a radical change of procedures, tools and people’s at-
titudes. The complexity of formalisms and invasive-
ness of methods have been indeed demonstrated to be
one of the major drawback and obstacle for deploy-
ment of formal engineering techniques into mundane
projects. The case study is a purchase workflow, but
the results can be extended to other systems with em-
phasis on dependability and abnormal behavior man-
agement. The treatment of exception handling, and
more in general of recovery, is another substantial
contribution that has been less frequently investigated
with similar techniques and tools.
The workflow patterns here analyzed are limited
with respect to a real scenario. Workflow patterns as
presented in (van der Aalst et al., 2003) need to be in-
vestigated and encoded. Once workflows are intended
as graphs and transitions are treated like in this paper,
similarities emerge with the Petri Nets approach, in
particular with Workflow Petri Nets (Aalst, 1997).
Future work aims at extending the current trans-
lation of workflows by using more expressive logics.
In particular, we plan to extend the basic definition of
workflow by adding timing constraints on activities
and transitions. To model timed workflow we may ex-
ploit CLTLoc (Bersani et al., 2013), which is an LTL
based logic where atomic formulae are both atomic
propositions and constraints over dense clocks. Zero-
time modelization is also an open issue. When some
workflow activities have a negligible duration with re-
spect to the other ones, they may be modeled as hav-
ing a logical zero time duration. This implies Zeno
behaviours and other counterintuitive consequences.
(Ferrucci et al., 2012) introduces a new metric tempo-
ral logic called X-TRIO, which exploits the concepts
of Non-Standard Analysis (Robinson, 1996). The way
to "glue" together CLTLoc with X-TRIO is a promis-
ing research strand.
BPMN (OMG, 2011) is the one of the most
widespread technique to model business workflows.
In (Mazzara and Dragoni, 2012) it has been exploited
for workflow design, which has then been imple-
mented in WS-BPEL. In particular, BPMN (as well
as UML activity diagrams) includes the concept of
partition (modeled as pools and swimlanes), that is
essential for business processes modeling and which
has not been considered here. This will need to be
investigated later.
Finally, runtime evolution in business processes
(Baresi et al., 2014) and, more in general, the idea
of self-reconfiguring systems are related issues we in-
tend to further explore.
The authors acknowledge the support and advice
given by Anirban Bhattacharyya, Alexandr Naum-
chev, Miticus Flamejante, Vínicius Pereira, Diego
Pérez, Michele Ciavotta, Marco Miglierina and all the
other Friends at Politecnico di Milano, which repre-
sent a moving force, an actual égrégore capable of
always moving ideas forward to the next level.
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