on the expert’s opinion, this methodology also allows
us to evaluate the strength and descriptive capacity
of the model. The performed simulation was capa-
ble to identify the feedback processes, and when lin-
guistic variables were used and aggregated to produce
an overall linguistic weight for each edge with the as-
sociated defuzzification by using Center of Gravity,
the resulting model matched with the current descrip-
tion of the climate system referred by Rockstr
om et al
(2009). Although the algorithm for the adjustment of
the weights was restricted, the adjustments where the
principal reduction occurs in the relation Industrial-
ization - CO
atmospheric concentration, were plau-
sible in the context of the current reports on climate
change. This, together with the results of the simula-
tions, support the idea that the developed model can
be used for the planning, implementation, and eval-
uation of policies. A possible further work, in order
to analyze the adjustments performed, could imple-
ment migration or evolutionary algorithms to adjust
the weights (Va
ak 2012) and evaluate the perform
of each type from the point of view of the stakehold-
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the Programa de Investigaci
on en Cambio Clim
(PINCC) of the Universidad Nacional Aut
onoma de
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