The Application of the IODA Document Architecture to Music Data
Adam L. Kaczmarek
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics,
ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Keywords: Document Architecture, Search Methods, Query by Humming, Query Expansion.
Abstract: This paper is concerned with storing music data with the use of document architecture called Interactive
Open Document Architecture (IODA). This architecture makes it possible to create documents which are
executable, mobile, interactive and intelligent. Such documents consist of many files that are semantically
related to each other. Semantic links are defined in XML files which are a part of a document. IODA
documents with music data have been called IODA Music Documents. Such documents consist of a file
with sound, a file with lyrics and many other files with data related to the document. It is easier to search for
music files in a collection of music stored in the form of IODA Music Documents. Users can search for
songs on the basis of a part of their lyrics or they can perform the search with the use of humming queries.
In this kind of a search users record a part of a melody that they remember and the searching system
retrieves music files that match the recorded melody.
This paper presents the method of storing music data
with the use of a new design of documents
architecture called Interactive Open Document
Architecture (IODA) (Siciarek, 2011). The main
feature of an IODA document is that it is not
regarded as a sequence of characters and images.
The document has also embedded functionality. For
example, an equation in a document created in the
IODA architecture, is not only presented in a
graphical form, but there is also a script which
makes it possible to perform calculations with the
use of this equation. Readers can input their own
data and verify results. Moreover, data included in
IODA documents are semantically linked. There is a
link between the equation and the script which
implements it. This kind of document architecture
was applied to music data. As a result, documents
called IODA Music Documents were created. These
documents are introduced in this paper.
There are many kinds of files concerned with
music. Songs can by available in the form of MP3
files. There are also web pages with lyrics of songs.
A file with a song and web pages with lyrics of this
song are semantically related. A user can match
these data, but this relation is not specified by
hyperlinks or any other kind of links. This paper
addresses this problem. An IODA Music Document
merges sound, lyrics of a song, its musical notation
and other related data.
Using IODA Music Documents extends
possibilities of performing the search for music data.
Introducing this kind of documents makes it possible
to develop a new type of applications. The
application which takes advantage of IODA Music
Documents can search for songs on the basis of a
fragment of lyrics. In such an application it is also
possible to perform the search in a locally stored
collection of music files with the use of a query by
humming (QoH). This kind of queries consists of
fragments of melodies recorded by a user who is
willing to find a song in which the melody occurs.
A digital document is often perceived as an
equivalent of a paper document. However, a digital
document has more functionality than a paper one. A
reader of a digital document can easily perform a
search for words and phrases which occur in
documents. There can also be tables of content with
links which automatically redirect the reader to a
certain page. Nevertheless, the functionality of
digital documents can be much further extended
L. Kaczmarek A..
The Application of the IODA Document Architecture to Music Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0005130302680273
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 268-273
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with the use of IODA architecture. Documents
created in this architecture are mobile, executable,
intelligent and interactive.
For example, IODA documents can be used in
the process of reviewing scientific papers. A review
of a paper would be a document, which is a
computer agent with the purpose of being filled up
by reviews. First, the document creates copies of
itself. Different copies are intended for different
reviewers. Then, documents send themselves to
reviewers with the request to input information
concerned with the review. Documents may use e-
mail boxes to approach reviewers.
Functionality supporting the reviewer can be also
embedded in the reviewed paper. For example,
equations integrated with scripts which perform
calculations. Reviewers can verify themselves
results presented in reviewed papers with the use of
such scripts. The review in the form of an IODA
document, after being completed be reviewers, sends
itself back to the editor. Then, reviews from
different reviewers merges into one IODA
document, which is a complete set of reviews. This
is only a sample scenario of using IODA documents.
The architecture of IODA documents is general and
it applies to multiple processes that are concerned
with using digital documents.
2.1 Layers in IODA Documents
An IDOA document consists of three layers. It has a
data layer, information layer and knowledge layer.
An IODA document does not have a specific format.
In fact, such a document can consist of many files in
different formats. However, every document has a
spine. A spine binds together layers of document and
files which comprise of an IODA document. The
spine is implemented as an XML file.
2.1.1 Data Layer
The data layer of IDOA document consists of binary
files. In particular, it contains files in JPG, PDF,
DOC and other popular formats. Data layer also
contain scripts, executable files or source code. Data
layer makes an IODA document executable. Apart
from the data in graphic or textural form, it provides
files which can be executed by a user of IODA
document. The IODA architecture also accepts
running external applications or services available
on the internet.
2.1.2 Information Layer
The information layer associates data available in
files which consist of data layer. In the information
layer, there are markings which combine fragments
of graphic and textural files with executable content.
For example, an equation in a PDF file can be
matched with a script which calculates this equation.
All these associates are implemented in XML format
in the spine of a document. Thus, there is no need to
modify files such as PDF or JPG to associate an
executable content with some part of the file.
2.1.3 Knowledge Layer
The knowledge layer binds different parts of files
containing text, graphic and the other data, which is
intended to be used by a user of a document. The
knowledge layer contains semantic links between
fragments of document files included in an IODA
document. A link can also refer to another IODA
document. Moreover, in the knowledge layer, a user
may store personal information such as annotations
and notes. The knowledge layer can also log user’s
interaction with the document. In general, the
knowledge layer stores additional information
related to a user without modifying the basic
structure of the document defined in the data layer
and the information layer.
2.2 The IODA Functionality
There are four features of documents in IODA
architecture. These documents are executable,
mobile, interactive and intelligent. The main feature
of an IODA document is that it is executable.
Excitability of a document lays in its ability to run
scripts and binary files included in the data layer of a
document. Users can execute scripts and binary files
in an IODA document by selecting some words, a
fragment of an image or other visible part of a
document. IODA documents contain data and
information in two different formats. A document
has a graphical form which can be for example
printed or viewed by a user. However, parts of
documents such as equations, charts, tables,
algorithms and other data are also provided in the
form of scripts and binary files included in data layer
of an IODA document.
The mobility of an IODA document is its ability
to migrate through the internet. IODA documents
implement MIND architecture for the document
migration (Godlewska and Wiszniewski, 2010),
(Godlewska, 2010). A document has a workflow,
which specifies what users should receive the
document. There can also be an alternative
workflow in case for example, some users who are
receivers of a document are not available. All these
data are organized in XML files.
IODA documents are also interactive.
Documents can support users in adding information
to them and modifying data which are included in
the document. For instance, if a user is filling up a
form, an IODA document can present suggested
words and phrases for various fields of a form. Apart
from that, users of IODA documents can insert to
documents personal notes and comments without
modifying the main content of a document.
The intelligence of an IODA document is based
on the fact that an IODA document may have a
functionality of an intelligent computer agent. The
data layer of a document can contain full
implementation of an agent. The agent has the aim
which it attempts to realize.
A music file, in e.g. MP3 format, can be perceived
as a kind of a document. Such files contain not only
the sound of a song, but they also have ID3 tags. ID3
tags include data such as the title and the author of a
song. There are also other music data stored in
different files. Apart from the sound, a user can have
lyrics of a song in the format of a text file or a copy
of a web page. These files can be combined in IODA
music document.
A document in the IODA architecture consists of
many files and it sets semantic relations between
parts of these files. The data layer of an IODA
document is a container for different files in
different formats. In case of an IODA music
document, the data layer may contain the following
– the sound of the song (in MP3 or other format)
– lyrics of the song (in TXT or HTML file)
– the version of the song in MIDI format
– the metadata of the song (ID3TAGS)
– video
– other files (e.g. a musical notation of the song)
The data in all these files are connected by links
in the information layer of an IODA document. If a
song has lyrics, then the IODA document connects
words in lyrics with a point of time in a song when
those words occur. This connection makes it
possible to verify what words are sung in different
points of time in a song.
The link is neither defined in the file with a
sound nor in the file with lyrics. It is a semantic link
specified in the XML file, which is included in the
information layer of a document. Therefore, files
containing data, such as lyrics, are not modified.
Similarly, a semantic link can connect points of time
in a music file with some point in another file, such
as for instance a musical notation of a song.
3.1 Ioda Links
It is problematic to define links without modifying
files included in the data layer of an IODA Music
Document. The link binds two points in files, but
there are no addresses or labels in these files which
can be used in defining the link. In XML files
locations of links are specified with regard to the
format of data file. There are also alternative
methods of specifying a link location in some types
of files. The different methods of locating a link are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Defining links in IODA Music Documents.
Files with sound
(e.g. MP3) and video
Time which elapsed since
the beginning of a file
Images Coordinates of a point
Text files Line number and character
Documents (e.g. PDF) Page number, line number
and character number (in
case of links to text)
Page number and
coordinates of a point
(in case of links to images)
Web Pages (e.g. HTML
The location of lyrics;
line number and character
number with respect to
lyrics location.
All methods presented in Table 1 explicitly
define a point in a file. A link in XML files connects
two these kinds of points.
The most complicated is defining link location in
HTML files. HTML files with lyrics most often
contain also other data such as images, multimedia,
hyperlinks or text. For IODA Music Documents, the
subject of concern is only the lyrics in this file.
Links to web pages in an IODA Music Document
are constructed from two elements: the location of
lyrics in the file and the location in the lyrics defined
with respect to the location of lyrics. The location of
lyrics can be defined in different manners
accordingly to the structure of a web page. The
simplest method of defining it is based on finding
words which consist on the first line of lyrics. The
location of lyrics is the same in all links which refer
to the web page. Thus, it can be defined only once in
XML file with links. When the lyrics location is
specified, the location of a point in lyrics is defined
similarly as in case of text files (Table 1). The
location of a link is determined by a line number and
a character number.
It would be also possible to define links without
firstly specifying the location of lyrics on a web
page. A web page can be entirely processed as a text
file. All other data can be disregarded. A link can be
defined in the same way as in case of text files.
However, web pages available on the Internet tend
to change regularly. There are parts of web pages
which change very often and there is some content
which usually remains the same. Links defined in
IODA Music Document for a web page downloaded
at some time may not apply to this web page
downloaded at a slightly different time, if a web
page is processed as a text file.
3.2 Ioda Files Container
IODA Music Document is not a new file format.
The document consists of many files. Each file can
be perceived by any application as a regular file is a
file system. IODA Music Document is based on
XML files which bind together different files. It is
necessary to specify the location of these files.
There are no limitations on the structure of
folders contain IODA document files. For example,
all MP3 files can be located in the same folder and
all files with lyrics can be located in the other one. It
is only required to provide to an XML file a valid
location of a file. The location can be either an
absolute path or a path relative to the location of an
XML file. However it is recommended to use
relative paths and to organize a collection of files in
such a way that it is easy to relocate files to another
folder or device without making file paths in XML
files obsolete.
Storing music files in the form of an IODA
documents significantly increase possibilities of
performing the search for songs. In particular, this
applies to a collection of locally stored files. When
users have a collection of MP3 files and they would
like to find some files, they can perform the search
on the basis of file names or ID3 tags included in
MP3 files. Therefore, in order to find a song they
need to know the name of the file, the title of a song
or at least the author. Users not always have this
information. They can only remember a part of
lyrics or melody of a song. Possibilities of finding
songs in the collection of MP3 files on the basis of
these data are very limited.
4.1 Queries based on Lyrics
In a collection of music files stored in the form of
IODA documents it is possible to find music files on
the basis of their lyrics or melody. In an IODA
document, the sound of song is integrated with its
lyrics. Searching for a song on the basis of a
fragment of lyrics, means searching the text files
with lyrics which are included in IODA Music
Documents. When there is a match such that the text
searched by a user occurs in the lyrics, the IODA
document containing these lyrics is presented to the
user. With lyrics a user acquires also a file with
sound of a song, because this file is included in an
IODA document.
IODA Music Documents make it possible to
deliver this kind of functionality. Such a search can
be performed without any application dedicated for
IODA document. All files with lyrics can be
checked for occurrences of phrases that are parts of
lyrics searched for by a user. However, this kind of
search is inefficient because it requires opening
many files with lyrics in every search process. The
search can be improved by the use of an application
which has a functionality of a search engine.
One of search methods used in search engines is
based on creating a reverse index (Langville and
Meyer, 2012). Such an index contains lists of words.
Each word is correlated with a list of web pages that
contain this word. When a search is performed for a
user’s query, the search engine retrieves a list of web
pages that contain words included in the query by
reading data from the index. A similar method can
be applied to searching for lyrics in IODA Music
Documents. An application that performs the search
can have a list of words with lists of documents
containing them. When a user searches for a
fragment of lyrics the application can limit the
number of potentially relevant music files to those
files which contain words included in the fragment
of lyrics provided by a user.
4.2 The Query by Humming
The IODA architecture also makes it possible to
search for music files on the basis of a fragment of
their melodies. Applications which can perform this
kind of search are called Query by Humming (QbH)
systems (Kotsifakos et al., 2012). In these
applications users can sing and record a part of a
melody. The search is performed on the basis of
such a humming query. There are many web sites,
which provide this kind of functionality, but
performing such a search in a local collection of
MP3 files is problematic. Formats, such as MP3,
contain sound of a song which is dedicated for users.
In a song, there can be many instruments and vocals.
In MP3 file there is only one stream of data
containing all sounds, which comprise on a song.
Performing search with humming query in MP3 files
is problematic as it is hard for computer algorithms
to detect the main melody of the song and match it
with users’ humming query.
In case of IODA music files, it is possible to
perform QbH search. In an IODA document, apart
from lyrics and file with a sound of a song such as
MP3, there can be another file with an equivalent of
a song in a form of a MIDI file. MIDI file contains
only precisely defined sequences of sounds played
on various instruments. Every instrument taken into
account in MIDI file corresponds to different stream
of data in this file. It is much simpler to match
humming queries with MIDI files than match these
queries with MP3 files.
Figure 1: Retrieving music files on the basis of humming
queries in the collection of IODA music.
The process of acquiring songs on the basis of
humming queries in the collection of IODA Music
Documents is presented in Fig. 1. The search in
IODA documents, on the basis of humming query, is
performed similarly as the search for fragment of
lyrics. First, user’s query is matched with melodies
in MIDI format. Then, when a MIDI file is relevant
to the query the IODA document containing this
MIDI file is provided to the user. The document
contains also full song in MP3 or other format,
which a user can take advantage of.
4.3 Query Expansion
Users can be supported in the search with humming
queries similarly as users of search engines are
supported in searching for web pages. Search
engines provide functionality designed to facilitate
users in forming appropriate queries. For example, if
a word in a query contains a spelling error, then a
search engine suggests a correct form of a word.
When a user types a query a search engine can
present a list of popular queries, which contain
letters typed by a user in a text box of a search
engine. This method is called real-time query
expansion (White and Marchionini, 2007). There are
also interactive query expansion methods which are
used after the search for a given users’ query is
complete (Fonseca et al., 2005). Apart from a list of
found web pages for a user’s query, search engines
present a list of similar queries semantically related
to user’s query. If users are not satisfied with search
results, they can modify their query and perform the
search again.
The search for an IODA Music Document can be
performed by a query by humming system which
can also support users in creating humming queries.
Users’ humming query can be inaccurate and users
may have some problems with correctly singing a
part of a song that they are looking form. A system
designed to search the collection of the IODA Music
Document can provide users with suggestions
concerned with improving their queries. These
suggestions can be generated by Music Clustering
by Directions algorithm (Kaczmarek, 2013). This
algorithm is designed to present to a user fragments
of melodies which are related to the humming query
that a user recorded. Melodies are presented in a
form of a tag cloud with musical notation (Fig. 2).
The functionality of this kind of tag cloud is such
that it plays fragments of melodies when a user
selects them. The purpose of the algorithm is to
present different kinds of melodies related to users
query. If there is a melody that a user considers as
relevant to a song that she or he is looking for, then
this melody can be added to user’s query in order to
improve this query and make it more accurate.
Music Clustering by Direction (CBD) algorithm
derives from Clustering by Direction algorithm
which was designed to support users of search
engines in forming queries (Kaczmarek, 2011). It is
a kind of interactive query expansion method. The
results of the algorithm were presented to the user in
a form of a tag cloud containing words related to
user’s query. These words were used to expand the
Figure 2: The interface in Music Clustering by Directions
4.4 Other Functionalities
The IODA Music Document, apart from features
described in previous sections, preserves also
functionalities of a regular IODA document such as
mobility and interactivity. For example, users of
IODA Music Documents can make personal notes
related to music files. These notes are stored in
knowledge layer of an IODA document. Moreover,
an IDOA Music Document can have a workflow
which can be used in delivering music files. This
functionality can be used by on-line music stores for
specifying receivers of music files and providing
them with these files.
Taking advantage of the IODA architecture can
became a widely use method for storing music data.
The architecture supports users in collecting,
retrieving and verifying information. There is also a
great potential for development of applications
dedicated to this architecture. Such application can
support users in creating and modifying XML files
included in the layers of a document. Applications
can also be used to perform different kinds of
searches in IODA Music Documents.
This work was supported by the National Science
Center grant no. 2011/01/B/ST6/06500.
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