Figure 5: Fleet trajectory toward maximum, with measured
potential level.
Figure 6: Sequence of fleet convergence to the maximum.
The experiments reported in this paper have high-
lighted the possibility to control a fleet of Lego Mind-
storms NXT to fulfill two types of missions with these
autonomous vehicles, notwithstanding their compu-
tational capabilities. A first scenario has shown that
MPC can be a flexible solution to deal with fleet
management and collision avoidance between vehi-
cles and with obstacles. An efficient discretization
strategy allows the MPC to find an efficient control
sequence within constrained time. In a second sce-
nario, a decentralized estimation and control scheme
to find the maximum of a potential field has been
presented. It involved linear parameter estimation to
obtain the gradient of the field and a gradient-ascent
control proven to converge to the actual maximum lo-
cation. Implementation of the two strategies on the
fleet of Lego Mindstorms NXT was successful, which
shows the interest of these platforms as a practical
testbed for cooperative estimation and control under
strict implementation constraints.
The authors would like to thank Guillaume Broussin
and Mathieu Touchard, who contributed to these ex-
periments during their internship at ONERA.
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