Our robot frameworks are able to track multiple
objects at the same time, which is also visible in Fig-
ure 7, where it tracks both the cup and the tea box. By
simply changing the type of the object within MoBeE
the robot reaches for a certain object while avoiding
the other.
Herein we present our on-going research towards vi-
sual guided object manipulation with the iCub. A
tightly integrated sensorimotor system, based on two
frameworks developed over the past years, enables the
robot to perform a simple pick-and-place task. The
robot reaches to detected objects, placed at random
positions on a table.
Our implementation enables the robot to adapt to
changes in the environment. Through this it safe-
guards the iCub from unwanted interactions – i.e. col-
lisions. We do this by integrating the visual system
with the motor side by using an attractor dynamic
based on the robot’s pose and a model of the world.
This way we achieve a level of eye-hand coordination
not previously seen on the iCub.
In the future we would like to integrate some ma-
chine learning to further improve the object manipula-
tion skills of our robotic system. Improving the pred-
ication and selection of actions will lead to a more
adaptive, versatile robot. Furthermore it might be
of interest to investigate an even tighter sensorimo-
tor coupling, e.g. avoiding translation into operational
space by working in vision/configuration space.
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FP7-IST-IP-231722, ‘Intrinsically Motivated Cumu-
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