Neural Network Based Complex Visual Information
Processing: Face Detection and Recognition
Vaclav Zacek, Eva Volna and Jaroslav Zacek
University of Ostrava, 30 Dubna 22, 701 03 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Abstract. This paper focuses on the issue of detecting and recognizing faces.
The work is divided into three main categories. The first part is about detection
of faces in constrained conditions. The second part focuses on creation of a dif-
ferent recognition approach. The third one is about the test with robotic devic-
es. However mobile devices (such as robots, small CCD cameras or cheaper
cell phones) have many limitations i.e. images quality or very limited compu-
ting performance. With respect to limitations the system manages two substan-
tial parts. The first one is responsible for detecting a face in an image. The sec-
ond one is responsible for calculating the information featured in a face image
and recognition of that information. The system is able to process faces in real-
time with minimal computation performance and to use minimal space for stor-
ing its data. The proposed system was tested on a face database. We have used
a FDDB benchmark for an exact comparison.
1 Face Detection and Face Recognition Methods
In the early development of face detection [3], geometric facial features such as eyes,
nose, mouth, and chins were explicitly used. Properties of the features and relations
among them (e.g. areas, distances, angles) were used as descriptors for face recogni-
tion. Statistical learning methods are the mainstream approaches that have been used
in building face recognition systems. Effective features are learned from training data
and involve prior knowledge about faces. The appearance-based approaches, such as
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [11] or Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
[2], have significantly advanced the face recognition process. These approaches oper-
ate directly on an image-based representation (i.e. fields of pixel intensities). It ex-
tracts features in a subspace derived from training images. The most successful ap-
proach, so far, to handle the non-convex face segmentation works with local appear-
ance-based features. These features are extracted using appropriate image filters. An
advantage lies in a distribution of face images through local feature space, which is
less affected by changes in facial appearance. Early works in this area include local
features analysis (LFA) [10] and Gabor wavelet-based features [14]. Current methods
are based on local binary pattern (LBP) [1]. There are many variants to the basic
approaches like: Ordinal Features [8], Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) [9],
and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) [4]. While these features are general
purpose, face specific local filters are learned from images [13].
Zacek V., Volná E. and Zacek J..
Neural Network Based Complex Visual Information Processing: Face Detection and Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0005126800530060
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing (ANNIIP-2014), pages 53-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-041-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The most famous early example of a face recognition system is due to Kohonen
[7], who demonstrated the strength of a simple neural net that was able to perform
face recognition for aligned and normalized face images. A face itself can be repre-
sented by a lot smaller number of eigenvectors. Nowadays eigenfaces are based on
the work of Sirovich and Kirby [6] and use principal of component analysis. They
start by creation of a feature space from a training set of all faces. Using the created
feature space, the algorithm calculates additional information in the form of weights.
Each face will have its weights, which are projected to the feature space for recon-
struction of the face. The eigenfaces method expects that under the best-idealized
conditions the variations between faces lie in a linear subspace. This means that clas-
ses are linearly separable. The reason behind the “upgrade” of eigenfaces approach is
that it does not use class specific linear methods for dimension reduction. An example
of a class specific method is Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (FLD) (fisherfaces) [1].
Another approach, Local Binary Patterns (LBP), uses the operator for description of
the area surrounding the pixel. If the simplest algorithm is implemented it considerate
the surrounding of 3x3 only. When the LBP code for an image is calculated, the edg-
es are ignored for the lack of information. To gain more information, overlapping of
the operators is used to obtain high and low frequency information about the neigh-
bors. This means that the required space for storing the basic information about
neighboring pixels would be too demanding. We have to use the data reduction to
minimize the space requirements. Therefore we introduce uniform patterns.
2 Proposed Face Recognition System
All systems described above have very good results by applying them to the image
captured in standard conditions. However mobile devices (such as robots, small CCD
cameras or cheaper cell phones) have many limitations i.e. images quality or very
limited computing performance. The proposed system should be able to detect and
recognize faces in the image despite the limitations. At first, we have to define a limi-
tation conditions for the group of mobile devices [16]:
The image quality of the input device,
Real-time detection,
Processing speed requirements,
Memory requirements.
With respect to limitations defined above the system has to state two substantial
parts.The first part is responsible for detecting a face in an image. The second part is
responsible for calculating the information featured in the fac
*e image and recogni-
tion of that information. The system itself is proposed to be light-weighted. This
means that the system should be able to process faces in real-time with minimal com-
putation performance and to use minimal space for storing its data.
2.1 Face Detection
For detection of face, the Haar cascades were chosen. The speed of processing is the
most important part of the proposed system and the Haar cascades are adequate fast
because of the ability to make a parallel processing. The speed of the process has
been verified in many publications before, i.e. [17]. The Haar Cascades works just
like a convolutional kernel mask. To explain the Haar Cascades method, we have to
introduce integral images. It simplifies calculation of the sum of pixels. All possible
sizes and locations of each kernel are used to calculate plenty of features. Each fea-
ture is a single value obtained by subtracting the sum of pixels under a white rectan-
gle from the sum of pixels under a black rectangle. These integral images can be
computed in a very fast way (1)
where ii(x,y) is the integral image and i(x’,y’) is the original image [13]. Using the
following pair of recurrent equations (2):
where s(x,y) is the cumulative row sum, s(x,-1) = 0, and ii(-1,y) =0. Because of
the form of equations, the integral image can be computed in one pass over the origi-
nal image. This means that the integral image is a subarea of the original image. We
use these areas to calculate the differences inside the integral images with respect to
the learnt cascades before. The best threshold is found for each feature, which will
classify the faces to positive and negative. But obviously, there will be errors or mis-
classifications. We select the features with the minimum error rate, which means the
features that make better classification of the face and non-face images. The final
classifier is a weighted sum of weak classifiers. It is called weak because they cannot
classify the image alone, but together they form a strong classifier almost comparable
to strong classifiers. In terms of weak classifiers, it is impossible to describe the win-
dow with only one classifier. The process of choosing the classifiers could be de-
scribed as follows (3):
where weak classifier h
(x) consists of feature f
, threshold
and parity p
that in-
dicates the direction of inequality sign. This process takes a large amount of time,
because there are a large number of features to try. After the learning process is fin-
ished, these functions can be effectively used to obtain the desired shapes from image
in the fastest way. This is done by the parallelization of the search task.
The principle of the proposed face detection using Haar Cascades will consists of
two phases. The goal of the first phase is conversion of the image to the grayscale.
Detection does not depend on the color in the image. This means that detection is
possible even with black and white pictures. In the second phase, the system tries to
localize all faces in the image with the Haar Cascades. The used cascades have been
taught to recognize faces from another set of faces before. These areas with detected
faces will be later on used for feature extraction [15, 16].
2.2 Face Recognition
When the system successfully detects a face in the image, it should be able to work
with it. The parameters for the face recognition must be chosen carefully to ensure
that important information about the face is preserved. The amount of the information
should not limit us in real-time processing. When the recognition algorithm is learned
properly, it should be able to recognize the face across different input conditions (e.g.
slightly rotated head, different illumination conditions, and even other face accesso-
ries). We needed to choose parameters, which are fast enough to process but not re-
dundant (they need to be orthogonal). This condition means that these parameters
could not be obtained from another parameter by linear combination. In our solution
we assume at least three parameters in the geometrical representation in space, which
are orthogonal. The number of the used parameters for recognition is not limited to
only three. This three-tuple vector will be used as an input vector for the neural net-
work with dimension of three [16].
Fig. 1. Face layout features (distances) that are invariance thanks to their size.
We can also state an invariant parameter - face color (because of the Haar Cascades
preprocessing). Then the initially infinite possibilities of face are limited to thirty-six
categories (Von Luschan's chromatic scale). First, we localize specific areas (as
mouth and eyes) on face and create color medians. The reasons for excluding these
areas are that the mouth and eyes color are different from the skin color. Thanks to
the exclusion, the obtained median is more accurate to the actual skin color of the
person. The median for the face is used as one of the inputs for the neural network.
Other parameters, which have been considered for its invariance thanks to size, are
the face layout features. Figure 1 shows the distances considered for the size features
that are the following.
A / B gives the face specific width to height comparison. These numbers will differ
between specific subtypes, which could be found when we divide these shapes.
C / (E + F) means the ratio between the distance of centers of both eyes and the
sum of distance from left border of the detected area to the left eye center (E) and
the distance from right border of the detected area to the center of the right eye (F).
C / 2 means a ratio between the distance of the line which connects the eyes and
center of the mouth area and the height of the detected area for face.
D / B. The center of the line, which connects the eyes centers, is chosen as a start
point of the distance D. This feature is invariant of the size when it is divided by
height of the detected area.
With the knowledge about the basic neurons possibilities, the multilayer neural
network has been chosen for the experimental part [16]. Having taken the number of
features into consideration, the basic input dimension for the recognition was deter-
mined to be of size six. Each one of the input neurons represents specific information
about the face as follows:
x1 – face color median
x2 – eye one color median
x3 – eye two color median
x4 – mouth color median
x5 – comparison of width of the face to its weight
x6 – relative distance of the eyes
The number of hidden units has been set to sixteen. This number may look quite
large but it has shown the best result in the testing and thanks to this number the net-
work is able to remember a larger number of faces. The activation function for the
hidden layer is the sigmoid function. The output dimension is going to bet set to one
output neuron with the linear activation function. Additional information, which
needs to be processed, is the output of the network. Even if the output from the net-
work is linear, we cannot be sure that we are getting the exact face. That is why the
output will be further processed with each of the known faces to be sure if the differ-
ence between the output of the network and the face is in the acceptable margin.
2.3 Technical Implementation of the Proposed Approach
Because this solution is aimed to use in real-time environment and with the bad cam-
era conditions the test on perform some tests and proof of concept on the robots.
These tests were realized on two types of robots. The first one was NAO robot from
Aldebaran robotics. The second one was Wifibot M from Networked Robotics. NAO
(in the latest version) has a capturing device with maximal resolution of 1280x960
pixels with 30 fps. This camera provides images with a relatively good quality.
When we did a real-time processing with the NAO we were able to process every
tenth frame from the video stream. This slow processing was caused by the size of the
image. When the image was downscaled to a smaller resolution it was faster to obtain
required face with features. If the features would not be extracted from the face re-
gion, it would mean that every fifth frame could be extracted from the stream. This
information is interesting for the face tracking in the image. When the face recogni-
tion is not the main focus, it could be used to obtain accurate face location in the
Wifibot M from Networked robotics has been equipped with camera, which has
got maximal resolution 768x576 with 25 fps. Quality of pictures from this camera has
not been very good. The whole image was a lot darker than expected.
Behavior of the solution with the robots is the same as the one expected from the
first part of the tests. This means that if we want the solution to perform well we need
to know the quality of the captured images and do the preprocessing accordingly to
the quality. In case of too dark images and a lot of small noise it is need to add addi-
tional lighting to the scene or apply specific image filters. This change will make the
detection possible even with the bad quality cameras.
3 Experimental Results
Fig. 2. A comparison for the detection part of the proposed system (the black line) with differ-
ent algorithms on Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark (FDDB).
The proposed system was tested on a face database. Most such systems required faces
to be normalized, which is not the case of the system that was proposed in [16]. This
means that the two parts of the system will be tested if both of them can handle faces
rotated in a certain degree. At first, the detection parameters needed to be set to detect
faces and to detect the features in face. Comparison for the detection part will be
realized with help of the Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark (FDDB) [12]. To
compare the second part of the system, the study of recognition algorithms has been
used [5]. Figure 2 shows results of the comparison for the detection part (our solution
represents the black line). When the results should be interpreted it should be taken
that the results meant that the face itself was recognized but two or more detection
windows have covered it. Figure 3 shows results of the comparison for the recogni-
tion part (our solution represents the orange line).
Fig. 3. A comparison for the recognition part of the proposed system (the orange line) with
different algorithms on Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark (FDDB).
4 Conclusion
This paper summarizes state of the art face recognition methods and proposes a new
method to face recognition on mobile devices. First part of the paper introduces con-
ventional methods to detect and recognition face and also states a main condition for
our experiment. Second part introduces a new algorithm to detect a face from poor
image quality inputs. The algorithm is based on Haar Cascades and is optimized to
work with minimal memory and computation consumption. An integral part of the
new approach is also the set of key parameters as an input vector into neural network.
Last part of the paper is focused to compare the state of the art algorithms with our
proposed solution. We used a FDDB benchmark for an exact comparison. Proposed
algorithm can be compared to Viola-Jones and delivers the same positive rate, which
is a significant success, because the FDDB benchmark contains only good quality
pictures with high resolution. That means our chosen parameter does not affect the
positive rate and our solution is able to work also with images in poor quality.
The detection part of the algorithm shows better results with the noised images
and the images with problematic light distribution when compared to the original
solution with predefined parameters.
The result for our solution of the face recognition shows that the detection itself is
still not very robust to be used without additional work, because used parameters are
not strong enough to be representative for the face. In the future we would like to
insert additional invariant information into the recognition mechanism to make a
detection mechanism more precise (like EigenFaces and FisherFaces).
This work was supported by the University of Ostrava grant no. SGS16/PrF/2014 and
grant no. SGS17/PrF/2014. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommenda-
tions expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the sponsors.
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