Text Categorization Methods Application for Natural Language Call
Roman Sergienko
, Tatiana Gasanova
, Eugene Semenkin
and Wolfgang Minker
Institute of Communications Engineering, Ulm University, Albert Einstein-Allee 43, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Department of System Analysis and Operation Research, Siberian State Aerospace University,
Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy Avenue 31, 660014 Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Text Classification, Call Routing, Text Preprocessing, Natural Language Processing, Features Selection.
Natural language call routing can be treated as an instance of topic categorization of documents after speech
recognition of calls. This categorization consists of two important parts. The first one is text preprocessing for
numerical data extraction and the second one is classification with machine learning methods. This paper fo-
cuses on different text preprocessing methods applied for call routing. Different machine learning algorithms
with several text representations have been applied for this problem. A novel text preprocessing technique has
been applied and investigated. Numerical experiments have shown computational and classification effective-
ness of the proposed method in comparison with standard techniques. Also a novel features selection method
was proposed. The novel features selection method has demonstrated some advantages in comparison with
standard techniques.
Natural language call routing remains a complex and
challenging research area in machine intelligence and
language understanding. This problem is important
and topical for modern automatic call service design.
A number of works have recently been published on
natural language call routing: (Chu-Carroll and Car-
penter, 1999), (Kuo and Lee, 2003), (Witt, 2011), (Jan
and Kingsbury, 2010), (Sarikaya et al., 2011).
Generally natural language call routing can be
considered as two different problems. The first one
is speech recognition of calls (transforming speech to
the text) and the second one is call categorization for
further routing. This paper focuses on text categoriza-
tion methods applied for call routing.
Text classification can be considered to be a part of
natural language understanding, where there is a set of
predefined categories and the task is to automatically
assign new documents to one of these categories. The
method of text preprocessing and text representation
influences the results that are obtained even with the
same classification algorithms.
The most popular model for text classification is
vector space model. In this case text categorization
may be considered as a machine learning problem.
Complexity of text categorization with vector space
model is compounded by the need to extract the nu-
merical data from text information before applying
machine learning methods. Therefore text categoriza-
tion consists of two parts: text preprocessing and clas-
sification using obtained numerical data.
There exist more advanced approaches for text
preprocessing such as TF-IDF (Salton and Buck-
ley, 1988) and Confident Weights(Soucy and Mineau,
2005). A novel text preprocessing method (Gasanova
et al., 2013) is also considered, which has some sim-
ilarities with ConfWeight method, but has improved
computational effectiveness. It is important to no-
tice that we use no morphological or stop-word fil-
tering before text preprocessing. It means that text
preprocessing can be performed without expert or lin-
guistic knowledge and text preprocessing is language-
independent. Term weighting can be also applied
as features selection method because we can ignore
terms with low weight values. It provides dimension-
ality reduction.
In this paper we have used k-nearest neighbours,
Bayes classifier, fast large margin based on support
vector machine (SVM) (Fan et al., 2008), and neu-
ral network as classification methods. RapidMiner
(Shafait et al., 2010) has been used as implementation
As a call routing problem we use a database from
Sergienko R., Gasanova T., Semenkin E. and Minker W..
Text Categorization Methods Application for Natural Language Call Routing.
DOI: 10.5220/0005139708270831
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ASAAHMI-2014), pages 827-831
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the company Speech Cycle. Calls are represented as
a text after speech recognition. The utterances were
manually transcribed and classified into 20 classes
(call reasons), such as appointments, operator, bill,
internet, phone or video. Calls that cannot be routed
certainly to one reason of the list are classified to class
We have investigated text categorization for call
routing with different text preprocessing and machine
learning methods. The main aim of investigation is to
evaluate the competitiveness of the novel text prepro-
cessing method (Gasanova et al., 2013) and the novel
features selection method in comparison with state-
of-the-art techniques. The criteria are classification
efficacy (macro F-measure) and computational time.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we describe the problem and the database. Section
3 describes text preprocessing methods. The classifi-
cation algorithms and features selection methods are
presented in Section 4. Section 5 reports on the ex-
perimental results. Finally, we provide concluding re-
marks in Section 6.
The data for testing and evaluation consists of about
300.000 user utterances recorded in English language
from caller interactions with commercial automated
agents. Utterances from this database are manually
labelled by experts and divided into 20 classes (TE-
NOMATCH, appointments, operator, bill, internet,
phone etc.) Class TE-NOMATCH includes utterances
that cannot be put into another class or can be put
into more than one class. The database is also un-
balanced, some classes include much more utterances
than others (the largest class TE-NOMATCH includes
27.85% utterances and the smallest one consists of
only 0.16% utterances). A lot of calls contain only
one or two words.
Utterance duplicates were removed. The prepro-
cessed database consisting of 24458 utterances was
divided into a training (22020 utterances, 90.03%)
and test set (2438 utterances, 9.97%) such that the
percentage of classes remained the same in both sets.
The size of the dictionary of the whole database is
3464 words, 3294 words appear in the training set,
1124 words appear in the test set, 170 words which
appear only in the test set and do not appear in the
training set (unknown words), 33 utterances consisted
of only unknown words, and 160 utterances included
at least one unknown word.
3.1 Binary Preprocessing
The simplest approach is to take each word of the doc-
ument as a binary coordinate and the size of the fea-
ture space will be the size of our vocabulary.
3.2 TF-IDF
TF-IDF (term frequency - inverse document fre-
quency) is a well-known approach for text preprocess-
ing based on multiplication of term frequency t f
i j
tio between the number of times i
word occurs in j
document and the document size) and inverse docu-
ment frequency id f
t f
i j
i j
, (1)
where t
i j
is the number of times the i
word occurs in
the j
document. T
is the document size (number of
the words in the j
There are different ways to calculate the weight of
each word. In this paper we run classification algo-
rithms with the following variant.
id f
= log
, (2)
where D is the number of documents in the training
set and n
is the number of documents that have the
3.3 ConfWeight
Maximum Strength (Maxstr) is an alternative method
to find the word weights. This approach has been pro-
posed in (Soucy and Mineau, 2005). It implicitly does
feature selection since all frequent words have zero
weights. The main idea of the method is that the fea-
ture f has a non-zero weight in the class c only if the f
frequency in documents of the c class is greater than
the f frequency in all other classes. The ConfWeight
method uses Maxstr as an analogy of IDF:
i j
= log(t f
i j
+ 1) · Maxstr(i). (3)
Numerical experiments (Soucy and Mineau,
2005) have shown that the ConfWeight method is
more effective than TF-IDF with SVM and k-NN
as classification methods. The main drawback of
the ConfWeight method is computational complexity.
This method is more computationally demanding than
TF-IDF method because the ConfWeight method re-
quires time-consuming statistical calculations such as
Student distribution calculation and confidence inter-
val definition for each word.
3.4 Novel Term Relevance Estimation
The main idea of the method (Gasanova et al., 2013)
is similar to ConfWeight but it is not so time-
consuming. The idea is that every word that appears
in the article has to contribute some value to the cer-
tain class and the class with the biggest value we de-
fine as a winner for this article.
For each term we assign a real number term rel-
evance that depends on the frequency in utterances.
Term weight is calculated using a modified formula
of fuzzy rules relevance estimation for fuzzy classi-
fiers (Ishibuchi et al., 1999). Membership function
has been replaced by word frequency in the current
class. The details of the procedure are the following:
Let L be the number of classes; n
is the number of
articles which belong to the i
class; N
i j
is the number
of there j
word occurrence in all articles from the i
class; T
= N
is the relative frequency of the j
word occurrence in the i
= max
), S
= arg(max
))is the number
of class which we assign to the j
The term relevance, C
, is given by
L 1
. (4)
is higher if the word occurs more often in one
class than if it appears in many classes. We use novel
TW as an analogy of IDF for text preprocessing.
The learning phase consists of counting the C val-
ues for each term; it means that this algorithm uses
the statistical information obtained from the training
We have considered 4 different text preprocessing
methods (binary representation, TF-IDF, ConfWeight
and novel TRE method) and compared them using
different classification algorithms. The methods have
been implemented using RapidMiner (Shafait et al.,
2010). The classification methods are:
-k-nearest neighbours algorithm with weighted
vote (we have varied k from 1 to 15);
-kernel Bayes classifier with Laplace correction;
-neural network with error back propagation (stan-
dard setting in RapidMiner);
-fast large margin based on support vector ma-
chine (FLM) (standard setting in RapidMiner).
We use macro F-score as a criterion of classifica-
tion effectiveness. Precision for each class i is cal-
culated as the number of correctly classified articles
for class i divided by the number of all articles which
algorithm assigned for this class. Recall is the num-
ber of correctly classified articles for class i divided
by the number of articles that should have been in this
class. Overall precision and recall are calculated as
the arithmetic mean of the precisions and recalls for
all classes (macro-average). F-score is calculated as
the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
Term weighting provides also a simple features se-
lection. We can ignore terms with low weight values
(idf, Maxstr, or novel TW). In our paper we propose a
novel feature selection method using term weighting.
This method can be applied only for text classification
problems. At first we calculate relative frequency of
each word in each class with the training sample. Af-
ter that we choose the class with the maximum value
of the relative frequency for each word. Therefore,
each word in the vocabulary has the corresponding
class. When we get a new text for classification we
calculate for each class the sum of the weights of the
words which belong to the this class. After this proce-
dure we have number of attributes equals to number
of classes. Therefore, the method provides very small
number of attributes. Also the method can be applied
for binary preprocessing (standard features selection
is impossible for binary preprocessing).
We have implemented 4 different text preprocessing
methods (binary method, TF-IDF, ConfWeight and
the novel TRE method). At first we have measured
computational effectiveness of each text preprocess-
ing technique. We have tested each method 20 times
with the same computer (Intel Core i7 2.90 GHz, 8
GB RAM). Figure 1 compares computational times
for different preprocessing methods.
We can see in Figure 1 that binary preprocessing
is the fastest one. TF-IDF and the novel TRE are ap-
proximately one and a half times slower than binary
preprocessing and they have almost the same compu-
tational efficiency. The most time-consuming method
Figure 1: Computational effectiveness of the text prepro-
cessing methods.
is ConfWeight (CW). It requires approximately eight
times more time than TF-IDF and the novel TRE.
After that we implemented different classification
algorithms for all text preprocessing techniques us-
ing RapidMiner. Bayes classifier and k-nearest neigh-
bours algorithm can be applied without features se-
lection. In this situation number of classes equals to
size of the vocabulary. We applied these algorithms
also with ignoring 50% of the words with the low-
est values of the weights (for novel TW method also
ignoring 90% of the words). Also we have applied
the novel features selection method that allows to use
number of attributes equals to number of classes.
For artificial neural networks and support vector
machine the dimensionality is more critical than for
Bayes classifier and k-nearest neighbours algorithm.
Therefore, these classification algorithms were ap-
plied only with the novel feature selection method.
Table 1 present the F-scores obtained on the test
corpora for different text preprocessing methods and
different classification algorithms with different fea-
tures selection techniques. The best value is shown in
bold. Results of k-nearest neighbours algorithm are
presented with the best value of k. The novel features
selection method is identified as ”sums”.
We can see in Table 1 that the best classification
accuracy is provided with novel TRE approach as text
preprocessing and k-NN as classification algorithm
(k=4). It is close to the results with ConfWeight and
k-NN but the novel TRE approach is more efficient
for computation. We can also conclude that the k-
NN algorithm is the best one for all text preprocessing
methods. Binary preprocessing is more effective than
TF-IDF with all classification methods. This can be
explained by the fact that the database contains very
short calls (often only one word) and repeatability of
words in one call is close to zero. TF-IDF is more ap-
propriate for large documents with a large number of
repetitive words.
Table 1: The results of the numerical experiments
Method k-NN Bayes
0.663 0.667 - -
(all words)
0.534 0.522 0.524 0.478
0.625 0.573 - -
(all words)
0.212 0.229 - -
(50% words)
0.537 0.537 0.488 0.440
0.720 0.404 - -
(all words)
0.392 0.193 - -
(50% words)
0.716 0.691 0.680 0.594
Novel TRE
0.721 0.662 - -
(all words)
Novel TRE
0.716 0.667 - -
(50% words)
Novel TRE
0.623 0.555 - -
(10% words)
Novel TRE
0.670 0.627 0.593 0.561
The numerical results have shown advantages of
the novel features selection methods. The standard
features selection method with term weighting does
not allow to get appropriate results with the Con-
fWeight and the TF-IDF preprocessing methods, it is
possible only with the novel TRE (it is an additional
advantage of the novel TRE). The novel features se-
lection method works appropriately with all text pre-
processing techniques and allows to use very small
number of attributes.
This paper reported on call classification experiments
on large corpora using different text preprocessing
methods and classification methods. We have tested
binary representation, ConfWeight, TF-IDF and the
novel term relevance estimation approach as prepro-
cessing techniques. We have used k-NN, Bayes ap-
proach, neural network, and fast large margin based
on support vector machine as classification algo-
Numerical experiments have shown that Con-
fWeight method is more effective for classification as
TF-IDF and binary preprocessing but this method is
more time-consuming. The novel term relevance es-
timation method allows reaching better classification
effectiveness than ConfWeight. Computational effec-
tiveness of the novel TRE is the same as computa-
tional efficiency of TF-IDF.
Also the novel features selection method was pro-
posed. The method allow to use very small number
of attributes (equals to number of classes) and allow
to get appropriate classification results for all text pre-
processing methods.
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