Identifying Semantic Classes within Student’s Data Using Clustering
Marek Jaszuk, Teresa Mroczek and Barbara Fryc
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Information Technology and Management,
Sucharskiego 2, Rzesz
ow, Poland
Semantic Class, Automatic Ontology Building, Clustering Methods.
The paper discusses the problem of discovering semantic classes which are the basic building block of any
semantic model. A methods based on clustering techniques is proposed, which leads to discovering related
data coming from survey questions and other sources of information. We explain how the questions can be
interpreted as belonging to the same semantic class. Discovering semantic classes is assumed to be foundation
for construction of the knowledge model (ontology) describing objects being the subjects of the survey. The
ultimate goal of the research is developing a methodology for automatic building of semantic models from
the data. In our case the surveys refer to different socio-economic factors describing student’s situation. Thus
the particular goal of the work is construction of the knowledge model, which would allow for predicting the
possible outcomes of the educational process. The research is, however, more general, and its results could
be used for analyzing collections of objects, for which we have data coming from surveys, and possibly some
additional sources of information.
Knowledge management (KM) is an important topic
in many areas of applications, such as artificial in-
telligence, medicine, natural language processing,
e-commerce, bio-informatics, education, intelligent
information integration, and others (A. Gmez-Prez,
2007; N. F. Noy, 2001). Majority of KM technolo-
gies use some kind of ontology for representing a set
of concepts and relationships between them for a spe-
cialized domain or field of interest. Such an ontology
models the domain and represents structural and con-
ceptual information about it.
Building an ontology is a complex and demand-
ing work. The most common approach is based on
hiring a domain expert in cooperation with an ontol-
ogy engineer. The work of the expert is to identify
all the concepts important for the domain of interest
and their mutual relationships. This task is performed
manually and partially supported by an ontology edit-
ing software. The automation of this process is highly
desired and is a huge challenge for the information
A number of techniques based on some kind
of data mining algorithms is being developed
(G. S. Davidson, 2010; Gorskis and Chizhof, 2012).
Their purpose is either to completely automatize the
ontology building process, given some set of sample
data, or at least partially support the process, by con-
structing an initial skeleton of the ontology. In the
second case the key decisions are still left to the do-
main expert.
A typical pipeline of automatized ontology build-
ing approach starts from gathering some raw data de-
scribing inherently the given domain. The purpose of
applying the data mining techniques is identifying the
concepts and their relationships. This leads to discov-
ering the domain model. Given appropriate interpre-
tation, the results obtained with data mining can then
be transformed into a formal ontology model.
The paper introduces a method of automatic ontol-
ogy building for data coming from different sources.
In particular the data are gathered from surveys con-
ducted on university students, and grammar school
students. We want to build semantic model in order to
be able to construct a diagnostic system, which would
deliver valuable information to the school or univer-
sity authorities. The model is necessary for identify-
ing information with the same meaning, and integrat-
ing data coming from different sources, e.g. different
surveys, which were formulated differently using nat-
ural language expressions. We want to overcome the
Jaszuk M., Mroczek T. and Fryc B..
Identifying Semantic Classes within Student’s Data Using Clustering Technique.
DOI: 10.5220/0005111403710376
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2014), pages 371-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-035-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
variety of the ways of expressing different natural lan-
guage questions in surveys.
The paper is organized as follows: In Sec. 2 we
discuss the input data that we collect for the system.
Sec. 3 describes the structure of the whole system,
and the idea of semantic distance and identification of
meaning, which can be applied to survey questions.
In Sec. 4 the initial experimental results are demon-
strated and discussed.
In our case the domain of interest is knowledge about
university and secondary school students. The task
is constructing a model representing all the factors
of socio-economic situation of students in relation to
their educational success. Such a model is very de-
sirable for educational institution authorities. If con-
structed properly, it can deliver valuable information
about the possible risks or opportunities in the edu-
cational process. This refers both to the group of stu-
dents treated as a whole, as well as individuals in each
of the groups.
The source of data about the students are surveys,
with questions referring to things such as their attitude
to study, motivations, plans, economic situation, and
other factors, which could be potentially important
for assessing their chance for the educational success,
or possible risks leading to failure. The survey data
are combined with some additional information from
the school computer system, such as sex, the year of
study, the grades.
The detailed information about the students
should be transformed into a knowledge model,
which would allow for making precise diagnoses on
new groups of students. The problem, however, is the
right choice of the survey questions. There is a huge
variety of the possible questions, that could be asked.
On the other hand the survey cannot be too long, to
not make it annoying. Thus we need to select the
questions, which will bring as much information to
the system as possible. The optimal selection can be
found only experimentally, as a result of an iterative
process. We do this by choosing some initial selection
of questions, and observing how the students answer
the them, and how do the results correlate with their
study results. After several iterations, we should get a
survey of satisfactory quality.
This process has, however, some drawbacks. Even
if we find some choice of questions, this does not
mean, that we do not want to change it in the future.
The need for change can result from many different
reasons, like changes in political and economic situ-
ation in the country, changes in law referring to ed-
ucation, or changes in the groups of students, espe-
cially in case of internationally open educational in-
stitution, which collects students from all around the
world. On the other hand we would like to integrate
the knowledge acquired after modifications of the sur-
veys, with the knowledge before modifications. Oth-
erwise we would lose a huge amount of statistically
relevant data. This is not an easy task, because it re-
quires identification of meanings standing behind par-
ticular survey questions, and matching different ver-
sions of the surveys. The knowledge engineering ap-
proach recommends in such situations constructing an
ontology, which would allow for matching different
versions of surveys.
Constructing an ontology is, however, a demand-
ing task. An ontology is a formalized structure of
concepts and their mutual relations. The initial point
in ontology building is precisely defining the set of
concepts and the possible relationships (semantic vo-
cabulary). This is difficult, even if the concepts are
represented with single words or simple phrases. In
case of surveys, the questions are formulated in the
form of sentences, and our task is to identify the pre-
cise meaning of the question (semantic concept). Ev-
ery sentence is a complex expression in natural lan-
guage, and its meaning changes even if we change a
single word in the sentence. This obviously will lead
to different answers of the questioned persons. On
the other hand, the same question could be asked in
several different ways, i.e. we would have something
that can be considered synonymy among the ques-
tions. This makes manual building of the ontology for
the considered problem even more difficult. Thus we
propose another approach, which tries to determine
the meanings in an automatic way, and in this way de-
termine the ontology nodes (semantic classes). Each
question will be matched to one of the nodes.
3.1 The Structure of the System
We treat the surveys as a natural language interface to
the system. The questions in the interface may vary,
and refer to different areas of interest, however, the
structure of meanings (ontology) that stands behind
the questions, is something relatively unchangeable.
To discover the mapping between the interface, and
the meanings, we need to have some reference data.
Our methodology is based on the assumption of a spe-
cific application of the designed system. We do not
want to discover a general purpose ontology, but on-
tology of concepts relevant for some specific purpose.
The goal is in this case assessing the chance for edu-
cational success or failure. There are several factors,
which can be used as indicators of results of educa-
tion. The most obvious are the grades of the ques-
tioned persons. The other factor refers to outstanding
achievements, e.g. in the field of scientific activity.
Yet another one, which indicates educational failure
is information about resigning from the study. In our
university, all persons resigning from the study are
asked for filling a short questionnaire, in which they
indicate the reason for breaking the study. This brings
additional information to the system, and allows for
constructing a more precise model.
The consequence of the above assumptions is a
system composed of three main elements: the natural
language interface (the surveys), the meanings (nodes
of the ontology related to the particular application),
the indicators of the educational success (Fig. 1). The
surveys are prepared by the experts in the field, i.e.
sociologists, psychologists, or educators. The refer-
ence data comes from the school databases.
Output data
Semantic model
on suppo
Figure 1: The structure of the considered system.
In our approach, the interface is vague and un-
known element, the output data is something that we
know about the subjects of experiments, and the se-
mantic model is something that results from analyz-
ing the survey data in relation to the output data. The
purpose of the work is to build a system, which de-
livered data from the survey, transforms them into the
semantic model. The semantic model in combination
with some machine learning apparatus should gener-
ate predictions about the most likely result of edu-
cation. The prediction can refer both to the grades
(possibly indicating a group of subjects, in which the
student will perform better or worse), or to achieving
outstanding results, or to the chance of breaking the
study because of some specific reason.
3.2 The Output Data
The output data is assumed to be something that we
know about the students, and what refers to educa-
tional success. For example considering the infor-
mation about the grades, we have to classify the stu-
dents into one of possible groups. The simplest ap-
proach would be computing the grade average, and
divide the average into a number of categories. In this
way a student would fall into one of the categories,
which would determine the class of his educational
success. Computing the average can be, however, too
simplistic. Some students are predisposed into one
group of subjects, while the others are predisposed
into another. Thus we are considering a more general
approach, in which we cluster the objects (students)
within the space spanned by the grades from partic-
ular subjects. In this way we determine the class of
educational success for each student, by classifying
him as belonging to one of the clusters.
3.3 Semantic Distance
Now we should explain the key point of the method.
As already mentioned, we do not know the concepts
a priori. In fact the number of possible concepts is
very large, due to huge variety of possible linguistic
expressions in survey questions. Constructing a pre-
cise semantic model reflecting all the possible mean-
ings of the questions is useless, because it would lead
to a very fine-grained and computationally inefficient
model. We prefer to have a rougher model, made of
more coarse grained concepts. To identify the model
we use a clustering technique.
The starting point to identify the concepts is
defining the semantic distance between particular
survey questions. To explain the method for finding
the semantic distance, let us have a closer look at
the training data. The data for building the model
come from the students, who filled the survey, and we
have the output information about their educational
success. To be more precise, the success information
is defined as a number of categories. In the simplest
approach, every student is classified as belonging
into one of the categories. In general he can belong
to more than just one category, but to explain the
idea we will limit the considerations to the single
category. Let us assume, that N is the number of
success categories. Every student, except the success
category, is assigned some input vector resulting
mainly form the answers to the questions, and pos-
sibly from some additional information that we have
about the student. The input is defined as a binary
vector. Even if the original formulation of questions
seen by the students is different, every survey can be
transformed into a binary vector. As a result, every
student can be considered an object characterized by
the following vector in M-dimensional space:
= {I
: k 1, . . . M}, (1)
where O
is the i-th object, I
is the k-th coordinate of
the input vector, and we will call it a ”feature”. M is
the number of features.
Obviously a single feature can appear in objects
belonging to different success categories. After col-
lecting data for a group of students, we get some dis-
tribution of the features in respect to the success cate-
gories into which they have been classified. In conse-
quence, every feature has some defined probability of
belonging to each of the categories:
= (P
, P
, . . . , P
), (2)
where P
is the probability, that a feature numbered
k (I
) was found in the success category numbered n.
We could write this as P(I
The probabilities vector (2) is the factor defining
the meaning of every feature in our approach. To be
more precise, important is not the vector itself, but
its direction. Thus the distance between two features
in semantic space is measured as the angle between
respective vectors, or more conveniently as a cosine
of the angle between the vectors. The cosine is the
semantic similarity measure, which is the basis for
further computations. In this way the features with
identical meaning have the maximal similarity equal
to 1, and the features with completely different mean-
ing have the similarity equal to 0. The similarity S
between two features P
and P
we will calculate in
a standard way as:
= cosα
· P
, (3)
We have to explain the motivation for making such
an assumption. If some feature is expressed using nat-
ural language, then there is a chance, that there will
be another feature, which will expressed in a differ-
ent form, but will have the same meaning. This has
already been mentioned as synonymy. Usually, in a
carefully designed survey, we will not find the same
question twice. Our considerations, however, have a
more general nature. We treat the survey only as a par-
ticular example of a more general class of methods,
where collecting information is performed through a
set of unformalized natural language expressions. A
good example of such methods are medical tests, like
physical examination, where the symptoms are de-
scribed using sentences in natural language. In a set
of such descriptions, a large number of synonymic ex-
pressions can be found. Even in case of surveys, when
the survey is repeated, it can be modified many times.
The purpose is to optimize the survey to make it max-
imally friendly, and understandable for the individu-
als being examined, as well as to maximize the intake
of valuable information. Formulating a good survey
is not easy, because it requires experimental verifica-
tion, and examination of the people’s answers to the
questions. Sometimes it is necessary to make several
attempts, before the optimal choice of questions can
be found. But the questions still can be modified, es-
pecially on a larger time scale. After collecting dif-
ferent versions of the modified survey, there is a large
chance to find many questions with the same or close
meaning, but formulated differently.
In many cases we want to integrate the different
versions of the surveys in order to integrate the col-
lected data. This is especially useful, when we want
to use unique historical data, which cannot be recre-
ated. To make possible integration of different sur-
veys, one should create a mapping between the dif-
ferent surveys. For two surveys, this could be a di-
rect mapping, but for larger number of surveys, it is
much more convenient, to build a single ontology,
which will integrate all the surveys. Building such
an ontology in a standard approach would require a
lot of manual work. In our approach, such mapping
will be performed automatically, by creating the se-
mantic model of the questions/features, and mapping
between the features and the model, no matter what
version of the survey do we have. There is only one
requirement, to make this comparison possible. The
output data (in this case the success categories) have
to be the same for the different surveys. The output
creates some kind of reference to the input data. We
assume, that the input is something that can vary, so
the output needs to remain constant, to be able to cre-
ate the mapping between varying input.
Identifying two features as having the same mean-
ing, does not always imply, that the two features have
the same meaning according to our common sense
understanding. We should remember, that the mean-
ing is defined here in computational terms. There is
a chance, that two features with completely different
interpretations (according to our understanding), will
have the same meaning according to the presented ap-
proach. This results from the fact that the two features
are associated with the same educational success clas-
sification. In consequence, in terms of computational
meaning they should be treated as synonyms.
Actually the exact synonymy is rather theoretical
concept, because it is very unlikely, that we find two
features, with semantic similarity equal to 1. To be
more realistic we have to assume, that even if the sim-
ilarity between two features is not 1, they can still be
treated as synonyms if their similarity is close to 1.
Thus to find synonyms, we have to find the groups
of very similar features. This task can be achieved
by clustering in the space of meanings. In this way
we can regulate the level of granularity of the resul-
tant model. The larger the clusters, the more coarse
grained the semantic model. This is regulated by the
parameters of the clustering algorithm.
The experiments were carried out on a group of stu-
dents from different specializations at the Univer-
sity of Information Technology and Management in
ow (UITM). We also collected data for students
from the Academic Grammar School associated with
UITM. In particular we took into consideration two
specializations: Information technology and Internal
security. The students from the two groups represent
different motivations, and the approach to study, thus
we selected them to be able to confront the results
for two different groups. The total number of exam-
ined persons from Information technology specializa-
tion was 192. In the Internal security specialization
we examined 70 persons. All the students were the
first year students. We chose the first year, in order
to be able to repeat the examinations on subsequent
years with the same group but with modified surveys.
From the grammar school we examined 191 students.
The survey for the university students consisted of 21
questions, but many of them had many suboptions to
choose from, which resulted in several hundreds of
features. For grammar school students, the survey
was shorter, and contained only 14 questions, but this
still results in hundreds of features due to complex
structure of the questions.
The first task was determining the output cate-
gories, i.e. the measure of educational success. In
the first approach we decided to measure the educa-
tional success solely on the foundation of the grades.
We did clustering within the space of the grades from
particular subjects to determine the groups with dif-
ferent success. We tested different clustering algo-
rithms to compare the results, i.e. Farthest First, Hi-
erarchic, k-Means, X-Means, and Density based clus-
tering. The evaluation of accuracy of particular meth-
ods indicated, that the Farthest First gives the best re-
sults. Thus we used the results generated with this
method for further computations. Of course, the num-
ber of clusters can vary, depending on the clustering
settings. Among the possibilities, we chose 5 clus-
ters as this seemed the best representation of success
groups, but of course also results generated with dif-
ferent number of clusters are worth investigating.
Given the success groups, we can take the second
step, which is clustering of the input features (mainly
coming from the survey questions). This is an ac-
tual test, if the method correctly identifies the closely
related features. The surveys were deliberately con-
structed to contain some groups of related questions.
In this step we took the approach based on hierarchic
agglomerative clustering, because this method allows
for easy observation of the changing number of clus-
ters, and cutting off the dendrogram (Fig. 2) to get the
desired number of clusters. While in the first cluster-
ing we wanted only to get only several clusters indi-
cating roughly the groups of success, in this case we
are interested in more fine-grained clustering. This
cannot be too fine-grained, because the model would
be to detailed, and difficult to integrate with models
obtained from different surveys. Yet we are interested
in more precise identification of meaning. The level
of detail, that we want to achieve, is arbitrary, and the
experiments should indicate, what is the best choice
of granularity of clustering to apply.
Figure 2: The dendrogram of hierarchic clustering of the
input features.
Fig. 3 indicates the number of clusters for the dif-
ferent levels of dendrogram. The maximal number of
clusters is above 500, which is equivalent to the sit-
uation, where each cluster contains a single object.
This is not useful, because the clusters are too small
to identify objects with close meaning. We think, the
sensible number of clusters could be about 100-200.
With such granularity most of the clusters contain sev-
eral closely related features. But of course every-
thing depends on the granularity level that we want
to achieve.
The analysis of contents of particular clusters con-
firms the validity of the taken approach. Most of them
contain features, which can be interpreted as closely
related. This does not refer to all of them, but as
explained earlier, this does not mean that they can-
not be classified as synonyms. The most important
thing in the demonstrated approach is the computa-
tional result. Finding the features in the same cluster
Figure 3: The number of clusters for different cut off level.
means, that they indicate educational success in the
same way. Thus computationally their meaning is the
We demonstrated a method for automatic discovery
of semantic classes standing behind a set of input fea-
tures characterizing a set of factors that allow for as-
sessing the chance for student’s educational success.
The features mainly come from survey questions that
a group of students had to answer. The method is
based on clustering techniques, and the assumption
of the particular purpose of the system, which de-
termines the semantic space. The method is based
on defining the semantic similarity, which allows for
finding closely related features and their clustering.
The definition of semantic class is slightly differ-
ent, than in a typical approach, where defining some-
thing as semantic class results from human interpre-
tation. We claim, that when a specific application is
taken into account, such definition is better, because it
is associated with the assumed result computationally.
Human designed semantic model is good from the
perspective of human interpretation, but when the re-
sults of computations are taken into account this does
not have to be the best choice. Moreover it is easy
to redefine the semantic model, because its construc-
tion is fully automatic. By redefining the output data
(the success categories in our case) we automatically
redefine the model of input data.
The method was developed using the specific ap-
plication, but its applicability, as we think, is not lim-
ited to this particular problem. It can be treated as a
more general approach, to solving problems, in which
we have a set of natural language expressions describ-
ing a collection of objects. The natural language in-
terface is something vague and can be formulated in
many different ways, but its purpose is communica-
tion with the investigated persons. The purpose of the
algorithm is to build a model, which would further be
able to perform useful computations.
There is a number of things that are left to be done.
The first of them is more thorough analysis of the pos-
sibilities coming from changes in the output data, i.e.
the information about educational success. We also
want to make the quantitative evaluation of the se-
mantic models built on different levels of granular-
ity. Another task is building a machine learning appa-
ratus that would allow for making predictions about
the investigated group of students. Such predictions
could refer both to the group of students as a whole,
as well as indicating individuals needing special treat-
ment, because of the possible chances or threats. Yet
another thing is adding relations between the semantic
classes. The most common element of every ontology
is a hierarchic structure, which associates concepts on
different levels of abstraction with a relation of type
”is subclass of”. We are able to extend the algorithm
to be able to find this, and some other kinds of rela-
tions between the classes.
Project co-financed by the European Union from the
European Regional Development Fund and from the
Budget within Regional Operational Programme for
the Podkarpackie Region for the years 2007-2013.
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