In this paper, we have presented the first automatic
approach towards providing useful MD analytical pat-
terns from LD sources. The MD patterns are based
on the semantics of the data (i.e., they provide a con-
ceptual summary of the data), follow the MD model
(i.e., information is modeled in terms of analysis di-
mensions and measures) and are extracted following a
statistical approach. As this is preliminary work, there
is much room for improvement. In a near future, we
would like to explore more sophisticated and founda-
tional relative thresholds that help prunning the gen-
eration of paths. Also, we would like to devise a rank-
ing algorithm for the MD stars that takes into account
both the semantic and analytical relevance of the star.
Finally, as some of the stars are composed by many
semantically similar paths, it would be interesting to
further group these paths into semantic dimensions to
get an even more summarized view of the generated
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