Vv = 1/2FTg,
where g is the acceleration of gravity (9.81
m/s2). Then, jump height (JH) was calculated with
the following equation:
JH = Vv2(2g)
MGRF was normalized by body weight. The
mean of the 3 measurements was used for further
The representative GRF curves during the drop-
jump at both foot contacts were compared between
BARE and SHOD conditions. Figure X shows two
typical GRF time series data in two conditions.
MGRF, CT and JH were not significantly
different between BARE (MGRF; 60.2±12.5 N/kg,
CT; 0.24±0.04 s, JH; 22.4±4.42 cm) and SHOD
(MGRF; 58.4±11.7 N/kg, CT; 0.24±0.04 s, JH;
21.7±4.93 cm).
This study showed that the drop-jump performance
in BARE and SHOD conditions was similar in the
landing impact force, contact time and jump height.
The drop jump movement is known as the typical
single action of stretch-shortening cycle (SSC)
When compared with shod and barefoot
condition, the impact force in shod running was
higher than that of barefoot running (Lieberman et
al., 2010). This is because the foot was contacted
with rearfoot in shod condition, but with forefoot in
barefoot condition. In case of the drop-jump, the
foot contact was similar in both conditions. During
the drop jump, the force production in a concentric
contraction phase of the jump should be stronger
when it immediately proceeds with an eccentric
contraction of the same muscle. This pre-stretch
conditioning of lower limb muscles occur in
particular knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors
during the drop jump (Dvir, 1985a). The stretch
reflex elicited during eccentric phase of muscle
contraction may play an important role in controlling
subsequent muscle stiffness and elastic energy store,
and thus enhancing concentric muscle mechanical
power production during SSC muscle performance.
High muscle activity during the eccentric phase on
the contact plays an important role in storing elastic
energy, and this stored elastic energy can be
reutilized for production of high power during the
concentric phase on the contact (Viitasalo et al.,
1998). In the barefoot condition the foot may
naturally use these SSC functions in lower limb and
foot joints, while in shod condition elastic material
of the shoes may help to enhance the performance.
This result suggests that in order to improve the
SSC functions, exercises with barefoot may be
effective. However, exercises with barefoot should
be carefully planed because they can be very easy to
overcome the limited functions of the foot and leg
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