The equivalence of this solution and the previous
one is proven by the fact that the ontology is seman-
tically the same. The only difference is that we use a
pair of equivalent concepts
instead of a
single concept . The equivalence of
justified by the availability of the bidirectional trans-
formation between them. Thus, using the proposed
approach the domain ontology naturally arises from
programming concepts: types and transformation
functions. The ontology can be constructed top-
down in the beginning of the project or it can be
learned bottom-up from a set of types and transfor-
mations between them obtained from legacy sys-
tems. Further, this ontology is used to compute new
ways of transforming the data and thus connecting
different systems.
In comparison to similar solutionsthat use ontologies
in the B2B integration domain (Haselwanter et al.,
2006; Bussler, 2001) the proposed approach helps
to abstract from the specific applications that take
part in the integration process and to focus on the
support of the standards used. In turn this not only
makes the maintenance and the connection of new
systems easier but also opens new perspectives in
the field of data verification in terms of standards
conformity, validation and consistency checks.
Related work. In order to have a richer B2B in-
tegration implementation from the beginning of the
process to the technical deployment authors carry
out research in the field of information process for-
malization in order to reveal connections with tech-
nological models and conceptual domain models
(Wolfengagen et al., 2013; Shumsky et al., 2013;
Shapkin and Demchenko, 2014). The combination
of the integration process modeling according to
B2B methodology standards and ontological data
transformation approach described above enables to
fully implement a B2B integration system. The de-
ployment of such a system requires only to define
the access points for the given applications in order
to implement a complete, standard, recommended
business process. In course of the execution such
system could monitor and validate both the data
(taking into account the history of requests) and the
process structure.
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