improved with the use of some tools helping to
discover relationships between different datasets
(e.g. Silk
) (Volz, 2009), to automatically identify
concepts and properties in the LOD Cloud to import
in our knowledge base.
The publication of data on an endpoint is the
conclusion of the process, but it does not guarantee
the use of the data. The publication on the endpoint
limits its use to professionals with specific expertise
in SPARQL. The use of LOD by an audience of
non-experts can only be guaranteed by the
introduction of a tool that makes access to data
hiding the SPARQL queries. Moreover, user-
friendly interfaces to query datasets and to facilitate
the visualization of results are needed.
It must be emphasized that an evaluation of the
best practices is needed in comparison with others,
and to apply it at large scale with larger datasets and
ontologies. Moreover, we plan to test and evaluate
the benefits of using them in terms of time, number
of interactions with the tools for manually
matching/cleaning, etc.
The research on Linked Open Data is very rich of
contributions and open challenges. In this paper we
wanted to give our initial contribution by discussing
the methodologies presented in the literature for
producing and publishing LOD, according to our
experience in this field. Furthermore, the application
of one of them to a real domain allowed us to
identify some points on which to open a further
Some steps of the best practices we used are
already consolidated and shared in the Linked Data
community, while others need a global assessment.
Among these, we include the usability of LOD
technologies, the semantic integration of ontologies
and datasets, the LOD persistence and quality issues.
The latter is not discussed in this paper but in our
future works we plan to deeply address the quality
issues of LOD.
Regarding the development and implementation
of PA's LOD, we plan to design and develop a tool
with user-friendly interfaces to navigate the
SPARQL results, and integrate this tool within an
Information System supporting the provision of
public sector services.
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