Information Flow Modeling. A Tool to Support the Integrated
Management of Information and Knowledge
Carlos Alberto Malcher Bastos, Monica Rodrigues Moreira, Ana Cristina Martins Bruno,
Sérgio Mecena Filho and José Rodrigues de Farias Filho
Fluminense Federal University, Rua Passo da Pátria 156 Bloco E Sala 502-B São Domingos,
Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Information Management, Knowledge Management, Information Asset, Organizational Model.
Abstract: This paper discusses the importance of information flows in information management context and presents
methodological aspects and a summary of information flow modeling results, part of Knowledge and
Information Management Model (KIMM), a proposal developed and applied in the regulatory agency for
land transport sector in Brazil. In order to achieve proposed objectives, this paper presents a brief
background of KIMM project and the concepts and definitions formalization used such as: information
assets, information flows and information life cycle. Aspects such as the characteristics of good information
aligned to organizational characterization were also considered in the concepts and definitions section and
how it was applied in information flow methodology modeling. The results indicated that the information
flows are an important diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the organizational information management
status and the basis for the proposition of other models such as knowledge management.
Due to the growing use and the easy access to
information and communication technologies,
information volume produced in any type of
organization has increased substantially in quantity
and complexity. In this scenario, organizational
information and knowledge management have
become essential in the organizational management
model, especially in public organizations, in which
information transparency has been increasingly a
significant requirement. For any type of organization
information has become important raw material for
the activities and tasks development, and knowledge
represents a valuable asset that, being intangible, is
difficult to measure and manage (Davenport, 1998).
The author contends that this management is
valuable because the information that gave rise to
knowledge was interpreted and increased by
meaning from interference of the environment and
the people who manipulated it, adding wisdom to it.
In this regard, it is noted that the information
management is one of the concerns and challenges
that are present in scientific literature in many
knowledge fields.
Well-known authors who address information
management issue, such as McGee and Prusak
(1994), Marchiori (2002) and Choo (2002) refer to
information management as a set of processes that
identify information needs, collect and create,
classify, store, treat, provide and use information.
This work, however, allied this information
management concept with recommendations by
information science and defined by the Institute of
Information Scientists (2001), that clarifies that the
information management consists of routines and
procedures for the creation, identification,
collection, validation, representation, retrieval and
use of information and has taken the following steps:
collection, validation, processing, storage, retrieval,
distribution and dissemination as procedures and
routines for managing organizational information,
which is understood as information life cycle.
Choo (2006) claims that, an organization that
uses information strategically, does it in order to
create "knowledge organization". The organizational
information contains multiple meanings resulting
from individuals or groups cognitive and emotional
interpretations that process it in everyday life. Thus,
the information management needs to create
Alberto Malcher Bastos C., Rodrigues Moreira M., Cristina Martins Bruno A., Mecena Filho S. and Rodrigues de Farias Filho J..
Information Flow Modeling. A Tool to Support the Integrated Management of Information and Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0005135600760086
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 76-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
information structures and processes that are flexible
and permeable. The major challenge in information
management in organizations is to clearly define the
role of information in processes management. Hence
information management implies in mapping their
flows, define what information is valuable and to
check how it processes information quality.
For Rezende and Abreu (2006) managers cannot
ignore how the organization uses the information,
what are their main information flows, what are the
information needs for each hierarchical level and
managers competence to administer informational
resources. For these authors, the use and information
management concept encourage decisions, solutions
and customers satisfaction (external and internal).
In this sense, it was proposed a project to
develop a knowledge and information management
model (KIMM) to a regulatory agency in Brazil,
where one of its phases is the identification and
mapping of information flows in the context of
information management.
KIMM starts from the premise that knowledge
can be generated from structured information and
thus, presents a modeling approach focused on an
organization's information assets. From the
information flows models of each information asset,
it is possible to acknowledge the organization work
routine, workflow, and provide knowledge and skills
that are required to manipulate information assets.
By means of the proposed models, it is also possible
to know organization business requirements from
where system requirements can be derived for
information systems development, and also an
ontology conceptual model and glossary of terms
inherent to the field of the organization studied.
(Bastos et al., 2011; Rezende et al., 2013, 2012).
The objective of this paper is to present and
discuss the information flow modeling, a part of a
wider research project, conducted in technical
cooperation with the Brazilian National
Transportation Agency that aims to develop an
integrated model of knowledge and information
management (KIMM). The information flow model
is the used basis for the generation of knowledge
management models.
Information flow modeling, used in KIMM
project has its foundation in the information life
cycle and is oriented by information assets, having
as guiding principles the characteristics of good
information according to the operation model of
each organizational unit mapped in the Agency. The
flow models constitute fundamental tools to reveal
the informational treatment of an organization's
information assets and the operation of its
organizational units (departments or divisions), and
that is its main contribution.
The paper is organized as follows: Besides this
introduction, the first section briefly describes
KIMM. The second presents important concepts and
definitions for information and knowledge field and
an approach about information assets, the core of
KIMM project. In the third section, methodological
aspects of information flow modeling are presented
and how modeling was developed in the studied
organization. A results summary and the benefits to
the organization are also presented. The fourth
section presents a conclusion from the results
analysis obtained from information flow modeling,
bringing indicative for KIMM improvement and
continuity in the organization.
1.1 KIMM
The methodology applied in KIMM project includes
the organization study through five multidisciplinary
teams in five interactions and an interaction among
internal teams, called integration meeting. The
purpose of this meeting is to consolidate and
integrate models generated through individual
interactions of each team resulting in a holistic view.
Each interaction with the organization is led by
one of the specialized teams and, from the
information gathered, their specific models are
produced. The five interactions are supported by
distinct areas of knowledge, namely: land transport,
information flow, business requirements, knowledge
management and ontology.
The transport team interaction aims to identify
the information assets of the organizational units
resulting in a list of information assets and its main
features. Other products of this step include a list of
references, research and benchmarking process
results, best practices related to main business of
each organizational unit in the land transport field.
The information flow team interaction is the
target object of this paper and is explained in detail
in the following section.
The business requirements team has as main
product business use cases models that are derived
from business global information model. The models
in the business requirements area are built taking
into account the information flow.
The knowledge management team has as its
main objective the study of knowledge, skills and
professional related to information assets.
Information flows are a prerequisite for knowledge
models generation and there is a strong dependency
between KM Models and information flow map. For
building KM model, formal models are produced:
A knowledge model based on mapping skills,
knowledge and professionals, related to IAs
processing. Knowledge models identify the
forms of knowledge construction and
mobilization skills by professionals, relevant
to business processes and information flow.
KM Model map and represent knowledge/
skills/professionals (Bastos et al, 2011;
Rezende et al, 2012), analyze knowledge flow,
the steps of collecting and mobilizing
knowledge to generate innovation (Sabbag,
2007) and the processes of knowledge
conversion (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995),
supporting the construction of an architecture
and propose tools and practices that may
support KM in the organization.
The workflow construction of the current
situation, detailing the procedures used by
employees to conduct activities in the IAs
processing, enables a better understanding of
the functioning of the organization. We can
identify gaps in knowledge flow, associated to
the steps of capturing, mobilization and
innovation, and the processes of knowledge
conversion (Bastos et al., 2011, 2013;
Rezende et al., 2012, Rezende et al.,2013).
A Knowledge Tree that allows visualize in a
hierarchical way all knowledge identified,
showing all expertise that can be shared (Lévy
and Authier, 1995).
Ontology team has as main products
organizational terms glossary and ontology
conceptual model that formalizes the relationship
between terms and serves as input for the
development of ontology based systems.
At the end of information survey and specific
models construction, the consolidation and
integration of these models are performed and as a
product of this integration, five iterative and
integrated models are produced: information assets
model, information flow model, business use cases
model and information architecture, knowledge /
competence/ professional mapping and ontology
conceptual model.
2.1 Information Assets
In this work, to understand the generated models and
the logic of its construction and how to manage them
and keep them is essential to understand information
assets concept and how it is used in KIMM project.
For Oppenheim, Stenson and Wilson (2003),
tacit knowledge cannot be formally communicated;
and explicit knowledge is actually information.
Thus, knowledge assets should also be considered as
information assets. According to Carlucci e Schiuma
(2007), knowledge assets are the employees skills
and expertise, the organization culture and image
and authors also add that companies that are able to
continuously develop their knowledge assets tend to
be successful.
The information asset definition adopted by the
KIMM project follows the definition presented by
Higgins, Hebblethwaite and Chapman (2006), from
Queensland Government, Australia, that describes
the information assets as a set of identifiable data
stored somehow, and recognized as having value to
the organization, allowing the execution of their
business functions, satisfying the acknowledged one
or more of your business requirements. Several
authors agree that information asset is a set of data
and that has potential value to the organization.
(Caralli et al, 2010; Higgins; Hebblethwaite;
Chapman, 2006; Oppenheim; Stenson; Wilson,
2003; Davenport; Prusak, 1998; KPMG/IMPACT,
1994). An information asset is well organized
information that has value, so it should be easily
accessible to those who need it. (IAD, 2012).
Develop an information asset requires the
definition of the issues to be solved: the
identification of the necessary information, the
information capture through documented processes
and the building of a structure to allow easy access
to those groups that benefit from the information.
This is the information life cycle logic.
Aligned to literature on the subject, in KIMM the
information assets are materialized by information
flows, which were built in the light of the
information life cycle. This means that the processes
of collection, validation, processing, storage and
retrieval, distribution and dissemination and use of
information can be properly formalized as the stages
of the information life cycle represented in flows.
Each information asset has a specific purpose
and is strategically positioned within the institution
organizational structure, so that the established
information assets architecture form an umbrella
layer that includes data, information and explicit
knowledge, that can be structured, communicated
and transferred according to need of each
hierarchical level, agreeing with several authors idea
(KPMG/IMPACT, 1994; Davenport; Prusak, 1998).
2.2 Information Flows and Information
Life Cycle
Information flow definitions, according to Barreto
(1998), Jacoski (2005) and Altíssimo (2009)
converge on three points: _ subsidies to decision-
making processes, organizational diagnosis
facilitation and improvement opportunities. For
Barreto (1998), information flow corresponds to a
sequence of events from the information generation
by the issuer until its uptake / assimilation / uptake
receptor, generating individual and collective
knowledge, supporting the decision making. Jacoski
(2005) says that information flow is the integrating
element of supply chains that are precarious,
originates failures enabling organizational diagnosis
in the light of information management. Altíssimo
(2009) says that information flow is an information
process disseminator that mediates communication
favoring continuous improvement initiatives.
Valentim (2010) says that organizations have
different informational environments, consisting of
information flows that permeate all activities, tasks,
decision-making, that is, the action of the individual
in the workplace. In this sense, information flows
constitute fundamental elements of information
environments, so that there isn´t an information
environment without the existence of information
flows and vice versa.
In KIMM project, one of the essential purposes
of information flows is to equip managers with
fundamental inputs to decision-making process,
since flows comprise information assets which are
considered strategic organizational information
The absence of a policy on information
management makes information flows that cross the
organizational environment occur without a
direction, wasting relevant information to the
generation and dissemination of organizational
knowledge. It would also contribute to the increase
in operating costs, hindering communication and
interaction between individuals and organizational
units, hampering understanding of the strategic role
of information and scope of institutional goals.
(Greef, AC, Freitas, M. C. D, 2012)
Some authors cite some adversity, regarding the
absence of information management, which can
compromise the performance and achievement of
the objectives of the organizations:
a) Redundancy of information and consequent
increased cost of development; inconsistency of
information obtained from various sources;
fragmentation of information communicated
between organizational units (Beal, 2008);
b) Communication barriers, decreasing their
efficiency in order to increase the effort to fulfill
the mission and make real use of the information;
difficulty in accepting risks associated with new
ways to make the information flow in the
environment; attempts to increase the flow of
information that impair their objectivity ideal
(Freire, 2006);
c) Disruption of flow and resulting inefficiency
(Le Coadic 1996 apud Altissimo, 2009); and
d) Disqualified and disordered information; poor
distribution of tasks between employees
(Canova; Picchi, 2009).
As recommended in several models of
information management, in general, information
management consists of routine and systematic
procedures for the collection, validation, processing,
storage and retrieval, distribution, dissemination and
use of information, which can be understood as the
lifecycle information. (SMIT and Barreto, 2002;
LESCA and ALMEIDA, 1994; Davenport, 1998;
McGee and Prusak, 1994; Beal, 2004). From these
models, the information must be managed through
appropriate organization information flows.
An effective and efficient flow of information
has a multiplier effect with the power of mobilizing
all organizational units turning into a driving force
of organizational development. In this sense, the
improvement of routines and procedures in the light
of the information life cycle has become an
organizational need meeting the challenges posed by
information and knowledge management.
As mentioned above, information life cycle is
characterized by seven steps shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Information Life Cycle
Source: KIMM Project
The collection stage is a set of activities aimed at
obtaining data and information that are translated as
the initial input for the generation or maintenance of
an information asset. For this step, worth questions
are: what I want to get in terms of information?
Where can I, or should I acquire this information?
What search criteria should be used?
The validation step is a set of activities designed
to ensure that the information collected meet
established standards for cycle information. For this
step, the worth questions are: the search criteria were
set correctly? These criteria were followed, that is,
all information obtained meets the criteria? The
format of the information is as expected? The
sources are identified, and are competent to provide
the information?
The treatment step is defined as a set of activities
that embody the transformation of inputs for
generation or maintenance of information asset. For
this step, the worth questions are: partial results are
directed to the end result (waste)? Partial results may
be needed for use / reuse? If so, is being stored for
later retrieval? The regulatory requirements are
being met, regarding the form and content? The
criteria for confidentiality, availability and integrity
are being defined, or are already in the rules that
guide the development of information asset?
An information asset, by definition, must also
exist in digital format, in order to facilitate
subsequent search and retrieval. In this sense, the
step of storage should be concerned with issues such
as: the information security requirements are being
met? The information is being stored in order to be
possible the recovery from parameterized queries?
Those who have interest on information have the
possibility to access it when need?
The recovery stage is the time when the
information asset and data used in its construction,
can be accessed and retrieved according to search
criteria that enable the refinement of information and
re-use for other purposes. In this step, the
assumptions are the same as storage, since they are
interdependent steps.
The distribution stage is the time when
information asset is made available in appropriate
format to be handle, i.e., becomes available for those
interested. For this step, worth asking: what form of
the distribution is appropriate to potential users? The
criteria for confidentiality, availability and integrity
are being met? The information asset is kept up to
date throughout its life?
The dissemination step is the final stage of the
life cycle, in which information asset will fulfill its
goals. For this stage, worth questions are as: are
there controls on the use of information assets
(number of accesses, who accessed, etc...)? The
target audience of information asset is being
reached? Direct dissemination actions were planned,
if deemed necessary?
According Tarapanoff (2001), the stages of the
life cycle of information provide the structure to
support the growth and development of an intelligent
organization, adapted to new requirements and the
environment in which it lies.
2.3 Characteristics of Good
According to Beal (2004) for the effective
information management it is necessary to constitute
a set of policies that allow access to relevant,
accurate and quality information. This information
must be submitted on time, with appropriate costs
and easy access to stakeholders. This statement
brings up what it says Stair et al (2006) about the
characteristics of good information. According to the
author, the information to be valuable for managers
must possess the following characteristics: accurate,
complete, economical, flexible, reliable, relevant,
simple, and verifiable in time, which is consistent
with a study by Beverly K. Kahn Diane M. Strong,
and Richard Y (2002) that describes the dimensions
of information quality.
Analyzing table 1, it is possible to relate the
characteristics of good information on the stages of
the life cycle of information.
For example, accurate information is the result of
the actions of the treatment phase, because the
inaccuracy can be generated by the entry of incorrect
data in the transformation process, while reliable
information is directly related to the method of
collection, i.e., its source of origin. It is important to
identify the sources of origin to guarantee the
reliability and authenticity of the information
collected. In turn, the time information is dependent
on the methods and tools related to the stages of
storage and retrieval so that information is available
when needed and in an appropriate format. For
validation step, the issues of format, integrity and
compliance with legal and regulatory (compliance)
precepts must be verified and confirmed. To
distribution step important considerations are
confidentiality, availability and integrity of
information processed in previous steps as the
collection, storage, retrieval and distribution.
The lack of quality information in an
organization can provide social and business
impacts, and should be diagnosed, and efforts should
Table 1: Dimensions of quality information in accordance to Beverly et al (2002).
The extent to which information is available, or easily and quickly retrievable.
Appropriate Amount of
The extent to which the volume of information is appropriate for the task at hand.
Believability The extent to which information is regarded as true and credible.
Completeness The extent to which information is not missing and is of sufficient breadth and depth
for the task at hand.
Concise Representation The extent to which information is compactly represented.
Consistent Representation The extent to which information is presented in the same format.
Easy of manipulation The extent of which information is easy to manipulate and apply to different task.
Free-of-error The extent of which information is correct and reliable.
Interpretability The extent of which information is in appropriate languages, symbols, and units, and
the definitions are clear.
Objectivity The extent of which information is unbiased, unprejudiced, and impartial.
Relevancy The extent of which information is applicable and helpful for the task at hand.
Reputation The extent of which information is highly regarded in terms of its source or content.
Security The extent of which information access to information is restricted appropriately to
maintain its security.
Timeliness The extent of which information is sufficiently up-to-date for the task at hand.
Understandability The extent of which information is easily comprehended.
Value-added The extent of which information is beneficial and provides advantages from its use.
be directed towards its solution. Information with
multiple sources, use of subjective judgments,
systematic errors in the production of information
beyond storage lot is some of the factors that
influence the quality of information (Strong, Lee,
Wang, 1997).
As a mechanism to mitigate the impacts of the
lack of quality information, the information flow
modeling made use of analysis of information assets
in the light of the life cycle of information that
resulted in a set of propositions for improvements in
order to cover the gaps identified at each stage of the
life cycle of information.
Information management in a public organization
must be supported by the vision, mission and
institutional values, which should be aligned to the
principles of public administration. The policies for
information management should have as premises
the future vision of the top management, the
institutional objectives expressed in regulations and
also its strategic goals defined in the strategic plans
of the organization. They should also provide quality
information to promote assertive decisions resulting
in services that meet efficiently the needs of citizens,
achieve public confidence and eliminate the waste of
resources. For this purpose (providing quality
information) that KIMM was planned.
The proposed model was constructed in the light
of an organization's information assets, and
considering aspects of organizational structure and
mode of operation of the regulatory agency.
In this sense, capturing the organizational model
should be directed towards the identification of the
information model, enabling the development and
construction of internal architectures (from the
perspective of systemic thinking from Zachman,
1997) that support organization, management and
technology (under the contingency perspective of
Laudon and Laudon, 2000).
Duties and responsibilities of an organization
are, in a sense, distributed by virtue of its
organizational structure, which directly impacts the
communication processes and management of
organizational information. The processing and
generation of information from the perspective of
information management have to minimize
asymmetries, ambiguities and redundancies of
information and mitigate the impacts of the
weaknesses of the environment in which the
organization operates, and especially developing
products and services in order to meet its
institutional mission.
KIMM scoped and aligned to what brings
organization theory, the study of organizational
design characterization rests on a set of four
variables that are crucial to them. The first variable
refers to how to structure the organizational units,
information perceived through the preliminary
studies of the organization and documented in an
organizational vision that is input to start the
modeling work of other teams. The second variable
refers to the operation of each organizational unit,
which can be identified through the analysis of
information assets and its purposes in relation to the
organization's business model. The third variable
concerns how resources for products and services
development are applied; this information is visible
in information flows. And the fourth variable refers
to how people are managed in relation to their skills
to meet organizational characteristic, perspective
studied by knowledge management modeling.
3.1 Methodological Aspects of
Modeling Information Flow
As described in 1.1, information flow modeling is
initiated after information assets identification.
Importantly, information assets are identified and
validated together with organization staff. The first
approach to information flow modeling is the
identification of future vision which is understood
during a meeting with organizational unit leaders.
During this meeting longings and desires for a future
in a medium and long term are declared, ignoring
resource constraints. On this occasion information
assets previously collected are restated and
prioritized. This is the main input to understand the
characterization of the organizational unit under
study. Through main information assets it is possible
to know its workings and identify operation model.
Analysis of organizational characterization is done
to identify similarities between models of operating
units, their points of convergence and hence
procedures that could become a performance
standard in the regulatory agency. It is also
important to identify the characteristics of
information assets that are most relevant for each
type of transaction identified.
After identify future vision and organizational
characterization, the second approach is mapping
information flows for each information asset. For
information flows generation, meetings with actors
directly involved in information assets are carried
out. In addition to meetings, methodology includes
document analysis, to study key documents used and
produced by organizational unit beyond the
regulations governing organization duties. Exchange
of information among project teams is an important
interaction design for leveling the understanding and
knowledge about organizational unit under study.
For modeling and representation of information
flows and other models, it was adopted Enterprise
Architect ( as a
tool, using UML language and adopting stereotypes
developed specifically for the project.
Mapping of information flows has two moments:
one to understand the current situation of the
information flow and other representing the desired
situation considering the future vision and the
elimination of problems and deficiencies found.
Flows in current situation information contain
three essential parts while flows of desired situation
contain four parts, as shown in Figure 2.
The first part represents information life cycle
and explains how information is produced, showing
resources that are being consumed and products
generated for information asset. Information life
cycle is illustrated by the hexagons in the center of
the model. They are colorful and also identified by
numbers and that is associated with a stage of life
cycle, as can be seen in figure label. The second part
identifies actors and workers, stereotype developed
for the project, which interact directly with
manipulation of information depicted in the flow. It
allows clarify which actors can manipulate the flow
and the role played by each one. The third part
represents the inputs used for the information
handling throughout the construction of information
asset and the outputs resulting from the processing
of each stage of the life cycle. All the legal
foundation and documentary are also represented as
an entry in the information flow in this third part.
The fourth part, presented only in models of the
desired situation, represented by rectangles linked by
a dotted line spread over the flow of information,
indicates the propositions of improvement and in
which stage of information life cycle these will
impact directly, if implemented. The rectangles with
a folded corner are present to help the understanding
of the figure. They are not part of the model.
Regarding the stages of information life cycle on
the scope of the project, the collection step
corresponds to actions to collect, acquire and seek
information. The validation includes actions to
verify, compare, analyze, demonstrate and validate
information. The treatment is related to actions as
clean, sort, consolidate, index, build and develop,
that is, the treatment step is where the processing of
information occurs. Storage corresponds to action to
save the information processed in a particular media.
In the recovery step is where the information stored
is reused. The availability of information occurs in
the distribution step and it is necessary to establish
appropriate mechanisms for distribution. On
dissemination step is where spread occurs, in fact,
the rational use of information produced and
Figure 2: Information Flow Model of the Future Situation – Part A - Source: KIMM Project.
processed. This last step is where information asset
fulfills its role in the organization. Dissemination
strategies should take into account the characteristics
of the organizational unit and the quality dimensions
of information relevant to the organizational context
and purpose of information asset.
Figure 2: Information Flow Model of the Future Situation
Part B - Source: KIMM Project.
Among models of the current situation and the
desired situation, a diagnosis in the light of
information management, information flows mapped
in the current situation are analyzed in order to
identify gaps or nonconformities in each step of
information life cycle and under these deficiencies
or nonconformities or gaps, improvements are
proposed and they origin information flows
modeling for desired situation.
In the project, improvements have been
categorized into four thematic classifications:
information management, knowledge management,
people, organization/procedure for information and
knowledge management. In this paper we present
only those referring to information management and
organization/procedure for information management
The main results of the modeling of information
flow are described in the following section.
3.2 Summary of Results Obtained from
the Modeling of Information Flow
Fifteen organizational units were modeled. For each
of them, top management future vision was obtained
and organizational characterization was identified.
Regarding future vision, three concerns were stood
out, according to statements of leaders: need for
information technology solutions, such as business
intelligence tools implementation; automation of
routines and procedures to make faster documentary
proceeding, internal communication and real-time
answers to questions, mainly from other government
agencies; and issues inherent to intelligent
surveillance, aiming organizational efficiency.
Figure 3 shows part results of organizational
characterization analysis of three organizational
units dealing with core activities of the regulatory
body: regulation and monitoring of international and
national road transport of passengers, the railway
infrastructure and road infrastructure. From the
analysis of their information assets were perceived
similarities in their operating models, represented by
three small circles on the figure, which allowed to
define main characteristics of these organizational
units that are responsible for the grants in the agency
and, in this sense, could be characterized as
managing sourcing organizations, as illustrated by
the larger circle in Figure 3. For this type of
organization, free-of-error, completeness, timeliness
and reputation are key information characteristics to
ensuring the quality of information produced. Efforts
should be made to ensure that these dimensions are
present in the treatment of gaps identified in
information life cycle of an information asset.
Complete and error free information is essential
for negotiation and drafting of contracts as well as
time information is important for management and
review of contracts and service levels established in
the concession contracts. Maintaining a good
reputation of the organization through quality
information is essential to the credibility of the
organization. In this sense, the stages of validation,
processing, storage and retrieval of the information
life cycle should include procedures and routines to
ensure the presence of these features on
informational treatment of organizational units’
information assets.
The organizational characteristics, in another
perspective, can be used as an important indicator
for identifying best practices in organizational
knowledge management, appropriate to each
organizational unit and planning personnel training,
and indicative for benchmarking best management
practices. This issue appears as a suggestion for
improvement but has not been fully explored in our
84 information assets were identified and that led
to one hundred and seven current situation
information flows and 105 information flows to the
desired situation. The desired situation flows were
generated from the diagnosis made considering
aspects of cohesion and coupling in connection with
restructuring, which explains the difference in
quantity between the current and desired situations.
Figure 3: Part of organizational characteristics analysis
result - Source: KIMM Project.
The analysis of life cycle through information
flows reveal situations as below, where the values do
not directly represent the data in the agency:
Table 2: Percentage of information assets that do not meet
fully and systematically each step of information life
Collection 10%
Validation 30%
Treatment 20%
Storage 25%
Recovery 30%
Distribution 15%
Dissemination 40%
The analysis of the stages of information life
cycle on each information flow aims to identify lack
of activities and/or systematic procedures that can
ensure compliance, accordingly the objectives of
relevant step. The table, shown in isolation, does not
mean necessarily that the step is not being
considered by organizational unit, but that could be
In the table is shown that for 40% of information
assets no dissemination projected in its information
life cycle activities, this means that there is no
control and monitoring on the use of information
assets (number of access activities, who accessed,
etc...) and identification of the target audience. And
yet, 30% of all information assets do not meet
validation step with fully systematized activities and
so the completeness of information may be
compromised, as there are not always technical and /
or a set of logical- time organized tasks so that the
information collected undergo a validation process
smooth and consistent. The importance of these
results should be analyzed considering the
characteristics of the organizational unit
540 improvements recommendations were listed
in four predetermined categories. For information
management (IM) and organizational/procedures for
IM categories, 411 improvement opportunities were
identified. These two perspectives, automation of
procedures, systems integration, defining storage
activities, implementation of systems based on
ontology are part of the main improvement
recommendations established. Improvements were
made available along with other project results
through reports and those related to information
lifecycle were represented in information flows in
the desired position, to indicate which stage of the
life cycle information would be impacted if they
were implemented. Other improvements were
represented in each specific model.
It was presented the information flow modeling part
of a project to propose a knowledge and information
management model (KIMM), developed for a
Brazilian regulatory agency.
Information Flow Modeling proposed as a part of
the project proved to be an important diagnostic tool
for assessing the state of information management in
organizations and a basis for the proposition of other
models such as knowledge management one.
Life cycle analysis of organization information
assets has clarified several issues of non-compliance
relating to steps.
The representation of flows as they are today and
how they should be in the future along with the
associated improvements facilitate improvements
implementation planning and their impact upon
implementation record.
Assessing the quality of information along with
the organizational characteristics also proved to be
useful tool to help in prioritizing improvements to be
The EA tool was adequate for representation of
flows, allowed to visually record how these flows
occur and all aspects related to modeling them.
An important benefit of modeling information
flow is the information whose production is
continuing in the organization in all levels:
operational, tactical and strategic, though each of
these levels has specific needs and demands
regarding the use and application of the information.
The modeling of information flow showed that,
in most of the stages of the information life cycle,
information assets are not systematically enforced.
This implies that the implementation of KIMM
involves the adoption of new practices for the
collection, validation, processing, storage, retrieval,
distribution and dissemination of information and
mechanisms for the application of knowledge in the
organization. This is a change in organizational
culture and the relative strengths of the cultural
factors that act as facilitators and those that act as
inhibitors will determine the feasibility, robustness
and speed of change in organization.
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