Figure 3: Comparison in accuracy through evolution.
see that algorithm with the standard crossover
reaches its optimum much faster than the algorithm
with our improved crossover. Figure 3 confirms that
indeed, the algorithm with standard crossover
reached its optimum already around 1400
generation, while algorithm with our improved
crossover continues to run for another 600
generations and reaching its optimum in generation
1860. The difference between accuracy is ~0.5 in
favour of our proposed crossover.
We proposed the innovative crossover operator that
does not choose the place for the crossover process
based at random but rather on the accuracy and
usage of the subtree. As mentioned in the overview
in the second chapter, no similar method was found
in the tree classification models. This innovative
method was tested on several datasets in our
experiment, with the results showing significant
increases in the metrics of overall classification
accuracy and average Fscore of final tree models.
Based on this we can assume that these result can be
reproduced on other classification problem datasets.
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planned on more diverse, unbalanced, and otherwise
unusual datasets. Additional research option would
be to try and replace the overall accuracy in the
evaluation of nodes with another metric such as
Fscore or similar classification or decision tree
evaluation metric.
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Standard Improved