Selecting Ontology Entailments for Presentation to Users
Artemis Parvizi, Chris Mellish, Kees van Deemter, Yuan Ren and Jeff Z. Pan
Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.
Semantic Web, Entailment Selection, System Feedback, Human Computer Interaction.
Presenting entailments of axioms in a formal ontology is a non-trivial task. This position paper argues that the
problem of selecting entailments for presentation to users is not adequately acknowledged or addressed in the
literature or in implemented systems. We analyse the problem and consider some different approaches that
can help to address the problem.
Many tools aim to assist users in creating or modi-
fying ontologies. Most of these tools will at some
point show users certain entailments of the axioms
they have defined; for instance, the new entailments
that follow given the addition of a new axiom. On the
face of it, this might seem a simple matter: a reasoner
is applied to the defined axioms and generates a set
of entailments (perhaps filtering out those that were
already entailed before the last axiom was added) and
these are then presented to the user. This simple situ-
ation could work if the user was developing an ontol-
ogy using only RDFS. But it is well known that, with
any sufficiently expressive logic and when there can
be arbitrary background knowledge, the number of en-
tailments of a set of axioms is infinite. Unfortunately
most families of OWL fall into this class of expressive
For instance, in a variant of the famous pizza
ontology, an ontology author might be interested
in those concepts that subsume PineappleHamPizza
(here abbreviated to PH) after addition of an axiom
defining this concept. If the user is unlucky, the list of
entailments might be presented to her as a list whose
first few items are as follows (mercifully limited to
entailments of the form PH X):
PH (¬VegetarianPizza NamedPizza) (1)
PH (hasBase.ThinAndCrispyBase) (2)
PH (hasBase.(isIngredientO f.Cheesey
Pizza SpicyPizza)) (3)
PH (hasBase.(isIngredientO f.SpicyPizza
Equiv) ThinAndCrispyBase) (4)
PH (hasIngredient.(isToppingOf.Spicy
Pizza) CheeseTopping)) (5)
PH (hasIngredient.(hasSpiciness.Hot)) (6)
PH (hasTopping.(isToppingOf.Named
Pizza SpicyPizzaEquiv)) (7)
PH ( 4.hasTopping) (8)
PH (Pizza NamedPizza) (9)
PH (Pizza Pizza NamedPizza) (10)
PH (¬CheeseTopping) (11)
PH ( 245.hasTopping) (12)
The set of all the entailments of an ontology can be
infinite for two different reasons, giving rise to two
different selection problems:
1. There are infinitely many logically equivalent ver-
sions of any given axiom, especially if one takes
into account the background knowledge of the
ontology at hand. For example, in the above,
Pizza NamedPizza (axiom 9) is equivalent with
PizzaPizzaNamedPizza (axiom 10), therefore
any axiom that uses one can use the other instead.
Which one(s) to present?
2. In the worst case, there are infinitely many log-
ically distinct entailments, which state infinitely
many different things about the world. For in-
stance, if PH (hasBase.X) then also PH
(HasBase.(X Y)) for every possible class Y.
Which of these will interest the user?
The first of these problems is known in the Computa-
tional Linguistics literature as the “problem of logical
equivalence” (Appelt, 1987).
The fact that the number of entailments is infinite
means that an interface supporting ontology develop-
ment in OWL has to make a selection from the infi-
Parvizi A., Mellish C., van Deemter K., Ren Y. and Z. Pan J..
Selecting Ontology Entailments for Presentation to Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0005136203820387
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2014), pages 382-387
ISBN: 978-989-758-049-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nite set
More precisely, given that no reasoner will
deliver the infinite set, the interface needs to select
by making focussed requests to the reasoner and then
perhaps selecting from the results. The challenge, in
our view, is to select those axioms that the user is
most interested in, and which give the user the best
understanding of the total set of entailments; addition-
ally, the selected set should be presented in a way that
helps the user understand the structure of the set.
How do existing interfaces address this problem?
The most widely used ontology authoring environ-
ment, Prot´eg´e
provides a box where the user can
check “Show Inferences”. The interface then makes
certain entailments visible (or findable), and others of
course not, without further comment. As another ex-
ample, the ROO environment (Denaux et al., 2012)
provides valuable feedback to a user when they add a
new axiom. One form of its output can be something
like “This input implies 6 new relevant facts ... ”, but
without an explanation of what notion of “relevance”
is at work. With both of these systems, a technically
sophisticated person can find out and understand the
criteria for selection, but the criteria are not justified
and it is unclear whether they match the needs of the
user. Worse still, users may end up misunderstanding
the nature of logic by getting the impression that en-
tailments are necessarily finite and limited in scope.
A number of principles can be used to select entail-
ments, but it is surprisingly difficult to find a clear-
cut way of categorising them. In the following, we
divide these principles into four categories, based on
the type of information they use. These categories
can of course be combined. The most frequently used
methods use just syntax.
2.1 Approaches using Syntax
Here axioms are selected based on the explicit struc-
ture used to state them. For instance, a syntactic ap-
proach might select axioms of the form A B where
A is a named concept. The example in section 1 is of
this kind, with PH in the position of A.
Traditional ontology authoring environments,
such as Prot´eg´e , ClickOnA (Wolters and Nolle, 2013)
and Swoop (Kalyanpur et al., 2006), allow the user to
A similar problem arises (e.g. with a less expressive
logic) when the number of entailments is large but finite.
select different aspects of the ontology to be viewed
by offering different options in the user interface. In
terms of axiom presentation, the user is selecting the
material based on the syntactic form of the relevant
axioms. A common facility is to allow the user to
browse around the axioms of the form X Y, with
X and Y being named classes, by displaying a hierar-
chy of classes. These facilities rely on standard rea-
soner functionalities, provided for instance through
the OWL API (Horridge and Bechhofer, 2011), such
as to get named superclasses and subclasses of named
classes, named domains and ranges of properties,
named equivalent classes, the object property values
of a named instance and indeed to test an arbitrary
specific axiom for being entailed.
Surprisingly Controlled Natural Language-based
(CNL) systems, whose main objective is to simplify
the process of exploration and authoring OWL ontolo-
gies, do not seem to address entailment selection. For
example, ACE View (Fuchs et al., 2008) (a Prot´eg´e
extension) presents an “entailments view” showing
class assertions, property assertions and subclass ax-
ioms where the involved individuals, properties, and
classes are always named. OntoVerbal (Liang et al.,
2011) (a Prot´eg´e plugin) concentrates on axiom re-
alisation, grouping and aggregation, and does not
present any approach to tackle axiom selection. The
RoundTrip Ontology Authoring (ROA) (Davis et al.,
2008) environment only presents axioms that have
been explicitly defined, selecting in turn top level
classes, subclasses, instances, class properties and
their respective domain and ranges, and instance prop-
In the Rabbit to OWL Ontology authoring (ROO)
editor (Denaux et al., 2012), the authors acknowledge
the issue of infinitely many entailments and decide
to use a subset that contains the finite set of relevant
implications. Relevant axioms are those of the form
A B, B, A and A(a) such that A and B
are concept expressions that appear in some axiom in
O {a} and a is a named individual in O {a}. This
is probably the widest set of entailments presented by
an ontology authoring environment.
For reducing the set of generated subsumers, Mel-
lish and Pan (Mellish and Pan, 2008) restrict the en-
tailments to be in the sublanguage ALEN where dis-
junctions are not allowed and negations are restricted
to only atomic concepts. To make this subsumers set
finite, the authors restrict the generated axioms to be
in a specific normal form and limit the syntactic com-
plexity of this.
2.2 Approaches using Logic
A logic-based approach takes into account how ax-
ioms behave logically, i.e. makes appeal to notions
like entailment and logical derivation in selecting ax-
ioms. In its purest form, such an approach can only
make choices between axioms which are logically dis-
tinct. For instance, one principle might be not to
select any axiom that is a tautology. As another ex-
ample, a logical approach might select axioms of the
form X Y which are most specific forY in the ontol-
ogy O, in which there is no Z such that O |= X Z,
O |= Z Y and O 6|= Y Z; for instance, if the on-
tology has Boy Man Person then Boy Person
should not be presented but Boy Man may be.
Mellish and Pan (Mellish and Pan, 2008) adopt
something like the above principle of specificity.
They also state various logical principles based on the
Gricean maxims (Grice, 1970) of cooperative conver-
sation for further reducing the set of subsumers being
generated for a class.
A further possibility is to use logic in a different
way, by letting the derivation of entailments play a
role. For example, the user may be permitted to ask
to only see entailments equivalent to axioms whose
derivation hinges on the transitivity of a particular
role; entailments whose derivation does not use ax-
ioms containing the universal quantifier; or entail-
ments whose derivation requires more than n reason-
ing steps. Further, it might make sense to prefer en-
tailments that have longer derivations (because they
are less trivial) or entailments that have shorter deriva-
tions (because they are more understandable)
2.3 Approaches using Discourse
When entailments are being selected for presentation
as part of a conversation, e.g. in the context of an
ontology authoring environment, there may be struc-
ture in the discourse that can be exploited to help de-
termine what entailments might be most relevant. A
discourse has a minimal structure coming from the se-
quence of utterances from the participants, but there
are more sophisticated notions of discourse structure
that might be used (Lascarides and Asher, 2007).
When a user presents a set of axioms in ontology au-
thoring, these axioms should not be considered as in-
dividually independent sentences; there will be a co-
herence and fluency that is helpful for the ontology
authors. For instance, when the user is in the middle
of describing subclasses of a given class, entailments
Richard Power, personal communication
that mention those subclasses may be especially rele-
vant and interesting.
Although we are not aware of any existing ap-
proaches using discourse structure for entailment se-
lection, there are hints of useful approaches in other
work. In particular, work on ordering and grouping of
textual material generated from ontologies (see Sec-
tion 3) is relevant. This is because any principle that
indicates that axioms x and y should be grouped to-
gether (e.g. axioms “about” the same concept should
be grouped together) can be converted into a princi-
ple for axiom selection - given that x is in the recent
discourse context, axiom y should be selected (e.g. se-
lect axioms “about” the concepts currently being dis-
2.4 Approaches using Pragmatics
A pragmatics-based approach uses explicit principles
about what will be communicatively successful. In
other words, it takes serious account of the fact that
users will be human beings and will have goals and
One approach to modelling user’s goals in ontol-
ogy authoring is the use of Competency Questions
(QCs). A CQ is a natural language question that the
ontology author expects the ontology to be able to an-
swer (Uschold et al., 1996). In (Ren et al., 2014),
the authors have introduced the notion of Competency
Question-driven Ontology Authoring. By collecting
and analysing various CQs from two different do-
mains, the authors proposed a set of patterns for mod-
elling natural language CQs as OWL patterns. The
authors categorised these patterns and extracted a set
of presuppositions for each pattern. For example, a
CQ “Which animals eat grass?” displays the pattern
[WHICH [CE1] [OPE] [CE2]?], where CE1 and CE2
are concepts and OPE is a 2-place relation. Questions
of this pattern suggest that the user has certain expec-
tations, (known as presuppositions in the linguistics
literature (Levinson, 1983)), which may or may not
be entailed by the ontology. For example, the ques-
tion suggests that animals should be able to eat grass.
If an the ontology entails that animal eat.¬Grass
then one of the presuppositions of the CQ is violated.
We believe a user is likely to be especially inter-
ested in the presuppositions of his or her CQs, be-
cause if one or more of these are violated then the
CQ is unanswerable. This insight can be exploited in
the selection of entailments.
Some of the suggestions that we have made in the
above for guiding the selection of entailments have
their roots – or at least bear strong similarities – to ex-
isting ideas and methods in theoretical and computa-
tional linguistics. The same will be true for our (more
tentative) ideas about ordering and grouping entail-
If we take the shape of the axioms as given (e.g., we
do not translate logic axioms into a more readable for-
mat, as in e.g. (Power, 2014)) then, apart from selec-
tion, the other issues to be addressed are ordering and
groupingof entailments. These affectthe presentation
of finite as well as infinite sets of axioms
and are
relevant regardless of whether axioms are presented
graphically or in a list.
Interestingly, the task of entailment selection in-
teracts with the other tasks of ordering and grouping.
One of the reasons why the list of axioms presented in
Section 1 is difficult to digest is that the axioms were
listed in a somewhat arbitrary order and without any
further structuring, that is, as a simple enumeration.
There is no point in selecting a set of axioms that can-
not be coherently grouped and ordered. Similarly, if
we are expecting to order or group axioms in a partic-
ular way then this may help us to select axioms in the
first place. The following work addresses the prob-
lems of ordering and grouping and presents solutions
that may have relevance for selection.
In OntoVerbal, a distinction between direct and in-
direct axioms is made. This basically means produc-
ing a syntactic characterisation of what concept an ax-
iom is mainly “about” (the “topic” of the axiom). So
A B is directly about A but only indirectly about B.
Directness and also syntactic complexity are used as
the basis for grouping together related axioms. The
hypothesis is that by grouping and presenting axioms
in a rhetorically coherent manner (following Rhetori-
cal Structure Theory) with a single topic, not only is
the coherence of the text maintained, but also the user
is aided in recognising topic change.
NaturalOWL (Androutsopoulos et al., 2013) is an-
other OWL verbaliser. When describing an OWL
class or individual(target), it first presents all the state-
ments that directly describe the target (primary tar-
gets); second, the system describes the desirable state-
ments that are indirectly related to the target (second-
level targets). Second-level targets are only gener-
ated when the target is an individual. Consistent with
the linguistic literature (Halliday and Hasan, 1976),
See e.g.
grammar-20020325/, where stripping and abbreviation are
employed to avoid repeated subjects or objects in adjacent
RDF triples.
an attempt was made to do this in a “coherent” fash-
ion, using text planning; a local coherence measure,
based on Centering Theory (CT) (Grosz et al., 1995))
is applied; an additional mechanism prevents infor-
mation repetition in the generated text. NaturalOWL
also uses the complexity of the generated sentences to
decide how triples are mapped to English sentences.
A text might be overly complicated, which requires
breaking down, or the sentences might be too simple
and in need of aggregating. Aggregation relies on a
set of thresholds for the number of sentences that can
be aggregated.
The example of 1 might serve to show some of the
consequences that our ideas about selection, order-
ing and grouping might have. These remarks will be
highly tentative and incomplete.
Logical Approaches. The rule suggested in Section
2.2 for choosing the most specific subsumer would re-
move an axiom such as PH ¬CheeseTopping (ax-
iom 11) from the entailments listed in Section 1, be-
cause the more general statement PH ¬Topping
holds. This principle would also cause replacing the
axiom PH ( 245.hasTopping) (axiom 12) by a
stronger axiom such as PH ( 4.hasTopping) (ax-
iom 8). Many other entailments can be removedusing
similar principles.
Furthermore, consider the axiom PH
ThinAndCrispyBase) (axiom 4), which implies
PH (hasBase.ThinAndCrispyBase). Given
that hasBase is functional, this makes the axiom
PH (hasBase.ThinAndCrispyBase) (axiom 2)
logically redundant, so if the functionality of roles is
presented elsewhere then the latter can be removed.
Pragmatic Approaches. Suppose, for simplicity,
the user has expressed only one Competency Ques-
tion, namely “What base does a pizza have?”. Then
it is presupposed that some pizzas are allowed to
have bases. If the ontology contains an axiom
hasBase. PizzaTopping, then this implies that
nothing can have a base (because Pizza and Topping
are disjoint in the ontology). This makes it impossi-
ble for the ontology to meaningfully answer the com-
petency question. If the user deletes the above faulty
axiom, the user is likely to be interested in the conse-
quence that now the ontology supports the idea that
pizzas can have bases. Since this CQ presupposes the
satisfiability of Pizza hasBase.Base, the fact that
this concept is now satisfiable is also worth pointing
Discourse based Approaches. Suppose the sys-
tem’s analysis of Competency Questions has sug-
gested focussing on entailments that make use of the
hasBase role, but the user has recently performed
a long series of authoring actions centring on the
hasIngredient role. This suggests broadening the se-
lection of axioms, focussing on entailments that make
use of either the hasBase role or the hasIngredient
role; For example, axioms 3, 5, and 6 may be of in-
terest; although we can argue against the inclusion
of axiom 3, if we have already mentioned PH
(hasBase.ThinAndCrispyBase). In the (unlikely)
absence of other information this might mean omit-
ting all other entailments.
If and when genuine (i.e., non-redundant) infor-
mation is omitted, the system should indicate what
principles were used to guide the selection process,
so as to avoid misunderstandings. For example, the
system could say “this presentation focusses on the
hasBase and hasIngredient roles. To view other en-
tailed axioms, do ...”. Explanations of this kind would
fit neatly within the ideas suggested in the following
Syntactic Approaches. Ultimately, syntactic ap-
proaches might be more suitable for ordering and
grouping than for selection, which is better han-
dled on more principled grounds. Axioms could
be grouped by dividing them into broad syntactic
classes, for example, (1) any and all axioms of the
form PH (hasIngredient.ϕ), (2) axioms of the
form PH (hasIngredient.ϕ), (3) axioms of the
form PH (hasBase.ϕ), (4) axioms of the form
PH (hasBase.ϕ), (5) any and all other axioms.
This is just one example of a possible grouping; users
might be offered a choice between different types of
grouping. The original example might result after
the user has asked to see subsumers of the concept
(Power, 2014) argued that an ontology authoring sys-
tem should 1. only generate informative statements,
2. detect redundancies (deciding whether to fix or re-
port them), 3. identify and report contradictions, and
finally 4. report implications.
Perhaps the most important aspect of this policy,
in our view, is informativeness. Reducing the set of
entailments and increasing the informativenessof this
set can be achieved by a combination of syntactic, log-
ical, and discourse-oriented approaches. While syn-
tactic structures provide a starting point for limiting
the set of entailments, only a logical framework can
detect and address redundancy. Finally, the user’s fo-
cus of attention may be tracked through a sequence
of the user’s authoring operations. If the system is
able to grasp what the user’s focus of attention is, this
information can inform the selection task as well.
We have suggested extending the content selection
policy by introducing and modelling users’ require-
ments through competency questions. In an ontol-
ogy authoring interface that allows the users to submit
and monitor competency questions and their associ-
ated authoring tests (Ren et al., 2014), the system will
havea better understanding of the users’ requirements.
Thus, in such an interface, when the system is faced
with a large set of entailments, a natural way forward
would be to select entailments and non-entailments
based on such requirements. These requirements can
also affect the grouping and ordering process.
Figure 1 presents a way of displaying CQs and
their associated authoring tests in an ontology author-
ing interface. In this figure, the CQ “What cake has
which cake filling?” is shown on top and is expanded
with 5 different authoring tests. The CQ can be an-
swered meaningfully only when all the authoring tests
are passed. As shown in the figure, a green/red dot is
used to indicate the pass/fail status of the authoring
tests so that the users know what is preventing the CQ
from being answered. In the example shown in Fig-
ure 1, users can find out that the hasFilling property
has not been introduced into the ontology so thatCake
and CakeFilling cannot be related.
Figure 1: An example of the Competency Question tree
with its associated authoring tests.
Suppose someone is using the interface to author
an ontology and, at some stage, she is faced with two
CQs that are as yet unfulfilled (i.e., marked red in the
interface), and she is currently working on the first of
these two. Suppose this is the CQ “What base does
a pizza have?” that was discussed in Section 4, un-
der Pragmatic approaches. Suppose, at some point,
she manages to fulfil this CQ. At this point, partic-
ular axioms become worth presenting (as explained
in Section 4). If this set of axioms is of a manage-
able size then axioms that are relevant in connection
with the the last remaining axiom might also be pre-
sented (because they are relevant to the next authoring
task). Presentation of axioms should also be subject
to the logical, syntactical, and discourse-based consid-
erations that we discussed elsewhere.
It seems to us that content selection, grouping
and ordering should be developed in a way that more
decisions are made by the adaptable authoring envi-
ronment rather than reasoner side. Discourse-based
approaches would have the best chance of coming
to fruition if ontology editing used an intelligent
dialogue-oriented authoring environment. Unlike pre-
vious dialogue-oriented interfaces, such as ROO, we
envisage an ongoing dialogue with the user that can
provide valuable insight into user’s objectives, and in
which occasional disambiguation dialogues could be
initiated by the system.
Predicting all the logical consequences of an au-
thoring action is a difficult task, even for the most ex-
perienced user. It might therefore be useful to offer
users the option of asking hypothetical questions. We
envisage that this could work as follows: If in doubt,
the user would be able to ask what the consequences
of a given authoring action would be. Upon this ques-
tion, the system should present the entailments of this
action in a transparent way (as discussed in this po-
sition paper), to allow him or her to understand the
consequences of the action as clearly as possible. Fi-
nally, the user should be given the choice between
committing or reverting the changes. We hypothesise
that these new features would help to prevent errors
in ontology editing and increase users’ confidence in
the quality of the ontology that they are creating.
This paper has argued that the problem of entailment
selection is largely neglected in software tools that
(perhaps implicitly) claim to present entailments from
OWL ontologies. On the other hand, there are a num-
ber of good ideas in current work for how the problem
might be addressed in a more substantial way. It is in-
teresting that many of the ideas about how to select
entailments come from Linguistics or the Philosophy
of Language, rather than from formal logic (Gricean
maxims, presuppositions, discourse structure). That
is, a solution to the problem needs to look at the na-
ture of the communication within which the selection
takes place. Finally, we discussed the added benefits
of other restructuring mechanism, such as grouping
and ordering.
This research has been funded by the EPSRC project:
WhatIf: Answering “What if... questions for Ontol-
ogy Authoring. EPSRC reference EP/J014176/1.
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