Annotating Cohesive Statements of Anatomical Knowledge Toward
Semi-automated Information Extraction
Kazuo Hara
, Ikumi Suzuki
, Kousaku Okubo
and Isamu Muto
National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
BITS. Co., Ltd., Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Semi-Automated Information Extraction, Cohesive Text, Itemized Text.
Anatomical knowledge written in a textbook is almost completely unreusable computationally, because it is
embedded in a cohesive discourse. In discourse contexts, the frequent use of cohesive ties such as refer-
ence expressions and coordinated phrases not only troubles the function of automated systems (i.e., natural
language parsers) to extract knowledge from the resulting complicated sentences, but also affects the identifi-
cation of mentions of anatomical named entities (NEs). We propose to revamp the prose style of anatomical
textbooks by transforming cohesive discourse into itemized text, which can be accomplished by annotating
reference expressions and coordinating conjunctions. Then, automatically, each anaphor will be replaced by
its antecedent in each reference expression, and the conjoined elements are distributed to sentences duplicated
for each coordinating conjunction connecting phrases. We demonstrate that, compared to the original text,
the transformed one is easy for machines to process and hence convenient as a way of identifying mentions
of anatomical NEs and their relations. Since the transformed text is human readable as well, we believe our
approach provides a promising new model for language resources accessible by both human and machine,
improving the computational reusability of textbooks.
Scientific textbooks are language resources in which
the knowledge continually being accumulated by hu-
mankind is presented to readers in order to elucidate
the nature of the universe. Compared to genres of text
such as news or weblogs, which have commonly been
exploited by natural language processing researchers,
the density of valuable knowledge in textbooks is ac-
tually considerably higher, because they are a vehi-
cle for the overview of consensus knowledge care-
fully ascertained by the scientific community, packed
tightly sentence by sentence. For instance, anatomi-
cal textbooks, which we will focus on here, describe
the structures of the human body, the composition
of individual tissues, and the relations between them.
Such anatomical knowledge is fundamental for good
health care, in that medical activities such as diagno-
sis, intervention, and prognosis aim to cure structures
or tissues of the human body from ailments; hence,
detailed knowledge of those structures is needed.
However, these concentrated accumulations of
knowledge are at present almost totally unreusable
computationally. In particular, they are not suited
to automatic processing for semantic searching and
reasoning. This is because the knowledge in a text-
book is embedded in a cohesive discourse. In other
words, a textbook does not comprise a collection of
separate pieces of knowledge like subject–predicate
object triples in a resource description framework
(RDF), which are employed in Linked Open Data
(LOD) or knowledge bases such as FreeBase and DB-
Pedia. Instead, what we do with a textbook is just read
and understand it in our mind.
Thus, it seems that isolating individual pieces of
knowledge from anatomical textbooks should be use-
ful. However, this is not a straightforward process,
because description is highly cohesive. As a result of
the exigency to reduce redundancy using cohesive ties
(that is, reference expressions, coordinated phrases),
most statements in a given context depend on each
other, and often do not make sense without reference
to each other. In fact, it has been reported that cohe-
sive ties are frequently used in scientific texts (Sch¨afer
et al., 2012). This is likely because it is thought that
the coherence yielded by the ties increases the quality
of the text (Witte and Faigley, 1981).
In order to overcome difficulties arising from the
Hara K., Suzuki I., Okubo K. and Muto I..
Annotating Cohesive Statements of Anatomical Knowledge Toward Semi-automated Information Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0005132303420347
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 342-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The sclera has received its name from its extreme density and hardness; it is a firm, unyielding
membrane, serving to maintain the form of the bulb. It is much thicker behind than in front;
the thickness of its posterior part is 1 mm. Its external surface is of white color, and is in
contact with the inner surface of the fascia of the bulb; it is quite smooth, except at the points
where the Recti and Obliqui are inserted into it; its anterior part is covered by the conjunctival
membrane. Its inner surface is brown in color and marked by grooves, in which the ciliary nerves
and vessels are lodged; it is separated from the outer surface of the choroid by an extensive lymph
space (spatium perichorioideale) which is traversed by an exceedingly fine cellular tissue, the
lamina suprachorioidea.
(a) A passage about “The Tunics of the Eye” in Henry Gray’s anatomical textbook (Gray, 1918)
The sclera has received its name from its extreme density and hardness;
The sclera is a firm, unyielding membrane,
The sclera is serving to maintain the form of the bulb.
The sclera is much thicker behind than in front;
the thickness of The sclera’s posterior part is 1 mm.
The sclera’s external surface is of white color,
The sclera’s external surface is in contact with the inner surface of the fascia of the bulb;
The sclera’s external surface is quite smooth, except at the points where the Recti and Obliqui
are inserted into The sclera;
The sclera’s anterior part is covered by the conjunctival membrane.
The sclera’s inner surface is brown in color
The sclera’s inner surface is marked by grooves, in which the ciliary nerves and vessels are
The sclera’s inner surface is separated from the outer surface of the choroid by an extensive
lymph space (spatium perichorioideale)
spatium perichorioideale is traversed by the lamina suprachorioidea.
the lamina suprachorioidea is an exceedingly fine cellular tissue
(b) Itemized text
Figure 1: We propose to change the prose style of anatomical textbooks, by semi-automatically transforming (a) cohesive text
into (b) itemized text, for subsequent information extraction.
interdependence of statements in cohesive text , we
propose to change the prose style of anatomical text-
books by semi-automatically transforming cohesive
discourse into itemized text a set of independent
statements like the one illustrated in Figure 1(b), ob-
tained by annotating reference expressions and coor-
dinating conjunctions so as to decompose their cohe-
We then validate the utility of the transformed text
for the identification of anatomical NEs and their re-
lations, verifying the assumption that textual cohe-
sion is a major obstacle to accessing the valuable
knowledge in textbooks by means other than reading.
Specifically, we show that, compared to the original
texts, transformed ones are easier to process by ma-
chine and hence serve as a convenient way of iden-
tifying mentions of anatomical NEs as well as their
relations, specifically triple subject–predicate–object
relations. Since transformed text is human readable as
well, we propose a new model of language resources
accessible by both human and machine, improving
the computational reusability of anatomical textbooks
at less cost to the human reader.
Over the past few decades and increasingly in re-
cent years, a vast amount of research has been pub-
lished on information extraction (IE) from unstruc-
tured text. A series of Message Understanding Con-
ferences (MUCs) beginning in the 1980s has given fo-
cus to this research. IE researchers have been aiming
in particular to extract structural information on re-
lations between entities, for example to identify per-
petrator, instrument, and target in an incident of ter-
rorism (MUC-4, 1992); successful results have been
reported in many domains, including opinion mining
(Abe et al., 2011) and Influenza detection (Aramaki
et al., 2011). More recently, the traditional IE ap-
proach, which pre-specifies relations in the domain in
question, has given way to a new paradigm that aims
to extract arbitrary, open-domain relations in order to
scale to the size of the web for covering a large di-
versity of relations (Etzioni et al., 2008; Riedel et al.,
2013), or to generate LOD for the semantic web (Au-
genstein et al., 2012). However, both traditional and
new IE approaches focus on extracting relations from
news or weblog text, which are considered less cohe-
sive (and hence easier to read) than scientific texts.
To our knowledge, however, no study has reported
IE results from highly cohesive texts like anatomical
textbooks. The objective of this paper is not to ap-
ply standard IE methodologies to cohesive text, but to
demonstrate the effect of cohesion decomposition on
IE using anatomical textbooks.
Nevertheless, the set of itemized statements that
we transform from out of the textbooks can be con-
sidered to constitute a corpus annotated for future au-
tomation of anaphora resolution and coordination dis-
ambiguation. There are, in fact, already many pub-
licly available corpora annotated for anaphora (see
(Ng, 2010)), and a few for coordination such as GE-
NIA (Kim et al., 2003). However these corpora were
constructed mainly in order to compile training data
for supervised machine learning. To our knowledge,
no previous research on corpus annotation has investi-
gated the effects of anaphora resolution and coordina-
tion disambiguation on the identification of complex
NEs like anatomical terms and of their relations.
3.1 Complicated Mentions of
Anatomical Named Entities
Many anatomical named entities (NEs) comprise
multiple words. For example, in FMA (The Founda-
tional Model of Anatomy) (Rosse and Mejino, 2008),
a reference ontology in the domain of anatomy, the
average number of words that an NE consists of is 6.2
over the total number of 78977 terms.
Thus, mentions of anatomical NEs tend to take
the form of long noun phrases consisting of a proper
noun and its modifiers, such as prepositional phrases
and adjectives. Owing to this, the identification of
anatomical NEs is adversely affected by cohesive ties.
Because it is tedious for human writers to repeat long
terms such as anatomical NEs and for human readers
to read them, they are likely to be replaced by refer-
ence expressions upon mentions after the first. For ex-
For example, the percentage of sentences that contain
coordinating conjunction (such as and and or”), tagged
as “CC,” is 44.9% for news texts in the Wall Street Journal
part of the Penn Treebank (Marcus et al., 1993), but 58.8%
for biomedical articles in the GENIA corpus (Kim et al.,
2003), although average sentence length is almost the same
in these corpora (23.9 words for the Penn Treebank and 23.4
words for GENIA).
One reason for this is that anatomical NEs likely con-
tain prepositional phrases. For instance, the percentage of
terms in FMA that contain the preposition “of” is 78.3%.
ample, if the lateral sulcus was previously mentioned,
an anatomical NE consisting of six words,
anterior horizontal limb of the lateral sulcus
might often be given as
anterior horizontal limb of the sulcus,
where lateral sulcus is replaced with its anaphor the
sulcus. The resulting term will no longer be identifi-
able by dictionary look-up.
Moreover, when two NEs share words, like
anterior horizontal limb of lateral sulcus and
anterior ascending limb of lateral sulcus,
a coordinating conjunction may be used to reduce re-
dundancy, as for instance
anterior horizontal and ascending limbs of
lateral sulcus.
As indicated above, this manner of writing anatomical
terms prevents the identification of mentions of these
NEs by exact-match look-up in the dictionary.
3.2 Complicated Sentences
In anatomical textbooks, cohesive ties not only occur
frequently but also make up complex reference chains
and nested coordinations. For example, the two
anaphors (bolded) in the next sentence are chained:
The thalami are two large ovoid masses. The ante-
rior extremity is narrow. It lies close to the middle
line... (Gray, 1918)
Because It refers to The anterior extremity and The
anterior extremity refers to The anterior extremity of
the thalami,
by summing up the two effects, we see
that It actually refers to The anterior extremity of the
Another example is the following sentence con-
taining two coordinated phrases, induced by conjunc-
tion and, that are nested:
The posterior extremity is expanded, is directed
backward and lateralward, and overlaps the supe-
rior colliculus. (Gray, 1918)
Nested coordination makes a sentence more complex
and longer, and thus more difficult to parse (Hara
et al., 2009). This causes a problem, namely the
identification of relations as subject–predicate–object
structures on the basis of erroneous parser outputs.
In Figure 2, instead of considering that The anterior
extremity refers to The anterior extremity of the thalami,
we suppose for convenience that The refers possessively to
Figure 2: A web GUI we developed for the annotation of reference expressions and coordinating conjunctions. The first and
second columns denote sentence IDs and original texts. The third column, which is empty at the beginning, shows annotations
added by a worker. The fourth column shows texts transformed according to the annotations.
We now transform an anatomical textbook into item-
ized text; then, we validate the utility of the trans-
formed text for the identification of anatomical NEs
and their relations.
We use Anatomy of the Human Body”, a textbook
written by Henry Gray (Gray, 1918). We select this
textbook because although the anatomical knowledge
presented in it was mostly established in earlier days
and is now in the public domain, removing licensing
issues, it is nevertheless mostly current.
Gray’s textbook comprehensively describes the
morphological features of and relations among hu-
man body parts, such as the bones, muscles, nerves,
and so on. We focused on the “Fore-brain or Prosen-
cephalon section,
which describes the most compli-
cated structure in the human body.
We split the text manually and obtained 787 test
sentences. The percentage of sentences that contain
coordinating conjunction and is 56.8%, and aver-
age sentence length is 23.2 words.
4.1 Semi-automated Itemization
4.1.1 Manual Annotation.
Using the web GUI shown in Figure 2, Gray’s text
is annotated to allow the decomposition of the co-
hesion induced by reference expressions and coordi-
nated conjunctions. Annotations are done by a worker
using a computer mouse to select from the origi-
nal texts two or more sequences of words (e.g., an
anaphor and its antecedent, or a coordinating conjunc-
tion and its conjoined elements) and link them with a
label, according to the two tasks below:
Anaphora Resolution. For each anaphor (whether
an anaphoric pronoun or an anaphoric noun phrase)
in the original texts, select its antecedent, and connect
anaphor and antecedent with a label “REFERS TO.
In the GUI, this annotation is denoted as
anaphor REFERS TO antecedent.
Note that for indirect anaphora in which a possessive
pronoun or anaphoric determiner is involved, a dif-
ferent label is selected, “REFERS POSSESSIVELY
The Thalami are two large ovoid masses.
Thalami's anterior extremity is narrow.
Thalami's anterior extremity lies close to the middle line.
Thalami's anterior extremity forms the posterior boundary of the interventricular foramen.
Thalami's posterior extremity is expanded.
Thalami's posterior extremity is directed backward.
Thalami's posterior extremity is directed lateralward.
Thalami's posterior extremity overlaps the superior colliculus.
(a) Transformed text
< Thalami's anterior extremity, form, posterior boundary of interventricular foramen >
< Thalami's posterior extremity,
overlap, superior colliculus >
(b) Relations (<subject, predicate, object>) extracted from transformed text
Figure 3: Example of relation extraction from transformed texts (using the same texts as in Figure 2.)
Coordination Disambiguation. For each occur-
rence of a coordinating conjunctions such as and, find
a series of elements (verbal phrases) that are con-
joined by the conjunction, and mark the whole with
a label “CONJOINS. In the GUI, the annotation is
denoted as
coordinating conjunction CONJOINS a series
of elements.
Across the 787 test sentences, we attached 507
SIVELY TO” labels, and 783 “CONJOINS” labels.
4.1.2 Transformation
When text is annotated, transformation of the origi-
nal text can be performed automatically according to
the annotation. With reference to the “REFERS TO”
labels, original texts are transformed by replacing the
anaphors with their (possibly chained) antecedents (or
with an apostrophe plus the letter s for the “REFERS
POSSESSIVELY TO” labels). For an original sen-
tence to which was attached a “CONJOINS” label,
the sentence are duplicated and each of the conjoined
elements is distributed. For example, the third and
fourth sentences in Figure 3(a) are generated by dupli-
cating the third sentence of the original text in Figure
2, which contains one coordinated phrase.
Ultimately, we transformed the original 787 sen-
tences into a set of itemized statements constituting
1871 context-independent sentences.
4.2 Information Extraction
Now we compare the original and the transformed
text with respect to the results for the identification
of mentions of anatomical NEs and their subsequent
relation extraction.
Table 1: The number of mentions of anatomical NEs iden-
tified from 787 test sentences, before (= original text) and
after (= transformed text) decomposing cohesion.
# anatomical NEs diff.
Original text 1641
Transformed text
2194 +553
Mention Identification. To identify the anatomical
NEs mentioned in the text, we looked them up in
a reference ontology of anatomy (Rosse and
Mejino, 2008). Table 1 shows the number of identi-
fied mentions of anatomical NEs, and indicates that
this number was increased by the decomposition of
This is partly because the 15 anatomical
NEs listed in Table 2 in the transformed text that are
missing in the original text are discovered by dictio-
nary look-up.
Relation Extraction. Next, we employed Enju,
state-of-the-art natural language parser, and applied it
to the text. Specifically, we parsed the original and
the transformed text, and from among the subject–
predicate–object structures output by Enju, we picked
up those that contained anatomical NEs (identified
by the previous process of mention identification) in
both the subject and the object. Table 3 shows the re-
sult. The number of extracted relations, as well as the
number of those that were anatomically correct,
greatly increased by transformation. For example, we
We do not count duplicate mentions of NEson the basis
of the “CONJOINS” labels.
The correctness was judged by a medical doctor.
Table 2: Anatomical NEs that are missing in the original
text but are discovered in the transformed text by dictionary
FMA ID Anatomical Term Name
50087 Anterior choroidal artery
Calcarine artery
Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
Roof of internal nose
Anterior forceps of corpus callosum
Lateral orbital gyrus
Medial longitudinal stria
Anterior ascending limb of lateral sulcus
Anterior horizontal limb of lateral sulcus
Posterior ascending limb of lateral sulcus
Apical part of cell
Lateral surface of cerebral hemisphere
Basal surface of cerebral hemisphere
Medial surface of cerebral hemisphere
Tentorial surface of cerebral hemisphere
Table 3: The number of relations (subject–predicate–object
triples that contain anatomical NEs in both subject and ob-
ject) extracted from 787 test sentences, and the number of
those that were anatomically correct, before (= original text)
and after (= transformed text) decomposing cohesion.
# triples # correct
Original text 70 45
Transformed text 366 310
can extract the relations shown in Figure 3(b) from
the transformed texts, but not from the original ones.
In this paper, we proposed to transform the prose style
of anatomical textbooks by annotating reference ex-
pressions and coordinating conjunctions. We then
validated the utility of the transformed text for the
identification of anatomical NEs and their relations,
and verified that the cohesiveness of the text is one
of the major obstacles preventing us from accessing
knowledge in textbooks by methods other than read-
Since the transformed text is human readable as
well, the proposed style has potential to serve as a
new-model language resource that is accessible by
both human and machine, promising to improve the
computational reusability of anatomy textbooks. We
also believe the proposed method to be applicable to
texts in domains other than anatomy, as long as they
mainly consist of factual explanation of structures, for
instance natural or artificial geographical and geolog-
ical features.
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