sequences of S
before and after the reduction phase
described in Section 3.3. We can note that the over-
all number of selected sequences after the reduction
phase is higher for single stocks than for the stock
market indexes. Considering that the error rate be-
tween the stock market indexes and the single stocks
(apart from CAC-40) is very similar, we can say that
this is a very encouraging result because in principle,
if we perform this method on a big set of different
stocks, we could obtain a gain on average. From this
point of view, we consider very promising the per-
formances obtained on real stocks prices in this first
Table 1: Results on Real Data Sets: Lukoil (L), Gazprom
(G), MICEX (M), CAC-40 (C). Classification Error on Test
Set, number of sequences in the Test Set and number of
selected sequences after the reduction procedure.
Err. S
(%) # seq. S
# sel. seq. S
L 52.8571 202 63
G 54.2334 202 126
M 55.5556 202 13
C 100 208 1
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our method is able to detect them, showing good clas-
sification performances also in the presence of noise
and with errors in the labeling procedure. The results
on real data show us the path to follow for the future
extension of the proposed method. We consider as en-
couraging the result obtained on real data, suggesting
further developments. To this aim, among other pos-
sible improvements, we are currently working on an
agent based mining algorithm, as the core procedure
for the alphabet synthesis.
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