Where, η is the learning step, d
is the desired
output for node i, x
is the real output for node i, x
the input for node i, X is a Polynomial, which is:
In order to verify the validity of Choquet integral-
OWA operator based Adaptive Universal Fuzzy
Inference System (Agg-AUFIS) presented in this
paper, we established Agg-AUFIS for evaluation of
traffic level of service, which are trained and tested
by historical sample data (1429 pairs for training and
640 pairs for testing).
Testing errors are shown in Figure 5. Average
test error is 0.057391. The worst test error is 0.4154
while the best test error is 1.6785e-005. The results
indicated that Agg-AUFIS could be well adapted to
sample data and it is a kind of universal
Figure 5: Testing error.
Based on FIS capability of simulating human
reasoning process and dealing with nonlinear system
problems, this paper presents a Choquet integral-
OWA operator based fuzzy inference system
(AggFIS) that is universal in reasoning operator
selection, inference model structure and importance
factor expression, and its adaptive model known as
Agg-AUFIS. The experiments results showed that
Agg-AUFIS has great non-linear mapping function
and complex system modeling capacity. The
comparative experiments will be made between
Agg-AUFIS and existing similar systems, which
could verify the advantages and effectiveness of
proposed model in future work.
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