instantiation of the scheme, i.e. it would need to be
programmed or burned into a chip.
ABS is mostly based on special elliptic curve
groups (ECG) and so-called pairing functions applied
to them. There are even existing libraries realizing
some ABE schemes already, such as (Bethencourt,
2011). We have investigated previously the
bandwidth and computational efficiency of existing
schemes on different security levels, and combining
them with results given in (Okamoto, 2011), we can
give some figures for 128-bit security parameter and
access control structure of size 10 (as in number of
ABGS (Khader, 2007) (ABE-based, aver.case):
0,9 kB
MPR-ABS (Maji, 2011) (NIZK-based, worst
case): 23,5 kB
MPR-ABS (Maji, 2011) (NIZK-based, best
case): 1,5 kB
NM-ABS (Okamoto, 2011) (FE-based, best
case): 81 B
For implementation purposes the NIZK-based ABS
are clearly far less efficient than encryption-based
ABS. However, we believe that moving to
cryptographically enforced RBAC is no longer just a
feasibility study, but something that merely needs
integration work to make an actual demonstrable
Our research shows that current ABS-schemes can
already support the Core RBAC, in a distributed
implementation model and considering the write-
permission. There are problems still, especially with
dynamic hierarchies and providing support to both
role activation separation from user assignment; and
strict control of role activation at the same time. The
Core RBAC commands can be simulated with ABS,
indicating a feasible transformation for RBAC
systems from RM to CAC.
The ABS are a sufficient and necessary class of
signature schemes for implementing the most
common access control needs and policies. The
reasons for going beyond ABS to FS would include:
Complex policies requiring evaluation of
arguments beyond NC
Moving the claim-predicate enforcement from
trusted hardware to key management (and
accepting a more frequent or hierarchical key
Future work will include e.g. designing
cryptographic schemes more suitable for content
validation, where the verifier is able to select the
policy (instead of signer).
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