adaptive control and for nonadaptive control with sys-
tem parameters taken as their final estimates. The cost
function values for η = 0 are J
= 0.1848, 0.1828, and
= 0.2998, 0.2665 for mph and nmph nominal sys-
tems, respectively. Again, some jumps of cost func-
tion are observed in adaptive case for η > 0.
The norm condition of robust stability (20), for
both mph and nmph systems with known parameters
is also illustrated in Fig.6 for η = [0,2]. It can be ob-
served that robust stability margin for nmph system is
even larger than for mph system, i.e. the value of η
at which the norm attains 1 is greater in the case of
nmph system.
The RLS algorithm was applied for parameter
identification of a considered ARX model and as al-
ready has been shown in Figures 1, 3 the estimates
converge to the true nominal values for both mph and
nmph systems.
For general ARMAX models, the recursive pseu-
dolinear regression (RPLR) or recursiveprediction er-
ror (RPEM) algorithms should be applied. The results
shown in (Nilsson and Egardt, 2010), confirm that
RPEM is then more suitable in the considered under-
modelled situation taking into account the asymptotic
properties of the algorithms.
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the modeling error is underlined. Examples of third-
order actual systems described by a second-order mph
and nmph nominal models are taken for simulation.
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tive LQG control with possible LTR effect as a way
for robustifying the adaptive control especially for
mph systems. On the other hand, problems with dis-
continuous solution of Riccati equation may occur for
nmph systems.
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