Within this paper the usability problems are
categorized in two groups. The first one represent
flaws which result from the fact that the solutions
recently found are more experimental. Thus the user
cannot rely on known interaction patterns and that is
why user expectation is hard to fulfill. The second
group of usability problems could be assigned with
integration technologies to link the physical world
with the virtual one. For the problem category an
integrated methodological approach was presented,
which support reasonable concepts taking user
profiles and special characteristics of the product
into account. For the second category usability
requirements for the usage of QR-Codes are
transferred to Blended Shopping and more precisely
to the usage of a link from the merchant in the city
center to the virtual world. These findings were
amalgamated by individual requirements resulting
from the field of application. Then Blended
Shopping 2.0 is described to jointly address both
problem categories. In future research we will
extend both problem solution attempts. The vertical
problems will be tackled by deriving interaction
patterns for Blended Shopping scenarios which
could be used as building blocks and deliver a de
facto standard in future. Further research for
integration technologies will extend our research to
new technologies like NFC or Bluetooth based
technologies as Beacon. Additionally we focus on
developing an evaluation method for Blended
Shopping 2.0 scenarios.
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