Data Re-archival in IT Application Retirement Scenario
A Case Study
Vidyasagar Uddagiri
, Amarendra Mohanty
and Biswaranjan Jena
Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Hyderabad, India
Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Bhubaneswar, India
Information Lifecycle Management, Application Retirement, Data Archival, Re-archival.
The prolific expansion of business operations globally, multi-channel operations and many such newer
paradigms are driving voluminous growth for many businesses. This is resulting in tremendous data volume
growth within supporting IT systems. Increased need for fact driven decision making and regulatory compli-
ance requirements needs is driving the need for retention and storage of historical data for longer duration.
Historical data being referred occasionally does not warrant storage using expensive database systems unlike
transactional data. Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is an emerging discipline within Information
Technology that addresses this problem. Data Archival is a concept within ILM used to retain necessary data
for reference by live applications, while preserving historical data. The challenges faced during the execution
of a Data Archival project by a Fortune 500 organization, the methodology formulated and implemented to
work-around the challenges are described in this case.
It is a widely known fact that the rate of data growth
in business enterprises is increasing at a profound
rate. Changing regulatory requirements and new
paradigms in business models and ecosystems such as
rapid globalization, multi-channel operations, impact
of five digital forces are the driving forces to these
enterprises for retaining data for a longer period of
time as compared to a decade ago. This trend is ex-
pected to continue in future. It is also observed that
over 80% of such enterprise data is not actively used
and is retained for reference purposes only. However,
the retention of such data on expensive storage me-
dia or databases makes little business sense from the
standpoint of cost containment, risk reduction or op-
erational efficiency.
Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is
shaping up as an emerging disciple to address this sit-
uation. ILM comprises the policies, processes, prac-
tices, and tools used to align the business value of in-
formation with the most appropriate and cost effec-
tive Information Technology (IT) infrastructure from
the time information is conceived to its final disposi-
tion. Data Archival, a part of the ILM discipline is a
process of preserving and protecting data as inexpen-
sively and effectively as possible for future use.
A case study of a large automobile component
manufacturer that embarked on a large IT landscape
transformation program that included archival of data
for some applications getting retired is the subject
of this case. The project success criteria, chal-
lenges faced in achieving the success criteria and the
methodology evolved to overcome the challenges are
described in this case.
Section 2 provides an overview of the literature
relevant for the project context. Section 3 describes
the detailed project situation, the risks that mani-
fested and the project execution methodology that
was evolved as mitigation mechanism. Section 4 de-
scribes the details around the design of this method-
ology, Section 5 describes the results of the method-
ology applied and reflection on the results and recom-
mendations for future use, while Section 6 provides
the conclusion and suggests the future scope for fur-
ther research.
Business data is a very critical asset for modern en-
terprises. The corner stone of Information Lifecycle
Management (ILM) revolves around management of
this critical asset.
Uddagiri V., Mohanty A. and Jena B..
Data Re-archival in IT Application Retirement Scenario - A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0005109105760581
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA-2014), pages 576-581
ISBN: 978-989-758-036-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Petrocelli(Petrocelli, 2005) provides a system-
atic, coherent approach to planning and implementing
cost-effective data protection as part of ILM, while,
Smith(Smith, 2009) provides a framework for defin-
ing and assessing the maturity of Enterprise Informa-
tion Management.
Ball(Ball, 2012) provides a comparitive analysis
of various data management lifecycle models and rel-
evance of data archival within each model and Ol-
son(Olson, 2008) provides a detailed step by step
technical procedure for implementing Data Archival
Khadka(Khadka et al., 2014) provides an insight
into industry perspective on legacy systems, drivers
for modernization and challenges faced in the course
of modernization. However the scope does not
include methods/approaches to overcome the chal-
There are some approaches described with respect
to flexible approaches in Information Systems Devel-
opment (Ahituv et al., 1984) that provide foundation
elements for devising newer methodologies using a
combination of various elements.
Practical insights and best practices into Data
Archival are not yet included in the academic / re-
search realm and are confined to the documentation
from product/service vendors.
Thus, there exists a gap in literature with respect to
the project execution methodologies or best practices
to handle risks and challenges not related to technol-
ogy, with specific reference to data archival projects.
A US based fortune 500 automotive components
manufacturer Auto-Sup-Co (name changed to pro-
tect identity) embarked on a large transformation pro-
gram to modernize the applications on their legacy
Mainframe platform to improve their business flexi-
bility, agility and reduce total cost of operations. The
program included replacement of several applications
with equivalent modules of an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system (Software Engineering Insti-
tute, 2000), while others became obsolete.
For several legacy applications, the moderniza-
tion involved only replacement of the functionality
by equivalent ERP modules, without any data migra-
tion. However, there was a regulatory requirement to
retain the historical legacy application data for a pe-
riod of 7 years from the date of its creation. Hence,
a Data Archival solution (Ref. Appendix) is neces-
sary. While the application migration work was man-
aged by Auto-Sup-Co with support from their current
information systems services partner, they were look-
ing for another information systems services vendor
experienced in carrying out the Data Archival project
of their transformation program.
Data archival implementation is relevant in the
following scenarios across any business enterprise:
Data Archival for live applications
Retain information for an extended period of
time for conformance to various legal and reg-
ulatory requirements
Perform strategic business analysis on histori-
cal business data
Improve operational costs and application per-
formance by moving off infrequently referred
data to a lesser cost storage medium
Data Archival for Application Retirement
When legacy applications are retired some data
may have to be retained for compliance reasons
even if they are not migrated to newer applica-
There are two solution variants for Data Archival
namely Bulk Data Archival (BDA) or Change Data
Capture (CDC) based on project context as explained
Bulk Data Archival
When legacy applications retire, there may be a
need for one-time archival.Bulk Data Archival
(BDA) is the right choice for this situation.
Change Data Capture
Data archival may be necessary in live applica-
tions at pre-determined intervals to improve ap-
plication performance. CDC is the right choice
for this situation. CDC includes a bulk data
archival in the first pass, followed by periodic
After a rigorous selection process including eval-
uation of technical and financial proposals, proof of
concept execution results and reference checks, the
largest Indian IT Services vendor, TCS was awarded
the project.
As part of the project’s technical proposal, TCS
recommended a commercial data archival product to
implement the archival solution as a better alternative
over a custom built solution. As a strategic decision,
TCS also recommended Auto-Sup-Co to opt for CDC
solution variant because of the long term benefits that
can be reaped. However Auto-Sup-Co did not see a
business case at that point in time for CDC, consid-
ering its high implementation costs and complexity
and rather opted for BDA variant of the data archival
Auto-Sup-Co purchased the product while TCS
played the role of System Integrator. The system in-
tegration activities for the Data Archival project in-
cluded configuring, installing and implementing the
solution and carrying out the Data Archival process
for the business application data in scope.
The scope of the project involved archiving about
5 terabytes (TB) of data related to tens of applica-
tions and thousands of data sources. The estimated
duration of this project was 8 months starting in mid-
October 2012. The major constraint that was con-
sidered for the project planning by TCS was the end
timeline of the maintenance contract for the legacy
application platform as indicated by Auto-Sup-Co. It
was also indicated by Auto-Sup-Co that the legacy
application platform will be de-commissioned after
the end of this maintenance contract. Any delay in
the Data Archival project would mean that Auto-Sup-
Co had to renew their legacy application platform
maintenance contract thereby incurring additional ex-
penses. Thus end timeliness and Total Operational
Cost (TCO) of the project were critical success fac-
tors for this project.
The end timeline for the Data Archival project was
planned to be 5 months prior end date of Auto-Sup-
Co’s legacy application platform maintenance con-
tract. This left sufficient time to discover any issues
after the solution rollout and fix them while the legacy
application platform is still available.
The data archiving schedule split for each applica-
tion, was based on the original schedule of application
migration as shared by Auto-Sup-Co. In the applica-
tion retirement scenario, Data Archival is carried after
the respective applications become inactive, lest com-
plexities due to validation of data mutation and im-
pact to service levels hinder the project progress and
manifest as risk, which was clearly highlighted as an
assumption in TCS technical proposal.
3.1 Risk Manifestation and
Remediation Planning
During the course of project execution, while analy-
sis phase was in progress, TCS project team realized
that there would be a delay in the application modern-
ization project. This delay in turn impacted the data
archival project schedule. A plausible option here for
any System Integrator in such a situation was to let the
project be kept on hold, till the remaining applications
become inactive and become ready for archival.
The consequences of this approach were:
Cost implications to Auto-Sup-Co as part of con-
tractual obligations for schedule delays
Loss of momentum on the project leading to addi-
tional project restart costs
Insufficient time for monitoring the project results
after full roll-out
These consequences being unacceptable to Auto-
Sup-Co, both parties to the project, TCS and Auto-
Sup-Co have conducted a brain storming session to
discover options for implementing the project without
putting on hold while leaving reasonable time after
the project end date to ensure any issues that are likely
to arise, can be resolved.
However there were some guiding factors laid out for
generating options that can fast track the project. The
following factors needed to be provided high impor-
Ease of execution
End user satisfaction
Leveraging the investment in BDA solution vari-
Alignment with the application transformation
program at Auto-Sup-Co
The most plausible idea out of the many ideas gen-
erated in the session was to detail out the critical path
of the data archival process and look at options for
fast tracking. This exercise resulted in realizing 6 sig-
nificant steps in the critical path for carrying out Data
Archival. These steps are depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Critical path steps of Data Archival.
4.1 Outcome of Critical Path Analysis
It was quite evident from the critical path analysis that
Re-archival requires lesser duration as compared to
the full archival cycle. A strategy of two pass archival
process was worked out as a realistic approach.
A cut-off date was mapped for each application to
consider the data existing on that date as the baseline
for archival purposes. The application data would be
archived as per original schedule. This was the first
pass of data archival. Later once the applications be-
come inactive, a second pass was decided to be car-
ried out by refreshing the entire data archive with the
source application data without recreating the meta-
data (Step 1 and Step2) since data structures were not
expected to change. This two pass technique was be-
lieved to help in overcoming the challenge of project
This new methodology was coined as Re-Archival
since archival will be attempted on the entire data all
over again. This strategy is expected to reduce the
critical path duration since two steps will not be exe-
cuted during Re-Archival.
TCS disinterred their corporate knowledge repos-
itory, connected with the Data Archival product ven-
dor and also searched the literature available with re-
spect to prior instances of Re-archival. It was real-
ized that there were no prior recorded instances of im-
plementing the Re-archival methodology anywhere in
the world, before this project was executed.
Hence, a pilot was carried out to validate the tech-
nical feasibility of the solution and better understand
the detailed timeline required for each step of Re-
archival. The results of the pilot confirmed that Re-
archival was a feasible technical solution.
The detailed planning for the Re-archival method-
ology was carried out in the last few weeks of the
first pass of Data Archival so the results from the ini-
tial archival cycle could be leveraged to plan the Re-
archival phase of the project as accurately as possible.
4.2 Validating the Decision
The experience and data gathered from the first pass
of data archival for all the applications in scope pro-
vided good insights that helped in the preparation of
an accurate execution plan for Re-archival phase of
the project.
It was observed that while the effort and time du-
ration for Step 1 to Step 5 were identical for all types
of data sources, they varied for the last step (Step 6)
based on the type of data source (namely relational
database, networked database, hierarchical database
or file type data store). While the effort required for
the 6th step was the same across various data sources,
the elapsed time required to load the data once it is
triggered, varies widely (from minutes to days).
The average effort for each step within the data
archival process was determined to understand the
timelines that had to be provisioned for the second
pass of data archival or Re-archival. The results of
these observations are mentioned in Table 1.
Table 1: Effort split among each Data Archival step.
Step Description Percentage
of effort
Step 1 Discover Meta Data In-
formation (of source sys-
Step 2 Data Map creation (in
Data Archival Tool)
Step 3 Execute Row Test (to en-
sure correct data source
is accessed)
Step 4 Import Meta Data from
Source System (into
Data Archival Tool)
Step 5 Retirement Entity and
Project Creation (in Data
Archival Tool)
Step 6 Data Extraction and
About 20% of the data sources had exceptions
with respect to meta-data creation because of their
legacy data structure. The meta-data for exception
sources had to be converted into the common struc-
ture of the Data Archival system. Consequently, dur-
ing re-archival, the steps 1 to 6 had to be executed in
total for these exception scenarios. Fast tracking by
additional resource augmentation seemed a feasible
option to handle the exception cases.
One difference between the first pass and second
pass of Data Archival is to follow a differential so-
lution implementation strategy for the two different
classes of data sources:
1. Data sources with no meta data structure excep-
2. Data sources with meta data structure exceptions
Based on the data collected during first pass of
archival, it was computed that an incremental service
cost of 35% was necessary for Re-archival by leverag-
ing BDA itself. This was cost-effective as compared
to the alternate option of putting the project on hold
and restarting.
The diligence put in developing the Re-archival
methodology enabled evolution of a detailed Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS). To support execution of
tasks in the WBS and accelerate the execution pro-
cess, a robust software factory execution model (No-
mura et al., 2007) was deployed by TCS.
Re-archival was carried out as a collaborative ex-
ercise between TCS and Auto-Sup-Co, leading to the
success of the project overcoming the schedule chal-
There were technical challenges discovered dur-
ing the course of implementation of the Re-archival
process. Since this approach did not have any prece-
dence earlier, everything about Re-archival was learnt
in the course of project execution, the hard way.
Though the Re-archival methodology is tried and
tested once, it is still not recommended as the option
of choice. Better collaboration by including TCS in
the overall transformation program planning, thereby
providing greater insight into the program schedule,
would have resulted in more realistic planning and
identification of other Data Archival products or vari-
ants to handle possible schedule challenges.
However, TCS experience with Data Archival
projects states that CDC solution variant costs at-least
50% more in product licensing costs and 25% more
with respect to implementation by System Integrators.
A post project TCO analysis also vindicated this de-
cision. The project TCO including Re-archival phase
was 15% less a CDC solution.
The re-archival methodology resulted in achieving
quicker timelines for overall project completion. The
re-archival for the last set of data sources was com-
pleted in mid-October 2013 providing a reasonable 10
week time prior to the end date of the current contract
for the legacy platform maintenance. Since then, not a
single deviation was reported. This proves the robust-
ness of the Re-archival methodology conceptualized
and implemented by TCS.
However, if one were to really evaluate Re-
archival methodology for future use, the authors sug-
gest that a diligence be carried out to compare all
available options as cited in Table 2.
While considering option 1 or 2, due considera-
tion has to be made to quantify the opportunity cost
for not considering CDC upfront.This will enable
project managers in taking an informed decision in
evaluating all the options before making a choice.
Table 2: Applicable cost elements for each option.
Cost elements to be
1 Hold and
Cost of BDA and
Cost of project
2 BDA with
Cost of BDA and
Cost of Re-archival
3 CDC Cost of CDC only
As part of this case a new methodology namely Re-
archival was conceptualized and implemented. This
was suitable considering the context of the project sit-
However, the authors still recommend that rigor-
ous and collaborative planning by enterprises includ-
ing their systems integrator (either in-house or out-
sourced) will help in better planning of risks and their
mitigation, lest availability of such a methodology
may result into an excuse for not putting enough dili-
gence into planning of Data Archival projects.
Re-archival may turn out to be an effective option
after duly evaluating all available options and solu-
tions with due consideration given for data archival
scenario, data volume and critical success factors for
the project.
The merits of this methodology were bench
marked against the data from only one project case.
Hence, there exists scope for further research and dis-
cussion to include data from larger number of projects
before it can be optimized.
We would like to acknowledge Vasudev Rao, Gaurav
Joshi and Smita Prava Mishra for the valuable sug-
gestions and feedback provided during the course of
manuscript preparation.
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