As concluded by the heat-map, widget grabs
more attention. However, some people decided to
focus on main menu, even though the widget could
also be used to complete the task.
Similarly to previous study, a list of needed
changes was created. It contains such items as:
The button for sending money transfer should
be more visible
Emphasize the fact that the money transfer form
has three steps instead of one
Search and filters should have visible labels
Search results list should have visible label
The list will be the foundation for the final
design phase, which will result in creating the final
graphical design for the application.
The paper provides evidence for the positive impact
User Centered Design can have on a designed
interface. The process equips designer with the
necessary tools to come up with appealing solutions
that will benefit users. It helps to gain better
understanding of users' habits and expectations.
That's the reason why the interface, created as
a result of the case study, brought positively-
surprising experience to the usability study
participants. We trust that applying user centered
approach is a necessary step towards crafting better
interfaces for the users.
User Centered Design is an iterative process, that
is why our case study project was subjected to two
series of design, implementation and testing phases.
Second series of studies helped to eliminate all
important issues and get optimised design solution.
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