An Integrated Approach for Efficient Analysis of Facial Expressions
Mehdi Ghayoumi and Arvind K. Bansal
Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, U.S.A.
Keywords: Emotion Recognition, Facial Expression, Image Analysis, Social Robotics.
Abstract: This paper describes a new automated facial expression analysis system that integrates Locality Sensitive
Hashing (LSH) with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) to
improve execution efficiency of emotion classification and continuous identification of unidentified facial
expressions. Images are classified using feature-vectors on two most significant segments of face: eye
segments and mouth-segment. LSH uses a family of hashing functions to map similar images in a set
of collision-buckets. Taking a representative image from each cluster reduces the image space by pruning
redundant similar images in the collision-buckets. The application of PCA and LDA reduces the dimension
of the data-space. We describe the overall architecture and the implementation. The performance results
show that the integration of LSH with PCA and LDA significantly improves computational efficiency,
and improves the accuracy by reducing the frequency-bias of similar images during PCA and SVM
stage. After the classification of image on database, we tag the collision-buckets with basic emotions, and
apply LSH on new unidentified facial expressions to identify the emotions. This LSH based identification
is suitable for fast continuous recognition of unidentified facial expressions
Emotion is a psychological response to others'
actions, external scene evaluations, reaction to our
own thought processes possibly stirred by recall of
past memories, empathy towards others emotions, or
perceptions caused by variations to our sensory
nerves. Emotion represents an internal state of our
mind (Plutchik, 2001).
Emotion profoundly affects
our reactions to ourselves in near future, reactions to
people we interact with, and actions to the external
world consciously or unconsciously.
Emotion recognition (Crowder et. al., 2014) has
become a major research area in entertainment
industry to assess consumer's response and in social
robotics for effective human-computer and human-
robot interaction. Social robotics is an emerging area
to develop new generation robots and humanoids
having social acceptability. Online facial emotion
recognition or detection of emotion states from
video of facial expressions has applications in video
games, medicine, and affective computing (Pagariya
and Bartere, 2013) and (Cruz et .al. 2014).
Emotions are expressed by: (1) behavior
(Plutchik, 2011); (2) spoken dialogs (
Lee and
Narayanan, 2005)
; (3) verbal actions such as
variations in speech and its intensity including
silence; non-verbally using gestures, facial
expressions (Ekman, 1993) and tears; and their
combinations. In order to completely understand the
emotions, one should be able to analyze and
understand the preceding events and/or predicted
future events, individual expectations, personality,
intentions, cultural expectations, and the intensity of
an action. Many times emotions such as jealousy
are hidden, and cannot be easily identified.
There are many studies to classify primary and
derived emotions (Colombetti, 2009), (Gendron and
Lisa, 2009), (Plutchik, 2001), and (Cambria,
Livingstone and Hussain, 2012).
One popular classification of basic emotions that
has been studied using facial expression analysis
(Ekman, 1993) and (Pandzic and Forchheimer,
2002) identifies six primary expressed emotions:
anger, happiness, sadness, surprise, disgust and
fear. There are many secondary emotions such as
awe, disapproval, contempt etc. that are derived by a
combination of primary emotions (Plutchik, 2001).
Facial expressions are considered as one of the
direct and fast ways of recognizing expressed
emotions (Ekman and Friesen, 1978), (Fellous and
Arbib, 2005), and are used between humans during
Ghayoumi M. and Bansal A..
An Integrated Approach for Efficient Analysis of Facial Expressions.
DOI: 10.5220/0005116702110219
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2014), pages 211-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-046-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
social interactions. During verbal communications,
facial expressions change continuously and are
constantly inferred by the receiver (Hamm et al.,
2011). Facial expressions communicate a speaker’s
emotions unconsciously due to the brain's reaction
being translated involuntarily to facial muscles. As
a consequence, interpretation of facial expressions
will play an important role in the human-robot
(including human-humanoids) interactions (Tian et.
al., 2005).
Currently, robots do not have sufficient cognitive
capabilities to analyze intentions, situations, and
cultural expectations. However, they have vision
and speech understanding capabilities to analyze the
cues embedded in the facial expressions, dialogs,
and human speech. During human-robot
interactions or video display, time-efficiency is quite
important to analyze facial expressions or speech
analysis without losing accuracy of emotion
Automated analysis of facial expressions
requires extraction of facial-features from either
images or video. Two classes of techniques have
been used for the analysis of facial expressions:
Facial Action Coding System (FACS) (Ekman and
Friesen, 1978) and Facial Animation Parameters
(FAP) (Yi-Bin et al., 2006), and (Kobayasho and
Hashimoto, 1995).
FACS detects the changes in the facial muscle’s
movements using action units (AUs) involved in
facial expressions (Ekman and Friesen, 1978) and
(Antonio and Indyk, 2004). FAPs techniques
(Kobayasho and Hashimoto, 1995) are based upon
the clues about shape and position of the features
from the region of the eyes, eyebrows, forehead,
lips, and mouth to recognize the presence of any of
those six basic emotional states.
Techniques that consider all the facial segments
suffer from increased data-space, thus making the
facial expression analysis slow (Li et al., 2012).
While different segments are involved in different
emotions, mouth and eye-segments play a major role
in analyzing the facial expressions. Although
cheeks, nose and wrinkles on forehead contribute to
a subset of emotions, they are strongly correlated to
changes in shapes of eye and mouth segments for the
corresponding emotions. In the past researchers
have used dimension reduction techniques such as
PCA and/or LDA (Kanade et. al., 2000), (Li et al,
2009) and heuristic methods (Yi-Bin, et al., 2006).to
improve the execution efficiency of facial-
expression analysis. However, none of them have
reduced data-space due to redundant similar facial-
images during classification and facial expression
This paper describes an automated method that
improves the execution efficiency of facial
expression classification and identification without
loss of accuracy. Our work improves the execution
efficiency by: (1) considering only mouth and eyes
segments; and (2) integrating locality sensitive
hashing with principal component analysis (PCA),
and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for
removing redundant images and dimension
reduction during classification of emotions.
Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) is a method for
probabilistic dimension reduction of high-
dimensional data. LSH maps similar images into the
same collision-buckets using a family of hashing
functions, and prunes the image-space by taking
only representative images from each bucket
because similar images in the same bucket do not
contribute much to the classification. The major
contributions of the paper are:
Pruning the image space using LSH by taking
only one representative image from the
cluster of similar images during the
classification stage of basic emotions;
Integration of LSH (Locality Sensitive
Hashing) and K-NN (K nearest neighbours)
to PCA and LDA for improving the execution
efficiency during classification stage; and
Use of LSH for identifying the emotion of
untagged facial expressions.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents background about feature
extraction methods and classifiers. Section 3
describes an architecture. Section 4 describes the
implementation and the data-set. Section 5
describes experimental results and discussions.
Section 6 discusses related works. The last section
concludes the paper, and presents the future
Facial features for analyzing facial expressions are
cheeks, eyes, eyebrows, lips, mouth, nose, and
wrinkles on forehead. As described in section 1,
study of eye segments and mouth segments is
sufficient to derive six basic emotions as described
by Ekman (Pandzic and Forchheimer, 2002).
Accurate localization of a facial feature plays a
major role in feature extraction, and facial
expression recognition.
There are many methods available for facial
feature extraction, such as eye-location detection
(Cevikalp, et al. 2011) and segmentation of face-area
and feature detection (Dubuisson et al, 2001)
(Dantone et. al., 2012). The major segments that
express all six basic emotions are: (1) two eye-
segments including eyebrows; and (2) mouth
segment including lips.
2.1 Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)
Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) is a method for
probabilistic dimension reduction of high-
dimensional data. In LSH, similar input items are
mapped to the same collision-bucket using a family
of locality-sensitive hash functions (Andoni and
Indyk, 2008). Consider a family of hash
functions mapping
(d-dimensional space) to
some universe U. A point p is an R-near neighbour
of another point q if the distance between p and q is
at most R. According to LSH, a family is called
(R, cR(c is approximation factor), P
, P
) sensitive if
for any p, q
, following two conditions hold.
Where h is a hash function; R is the cut-off
distance for nearness; P
and P
are probability
values that lie between 0…1. Equations (1) and (2)
state that if the two data-points (p and q) lie within
the cut-off-distance R then the probability of
similarity is high, and points p and q will map on the
same collision-bucket. LSH is beneficial if P
greater than P
2.2 Principle Component Analysis
Principal component analysis is a dimension
reduction technique based upon the transformation
of coordinate-axis along the direction of the data-
points with maximum variance. This transformed
coordinate-axis becomes the first principal
component. The second principal component is
orthogonal to the first principal component with the
next maximum variance. This way only a few major
components are needed for data-point analysis.
For image analysis, image samples are trained to
obtain the principal subspace composed of
orthogonal basis vectors, then mapping the samples
into the subspace to derive projection coefficient
vectors as sample feature-vectors. Test images are
mapped into the principal subspace to derive the
corresponding feature-vectors of the test-images.
A face is modelled as a pixel-matrix X. The
Eigen-decomposition on 
derives two matrices
 such that is an n n matrix whose
columns are the eigenvectors of
, and V is an N
N matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors
. An r-dimensional subspace is formed by
selecting the first r rows of the transformed data-
as follow
The N × N covariance matrix 
Where Λ is the covariance matrix of
2.3 Linear Discriminant Analysis
LDA is a dimension reduction technique that
preserves discriminatory information such as scatter-
matrices and their mixture. Scatter-matrix is an
estimation of covariance matrix for multivariate
normal distribution. LDA is used for two or more
classes of objects. LDA aims at increasing
separability of the samples in the subspace. LDA
criteria are mainly based on a family of functions of
LDA uses two types of scatter-matrices: (1)
within-class scatter matrix denoted by Σ
, and (2)
between-class scatter matrices denoted by Σ
searches for a group of basis vectors, which make
different class samples, and have the smallest
within-class scatter and the largest between-class
scatter. The equations for the two scatter-matrices
is a data point in i
is the
mean of each class, ̅ is the overall mean, N
are the
data points in each class, and g is the number of
classes. The main objective of LDA is to find a
projection matrix that maximizes the ratio of the
determinant of Σ
to the determinant of Σ
Alternatively, Σ
can be used for LDA,
where Σ
represents the mixture scatter-matrix
). The computation of the
eigenvector matrix ϕ from Σ
is equivalent to
the solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem:
ϕ = Σ
ϕ Λ (8)
Where Λ is an eigenvalue matrix. Final
transformation is achieved by:
= ϕ
The low-dimension vector
is the LDA feature
of the sample
(Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor,
Our classification system (see Figure 1) has four
stages: 1) eyes and mouth-segment detection; 2)
clustering using LSH to prune redundant similar
images; 3) feature extraction using PCA and LDA to
reduce the dimensions; and 4) classification by
training SVM and K-NN. The input to the face-
segment stage is an image database with tagged
emotion for classification. The database of eye-
segments and mouth-segment forms the input for the
LSH-stage. The LSH-stage produces a set of non-
redundant images that becomes the input for the
dimension-reduction stage. Dimension-reduction
stage generates transformed Eigen-images (see
Figure 7a and 7b). These Eigen-images are used to
train the SVM for the classification of emotions.
After the classification, collision-buckets are
labelled with one of the primary emotions, and LSH
is used on online images to identify the untagged
facial expressions.
Image database
Figure 1: An architecture for the model.
3.1 Detection of Eye and Mouth
During this stage, the software compares different
features such as grey-level values, distance
transform features, luminance, color and edge
properties for automatic localization of eyes and
mouth (Cevikalp et. al., 2011), (Beigzadeh and
Vafadoost, 2008), or (Jianke et. al., 2009). We have
used Cevikalp’s method (Cevikalp, et al., 2011) to
find eye and mouth segments in a face. This
algorithm automatically extracts geometric and
texture features using grey-level values and distance
transform features.
3.2 Application of LSH
During stage 2, LSH is applied to derive nearest
neighbour clusters on the database of mouth-segment
and two eye-segments (see Figure 2).
LSH makes multiple buckets each containing
similar images. Similarity is measured by hamming
distance of the hash-key of the colliding images.
Figures 3 and 4 show a set of similar images for eye-
segments and mouth segment in the same bucket.
Due to similarity of images, we just use one image
from each bucket; other images are pruned since
similar images do not contribute additional
information during classification. Pruning
redundant similar images improves the
computational efficiency significantly as shown in
Figure 8 in Section 5.
Figure 5 shows mapping of the images in the
database to the collision-buckets after LSH. As
shown in the figure, the number of images per
bucket increases significantly after 450 images
showing greater collision as the number of images
Figure 2: Original image and three part for training.
After LSH processing, M images in the database
are mapped on m (m << M) collision-buckets. Each
Face segmentation and eyes/ mouth detection
LSH to prune image space
Dimension reduction using PCA and LDA
SVM classification and K-NN clusterin
Pruned database of nonredundant se
Transformed Eigen-images
Classified emotion
collision-bucket contains similar images. Only one
representative image is taken from each bucket.
This set of representative images from each bucket
becomes the input for LDA and PCA stage. Thus the
number of images processed in PCA and LDA stage
reduces to m images.
LSH employs an approximate similarity strategy
that reduces the images by: (1) putting similar
images into the same collision-buckets; and (2)
picking only one image from a bucket. M images
from the database are reduced to m (m << M)
images from different collision-buckets. Under the
assumption that LSH uniformly distributes at least
one image in a bucket, our scheme removes the
frequency-bias during computation of principal
components during PCA caused by non-uniform
distribution of images in the image database.
Figure 3: Eye-images in a collision-bucket.
Figure 4: Mouth-images in a collision-bucket.
3.3 Dimension Reduction
Mapping the data-space to feature-vectors reduces
redundant information while preserving most of the
intrinsic information content of the pattern
(Abrishami and Ghayoumi, 2006), (Kanade et. al.,
2000). Figures 6a and 6b show PCA Eigen-images
for mouth and eyes segments. Figures 7a and 7b
illustrate 16 images transformed by LDA for training
our classifiers.
Figure 5: LSH performance (images vs. buckets).
3.4 Classification using SVM and KNN
The recognition module consists of two steps: (i)
features extraction from test data and (ii)
classification. We use Support Vector Machine
(SVM) to classify test-data into emotion classes.
Reformulating the problem using the Lagrangian,
the expression to optimize for a nonlinear SVM
(Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor, 2000) is as follows:
Where α
is a Lagrangian multiplier,
1, 1
, and
are points in the data-
is a kernel-function satisfying
Mercer’s conditions. An example of kernel-function
is the Gaussian radial basis function:
is the standard deviation. The decision
function of the SVM is described by:
Where  (signum) function extracts the sign
of a real number, b is the bias, and α
denotes a
support vector. For data-points that lie closest to the
optimal hyperplane, the values of corresponding
support vector
is non-zero. We used the K-
Nearest Neighbour algorithm (KNN) to classify a
test-data into emotion-classes. Given an instance of
a test-data, KNN derives k neighbours nearest to
the unlabelled data from the training set based on a
distance measure, and labels the new instance by
looking at its nearest neighbours. In our case, the
distance measure is Euclidean distance.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Number of buckets
Y-axis: Number of images
Figure 6: PCA features (a) eyes, (b) mouth.
Figure 7: LDA features (a) Eyes, (b) Mouth.
3.5 Tagging Unidentified Expressions
After the classification, the collision-buckets get
tagged with specific basic emotions. An
unidentified facial expression is tagged with a basic
emotion by applying LSH. The untagged facial
expression maps into one of the collision-buckets,
and the emotion tag of the collision-bucket becomes
the emotion tag of the unidentified facial expression.
4500 facial-expression images have been taken from
the CK+ database (Lee and Narayanan, 2005). Each
image has 50*170 pixels, and the images are already
tagged with the basic emotions. For each emotion
category, 1/3rd of the images have been selected for
training, and the remaining images have been used
for testing. The images have been reshaped into
8500*1 dimensional column vectors. E
software package (Andoni and Indyk, 2004) has
been used for LSH hashing. The LSH reduces 4500
database images to 164 images. The average
reduction ratio for the images is 26. These images
are fed for feature extraction and dimension-
reduction in features-space using PCA and LDA.
MATLAB has been used for developing related
PCA and LDA software in our experiments.
LIBSVM library (Chang and Lin. 2001) has been
used for multiclass strategy. Finally, the results
derived by our approach, naïve SVM approach and
naïve KNN approach have been compared with the
tagged emotions in the CK+ database to derive the
percentage accuracy.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the correctness of emotion
recognition by our integrated approach, by applying
just Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique, and
by applying just K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN)
technique, respectively. Our integrated approach
shows better accuracy compared to naive KNN or
SVM based recognition due to the removal of the
effect of redundant similar images at LSH stage that
led to removal of frequency-bias caused by non-
uniform distribution of similar images in the
database during PCA and SVM classification stages.
Figure 8 shows the time efficiencies of "KNN with
PCA + LDA", "SVM with PCA + LDA", "KNN
with LSH + PCA + LDA", and "SVM with LSH +
PCA + LDA". The use of LSH reduces
Table 1: Correct emotions using integrated approach.
Surprise 95%
Anger 84%
Disgust 93%
Table 2: Correct emotions using just SVM.
Happiness 83% Surprise 85%
Sad 83% Anger 78%
Fear 78% Disgust 80%
Table 3: Correct emotions using just KNN.
Happiness 77% Surprise 76%
Sad 77% Anger 72%
Fear 73% Disgust 73%
the image space by a factor of 26; improving the
performance by more than an order of magnitude.
There are three approaches for facial feature
extractions: (1) geometric feature-based methods,
(2) appearance-based methods (Tian et. al., 2005),
and (3) Gabor filters (Dahamane and Meunier,
2011). Many researchers have used dimension
reduction techniques (either PCA or LDA) to reduce
the data- space (Kanade et. al., 2000), (Yi-Bin, et al.,
2006), or a combined approach (Li et al., 2012).
However, they do not use LSH to reduce images and
identify emotions. LSH was first proposed by Indyk
and Motwani (Indyk and Motwani, 1998) for fast
approximate search. Vision researchers have shown
the effectiveness of LSH based fast retrieval for
image search applications including shape matching
and pose inference (Shakhnarovich, Darrell and
Indyk, 2006) (Jain, Kulis and Grauman, 2008). We
integrate LSH with PCA and LDA to improve the
execution efficiency without loss of accuracy.
For facial expression recognition, existing
methods either aim at developing feature selection
techniques or designing novel classification
algorithms for improved performance (Sun et. al,
2009). Dahmane and Meunier proposed an
Figure 8: Time-efficiencies in difference schemes.
approach for representation of the response to a bank
of Gabor energy filters with histograms, and applied
SVM with a radial basis function for classification
(Dahmane and Meunier, 2011). Other recent works
(Li et. al, 2012) identify representative regions of
face images.
Cruz et. el. (Cruz et. el. 2014) are working on
applying attention theory to improve accuracy of
emotion recognition. Our work is based upon data-
space reduction, and complements their work. Both
work can be combined to benefit from each other.
In our present work, we have used LSH to prune
redundant similar images that do not contribute to
image classification. This improves the execution
efficiency of the emotion detection as well as the
accuracy of the emotion detection as illustrated in
Tables 1- 3 by removing the frequency-bias of the
redundant similar images during dimension
reduction stage in PCA and SVM classification
stage. We will benefit from the works by (Li et. al,
2012) by providing dynamic weights to the facial-
expression analysis especially for online video
analysis where multiple consecutive frames show
very similar emotions.
We have implemented an integrated approach for
recognizing Ekman's basic emotion categories using
facial expression images. By focusing on major
segments needed for facial expressions analysis and
by reducing the number of redundant similar images
using LSH, we derive a non-redundant set of images
for training. The use of representative images from
LSH buckets reduces the effect of frequency bias
during PCA stage and SVM classification stage.
Our experimental results confirm that LSH based
approach improves the execution efficiency of
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Number of images
Y-axis: Time in milliseconds
SVM with LSH + PCA + LDA
KNN with LSH + PCA + LDA
SVM with PCA + LDA
KNN with PCA + LDA
emotion classification and recognition without loss
of accuracy.
Currently, our LSH based scheme uses hard
clustering by mapping facial expressions on basic
emotions. The scheme needs to be extended to
handle secondary emotions that are mixtures of
primary emotions. We also need to extend our
scheme to learn new mixed emotions by video
analysis and online analysis. We are currently
extending our techniques to handle secondary and
mixed emotions. We are also looking at removing
redundancy in consecutive frames in video analysis.
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