An Ontology-Driven Framework to Support Scenario Representation
in a 3D Operator Training Simulator
Flávio Torres Filho
and Maria de Fátima Queiroz Vieira
Post-Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering - PPgEE COPELE, Campina Grande, Brazil
Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
Keywords: Operator Training Systems, Ontology, Modelling and Simulation, 3D Representation, Coloured Petri Net.
Abstract: This paper presents a framework to support the development of three-dimensional virtual scenarios for an
operator training simulator for electrical systems. Given the need to represent a variety of scenarios of
interest, this can be an effort and time consuming task. The proposed framework promotes a systematic
approach when building scenarios and is supported by tools from the ontology-based domain. An editing
tool is also under construction. As it will be discussed in the paper, this approach resulted in the
simplification of the scenario building process which is achieved by interchanging descriptions at different
levels of abstraction. The descriptions concern the situation to be represented; plant objectsrepresentation,
both visual and behavioural, the latter represented as Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) models.
Operators in electrical systems’ substations must be
prepared to manage a large volume of information
during routine tasks and to solve critical problems in
strict deadlines. Even when performing frequent and
scheduled tasks, cognitive pressures are present to
keep very high performances. Human errors in this
context could result in serious consequences for
operators and the system, leading companies to
intensifying operator training.
Different approaches are employed when
training; updating and certifying electrical systems
operators. These include: reading technical materials
and operating standards, offering theoretical and
practical courses, promoting technical visits and
company forums to discuss good working practices.
A broader training practice consists in simulating
critical situations during which, a dramatization of
the real operating environment takes place. This
method, also adopted when training other
professional such as fire-fighters and lifeguards,
consists in simulating an event during which
operators are immersed in a close to real situation.
During those drills, the operators are expected to
identify problems and their cause, as well as to
demonstrate their specific problem solving skills.
This kind of training aims to prepare operators to
deal with very specific situations, and allows
identifying weak points in the operator skills that
need to be addressed.
Effectiveness of training can be better achieved
with the aid of simulation tools which replicate
situations of interest for the operating environment.
On the other hand, training effectiveness depends on
the degree of realism provided by the simulator and
on the relevance of proposed scenarios.
Scenarios can represent routine situations, with
the system operating under normal conditions,
during which operators perform simple and well
known tasks. They can also portray critical and
unusual situations, during which operators must
perform complex tasks, exercising their skills. With
a variety of scenarios, simulators can be employed in
different levels of training; from preparing novice
operators for the routine, to preparing experienced
operators to handle new equipment or new operating
The focus of this paper is to address the effort
and complexity of scenario building. The authors
propose the adoption of a systematic approach to
developing scenarios, to be performed in three-
dimensional operator training simulators. This
approach relies on instantiating domain ontologies in
the context of operator training. The aim is to reduce
the effort required in creating the simulated virtual
environment, to facilitate the understanding of the
Torres Filho F. and Queiroz Vieira M..
An Ontology-Driven Framework to Support Scenario Representation in a 3D Operator Training Simulator.
DOI: 10.5220/0005111302980303
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2014),
pages 298-303
ISBN: 978-989-758-038-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
training requirements and to promote the reuse and
refinement of the 3D objects; animation components
and simulation models.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a brief review of related work. Section 3
introduces the simulator SimuLIHM. Section 4
presents the scenario generating approach and an
application. Finally, section 5, presents the next
steps, and considerations on the preliminary results.
As reported in the literature, ontology has been
employed in modelling industrial plants and in
process simulation. An example of ontology
application is the development platform Simantic,
presented in (Luukkainen, Karhela, 2008). This
platform enables the representation of a process
plant from a library of components available in the
3D environment. It provides ontologies for
describing the graphical representation of plant
components used to describe the components’ visual
behaviour (activities); and the configuration of
simulation models which represent the physical
behaviour of each component. From a user described
plant, Simantic automatically generates the code of a
simulator, mapping between ontologies.
Similarly, Parisi et al (2007) propose a
methodology for the automatic generation of 3D
animations to support the training of industrial
operators. Its method consists in using ontology to
capture and filter the generic training requirements,
expressed in natural language. The result is an
adaptive animation, which can be refined by a non-
expert designer in the field, before being presented
to the trainees.
Kalogerakis et. al. (2006) presents a method for
integrating domain ontologies with 3D virtual reality
scenes. Domain knowledge application results in the
enrichment of the virtual environment. This method
is supported by the development platform I3DVP.
Rocha et al (2009) proposed an architecture to
support the modelling of fire-fighters training
simulations. This architecture is based on a set of
ontologies in the domain of fire fighting.
From this review one can conclude that the use
of ontologies seems appropriate to support the
development of operator training simulators and the
modelling of scenarios, for a variety of contexts and
domains. Thus, in this work the focus is on the
development of 3D virtual environments and
scenarios based on ontologies.
3 SimuLIHM
SimuLIHM is an operator training simulator for
electric systems operation. It was developed at the
Human Machine Interface Laboratory (LIHM), at
the Federal University of Campina Grande (Brazil).
This simulator supports the training of electric
substations operators in identifying faults in a virtual
3D environment. It was conceived originally as a
research tool, to support the study of human errors
during critical situations when operating industrial
systems (2007).
This simulator’s architecture is distributed and is
organized in three modules: trainee module, tutor
module, and a server module (Figure 1). The tutor
and operator environments can be accessed via
Internet or intranet, allowing for distance training
and for the simultaneous training of groups of
operators, who can interact between themselves and
with the tutor.
Figure 1: SimuLIHM architecture.
The operator module implements the virtual
environment during training. It reproduces, in virtual
reality, a typical control room of an electric system
substation. In this three-dimensional virtual
environment, operators, can move in the control
room, interacting with its panels and with a real
supervisory system (accessed through the virtual
world. This can be achieved using a mouse or
keyboard. There they can perform tasks in a similar
way as they would in the real environment.
The tutor module enables the communication
with the server and with clients during the training
sessions. This environment offers tools to support
the tutor in the designing and editing of training
scenarios; monitoring trainees’ activities during the
training session and generating reports based on the
sessions’ logs.
Training scenarios should reproduce situations
from the electric system operation routine or
contingency situations. The choice of the situation
can be based on the analysis of human error reports
from this system’s operation. In this project, error
reports are a source of knowledge represented by
The server module contains the simulation
engine and a database built with SQL Server, which
stores the training log. The communication between
modules uses the protocol TCP/IP.
During a training session, trainees interact with
3D objects, which are represented in the simulator in
three layers or levels of abstraction, as illustrated in
Figure 2. Each layer consists of an executable model
that will be described below.
Figure 2: Model layers that constitute an interaction object
in SimuLIHM.
3.1 3D Model
The models that constitute the layer of visual-
geometric representation are described using the
X3D (eXtensible 3D) language. These models are
run by the viewer Xj3D (Brutzman and Daly, 2007),
allowing navigation in the virtual space and the
interaction with the elements that compose it.
A library of 3D models has been built to enable
the representation of different scenarios. In Figure 3
it is shown a subset of these interaction objects in
the context of this work. These models were
designed using the 3D modelling tool X3D-Edit, and
constitute a library of domain objects, which are
configured to compose the virtual environment of a
substation control room.
The models in the object library can be reused
when composing different scenarios for a specific
substation and for any other installation that shares
the same kind of objects.
Figure 3: Examples of objects from 3D object library.
3.2 Animation Model
Model animation is performed in the viewer Xj3D.
The API - Scene Access Interface (SAI) was
developed in Java according to ISO / IEC 19775-
2:2004 standard. It provides a set of methods for
accessing the 3D scene and for running the
behaviour of its objects. Object behaviour is trigged
by user actions on them, such as turning a key in the
control panel, or pressing a pushbutton.
This layer communicates with the 3D models
described in section 3.1 and, with the simulation
models described in the next section.
3.3 Simulation Model
In order to describe the behaviour of real world
objects, in the virtual world, it was built a library
containing the simulation models. These models,
which are described in the formalism Coloured Petri
Nets (Jensen, 1997), represent the behaviour of the
interaction objects in the control room which are
used during the operation of a substation. As a
consequence of an operator command in the virtual
world, the objects’ statuses are updated.
In SimuLIHM, the plant behaviour is described
using Coloured Petri Nets. This formalism’s graphic
and mathematical notations allow representing and
verifying the plant behaviour according to a set of
properties. The simulation model has a modular
structure and its building process is based on an
object library which facilitates the construction of a
variety of scenarios.
The library contains two CPN model classes:
models that represent the behaviour of the control
room objects (switches; pushbuttons; dials; panels
and others); and models that represent the behaviour
of the plant equipment in the substation:
transmission lines; protective equipment (circuit
breakers, switch breakers); transformers, etc.
Defining a scenario consists in specifying the
following items: the initial state of the simulation
environment; the sequence of events that must occur
during the training session and the required
resources (human and material). Since the operator’s
task is ruled by a set of documents with the
operating procedures, the trainee must perform the
task according to these rules and regulations.
It follows a description of the proposed approach
for developing the training scenarios, which is based
on ontologies in the domain. In this work, scenario
building relies on the reuse of software components
(3D models, animations and simulation models).
These are combined and configured according to the
ontology information, in a sequence of five steps, as
represented in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Ontological approach to building 3D scenarios.
4.1 Describing the Scenario
The starting point for the proposed 3D scenario
building process consists in describing it by
instantiating the domain ontologies. The terms,
relationships and rules defined in these ontologies
describe the elements in a scenario.
The scenario building process for the simulator
SimuLIHM is driven by five ontologies: Training,
ScenarioTraining, 3dModel, Plant and HMI. The
ontologies were built using the ontology editor
Protégé (2014), version 3.5, which is associated with
the plug-in Protege-OWL. This plug-in allows
building ontologies in OWL (Web Ontology
Language) - the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) standard.
Each of these ontologies is a subset of the
domain, as illustrated in Figure 5. Concepts of the
ontologies: 3dModel; Plant and HMI, are
incorporated into the ontology ScenarioTraining.
Furthermore, some concepts of the ontology
ScenarioTraining are incorporated into the ontology
Training. It follows a description of each ontology.
4.1.1 Ontology Training
The ontology Training defines a set of concepts and
properties for describing electrical systems operators
training. The vocabulary includes types of training
methods; training objectives; training themes and the
required resources (human, material and financial).
It also defines constraints to be adopted in the
description of training, such as: (a) a training session
consists of a set of scenarios; (b) participants play
specific roles during a scenario session.
Figure 5: Ontological representation for the semantic
description of the training domain.
4.1.2 Ontology ScenarioTraining
This ontology defines the terms used in the general
description of a training scenario and its elements;
which are structured as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Generic structure of a training scenario.
Training Scenario
General Description
Scenario Title
Initial state
Final state
Pre requisites
General objective
Specific objectives
Task description
Task type
Level of difficulty
Urgency of the problem
Problem frequency
Anticipated duration
Supporting Documents
Scenario Elements
(Id of the 3D
HMI in the scene and their
respective statuses
Plant Configuration
Participants’ roles (operator, engineer, etc.)
4.1.3 Ontology Plant
In the context of this work the term plant refers to an
electric system installation, such as a substation. So
this ontology defines the electrical system
components and their relationship. This ontology is
based on the semantic data model defined in the
standards IEC 61970-301 and IEC 61968-11,
collectively known as CIM - Common Information
Model. This abstract model represents all the major
objects in an electric system.
By providing a standard way of representing
electrical system resources as objects; classes and
attributes; along with their relationships, the CIM
facilitates the interoperability and compatibility
between applications and systems, independently of
any particular implementation (IEC 61970:2011).
4.1.4 Ontology IHM
The IHM ontology defines the concepts necessary to
describe the human-machine interface in a
substation of an electrical system. This interface
consists of objects to interac with the control panels:
switches, push buttons, displays, alarms and
message panels. It also defines the relationship
between these components and their statuses.
4.2 Generating the 3D Scenario
Instantiating the described ontologies creates a
knowledge base with the elements of a scenario
description and the models that represent them.
The scenario is generated with the aid of a
software module that interprets the information
stored in the knowledge base and automatically
generates the 3D virtual environment.
There are several APIs that support the
development of software applications based on
ontologies represented in OWL. In this work, the
framework Jena (2009) was used to implement the
software module. Jena is a Java framework, open
source and free, which provides features for editing
and consulting ontologies based on inference
As already mentioned, 3D models were
described in X3D language, which follows the XML
standard. Thus, an API for editing documents in
XML format instantiates 3D models from the
ontological model. The JDOM Java API (2014),
enables changing, creating and navigating the X3D
document structure.
Figure 6 illustrates the generation of a 3D object,
represented in the virtual world. It illustrates the
representation of a switch on a panel. The SW14C1
switch’s attributes are parameters from the
geometric model of switches, as indicated by the
arrows in the figure. The resulting visual
representation is also presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Instantiation of a 3D object using ontology.
The knowledge base is structured hierarchically.
3D objects, such as switches, buttons and displays
compose more complex objects such as control and
message panels. In turn, compound objects are
placed in the 3D virtual environment of a control
panel (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Components of a control panel and their
association with components of the 3D object library.
Therefore, the process of consulting,
instantiating models and associating objects can be
recursive, and is completed when all the objects
have been instantiated, automatically generating the
3D virtual environment.
4.3 Configuring Simulation Models
The simulation (behaviour) models of the objects in
the virtual plant, act as the simulation engine. These
were built and run on the CPN Tools environment
(2014). These models, represented in XML format,
can be configured to represent a specific scenario
using the JDOM API (2014). This API enables to
edit the .cpn file, according to the information
extracted from the knowledge base (ontologies).
Models representing object behaviour in the virtual
environment can be found in (Turnell et al, 2010).
4.4 Saving the Scenario
The 3D virtual environment, animation models and
simulation models, configured according to the
content of the knowledge base, represent the training
scenario to be run by the simulator.
Once completed, this scenario must be stored in
a database that supports XML file format. The
devices in the training scenario must also be
configured and stored with their statuses.
4.5 Running the Scenario
Both the trainee and the tutor interact through a
graphical interface when selecting the scenario in the
simulator database. Once selected, the scenario is
presented to the trainee in the 3D simulator
environment. From within the virtual environment it
is possible to interact with a real supervisory system
there represented on the trainee’s desktop. The
supervisory software must be previously configured
to represent the plant and must be initialized in the
same status as the virtual world representation.
During the scenario simulation, the knowledge
base is queried and updated, recording the
simulation log. The log is later used to analyze the
trainee’s performance.
This paper presented a framework for the
construction of three-dimensional virtual reality
training environment, based on its ontological
description. This approach:
provides a scenario description which can be
processed and interpreted by simulation
promotes the rapid development of scenarios
by domain experts, without demanding the
knowledge of modelling in 3D, Petri nets, or
any specific programming language;
promotes the reuse of components from a
library, which have been tested and validated.
promotes the interdependence of simulation
models, 3D models and animations,
simplifying the maintenance of each
individual component and its replacement.
The current step in this research consists in
developing an integrated environment with a tool to
support the approach application and that integrates
a scenario editor for the simulator SimuLIHM.
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