Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces
Ba-Lam Do, Tuan-Dat Trinh, Peter Wetz, Amin Anjomshoaa, Elmar Kiesling and A. Min Tjoa
Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, Vienna University of Technology, Viena, Austria
Statistical Data, RDF Data Cube Vocabulary, Widget, Mashup, Linked Data.
Today, public statistical data plays an increasingly important role both in public policy formation and as a
facilitator for informed decision-making in the private sector. In line with the increasing adoption of open
data policies, the amount of data published by governments and organizations on the web is growing rapidly.
To increase the value of such data, the W3C recommends the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary to facilitate the
publication of data in a more structured and interlinked manner. Although important first steps toward building
a web of statistical Linked Datasets have been made, providing adequate facilities for end users to interactively
explore and make use of the published data remains an unresolved challenge. This paper presents a widget-
based approach to deal with this issue. In particular, we introduce a mashup platform that allows users lacking
advanced skills and knowledge of Semantic Web technologies to interactively analyze datasets through widget
compositions and visualizations. Furthermore, we provide mechanisms for the interconnection of datasets to
support sophisticated knowledge extraction.
In recent years, the number of available open data
sources has increased substantially (Brunetti et al.,
2013; Hoefler et al., 2014). A considerable share
of the data published is statistical data, comprising a
wide range of domains including finance, population,
transportation, employment, etc. Statisticians, scien-
tists and researchers accumulate these data through
observations and experimentation to report overall
trends, identify risks and opportunities, and to con-
duct planning.
Statistical data becomes much more useful when
published as Linked Data, which can be consumed
and manipulated without proprietary tools. A Linked
Data approach allows users to combine data from dif-
ferent sources in order to gain new insights and to
obtain higher data quality, completeness, and level
of detail. The RDF Data Cube Vocabulary (Cyga-
niak and Reynolds, 2011) is a W3C standard for the
publication of multi-dimensional Linked Data on the
web. This vocabulary follows the same principles as
SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange), an
ISO standard for exchanging and processing statisti-
cal data. By concretizing the general syntax of the
RDF standard for statistical data, this vocabulary en-
ables data providers to publish their data as Linked
Data on the web.
A large number of organizations and governments
such as the European Commission
, the United King-
dom Department for Communities and Local Govern-
, and the Scottish Government
has adopted this
vocabulary and use it to publish their data sources via
dedicated SPARQL endpoints. This proliferation of
available statistical data has created enormous poten-
tial for interesting applications, but it has so far re-
sulted only in limited adoption by end users, including
developers and knowledge workers. These users need
appropriate tools to analyze, combine, remix, visual-
ize and make sense of the data. At present, however,
the means to obtain access to such data are limited to
three options.
First, users may write SPARQL queries directly.
This is a powerful information retrieval approach that
facilitates the extraction of a variety of information.
However, users are exposed to raw data output, which
is not necessarily easy to comprehend and may be of
limited use for inexperienced users aiming to deduce
insights from statistic data. These users also cannot
be expected to learn the SPARQL query language and
formulate queries by themselves. Even Semantic Web
experts typically have to invest considerable effort to
understand a dataset’s structure and its components
Do B., Trinh T., Wetz P., Anjomshoaa A., Kiesling E. and Tjoa A..
Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0005110102820290
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2014), pages 282-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-035-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
before forming a query to obtain relevant information
of interest.
Second, each SPARQL endpoint would require
development of customized applications, which is
highly inefficient. A typical example is the European
Commission, which not only provides a SPARQL
endpoint, but also visualizations of statistical data by
means of ten types of visual charts. Since applications
can provide elaborate and highly customizable inter-
faces, this option may be the most suitable alternative
for software developers. However, such applications
are frequently proprietary and integrate only a single
static data source.
Finally, some researchers attempted to deal with
this problem by developing generalized solutions
(Maali et al., 2012; Salas et al., 2012; Hoefler et al.,
2014; Helmich et al., 2014; K
ampgen and Harth,
2014). The common idea of these approaches is
to build a web-based application which can analyze
components in each dataset and provide visualization
for this dataset.
However, all of these options are associated with
considerable disadvantages:
1. Dataset exploration is typically limited to viewing
raw data or using limited graphical visualization.
This makes it difficult for users to identify trends
and study datasets in detail.
2. It is typically not possible to combine or compare
data from different datasets, which is an important
requirement in data analytics.
3. Available tools are typically not open, i.e., they do
not allow users and developers to reuse solutions
and extend them with new functionalities and vi-
sual presentations. In the context of open data, it
is crucial to stress that the means to process and
recombine such open data should themselves be
open to maximize benefits and foster widespread
4. Existing solutions typically do not cope well with
data from available SPARQL endpoints that do
not strictly follow the RDF Data Cube Vocabu-
lary. In Section 6, we show that available faceted
browsers and tools can only analyze a small num-
ber of available endpoints.
In this paper, we address these issues by introduc-
ing a novel approach based on widgets and mashups
that allow end users to effectively explore statistical
data sources available through SPARQL endpoints.
We model and expose each dataset of a source as a sta-
tistical widget with five salient characteristics: (i) ef-
fective querying, (ii) standard format, (iii) automatic
chart generation, (iv) openness, and (v) linkage.
Effective querying means that end users can
quickly and easily query a dataset via an interac-
tive interface. Next, widgets return their results in
standard JSON-LD (JSON for Linked Data) format
(Sporny et al., 2013), even if the data source only
partly complies to the vocabulary. Based on the result,
the widget will automatically identify suitable charts
that provide meaningful views on the dataset. In ad-
dition, end users can extend widgets with additional
interface components and functionality. Finally, the
system allows users to link widgets and thereby
establish relationships between statistical datasets.
A prototypical implementation of the proposed ap-
proach is available at http://linkedwidgets.org/widget-
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides background information on
the Data Cube Vocabulary, widgets, and mashups;
Section 3 discusses related work. Section 4 then in-
troduces our widget creation algorithm and Section 5
outlines our approach. Finally, we evaluate our ap-
proach and contrast it to existing alternatives in Sec-
tion 6 and conclude with an outlook on future research
in Section 7.
2.1 Data Cube Vocabulary
The Data Cube Vocabulary (Cyganiak and Reynolds,
2011) is a recently developed mechanism for enrich-
ing and transforming statistical datasets and publish-
ing them on the web as Linked Data (Maali et al.,
2012). To illustrate the approach, we provide a brief
example of a statistical dataset, which represents a
collection of observations. A set of dimensions, defin-
ing the foundations of the observation (e.g., the time
that the observation applies to, or a geographic region
that the observation covers), together with measures,
which describe objects of the observation (e.g., the
number of bus users during this time, or the income of
employees at a specific region) semantically describe
these collections. Such a statistical dataset is typically
presented as a table in which a table’s rows represent
observations. Furthermore, dimensions typically cor-
respond to primary keys in databases whereas mea-
sures represent the remaining columns.
Table 1 shows an example of a Bus Vehicle
dataset. Year is a dimension, while Pas (the number
of passengers taking the bus - unit is people in mil-
lion) and Kmh (average speed of bus - unit is km/h)
are measures.
Figure 1 presents a description of the Data Cube
qb is prefix of namespace http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#
eg is prefix of namespace that describes data source
Average Speed (km/h)
Passengers (million)
Figure 1: A description according to the Data Cube Vocabulary.
Table 1: An extract of the Bus Vehicle dataset.
Year Pas Km/h
2010 114.4 16.7
2011 113.6 17
2012 167.1 17.3
Vocabulary for this dataset. We will use this figure
in the remaining Sections to illustrate and explain our
2.2 Statistical Data Source Exploration
To make a statistical data source available for inter-
active exploration through linked widgets, it is neces-
sary to identify (i) datasets in the data source, (ii) di-
mensions and measures associated with each dataset,
and (iii) a list of possible values for each dimension.
Upon completion of these steps, users can construct
meaningful data filters in order to uncover informa-
tion in large datasets.
To this end, the platform provides mechanisms for
slice-selection and visualization of a part of a dataset
(Dadzie and Rowe, 2011), created by filtering a single
or multiple dimensions by value. Two types of visual-
izations are available: (i) single dataset visualizations
(e.g., a line chart that describes the trend of number
of passengers taking the bus in the period from 2010
to 2012 cf. Figure 2), and (ii) multiple dataset vi-
sualizations (e.g., a multiple column chart that com-
pares the number of passengers taking the bus, tram
and metro in the same period – cf. Figure 5).
2.3 Widgets and Mashups
Our approach is based on widgets and mashups. A
widget is “an interactive single purpose application
for displaying and/or updating local data or data on
the Web, packaged in a way to allow a single down-
load and installation on a user’s machine or mobile
device” (C
aceres, 2011). Embedding widgets into a
web page allows execution at the client and makes it
easy for users to modify them. In addition, widgets
can be connected to each other in a mashup (Trinh
et al., 2013), which can convey information to the user
and highlight features of the data in a fast and efficient
manner. A mashup in this context is “a Web page,
or Web application, that uses content from more than
one source to create a single new service displayed in
a single graphical interface” (Crupi, 2010).
Several researchers implemented custom browsers to
facilitate exploration of statistical datasets. Using the
URL of a SPARQL endpoint or a dataset as a starting
point, they allow users to explore the data source.
(Salas et al., 2012) is a general purpose
solution for exploring statistical data sources and pro-
vides visual presentations via ve different types of
charts. In our evaluation, however, we found that it
only worked with two data sources from the European
Commission and was not able to detect datasets using
other endpoints (cf. Table 4).
Data Cube faceted browser
(Maali et al., 2012)
was able to detect datasets in a larger number of end-
points in our evaluation presented in Section 6. How-
ever, it is only suitable for datasets with a small num-
ber of observations. It is also limited in that it pro-
vides only a list of observations of each dataset with-
out any visual charts.
Linked Data Query Wizard
(Hoefler et al., 2014)
applies the idea of presenting statistical datasets via a
tabular interface. As such, end users can change the
slices of a dataset by choosing one value as a filter
value. However, due to the lack of a complete list
of values for each dimension, this solution constrains
end users to a small number of slices. In addition, this
solution is restricted to a static list of specific end-
Linked Data Cubes Explorer (LDCE)
and Harth, 2014) uses an OLAP approach to validate
and analyze statistical datasets. Unfortunately, this
tool only works with its sample datasets and returns
an error for any external dataset (cf. Table 4).
(Helmich et al., 2014) can receive an ar-
bitrary RDF source and transform it to RDF conform-
ing to the Data Cube Vocabulary. After that, it can
provide user-friendly visualizations. At present, how-
ever, this tool seems unstable and cannot run its sam-
ple experiments.
The difficulties in analyzing data sources that
these tools face stem from the variability in the
use of the vocabulary. A considerable number
of datasets only describe a part of the vocabulary.
For example, in Figure 1, without using Compo-
nent Definition Region, we cannot directly differen-
tiate between dimensions and measures in the dataset.
In addition, there are datasets which use slices (Cy-
ganiak and Reynolds, 2011) to build subsets of ob-
servations without using the predicate qb:dataset. We
implemented an algorithm to cope with such hetero-
geneity and inconsistency.
Furthermore, existing solutions use open data to
provide closed applications which run on the server
side. This poses a contradiction. We provide a novel
approach that is open for adaptation and extension by
end users. To this end, our approach presents data in
a well-defined standard format.
To analyze data sources provided via SPARQL end-
points and automatically generate widgets for the
identified datasets, we introduce an algorithm that
involves the following steps: (i) datasets identifica-
tion, (ii) dimensions and measures identification, and
(iii) values and labels identification. In the following,
we use Figure 1 as an illustrative example.
4.1 Datasets Identification
The vocabulary allows to identify a dataset (i.e.,
eg:dataset) through one of the following triple pat-
terns: eg : observation qb : dataset eg : dataset,
eg : dataset rd f : type qb : DataSet, and eg :
dataset qb : structure eg : dsd.
The first pattern is available in almost all evaluated
SPARQL endpoints, because it provides the relation-
ship between a dataset and its observations. However,
an endpoint can provide millions of observations, and
therefore this query, which is essential for dataset de-
tection, will eventually timeout. To alleviate this is-
sue, we apply the two latter triple patterns. They
represent a 1:1 relationship between a dataset and its
type, and between a dataset and its data structure def-
inition, respectively. Unfortunately, datasets can fo-
cus on describing observations without describing the
remaining components of the vocabulary, rendering
these triple patterns useless. Overall, however, the
combined utilization of all three triple patterns results
in high recall when detecting datasets.
4.2 Dimensions and Measures
Ideally, the predicates qb:dimension, qb:measure
or rdf:type – which are defined in the vocabulary –
indicate dimensions and measures (i.e., eg:refYear,
eg:pas, eg:kmh) directly. Otherwise, we can only
derive dimension and measures based on their URIs
and values in the observations. In statistical data,
the values of measures are typically represented via
numerical formats whereas the values of dimensions
are often either years or strings (e.g. country code:
AT for Austria, BE for Belgium, etc.). Furthermore,
URIs of components may indicate their role, such as
http://.../measure/pas for a measure.
4.3 Values and Labels Identification
A complete list of values of each dimension must
be obtained, because it can serve as filter values for
Figure 2: An automatically generated widget.
end users. In addition, we need to identify labels
of dimensions and measures in each dataset, because
they support users to understand the meaning of these
components. For example, in the Bus Vehicle dataset,
the measure “Pas” does not make sense for users,
while its label “Number of passengers” is a mean-
ingful description. To overcome limitations of query
time for large datasets, we use loops to retrieve data
within a given time threshold.
Figure 2 shows a sample widget. Each widget con-
sists of (i) a list of dimensions, (ii) a list of measures,
and (iii) a chart type, which allows users to impose
filter conditions in an easily comprehensible manner.
Next, depending on the options, each widget gen-
erates a SPARQL query to collect the desired data,
which is then converted into the JSON-LD format
(Sporny et al., 2013) and set as the input of the chart.
The use of JSON-LD facilitates the integration of data
between disparate systems, thereby supporting the
combination of statistical datasets. Figure 4 provides
an example of a JSON-LD description of a query.
Charts may illustrate statistical data in a meaning-
ful way and can uncover relationships that are not ob-
vious from studying a list of numbers. Based on the
Figure 3: Automatically generated widget of the European
Commission endpoint.
JSON-LD result of the query, the widget automati-
cally detects which types of charts are feasible for a
specific query from a list of nine common chart types,
e.g. Column, Line, Pie, Bubble, and Geo map chart
Developers need appropriate means to modify
auto-generated widgets in order to extend the inter-
face and incorporate additional functionality. For ex-
ample, the European Commission’s endpoint offers
only one statistical dataset, but it has more than 100
indicators and each indicator requires a specific value
set for the dimensions breakdown, unit of measure,
country, and time period as shown in Figure 3. There-
fore, additional functionality is necessary to list only
suitable values for remaining dimensions whenever
users change the value of the indicator. Developers
may also, for example, impose thresholds on dimen-
sion values, query a limited list of measures, or pro-
vide a new visual chart type.
Using JSON-LD, the generated widgets can col-
laborate in a mashup to compare and combine data
from different datasets. For example, Figure 5 shows
a mashup that compares the number of passengers us-
ing bus, tram, and metro vehicles.
“vogd”: “http://ogd.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/vienna/”,
“qb”: “http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#”,
“xsd”: “http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#”,
“observation”: “qb: observation”,
“dimension”: “qb: dimension”,
“measure”: “qb: measure”,
“component”: “qb: component”,
“label”: “http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label”,
“year”: “xsd: gYear”,
“pas”: “vogd: pas”,
“kmh”: “vogd: kmh”
“@id”: “vogd: betriebszweige2012-autobus”,
“@type”: “qb: DataSet”,
“label”: “Vienna Bus”,
“@type”: “qb: ComponentSpecification”,
“@id”: “xsd: gYear”,
“@type”: “qb: DimensionProperty”,
“label”: “Year”
“@id”: “vogd: pas”,
“@type”: “qb: MeasurePropery”,
“label”: “Number of passengers (million)”
“@id”: “vogd:kmh”,
“@type”: “qb:MeasurePropery”,
“label”: Average speed(km/h)”
“@type”: “qb:Observation”,
“@id”: “vogd: betriebszweige2012-autobus.9”,
“year”: “2010”,
“pas”: 114.4,
“kmh”: 16.7
Figure 4: Query result in JSON-LD format.
Each statistical mashup can be composed of three
types of widgets: (i) Dataset Widgets are auto-
generated widgets or modified widgets, (ii) Merger
Widgets, which integrate two datasets from compati-
ble input widgets, i.e. widgets with the same dimen-
sions, to a single combined dataset, and (iii) General
Presentation Widgets, which receive data from either
a Dataset Widget or a Merger Widget and displays
them visually.
We can also distinguish widget types by the cardi-
nality of their inputs and outputs: dataset widgets do
not have an input, but have an output; merger widgets
have two inputs and an output; general presentation
widgets have an input, but no outputs.
To illustrate the transformations performed by
merger widgets, assume that we have separate pas-
senger datasets for tram and bus vehicles (cf. Table 2
and 1, respectively). We use dimensions, i.e. Year, to
group data by year, allowing users to easily compare
the number passengers using Bus and Tram for each
year (cf. Table 3).
Table 2: Subset of a Tram dataset.
Year Pas Hast
2011 193.8 1031
2012 295.1 1056
Pas = number of passengers; Hast = Number of stops
Table 3: Combined Bus & Tram dataset.
Year Pas Bus Pas Tram Khm Hast
2010 114.4 - 16.7 -
2011 113.6 193.8 17 1031
2012 167.1 295.1 17.3 1056
We outline the algorithm to merge dimensions,
measures, and observations from two datasets in the
1. Dimensions of the output dataset are the same as
the dimensions of the input datasets.
2. Measures of the output dataset contain all mea-
sures from two input datasets. Measures which
belong to both of two input datasets, e.g., Pas,
play an important role in comparing and contrast-
ing data. However, since they have the same
URI, each measure will receive a new URI. The
new URI and the original URI are linked via the
owl:sameAs predicate.
3. Observations: the algorithm merges observations
of two input datasets based on the values of
dimensions to build observations of the output
dataset. If two observations from two input
datasets have the same dimension value, e.g. Year
- 2011, the algorithm will merge them into a sin-
gle observation in Table 3. Otherwise, if the di-
mension value of an observation O
from one
dataset does not appear in the other dataset, e.g.,
Year - 2010 in Bus Vehicle, the algorithm gener-
ates an empty observation O
for the latter dataset
before merging it with O
to the output dataset.
Figure 5: An example of a mashup for data comparison.
We performed two tasks for a preliminary evaluation
of our approach: (i) test the data source analysis algo-
rithm with 23 available endpoints using the Data Cube
Vocabulary, and (ii) validate the features provided by
auto-generated widgets.
In our experiments for the first task, we found that
our prototypical implementation can analyze and cre-
ate widgets for all endpoints tested. We compared our
results to those obtained using existing alternatives
with respect to four aspects: (i) datasets identified,
(ii) dimensions identified, (iii) measures identified in
each dataset, and (iv) list of values identified for each
dimension. The result in Table 4 shows that the exist-
ing browsers can only handle data from less than four
SPARQL endpoints correctly. The Linked Data Cube
Explorer even cannot analyze a single dataset out of
the 23 tested endpoints. The Linked Data Query Wiz-
ard, by contrast, can analyze the first twelve end-
points. However, since it supports only a limited num-
ber of fixed input endpoints, we cannot evaluate its
capabilities for the full set of tested endpoints.
In the latter task, we compared features of auto-
generated widgets for the endpoint of the European
Commission with visual charts designed specifically
for this endpoint
. Using the developed platform,
users can easily impose filters on a single or multiple
dimensions to explore particular slices of the dataset
(cf. Figure 3 for an example). Hence, users do not
need to write complex SPARQL queries such as the
one listed in Figure 6, which retrieves the same data
as the mashup depicted in Figure 3. Our automatic
chart generation feature ensures that the widget can
provide suitable charts for the selected data, e.g. col-
umn, bar, pie, donut, geo charts, and Geo Maps are
available for the view in Figure 3). In addition, users
can use mashups to compare the values between in-
dicators or compare values from different countries.
We built two widgets Merge widget and General
Presentation widget – which are suitable for arbitrary
statistical Dataset widgets. Overall, our automatically
generated widget offers visualizations which are com-
parable in functionality to those provided by the ap-
plication of the European Commission. However, our
visualizations can be used not only for this specific
endpoint, but more generally for arbitrary endpoints.
PREFIX qb: <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube# >
PREFIX sdmx: <http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/measure# >
PREFIX digital:<http://semantic.digital-agenda-data.eu/def/property/>
PREFIX dataset: <http://semantic.digital-agenda-data.eu/dataset/ >
PREFIX indi: <http://semantic.digital-agenda-data.eu/codelist/indicator/>
PREFIX time: <http://reference.data.gov.uk/id/gregorian-year/>
?o qb:dataSet ?ds.
?o sdmx:obsValue ?obsValue.
?o digital:indicator ?indicator.
?o digital:breakdown ?breakdown.
?o digital:ref-area ?ref area.
?o digital:time-period ?time period.
?o digital:unit-measure ?unit measure.
FILTER(?ds = dataset:digital-agenda-scoreboard-key-indicators)
FILTER(?indicator=indi:mbb 3gcov)
FILTER(?time period= time:2008)
Figure 6: An example of a SPARQL query.
Based on the idea of Linked Data, which aims to con-
nect and reuse data rather than storing it in isolated
silos, we propose a novel approach to provide end
users with efficient mechanisms to analyze, combine,
remix, visualize, and make sense of statistical data
available via SPARQL endpoints using the Data Cube
Vocabulary. Each statistical dataset is automatically
made available as a widget that allows effective query-
ing, provides output in a standard format, facilitates
automatic chart generation, and embodies principles
of openness and linkage. Two of these characteristics
effective querying and automatic chart generation
allow end users to effectively explore the dataset. Fur-
thermore, standard format and openness enable de-
velopers to modify and develop new functionalities
and new types of visualization. Finally, linkage al-
lows all automatically generated and manually modi-
fied widgets to be combined flexibly in a mashup.
We also presented a prototypical implementation
of the proposed system and evaluated it using 23
SPARQL endpoints that use the Data Cube Vocab-
ulary. We found that the approach shows great po-
tential and handles data from all identified SPARQL
endpoints well, even those that only partly follow the
RDF Data Cube Vocabulary.
Due to the problems of co-reference between
URIs, ontology mapping, etc. (Millard et al., 2010;
Schlegel et al., 2014), widget linkage is currently sup-
ported only for datasets from the same endpoint. As a
next step, we plan to address this limitation.
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Table 4: Evaluation results for existing browsers.
Faceted browser CubeViz LDCE
χ χ χ
χ χ
χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://zaire.dimis.fim.uni-passau.de:8890/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://ecb.270a.info/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://fao.270a.info/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://imf.270a.info/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://oecd.270a.info/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://semantic.eea.europa.eu/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://openuplabs.tso.co.uk/sparql/gov-coins χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://cofog01.data.scotland.gov.uk/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://opendatacommunities.org/sparql χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
http://open-data.europa.eu/linked-data χ χ χ χ χ χ χ
DS: Dataset, D: Dimensions, M: Measures, V: Values of Dimension
:Yes; χ:No; : No result after one hour