tools.
We should also note SimGrid graphical configuration
editor, implemented as an Eclipse plugin.
Yet another approach, based on virtual simulation
is related to widespread virtualization support in hard-
ware. In this case, the model simulates the instru-
mental level using the set of virtual machines inter-
connected by a virtual networks. Nowadays there are
some papers about nested Cloud systems (Josef Spill-
ner, 2012) but completely modeling of Grid/Cloud-
technologies using virtual machines is poorly studied.
Of course, there are other approaches, such as an-
alytical and full-scale modeling. If the simulation aim
is to reach a large number of nodes (for example, to
simulate large subset of the Internet), and is focused
on the macro-level, then somebody can use the ana-
lytical methods such as Petri nets, etc. In contrast,
the full-scale modeling can help to study such subtle
phenomena in software as race condition vulnerabili-
ties. Each of above approaches is good at its level, but
none of them can fully and effectively cover the en-
tire spectrum of possible interactions that take place
in large distributed systems. Taking into account the
above considerations, it seems appropriate to combine
all of these approaches.
In addition, most of Grid and Cloud modeling
software requires a programmer qualification to de-
fine and analyze the activities of interest. For this
reason, the main priorities in the development of the
NIVA environment were hybrid simulation support
and operator comfort.
Simulation environment NIVA for Grid / Cloud-
systems supports mixed live, discrete-event, vir-
tual and analytical modeling of distributed comput-
ing systems in both interactive and non-interactive
modes, with an ability to visualize process and post-
processing of results. The combination of different
models allows a comprehensive study of large dis-
tributed systems, as well as to immerse them in a re-
alistic context of the global network, namely:
live (full-scale) simulation allows to evaluate the
real computational efficiency of computational
nodes and interconnection used on real hardware;
virtual simulation helps to conduct the necessary
experiments with the distribution, assess the com-
patibility of the software, and perform effective
testing for known vulnerabilities;
discrete-event simulation model is able to sim-
ulate the behavior of a significant number of
Grid/Cloud nodes, as well as the consequences of
possible attacks and the propagation dynamics of
mortgage elements such as viruses;
analytical modeling makes it easy to simulate very
large Grid systems, such as significant part of the
Internet, by taking into account the probabilities
and intensity of corresponding dynamic system.
Operator’s work consists of selecting/editing
Grid/Cloud configuration, selecting/editing the
usage scenario in the provided graphic editors,
boot configuration before running the scenario and
run the simulation with or without visualization,
possibly followed by a detailed analysis of obtained
results. Interactive modeling process can be stopped
at any time moment by the operator (for example,
for a detailed study of the state of the simulated
system), run up the steps (in terms of virtual time)
or prematurely terminated. There is also possibility
to program an automatic pause/stopping trigger by
certain conditions.
The result of the series of launches in batch mode
is a report. Report helps to decide if the proposed
tools and protection strategies are suitable, as well as
make recommendations for further improvements.
Of course, any simulation environment have lim-
itations. For instance, restrictions on the size of the
simulated systems dictated by the amount of avail-
able RAM and by the hardware platform perfor-
mance. However, the advantages of the hybrid ap-
proach sometimes let get round this limitation by pro-
viding an opportunity for analytical modeling of indi-
vidual large subsystems using empirical or statistical
data. As a result, the hybrid approach allows to cover
almost all cases considered Grid/Cloud-systems at the
cost of accuracy.
Common part for various simulators in our case is a
discrete-event simulation model as the most general.
This approach eliminates the need to answer difficult
question of the direct interaction of many diverse sim-
ulators. It requires minimum effort to create a “simu-
lation representatives” for those entities that must in-
teract directly, but are located in different simulators.
As mentioned above we chose modern, actively de-
veloping SimGrid open-source framework as the ba-
sic simulator. It was extended with tools designed for
interactive visualization, graphical scenario editor and
scenario template library with definitions of typical
activities in the Grid/Cloud-systems.
Hybrid modeling allows to use multiple simula-
tors. Interaction of simulators can be organized in
different ways. In our system we decide to do it on
the basis of the discrete-event simulation model.
From the perspective of architecture it looks as
1. Master discrete-event based simulator (for this
case SimGrid) is the principal, and all entities (ex-
cept those which are modeled analytically) have a
representation as the nodes in the master simula-
tion model. But some also have representation in
the form of real processes inside virtual machines
or real nodes in the case of virtual or full-scale
modelling, respectively.
2. If a node is marked as running on an external
(slave) simulator, then SimGrid only reassigns
tasks to an external simulator and vice versa in-
stead of the typical logic trigger actions. The
external simulator communicates with SimGrid
through a simple communication protocol.
3. External simulators receive complete system con-
figuration with assigned actions. Therefore, they
either interact with other nodes using “full-scale”
way (i.e. conduct real DDoS attacks or send real
malicious code), or just forward the message to
SimGrid, if the destination node has only single
imitation on the master side simulator.
4. Since the actions executed naturally instead of the
simulation in the case of virtual or full-scale sim-
ulation, implementation support for these actions
requires coupling logic. That is, when you re-
ceive a message with malicious code from a sim-
ulation model, full-scale simulator should trans-
form it into a real malicious code. Therefore, in
many cases it may be easier to perform indepen-
dent modeling of these models and then compare
the results to improve the level of confidence.
Structurally software environment NIVA is a bunch of
key components related to the following tasks:
definition of configurations and usage scenarios of
conversion of the configuration and scenario into
low-level C program code to run it under main hy-
brid simulator;
run the resulting program in one or more condi-
visualization and logging of significant events;
post-processing of results and execution of subse-
quent operator commands (for interactive mode)
or the control command file (for batch mode).
5.1 Graphical Configuration Editor
Grid/Cloud-systems configuration editor is already
present as addon for the SimGrid basic package and
allows you to set and modify the sample configura-
tion of Grid/Cloud-systems with use of IDE Eclipse.
Eclipse framework is traditionally used as a wrapper
in many modeling tools, and also includes tools for
teamwork development (support for running with a
network repository). Figures 1 and 2 show examples
of the creation of system configurations complying
“star” and “tree” topology, respectively. The user can
perform most of actions by “drag and drop”.
5.2 Graphical Scenario Editor
Scenario editor (determining activities in Grid/Cloud
environment) has a simple graphical interface and al-
lows you to define a usage scenario of a distributed
system as a collection of parallel distributed activi-
ties. Activity hereinafter is a set of interacting pro-
cesses in a distributed system that solve some dedi-
Figure 1: Eclipse/SimGrid configuration editor. Star topol-
Figure 2: Eclipse/SimGrid configuration editor. Tree topol-
cated task together. As examples of activities you can
consider user processes interacting during the execu-
tion of computational tasks, and also a set of attacker
malicious actions during a planned attack.
Activity consists of actions. Some actions are
preparatory, i.e. they performed before starting the
simulation. This is a very important feature, which
significantly simplifies the operator’s work, because it
is enough to modify (or, say, deactivate) some activity,
slightly modifying the configuration of a distributed
system before starting instead of frequent configura-
tion changes.
On the Figure 3 you can see an example of “Virus”
activity, which consists of “Virus” and “Bind” action
templates. Each template can be adjusted in accor-
dance to the requirements for activity and scenario.
Graphical scenario editor is implemented as a Java
standalone application using a set of standard tech-
nologies Swing, JavaBeans, and well-proven li-
braries. To simplify operator’s actions many editing
operations are performed by just dragging the objects
using the mouse.
5.3 Visualization Server Scene
We have developed a server “Scene”, that is a uni-
versal tool for displaying different states of the sim-
Figure 3: Activity parameters in scenario editor.
ulated system. SVG vector format, which is used in
the Scene, is scalable and allows you to display com-
plex graphic elements with the possibility of selective
zoom (Fig. 4).
Figure 4: “Scene” visualization server.
“Scene” server supports the concept of “visual
variables”. For example, they can represent pa-
rameters which vary during the simulation and dis-
plays by the Scene directly with their changes
(load/availability of nodes, node damages by the
virus, etc.). Another feature is the ability to run Scene
on a separate monitor (projector) as a server process
with the ability to manage with multiple interacting
parallel simulations.
“Scene” visualization server is implemented in
Java and allows process group to display complex
state of the modeled system. At the same time one of
these processes declares itself as the master and sets
the initial image (the map) passing URI of the corre-
sponding SVG file. This SVG file may also include
the logic for rendering changes, written in JavaScript.
Each process involved in the simulation, whether the
process simulation or a real process in Grid/Cloud
environment can send requests to draw individual
graphic signs (color change, text labels and so on),
as well as to receive information about changes in the
“Scene”, that may also be demanded in the more ad-
vanced interactive visualization.
5.4 Virtual Simulation System
Another distinctive part of the developed environment
is a virtual simulator (Zenzinov, 2013). Virtual simu-
lation is based on working with virtual machines and
virtual networks. The management of these objects is
based on the well proven cross-platform library lib-
virt. Deployment system is implemented as a set of
programs written in Python. It performs the follow-
ing functions:
deployment of virtual machines on a given config-
runs virtual machines with network service for
performing tasks;
when script execution is completed deployment
system stops the virtual machine and does some
cleanup (deletes temporary files).
Input data to generate a set of virtual machines
consists of a common configuration for virtual ma-
chines, virtual network configuration and set of tem-
plates of disk images, which contains pre-installed
operating system and the necessary software. Con-
figuration files in this case are written in the JSON
format and created automatically by the main configu-
ration editor. Special network service installed on the
virtual machine allows you to perform various tasks
in the case of virtual or hybrid simulation. This ap-
proach provides the opportunity to use the real soft-
ware in the process of modeling to carry out more de-
tailed scenarios of a distributed system. For the use
of any additional software you need to install it to the
original templates of disk images.
5.5 Expanding the Environment
Since technologies used in the creation of distributed
computing systems are continually evolving along
with the tools and methods of their protection, the
modeling environment for Grid/Cloud-systems shall
be extensible. API of NIVA environment allows you
to expand its functionality with relatively low re-
source and time consumption:
the creation of new action patterns;
extending the visualization server “Scene”;
in the case of hybrid simulation implement-
ing coupling simulation model with real programs
launched during the simulation on the virtual or
on real computers.
To illustrate the environment functions let us consider
next three kinds of experiments.
6.1 Hybrid Simulation of Normal
Grid-system Operation
In this experiment Grid-system consists of user node,
master-node and slave-nodes. A typical scenario is
the following: the user sends a request to master-
node, which then distributes the work between slave-
nodes. In this experiment slave-nodes were virtually
modelled and the others were modelled in ordinary
simulation mode.
As a typical computational task we’ve chosen the
numerical calculation of
dx using Simpson’s
rule. On master-node this computational task repre-
sents as a small Python-script. Master-node sends it
to virtual nodes via network service, and then it runs.
Using virt-manager open source tool for virtual ma-
chine management you can follow task processing: its
reception, launch and result.
6.2 Virus Attack Against the the IaaS
Second experiment is a simulation of virus at-
tack against IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) Cloud-
system from external infected network. Internal net-
work of information system contains special intru-
sion detection system (IDS). Information system also
contains node with IaaS infrastructure and simulated
models of virtual machines, which are assumed to
running on this node.
The experiment was conducted in two stages: with
IDS turned on, with IDS turned off. In the first case
IDS successfully blocked the virus propagation on the
information system. In the other case we observed
Cloud-system infection in accordance with the speci-
fied parameters of infection probability. Some of in-
fected nodes have dead. Probability of failure was
also specified by the parameter.
It should be noted that if IaaS-node fails, then its
virtual machines also become unavailable and also
terminate their activity. This situation corresponds to
the real behavior of Cloud-systems.
Table 1: Summary results of virus attack
IaaS PaaS SaaS Ring Star Line
Number of completed jobs
23 33 51 15 47 5
Number of failed jobs
10 5 0 13 1 18
Rate of successful jobs, %
69.70 86.84 100 53.57 97.92 21.74
Number of dead nodes
2 1 2 1 4 1
6.3 Non-interactive Launch a Series of
In this series of experiments we have investi-
gated virus propagation and DDoS-attack against
Grid/Cloud-systems with six different configura-
tions. Three Cloud-systems: IaaS (Infrastructure-
as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), SaaS
(Software-as-a-Service), which differ in their archi-
tecture and mechanisms of job distribution. There
are also Grid-systems with three different network
topologies: ring, star and line. As in the previous
paragraph there were two cases: IDS-on and IDS-off.
This gives a total 24 different configurations.
When the execution of experiments is completed,
the user receives a report which represents informa-
tion about executed actions and a summary of results:
the number of successful job queries, the number of
unsuccessful queries, the number of dead nodes, and
the overall success rate.
On the Table 1 you can see an example of this re-
sults in case of virus attack without IDS-protection.
These numbers are completely dependent on input pa-
rameters and probabilities.
As a result of this work we have created a prototype
of software environment for modeling of Grid/Cloud-
systems which supports several simulation modes.
In addition to widely used simulation approaches
Virtual-based modelling allows us to assess the ef-
fectiveness of security systems, taking into account
the features of real programs that can contain serious
bugs. Combined with other simulation modes it gives
us new unique possibilities with hybrid mode.
Our future work will be focused on improvement
of our virtual simulator and its interaction with Sim-
Grid. In general, hybrid modeling of distributed sys-
tems gives us a wide area for further research. There
are a lot of tasks and questions related to the concept
of hybrid simulation like improvement of the simula-
tors interaction, search and investigation the specific
effects resulting from this interaction etc. In addition,
there are many problems in which modeling environ-
ment serves as a tool: estimation of security software
for information systems, testing of special software
for distributed computer systems, search for the opti-
mal configurations to protect systems against specific
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