Semantic Annotation of UMLS using Conditional Random Fields
Shahad Kudama and Rafael Berlanga
Universitat Jaume I, Av. de Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n 12071, Castelló, Spain
Keywords: UMLS, CRF, Semantic Annotation, Biomedical Domain.
Abstract: In this work, we present a first approximation to the semantic annotation of Unified Medical Language
System (UMLS®) concept descriptions based on the extraction of relevant linguistic features and its use in
conditional random fields (CRF) to classify them at the different semantic groups provided by UMLS.
Experiments have been carried out over the whole set of concepts of UMLS (more than 1 million). The
precision scores obtained in the global system evaluation are high, between 70% and 80% approximately,
depending on the percentage of semantic information provided as input. Regarding results by semantic
group, the precision even reaches the 100% in those groups with highest representation in the selected
descriptions of UMLS.
As the biomedical literature continuously increases
on the Web, a new important need is growing too:
tools and algorithms to perform effective natural
language processing to assist researchers in
organizing, curating and retrieving all the
information (Settles, 2004). To achieve this goal, the
task of identifying words and phrases in free text
that belong to certain classes of interest, which is
known as named entity recognition (NER), is a
crucial first step for many of these larger
information management goals.
In recent years, much attention has been focused
on the problem of recognizing different mentions in
biomedical abstracts to classify them into different
groups. This paper presents a framework for
recognizing occurrences of different types (anatomic
parts, chemical products, procedures, disorders,
devices, etc.) using Conditional Random Fields with
a variety of features. So, in this paper, we firstly
introduce the concept of conditional random fields
(CRF) and then, apply them to the set of sentences
of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) to
obtain the semantic annotation of unclassified words
in one of the predefined semantic groups. As a
result, different terms in the UMLS will be
recognized and classified in groups with a high
As in this work, we wish to predict a large
number of variables that depend on each other as
well as on other observed variables, we have chosen
CRF as it provides good results in this kind of
problems (Sutton and McCallum, 2012).
As formerly stated in (Kiryakov et al., 2004),
semantic annotation (SA) can be defined as the task
of processing text elements (data description fields,
free texts chunks, and so on) with the purpose of
assigning semantic descriptions from a knowledge
resource (KR) to the mentioned entities and, in this
way, to reduce the ambiguity present in most natural
language expressions. In our case, SA is applied to
give semantics or meaning to words and to validate
and classify them into semantic categories.
Many approximations using Conditional Random
Fields in the biomedical domain have been proposed
so far. In (McDonald and Pereira, 2005), McDonald
and Pereira use Conditional Random Fields for
tagging protein and gene mentions. Proteins and
genes pertain to just one out of the eleven semantic
groups we handle in this work. In (He and Kayaalp,
2008) and (Friedrich et al., 2006) CRF is applied to
the manually tagged GENIA corpus, which has
entities that belong to one of these semantic groups:
protein, DNA, RNA, cell lines and cell types (these
types belong to only two UMLS semantic groups).
In (Friedrich et al., 2006), different experiments
show how the selected features for CRFs directly
affect the precision scores. However, as far as we
know there is no approach in the literature handling
the high heterogeneity of semantic groups present at
UMLS, and for a very large corpus such as the
UMLS Metathesaurus® lexicon.
Kudama S. and Berlanga R..
Semantic Annotation of UMLS using Conditional Random Fields.
DOI: 10.5220/0005131003350341
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 335-341
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Although UMLS mainly covers biomedical
concepts, we can also find concepts related to
procedures, devices, time, geography, people,
organizations and so on. These concepts play a
secondary role in UMLS but they are used in
describing biomedical concepts. This fact makes
UMLS a very heterogeneous source of knowledge
and, of course, it also complicates the task of
annotating and classifying the words contained in it.
Another issue that complicates the semantic analysis
is the fact that UMLS has a lot of multi-word
concepts whose components are not described in the
KR itself. Indeed, the results of this work can be
seen as a first approximation to the semantic
decomposition of the complex concepts problem.
In the next section, we present the CRF
algorithm to understand their mathematical basis. In
Section 3, we explain what UMLS is and the
modifications done over it to our experiments. In
Section 4, we present the proposed method to obtain
the seed tagged words that feed the CRF algorithm.
Then, in Section 5, a complete evaluation of the
process is made and, finally, the conclusion is
presented in the last section.
As biomedical NER can be thought of as a sequence
segmentation problem where each word is a token in
a sequence to be assigned a label, CRF method was
chosen as a good option to annotate the UMLS
concept descriptions. CRF is a structured prediction
method, which is essentially a combination of
classification and graphical modeling, combining the
ability of graphical models to compactly model
multivariate data with the ability of classification
methods to perform prediction using large sets of
input features (Sutton and McCallum, 2012).
CRFs are undirected statistical graphical models,
a special case of which is a linear chain that
corresponds to a conditionally trained finite-state
machine. As explained in (Settles, 2004), such
models are well suited to sequence analysis, and
CRFs in particular have been shown to be useful in
part-of-speech tagging (Lafferty, McCallum and
Pereira, 2001), shallow parsing (Sha and Pereira,
2003) and named entity recognition for newswire
data (McCallum and Li, 2003). They have also just
recently been applied to the more limited task of
finding gene and protein mentions (McDonald and
Pereira, 2005), with promising early results.
As explained in (Settles, 2004), CRFs are
probabilistic tagging models that give the
conditional probability of a possible tag sequence
given the input token sequence. Let o = {o1, o2...,
on} be a sequence of observed words of length n,
this is the input token sequence. Let S be a set of
states in a finite state machine, each corresponding
to a label l
L. Let s = {s1, s2, ... sn} be the
sequence of states in S that correspond to the labels
assigned to words in the input sequence o. Linear-
chain CRFs define the conditional probability of a
state sequence given an input sequence to be:
jj i i
i= j=
Where Zo is a normalization factor of all state
sequences and it is constant for the given input,
, s
, o , i) is one of m functions that describes a
feature and specifies an association between the
predicates that hold at a position and the state for
that position and λ
is a learnt feature weight for each
feature function, that specifies whether that
association should be favored or disfavored. We
assume that the ith input token is represented by a
set oi
of predicates that hold of the token or its
neighborhood in the input sequence (McDonald and
Pereira, 2005).
The learnt feature weight λ
for each feature f
should be highly positive for features that are
correlated with the target label, highly negative for
features that are anti-correlated with the label and
around zero for relatively uninformative features.
These weights are set to maximize the conditional
log likelihood of labeled sequences in a training set
D = {<o, l>(1)... <o, l>(n)}:
i= j=
LL D = P l
When the training state sequences are fully
labeled and unambiguous, the objective function is
convex, thus the model is guaranteed to find the
optimal weight settings in terms of LL(D) (Settles,
2004). Once these settings are found, the most
probable tag sequence for a given input unlabeled
sequence o can be obtained applying a Viterbi-style
algorithm to the maximization (Lafferty, McCallum
and Pereira, 2001).
Typical features considered in the approaches of
the literature are mainly divided in two groups: the
orthographic features (capitalization, affixes,
alphanumerical text, etc.) and semantic features
(using, for example, external lexicons) (Settles,
It is important to point that our goal is different from
those of the literature using CRFs: we aim at
annotating at word-level complex entries of a
biomedical KR, whereas these approaches aim at
predicting the semantic group of a text chunk.
Indeed the existing Gold Standard used in these
approaches cannot be used for evaluating the word-
level annotation problem, as they do not provide the
semantic groups of the words belonging to each
Gold Standard sample.
In this work, we use the whole lexicon of UMLS
MetaThesaurus® for building the word sequences
dataset. UMLS Metathesaurus (UMLS from now on)
is a compendium of more than 100 controlled
vocabularies in the biomedical sciences. It provides
a mapping structure among these vocabularies and
thus allows one to translate among the various
terminology systems. UMLS further provides
facilities for natural language processing, so it is
intended to be mainly used by developers of systems
in biomedical informatics. As UMLS also provides
relationships between concepts, it can be also
regarded as a big “ontology” that enables physicians
to classify signs, symptoms, and diseases using
medical concepts.
In this work, we deal with the 2012AB version
of UMLS. The latest set of UMLS semantic groups
(SGRs) and UMLS semantic types (STYs) have
been retrieved as well. From the analysis of STYs,
SGRs and vocabularies included in Biotea (Garcia,
McLaughlin and Garcia, 2013), we defined a set of
customized semantic groups.
UMLS concepts are attributed to the STYs; these
are then categorized into SGRs. Currently UMLS
makes use of 15 SGRs that are assigned to 99.5% of
the UMLS concepts (Castro, Berlanga and Garcia,
2014). The SGRs have been defined for
organizational reasons in order to better manage the
conceptual complexity of STYs (McCray, Burgun
and Bodenreider, 2001). The proposed semantic
groups deliver a finer grained grouping in
comparison to those from UMLS. For instance,
proteins or drugs have been separated as specific
groups that are different from more generic
chemicals. These specific groups have been defined
by interpreting the descriptions for the SGRs and the
STYs according to the UMLS Semantic Network.
The SGRs have been modified as follows. We
split the UMLS CHEMicals group into GeNe &
ProTeins (GNPT) for types closely related to either
genes or proteins, DRUG for drugs, and CHEM for
the rest of the chemicals. Our GNPT group also
includes types from the UMLS GENEs group. From
LIVB group (living organisms) we extracted PEOP
group (people) and from CONC group (concepts) we
extracted SPAT group (spatial concepts).
A first step before selecting sequence examples
for CRF consists of identifying those concepts that
are described with a single word. These words will
serve as seed input as they provide semantic
information to the learning process. However, there
are words that are assigned to more than one
semantic group, that is, they are ambiguous. These
words cannot be used as input in CRF as it cannot
handle ambiguous examples. To identify the single-
word concepts, we process the MRCONSO file from
In order to illustrate the goal of this work, let us
consider the UMLS Metathesaurus concept entry
abdominal computed tomography adrenal gland
calcification” for an unambiguous concept tagged as
DISO (disorder). Our goal is to annotate each word
of the entry with one of our predefined semantic
groups. In this case, we would have as a result:
abdominal ANAT, computed INDC, tomography
PROC, adrenal INDC, gland ANAT and
calcification DISO.
In order to achieve this goal, firstly, tagging part
of the UMLS words was necessary in order to
generate a training file for the CRF algorithm.
The first approximation in tagging UMLS single
words consisted in taking the words that only had
one associated semantic group in the UMLS; words
that are unambiguous according to the KR. For
example, if the concept of one word stomach is
tagged as ANAT, anatomical part, then we can
assume that the word stomach belongs to the
semantic group ANAT.
In the second approximation, a simple process of
statistical inference had been added: for each word
that acts as “head” of a multi-word concept, the
semantic group of the concept is associated to it.
After observing all the UMLS, each word has been
associated to its most probable semantic group, as
long as it goes beyond a certain threshold (>0.7 in
the experiments). This threshold has been set
manually observing the results to choose a point
where all words are properly tagged.
Once the words explained before were annotated,
the next step was to create the two necessary files
Table 1: Semantic groups, percentage of appearance in
training file and description of each one.
% train Description
LIVB 19.49% Alga, virus, human,
animal, organism, etc.
ANAT 17.86% Body location, cell
component, tissue,
embryonic structure, etc.
DISO 7.90% Anatomical abnormality,
disease or syndrome,
mental or behavioral
dysfunction, etc.
INDC 7.77% Qualitative or
quantitative concept,
classification, idea, etc.
SPAT 7.45% Spatial concept
OBSV 7.45% Finding, sign or
symptom, clinical
attribute, etc.
4.58% Laboratory or test result,
health care activity,
research activity, etc.
GNPT 3.16% Enzyme, receptor,
molecular or nucleotide
sequence, gene or
genome, etc.
CHEM 2.52% Immunologic factor,
vitamin, biologically
active substance, etc.
DEVI 1.46% Medical, research, or
drug delivery device
PHYS 1.33% Physiological, cell,
genetic or organism
for CRF: the training and testing files. The training
file should include as much information as possible
in order to get a good learning model. All the UMLS
entries with all words unambiguously annotated
were used to create the training file. The rest of
UMLS entries constituted the test file. As a result,
the training file contains 183.275 different words,
and the test file has 529.117 different words.
The semantic groups that are being managed are
the most frequent in UMLS and are presented in
Table 1, where the percentage of the occurrences in
the training file and a brief description of each one
are provided.
Almost half of the semantic groups are not directly
related to biomedicine field. Words pertaining to one
of the three special groups have been removed,
namely: stop words (a list of English stop words like
“of”, “the”, “in”, “and”, etc.), numbers (a word
formed completely by digits, e.g. 21, 000, 9.2, 2'45,
etc.) and letters (a text with one letter, as “a”, “Z”,
etc.). Non-alphanumerical characters have been also
automatically removed.
As the CRF algorithm needs features of the
words in order to predict the category of each one of
them, we discussed and decided which features are
the most interesting according to the set of words
present in the UMLS. The features should be able to
discriminate the entities correctly, even on new,
unseen examples (Friedrich et al., 2006):
POS (part-of-speech) tagging. It is the process
of marking up a word in a text as corresponding
to a particular part of speech, based on both its
definition, as well as its context, for example,
relationship with adjacent and related words in a
sentence or a paragraph. POS tagging is used in
the identification of words as nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, etc. OpenNLP has been
used to obtain POS tag annotations (OpenNLP,
Chunking label. A common tagging format,
IOB format, for tagging tokens in a chunking
task in computational linguistics, indicating the
beginning and ending of a chunk. OpenNLP has
been used to obtain the chunking labels
(OpenNLP, 2010).
Prefix. A prefix is an affix placed before the
stem of a word. A list of English prefixes
related to the biomedicine field has been used to
detect prefixes in words, for example carcino-,
gastro-, immuno-, etc. We assume that words
sharing the same prefix are likely to bring
similar semantics.
Suffix. A suffix is an affix placed after the stem
of a word. A list of English suffixes related to
the biomedicine field has been used to detect
suffixes in words, for example -kinesis, -lepsia,
-malacia, -derma, etc. Again, words sharing the
same suffix are likely to bring similar
Number. This feature can take two values:
HASNUMBER or NONUMBER, the first one
is set when the word contains a digit and the
second one, if not. Having or not digits in words
gives clues about the category of the word,
which are likely to be CHEM or GNPT, for
Semantic type. One of the subgroups of the
groups that we have presented, which
correspond to the STYs of UMLS. If the first
method had not been able to select one, the
value of this feature will be NOTYPE.
Semantic group. One of the groups that we
have presented. If the first method had not been
able to select one, the value of this feature will
We have used CRFsuite (Okazaki, 2011), an
implementation of Conditional Random Fields
(Lafferty, McCallum and Pereira, 2001) for labeling
sequential data. The software provides fast training
and tagging, simple data format for training and
tagging, performance evaluation on training, etc.
Once configured both training and test files with
the necessary format for CRFsuite and all the
features explained before, the steps for the
evaluation were the following:
1. Creating manually a Gold Standard with
the most frequent words of the test file with
unknown semantic group. Words like
“protein”, “branch”, “oral”, “lower”,
“cervical”, “receptor”, and so on, are used
in the GS for the evaluation of the system.
The GS includes 300 terms manually
2. Training the system and generating the
probabilistic model. The system spends
almost 10 hours training.
3. Tagging the test file using the model
created before. It is very important to
remark that the test file and the train file are
disjoint, as they do not share UMLS entries,
so the test is being done over contexts that
the system had not seen before.
4. Comparing the CRF annotations with the
GS annotations.
In Table 2, the percentages and number of
examples of the most representative semantic groups
in the GS are presented. The representation of each
semantic group follows a similar distribution of the
semantic groups in UMLS.
Once the file test is created with all the concepts
that do not have all the terms annotated, in Table 3,
the percentages of each big group in the file test are
presented: special groups (stop words, numbers and
letters), tagged concepts and no tagged concepts.
Table 2: Percentages of each group in the G.S.
% in G.S. Number of
GNPT 26.66% 80
CHEM 26.33% 79
ANAT 15.66% 47
INDC 14.00% 42
LIVB 12.33% 37
SPAT 8.33% 25
DEVI 6.33% 19
DISO 3.66% 11
OBSV 3.33% 10
PHYS 3.33% 10
PROC 3.00% 9
Table 3: Statistics in test file.
Group Number of
% in test file
Special groups
838.435 13.23%
Tagged 2.816.149 44.45%
No tagged 2.680.631 42.31%
Table 4: Precision for each coverage percentage.
% coverage (over the
44.45% of the test file)
% precision
0% 68.98%
10% 69.16%
20% 70.64%
30% 70.90%
40% 72.64%
50% 74.04%
60% 75.08%
70% 76.13%
80% 76.48%
90% 77.52%
100% 80%
Having the tags of the 44.45% of the test file, we
decided to study the behavior of the CRF depending
on the quantity of annotated words that it is being
provided to it. So finally, 11 executions were made
including different percentages of the tagged words
(44.45% of the test file). As shown in Table 4,
precision increases as the algorithm receives more
information of tagged words, starting in 68.98%,
when no semantic information is provided, to 80%,
when the 44.45% of the test file is tagged.
As words tagged in the test file are randomly
selected, we performed 5 different executions for
each coverage point and calculate the average
precision of these executions (see Tables 4 and 5).
Really interesting results have been found in the
annotated terms that can show us the capability of
the learnt model:
Words as “second”, “cervical”, “middle”,
“forth”, “central, “external” and “nasal” are
tagged as SPAT (anatomic spatial concept).
“Body”, “fasciculus”, radius”, “thyroid” are
tagged as ANAT (anatomical concept).
“eiphosoma”, “petiolaris” and “reptans” are
associated to LIVB (living organisms).
Words like “methylenetetrahydrofolate” and
“adenosyltransferase” are in CHEM (chemical
“neurolysis”, “peristalsis” and “venereal” are
tagged as DISO (disorder).
All plural words were wrongly tagged. We
noticed that a word presented in singular was tagged
with the expected semantic group, but in plural it
was not. Probably, this is happening because plural
words do not appear frequently in the training file,
so the CRF method cannot make a good model to
predict their semantic group. We are working to
handle this problem with different strategies in order
to raise the precision of the system: adding a feature
with the singular form of the word, preprocess the
test file to change all plurals into singulars, etc. If
these approaches do not solve the problem, we will
add a new feature with the root of the word using
more advanced stemming approaches.
Table 5 presents the precision scores by
semantic group and coverage points. For each group
in the rows and for each percentage of coverage
inthe execution, the precision obtained is presented.
As we can see in Tables 4 and 5, the system is
able to recognize different terms and assign them to
a correct group among the semantic groups we are
dealing with high precision.
As expected, the worst results are obtained in
groups with little representation in the training file.
As they almost do not appear, the system cannot
make a good model to predict them. Conversely,
well represented groups like DEVI, OBSV, LIVB
and SPAT, obtain very good results: 100%, 100%,
97.29% and 92%.
We have presented a framework to use CRFs for
tagging concepts in UMLS and then classifying
them into very different and heterogeneous
predefined categories. The obtained results in the
evaluation are encouraging: the global precision
goes from 68.98% to 80% depending on the
percentage of information included in the test file
(from 0% to 100% of tagged words, which are the
44.45% of the test file). The precision of each
semantic group depends on its representation in the
training file. As many times the group appears in the
train file, its results improve, achieving the 100% of
precision in groups like OBSV and DEVI.
We think that results are promising but no
complete comparison with other methods has been
made, so in future work, this kind of study will be
made using, for example, Inductive Logic
Programming or Statistical Relational Learning.
Furthermore, there are many options to try to
improve the results. Another KR, like Babelnet,
could be used to the semantic groups poorly defined
in UMLS. Semantically decomposing and studying
the coherence of the semantic annotations in
concepts semantically related in the KR would be
another interesting task to do.
Regarding the features, our future work will be
concentrated on making a bigger set of features and
automatically studying the results depending on the
features selected. It would give us information about
which features better discriminate between the
semantic groups in the UMLS.
Once we have all the words annotated with their
semantic groups in the UMLS concepts, we will be
able to present the next step: try to infer the semantic
group of the whole concept. We are working on a
Bayesian model that uses the co-occurrence
probabilities of each pair of semantic groups and we
are expecting to obtain interesting results soon.
This work has been partially funded by the
Table 5: Precision by semantic group at different coverage points.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
94.44% 94.44% 94.59% 94.59% 95.13% 97.29% 97.29% 97.29% 97.29% 97.29% 97.29%
63.82% 65.95% 70.21% 71.27% 72.34% 72.34% 72.34% 74.46% 74.46% 74.46% 74.46%
36.36% 38.63% 45.45% 45.45% 54.54% 63.63% 63.63% 63.63% 63.63% 72.72% 72.72%
64.28% 64.28% 64.28% 66.66% 66.66% 69.04% 69.04% 69.04% 69.04% 69.04% 69.04%
84% 84% 88% 88% 92% 92% 92% 92% 92% 92% 92%
20% 20% 20% 20% 40% 40% 50% 60% 80% 80% 100%
22.22% 22.22% 22.22% 44.44% 33.33% 33.33% 33.33% 44.44% 44.44% 55.55% 66.66%
83.75% 82.5% 83.75% 85% 85% 86.25% 86.25% 86.25% 87.5% 90% 88.75%
85.89% 84.21% 86.07% 87.34% 87.34% 88.60% 88.60% 88.60% 89.87% 92.40% 91.13%
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100%
66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66% 66.66%
“Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” with
contract number TIN2011-24147, and the Fundació
Caixa Castelló project P1-1B2010-49. Shahad
Kudama has been supported by Universitat Jaume I
predoctoral grant PREDOC/2011/61.
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