A Systematic View of Agent-supported Simulation
Past, Present, and Promising Future
Tuncer Ören
, Levent Yilmaz
and Nasser Ghasem-Aghaee
School of Electrical Eng. and Computer Science, Univ. of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada,
Computer Science and Software Engineering, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, Auburn University,
Auburn, AL, U.S.A.
Computer Eng. Dept. of Sheikh Bahaei Univ., Baharestan, Iran
Univ. of Isfahan, Isfahan, iran
Keywords: Agent-directed Simulation, Simulation for Agents, Agent Simulation, Software Agents for Simulation,
Agent-supported Simulation, Agent-based Simulation, Agent-monitored Simulation, Agent-triggered Simu-
Abstract: Agent-supported simulation involves the use of intelligent agents to enhance modeling and simulation
(M&S) infrastructures and consists of support by software agents: (1) to provide computer assistance for
front-end and/or backend interface functions in M&S environments; (2) to process elements of an M&S
study symbolically (for example, for consistency checks and built-in reliability); and (3) to provide cogni-
tive abilities to the elements of an M&S study, such as perception, anticipation, learning or understanding
abilities. Several aspects of agent-supported simulation are clarified and references are provided.
Agent-supported simulation is a special case of
agent-directed simulation and involves the use of
intelligent agents to enhance modeling and simu-
lation (M&S) infrastructures. Agent-supported simu-
lation involves use of software agents: (1) to provide
computer assistance for front-end and/or backend
interface functions in M&S environments; (2) to
process elements of M&S studies symbol-lically (for
example, for consistency checks and built-in reliabil-
ity); and (3) to provide cognitive abilities to the ele-
ments of M&S studies, such as learning or
understanding abilities.
Section 2 is a very brief overview of simulation
and software agents. In section 3, we elaborate on
synergies of simulation and agents to provide an
appropriate perspective to conceive properly agent-
supported simulation. In section 4, we focus and
elaborate on several aspects of agent-suppor-ted
simulation. Section 5 is a review of past and present
realizations of agent-supported simulation as well as
promising development areas. Section 6 includes
conclusions and some future activities. Due to space
limitations, only main aspects and references are
2.1 Simulation
Two aspects of simulation, i.e., experimentation and
experience need to be emphasised for the scope of
this article. So far as its experimentation aspect is
concerned, simulation is performing goal-directed
experiments with models of dynamic systems. So far
as its experience aspect is concerned, (1) simulation
is providing experience under controlled conditions
for training, i.e., for gaining/enhancing competence
in one of the three types of skills: (i) motor skills
(virtual simulation), (ii) decision and/or communica-
tion skills (constructive simulation; serious game),
and (iii) operational skills (live simulation) or (2)
simulation is providing experience for entertainment
purpose (gaming simulation). For further details, see
Ören (2011a, b).
2.2 Software Agents
Software agents are autonomous software modules
with perception and social ability to perform goal-
directed knowledge processing over time, on behalf
of humans or other agents in software and physical
Ören T., Yilmaz L. and Ghasem-Aghaee N..
A Systematic View of Agent-supported Simulation - Past, Present, and Promising Future.
DOI: 10.5220/0005138804970506
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2014),
pages 497-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-038-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
environments. When agents operate in physical envi-
ronments, they can be used in the implementation of
intelligent machines and intelligent systems and can
interact with their environment by sensors and effec-
tors. The core knowledge processing abilities of
agents include: goal-directed knowledge processing,
reasoning, planning, motivation, and decision mak-
ing. The factors that can affect decision making abil-
ities, such as personality, emotions, and cultural
backgrounds can also be embedded in agents.
Agents may have additional abilities such as under-
standing, including understanding and expressing
emotions, awareness, as well as ethical behavior.
3.1 Agent-directed Simulation
Agent-directed simulation refers to the synergy of
software agents and simulation. As shown in Figure
1, there are three categories of possibilities that can
be considered under two groups: (1) contribution of
simulation to agents: which consists of agent simula-
tion and (2) contribution of agents to simulation
which consists of agent-supported simulation and
agent-based simulation (Ören, 2001a; Yilmaz and
Ören, 2009):
Agent simulation is simulation of agent systems or
simulation of systems modeled by using software
Agent-supported simulation is use of agents for at
least one of the following purposes:
(1) to provide agent assistance for front-end inter-
face functions in a computer-aided modeling
and simulation study;
(2) to provide agent assistance for back-end inter-
face functions in a computer-aided simulation
(3) for symbolic processing of elements of a simu-
lation study –for consistency checks, for exam-
ple; and
(4) to provide cognitive abilities to the elements of
a simulation study –such as learning, under-
standing and/or hypothesis formulation.
Agent-based simulation is use of agents for the
generation and/or monitoring of agent behavior.
(This is similar to the use of AI techniques –like
qualitative simulation– for the generation of model
Figure 1: Three categories of Agent-directed Simulation.
3.2 Agent Simulation
Agents provide a natural paradigm to represent intel-
ligent entities. Agent simulation is simulation of nat-
ural or engineered entities represented by agents
(Yilmaz and Ören, 2009).
3.3 Agent-based Simulation
Agent-based simulation is the use of software agents
during run time to monitor and generate model-
behavior. This is similar to the use of AI techniques
for the generation of model behavior, e.g., qualita-
tive simulation and knowledge-based simulation.
The possibilities include agent-triggered simulation,
agent-monitored simulation; agent monitored cou-
plings, agent-monitored multi-model transitions…
The term agent-based simulation is also used to
mean agent simulation when the two other possibili-
ties of contribution of agents to simulation are not
taken into consideration
Agent-supported simulationwhich is the focus of
Contribution of simulation to agents
Contribution of agents to simulation
Agent simulation
or simulation of agent systems
Agent-supported simulation
Agents are used to:
- support front-end interfaces
- support back-end interfaces
- process symbolically elements of
- assure cognitive abilities to the
elements of simulation systems
Agent-based simulation
Agents are used during run-time for
the generation or monitoring of mod-
el behavior
this article is the use of agent technology to support
simulation activities in modeling and simulation
environments as well as simulation-based problem
solving environments (or simulative problem solving
The possibilities for agent support in modeling
and simulation environments are outlined in Table 1.
The agent support can be for the following elements
of simulation studies: goal of the study, parametric
models, model parameters, design of experiments,
experimental conditions, simulation program, and
the behavior and recommendations. For each ele-
ment, the support can be for the generation, specifi-
cation/editing, as well as processing of the element.
For each category of knowledge and knowledge pro-
cessing knowledge (Ören 1990), an important cate-
gory of knowledge processing activity is to ensure
the reliability of the associated elements.
Table 1: Possibilities for agent support in modeling and
simulation environments.
For specification/ genera-
For processing
-goal specification /
-goal generation
-hypothesis formulation
-goal processing
--goal seeking
--model composition
--model editing
-model analysis
-parameter estimation/
--auxiliary parameters
of expe-
- design/editing of
-processing of
design of
of experimental
--initial conditions of
state variables
--behavior generator
--behavior generation
tion pro-
-transformation of
problem specifications
into a simulation
-automated editing of
simulation programs
- processing
sim. programs
(legacy programs,
new programs)
-program reliability
4.1 Agent Support for Front-end
Table 2 outlines the front-end functionalities for the
elements of a modeling and simulation environment.
Front-end interface functionalities include: anticipa-
tion of user’s needs, help, just-in-time-learning, ex-
planation, awareness, assistance, guidance,
(un)solicited advice, advanced types of inputs such
as perception, speech input, body language, facial
expression, deictic input, and haptic input. Front-end
interface functionalities are applicable to goals, par-
ametric models, model parameters, experimentation
conditions, simulation pro-grams, and model behav-
Table 2: Some front-end interface functionalities.
4.2 Agent Support for Back-end
Back-end interfaces are used by systems to com-
municate to the users the primary and auxiliary out-
puts of the system. Table3 outlines the back-end
functionalities for the elements of modeling and
simulation environments. Back-end interface func-
tionalities provide support for behavior display, in-
strumenting/monitoring, processing, evaluation, and
advice. Advanced types of outputs such as augment-
ed/enhanced reality and virtual reality are part of the
Table 3: Some back-end interface functionalities.
- anticipation of user’s needs
- help formulate/specify problems
- awareness, just-in-time-learning, explanation
- assistance, guidance, (un)solicited advice
- abilities to process advanced types of inputs:
-- perception (focusing), speech input
-- body language, deictic input, haptic input
-primary outputs
--(un)processed behavior
--performance measure
--advice on the problem
-auxiliary outputs
--automated documentation
with abilities to process advanced types of out-
puts such as:
--virtual reality,
--augmented reality
--holographic displays
functionalities of back-end interfaces. Back-end in-
terface functionalities are applicable to behavior
displays, instrumenting, pro-cessing, evaluating,
explanation, and warning/advice.
4.3 Agent Support for Symbolic
Processing of Elements of
Simulation Studies
Intelligent agents can provide support in various
stages of the overall simulation development lifecy-
cle. For instance, in Model-Driven Engineering
(MDE) that involves automated transformation of
platform-independent abstract models, agents can
serve as transformation engines, by which increas-
ingly concrete and platform-dependent models and
simulations can be generated. Agents can also func-
tion as mediators and brokers for distinct simulations
by bridging the syntactic and semantic gap between
their representations. To support goal-directed ex-
perimentation, agents can bring transparency to the
overall experiment design (Ören 2001b), execution,
analysis, and adaptation process for various types of
experiments such as sensitivity analysis, variable
screening, understanding, optimization, and deci-
sion-support. Next, for illustrative purposes, we dis-
cuss these three application areas.
4.3.1 Agent-supported Model
The common strategy in MDE is based on the appli-
cation of a sequence of transformations starting with
platform-independent models down to the concrete
realization of the simulation system. Besides the
reuse of models and deployment of designs in alter-
native platforms, MDE improves the reliability of
simulation systems through correctness preserving
transformations that allow substantiating the accura-
cy of realizations with respect to explicit constraints
and assumptions defined in the abstract models. To
facilitate the application of the MDE methodology
shown in Figure 2, models are defined in terms of an
explicit modeling language, which in turn is speci-
fied in terms of a meta-modeling language. The
transformations are executed by agents using a set of
rules, which are specified by using the constructs of
a specific transformation language
An agent with understanding capabilities as pre-
sented in (Ören et al., 2007) can be used to map con-
structs of a source meta-model to equivalent features
of the target meta-model. Such templates can be
customized and applied by agents upon models by
matching rules to constructs and elements of the
Figure 2: Model-Driven Engineering.
models. The strategies for defining such production
rules can vary depending on the sophistication of the
MDE environment. Transformation rules can be
produced by agents with understanding capabilities
from scratch or can be a refinement of a generic
specification template applicable to selected source
and target modeling languages. Alternatively, trans-
formation rules can be derived automatically out of
higher-level mappings rules between models. This
strategy requires (1) defining/discerning a mapping
of elements of one model to another model (e.g.,
model weaving) and (2) automating the generation
of the actual transformation through an agent inter-
preter or matcher that takes as input two model defi-
nitions and the mapping rules between them to
produce the concrete transformations.
4.3.2 Agent-supported Interoperability
The above mechanism can be extended (see Figure
3) to utilize agents to support interoperability. In
distributed simulation, interoperability refers to the
ability of system models or components to exchange
and interpret information in a consistent and mean-
ingful manner. This requires both syntactic and se-
mantic congruence between systems either through
standardization or mediators that can bridge the syn-
tactic and semantic gap between peer components.
Figure 3: Agent-supported Simulation Interoperability.
Such mediator or bridge agents ensure both data-
level interoperability (i.e., metadata/data inter-
change) and operational-level interoperability (i.e.,
behavioral specification). Common strategies for
developing adapters involve the provision of stand-
ard APIs and connecting components through pub-
lished interfaces that explicitly specify the required
and provided services. This low-level connectors are
often limited and do not achieve full data interoper-
As shown in Figure 3, the use of agent-supported
transformation can provide a sound and comprehen-
sive framework for defining bridges. By making the
internal schema (i.e., meta-model) of each system
explicit and then aligning them via agents by match-
ing or weaving concepts, we can leverage model-to-
model transformations exploiting the matching in-
formation to export data conforming to the meta-
model of the target system or component. While
internal schema, structural specifications, and behav-
ioral models may be available along with the im-
plementation of the simulation system, in their
absence agents can also be supportive in deducing
such models for transformation. By extracting the
abstract syntax of the Platform-Specific Model of a
system and then transforming it into a set of PSMs
using agent transformation rules would be a first
step to automate the derivation of high-level specifi-
cations. Such specifications could then be used to
generate bridge rules in terms of model transfor-
mation language, which serves as the meta-model
for the translation rules that map the source da-
ta/behavioral specification to the target specification.
Such mapping rules can be used as bridge imple-
mentations in terms of mediator software agents.
4.3.3 Agent-supported Experimentation
An agent-coordinated support system could greatly
enhance the experimental design process in several
ways, but mainly by providing expert knowledge
that the user might lack (Ören, 2001). The agent can
decide which designs best fit the experiment’s objec-
tive, as well as which factors should be kept or dis-
carded after each iteration of the experiment’s life-
cycle. Concomitantly, the agent guides the process
by requesting the information it needs in order to
construct an experiment, verify the validity of the
user’s input and ensure the integrity of the experi-
ment elements.
As shown in Figure 4, the agent-supported Simu-
lation Experiment Management System (SEMS) is a
software tool that allows users to design, execute,
store, and share computer simulation experiments.
An ontology-assisted interface builder managed by
an interface agent that is aware of experiment ontol-
ogy guides the simulation experiment design. The
experiment design procedure is governed by a KEP-
LER Scientific Workflow process (Ludäscher et al.,
2006) that implements the experiment life-cycle.
Figure 4: Simulation Experiment Management System
Components (Data-Flow View).
At each step of the life-cycle, the user inputs, with
the help of an intelligent agent, the information re-
quired to construct an experiment. This experiment
structure is stored in an XML file that is used by a
synthesizer agent, which “translates” the XML
source into executable NIMROD (Abramson et al.,
1995) (experiment execution engine) code. Follow-
ing the execution of the experiment, the synthesizer
agent collects the results and forwards them to statis-
tical software to generate an XML representation of
the experimental results.
4.4 Agent Support to Provide Cognitive
Abilities to the Elements
of a Simulation
Software agents can provide cognitive abilities such
as perception (Ören, 2001), anticipation (Ören and
Yilmaz, 2012), and understanding (Ören, Ghasem-
Aghaee and Yilmaz, 2007) to the elements of simu-
lation studies. Table 11 includes some additional
5.1 Past and Present
Ándras Jávor did pioneering work by using “de-
mons” in modeling and simulation. In those early
days, even the term “software agent” was not yet
introduced in the scientific literature. (Jávor 1990,
1992; Jávor and
Szűcs, 1998). Another early con-
tributor to the field using demons was Hogeweg
Tables 4 - 7 contain, respectively, samples of
references for agent-supported simulation front-end
interfaces, back-end interfaces, symbolic processing
of elements of simulation studies, and cognitive abil-
ities for the elements of simulation systems.
Table 4: Agent-supported simulation for front-end inter-
To support Author(s) Year
-airline ticket assistance Groves & Gini 2013
-animated interface agent Rist et al. 1997
-behaviour-based control Alexander et al. 2010
-collaborative interface
Eisenstein &
Rich & Sidner 1997
-experimental design Ören 2001b
-intelligent interface
Pitts & Ping
Bikovska et. al. 2006
Tuchinda &
-natural language interface Moran et al. 1997
-sensor/emitter model
Dryer 1997
Presser et al. 1999
-visualization environment Wasfy et al. 2004
Table 5: Agent-supported simulation for back-end inter-
To support Author(s) Year
-end-user individual-based
Ginot et al. 2002
Haynes et.al. 2009
Vasconcelos et al. 2004
-natural language advice Kuhlmann et al. 2004
-route advice Rogers et al. 1999
Table 6: Agent-supported simulation for symbolic pro-
To support Author(s) Year
-distributed symbolic
Schimkat et al. 2000
-emergence of inquiry
Omori & Nishi-
-simulation-based systems
Yilmaz & Ören 2010
-symbolic and behavioral
processing of data
Chella et al. 1997
-symbolic performance and
learning in continuous
valued environment
Rogers 1997
-test and refine models
Kennedy &
-verification and validation Balci 2004
Table 7: Agent-supported simulation for cognitive abilities
for the elements of simulation systems.
To support Author(s) Year
-adaptive elements Crain 1999
-adaptive mesh generation Hilaire et al. 2000
-agent decision making
Brouwers & Ver-
-agent intelligence to support
human org.
Knoblock et al. 2008
-assessment model
Krywkow et al. 2002
-automated evaluation of
Internet business
Chong & Cho 2001
-cognitive emergence
Castelfranchi 1998
-cooperation tools for supply
chain management
Klingebiel et al. 2001
-decision assistant Itmi et al. 2002
-decision support Yilmaz & Tolk 2008
-design of experiments Ören 2001b
-dynamic reasoning Kazar et al. 2000
-help/documentation Fujishima 1997
-HLA-based distributed vir-
tual environments
Wang et al. 2003
-information warfare Mack & Alzone 1997
-integration of databases
using mobile code
Claro & Sobral 2000
-intelligent matchmaking for
information agents
Lu & Sterling 2000
Yilmaz & Paspu-
-mediation Novais et al. 2000
-multi-sensor planning Hodge & Kamel 2001
-office automation Thomas & Fischer 1997
-processes controlled by
Kruzel & Vondrak 2000
-resource location on the
World Wide Web
Grey et al. 2000
-scheduling Pesenti et al. 2001
-selection recognition Pandit & Kalbag 1997
-social models Moss 1998
-traffic intersection control Dresner & Stone 2005
-understanding the design
Cohen et al. 1989
5.2 Some Promising Research and
Development Areas
Some promising research and development (R&D)
to fully benefit from the synergy of simulation and
agents are outlined in tables T8-11.
Table 8: Promising R&D areas: Front-end interfaces.
* Intelligent interface agents
--context and situation awareness
-- anticipation of user’s needs
---help formulate/specify problems
-- just-in-time-learning, explanation
--assistance, guidance, (un)solicited advice
* Abilities to process advanced types of inputs
--perception (focusing)
--natural language input
--body language interface
--emotional inputs
--deictic input, haptic input
--thought input
* Holographic avatars in front-ends
Table 9: Promising R&D areas: Back-end interfaces.
* Holographic avatars in back-ends
* Help to select solutions
* Clarification of solution
* Spoken output
Table 10: Promising R&D areas: Symbolic processing of
elements of simulation.
* Reliability of simulation studies and agents
--agent-based built-in reliability
--agent-based verification and validation
--agent-based failure avoidance
* Program generation from specifications
* Program integration
Software agents represent powerful computational as
well as modeling paradigms for autonomous entities.
In this article, we focused on agent supported simu-
lation and discussed the important benefits they
bring to modeling and simulation. We also elaborat-
ed on the past contributions, the state-of-the-art and
promising and important research and development
areas. We are planning to explore, in a sequel paper,
advanced possibilities of contributions of agents
during run time, i.e., of agent-based
simulation (e.g., agent-triggered simulation,
Table 11: Promising R&D areas: Cognitive abilities for
the elements of simulation systems.
* Cognitive abilities to the elements of simula-
tion, such as perception, anticipation, under-
standing, learning, and/or hypothesis
* Program understanding for documentation
and/or maintenance purposes
* Agents in simulation-based problem solving
* Holons for goal-directed co-operation and col-
laboration (including “principled holons” who
can refuse certain types of cooperation)
* Simulation-based predictive displays for social
and financial systems:
--to train future policy/decision makers
--to predict abnormal deviations and
--to test and select possible corrective actions
* Simulation to test and evaluate autonomous
decisions by agents
* Agent-based ubiquitous (mobile) simulation
(including agent-based mobile cloud simula-
--selection of models
--selection of matching scenarios for experi-
agent-monitored simulation, agent-monitored dy-
namic coupling).
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