A Method of Topic Detection for Great Volume of Data
Flora Amato, Francesco Gargiulo, Antonino Mazzeo and Carlo Sansone
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Teconolgie dell’Informazione (DIETI) University of Naples Federico II,
Via Claudio 21, Naples, Italy.
Topic Detection, Clustering, t f id f, Feature Reduction.
Topics extraction has become increasingly important due to its effectiveness in many tasks, including infor-
mation filtering, information retrieval and organization of document collections in digital libraries. The Topic
Detection consists to find the most significant topics within a document corpus. In this paper we explore the
adoption of a methodology of feature reduction to underline the most significant topics within a document
corpus. We used an approach based on a clustering algorithm (X-means) over the t f id f matrix calculated
starting from the corpus, by which we describe the frequency of terms, represented by the columns, that occur
in each document, represented by a row. To extract the topics, we build n binary problems, where n is the
numbers of clusters produced by an unsupervised clustering approach and we operate a supervised feature
selection over them considering the top features as the topic descriptors. We will show the results obtained on
two different corpora. Both collections are expressed in Italian: the first collection consists of documents of
the University of Naples Federico II, the second one consists in a collection of medical records.
Topic extraction from text has become increasingly
important due to its effectiveness in many tasks, in-
cluding information retrieval, information filtering
and organization of document collections in digital li-
In this paper we explore the adoption of a method-
ology of feature extraction and reduction to underline
the most significant topic within a corpus of docu-
We used an approach based on a clustering algo-
rithm (X-means) over the TF-IDF matrix calculated
starting from the corpus.
In the proposed approach, each cluster represents
a topic. We characterize each of them through a set of
words representing the documents within a cluster.
In literature a standard method for obtaining this
kind of result is the usage of a non-supervised feature
reduction method, such as the Principal Component
Analysis (PCA). However the high dimensionality of
the feature vectors associated to each document make
this method not feasible.
To overcome this problem we build n binary prob-
lems, where n is the numbers of clusters produced by
the X-means. Then we operate a supervised feature
selection over the obtained clusters, considering the
cluster membership as the class and the selected top
features (words) as the researched topic.
We exploit two different ground truth made by do-
main expert in order to evaluate the most significant
feature that separates the class of interest from all the
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the most recent related work for topic detec-
tion. Section 3 outlines the proposed methodology.
In Section 4, we present the performed experiments,
showing dataset used for experimental validation and
the obtained results. Eventually, in Section 5 we dis-
cuss conclusions and possible future directions for our
Nowadays we have available a large amount of infor-
mation on web but we would access to this informa-
tion in the shortest time and with the highest accuracy.
To help people to integrate and organize scattered in-
formation several machine learning approaches have
been proposed for the topic detection and tracking
technology. Moreover Topic detection and tracking
(TDT) is to study the problem of how to organize
information which is based on event in natural lan-
guage information flow and Topic Detection is a sub-
Amato F., Gargiulo F., Mazzeo A. and Sansone C..
A Method of Topic Detection for Great Volume of Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0005145504340439
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (KomIS-2014), pages 434-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-035-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
task of TDT. In the Topic Detection (TD) task the set
of most prominent topics have been found in a col-
lection of documents. Furthermore, in other words,
TD is based on the identification of the stories in sev-
eral continuous news streams which concern new or
previously unidentified events. Sometimes unidenti-
fied events have been retrieved in an accumulated col-
lection (“retrospective detection”) while in the “on-
line detection” the events could be labelled when they
have been flagged as new events in real time. Give
the TD is a problem to assign labels to unlabelled
data grouping together a subset of news reports with
similar contents, most unsupervised learning meth-
ods, proposed in literature as (Wartena and Brussee,
2008), (Jia Zhang et al., 2011), exploit the text clus-
tering algorithms to solve this problem.
Most common approaches, as (Wartena and
Brussee, 2008), given list of topics the problem of
identifying and characterizing a topic is a main part
of the task. For this reason a training set or other
forms of external knowledge cannot be exploited and
the own information contained in the collection can
be used to solve the Topic Detection problem. More-
over the method, proposed in (Wartena and Brussee,
2008), is a two-step approach: in the former a list of
the most informative keywords have been extracted;
the latter consists in the identification of the clusters
of keywords for which a center has been defined as
the representation of a topic. The authors of (Wartena
and Brussee, 2008) considered topic detection with-
out any prior knowledge of category structure or pos-
sible categories. Keywords are extracted and clus-
tered based on different similarity measures using the
induced k-bisecting clustering algorithm. They con-
sidered distance measures between words, based on
their statistical distribution over a corpus of docu-
ments, in order to find a measure that yields good
clustering results.
In (Bolelli and Ertekin, 2009), a generative model
based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is pro-
posed that integrates the temporal ordering of the doc-
uments into the generativeprocess in an iterative fash-
ion called Segmented Author-Topic Model (S-ATM).
The document collection has been split into time seg-
ments where the discovered topics in each segment
has been propagated to influence the topic discovery
in the subsequent time segments. The document-topic
and topic-word distributions learned by LDA describe
the best topics for each document and the most de-
scriptive words for each topic. An extension of LDA
is the author-topic model (ATM). In ATM, a docu-
ment is represented as a product of the mixture of
topics of its authors, where each word is generated by
the activation of one of the topics of the document au-
thor, but the temporal ordering is discarded. S-ATM
is based on the (ATM) and extends it to integrate the
temporal characteristics of the document collection
into the generative process. Besides S-ATM learns
author-topic and topic-word distributions for scien-
tific publications integrating the temporal order of the
documents into the generative process.
The goals in (Seo and Sycara, 2004) are: i) the
system should be able to group the incoming data into
a cluster of items of similar content; ii) it should re-
port the contents of the cluster in summarized human-
readable form; iii) it should be able to track events of
interest in order to take advantage of developments.
The proposed method has been motivated by con-
structive and competitive learning from neural net-
work research. In the construction phase, it tries to
find the optimal number of clusters by adding a new
cluster when the intrinsic difference between the pre-
sented instance and the existing clusters is detected.
Then each cluster moves toward the optimal cluster
center according to the learning rate by adjusting its
weight vector.
In (Song et al., 2012), a text clustering algorithm
C-KMC is introduced which combined Canopy and
modified k-means clustering applied to topic detec-
tion. This text clustering algorithm is based on two
steps: in the former, namely C-process, has been ap-
plied Canopy clustering that split all sample points
roughly into some overlapping subsets using inaccu-
rate similarity measure method; in the latter, called
K-process, has been employed a modified K-means
that take X-means algorithm to generate rough clus-
ters from the canopies which share common instance.
In this algorithm, Canopies are an intermediate result
which can reduce the computing cost of the second
step and make it much easier to be used, although
Canopy is not a completed cluster or topic.
The authors of (Zhang and Li, 2011) used vector
space model (VSM) to represent topics, and then they
used K-means algorithm to do a topic detection exper-
iment. They studied howthe corpus size and K-means
affect this kind of topic detection performance, and
then they used TDT evaluation method to assess re-
sults. The experiments proved that optimal topic de-
tection performance based on large-scale corpus en-
hances by 38.38% more than topic detection based on
small-scale corpus.
The proposed methodology, aiming to extract and re-
duce the features characterizing the most significant
topic within a corpus of documents, is depicted in
Fig. 1.
The considered features are computed on the basis
of the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency
(t f id f) matrix from the corpus.
Process implementing the methodology is com-
posed by several steps. The first step is the evaluation
of a t f id f matrix (Manning and Sch¨utze, 1999),
consisting of an m× n matrix where m is the number
of documents in the collection and n is the number
of tokens we are considering. The tokens could be
Lemmas, Terms, Synonymous or more complex Lex-
ical Structures (Amato et al., 2013b),(Amato et al.,
2010),(Amato et al., 2013a).
Each row represents a document and each column
represents the t f id f value calculated for each doc-
ument’s token.
The t f id f value is defined as follows:
t f id f = t f × id f (1)
where t f is the number of the token occurrence
in the document and id f is a measure of whether the
occurrence is common or rare across all collection
Each rows of t f id f matrix contains a vector of
real numbers which represents the projection of each
document in an n-dimensional feature space, for seek
of simplicity in the Figure 1(a) we represent the doc-
uments as projected in a bi-dimensional space.
To overcome the high-dimensionality feature
space (more than 60.000 tokens) that makes the us-
age of an unsupervised feature selection method, such
as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), not feasi-
ble, we adopted a novel solution based on a prelimi-
nary documents clustering. In the Figure 1(b) is rep-
resented the clustering process.
After that we built n binary problems where n is
the number of clusters obtained. Each problem is
created using a one vs all strategy such as for each
cluster i, all the documents that belong to the cluster
i were labelled as True otherwise all the other docu-
ments were labelled as False, see Figure 1(c).
In order to obtain the topics characterizing each
cluster, corresponding to a binary problem, we used
a supervised feature selection method on each of
them, using the previous assigned labels indicating
the group membership as class on which evaluate
each feature. The feature selection gave in output a
set of ranked features that represent the tokens that
more discriminate the cluster under analysis from all
the rest. These tokens figure out the searched topic.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this approach,
we used the Weka library (Holmes et al., 1994), which
is a collection of data mining algorithms.
We selected for the clustering process the X-
means algorithm (Dan Pelleg, 2000). The X-means is
an evolution of the K-means, the main difference be-
tween them is on the choice of the optimal number of
clusters to use, while X-means set automatically this
number, the K-means use a manual parameter (K).
More in details we configure the X-means with: 4
as Max Number of Iteration and 15 as Max Number of
The proposed approach has been applied on two
different corpora. Both collections are expressed in
Italian: the first one, called UNINA, consists of doc-
uments of the University of Naples Federico II, the
second one, called Medical Records, consists in a
collection of medical records.
We compare the performances obtained on these
two corpora in terms of precision, recall and cluster
precision =
recall =
coverage =
where N
is the number of instances in result
clusters, N
is the number of mistake instances in
result clusters, N
is the sample size of the category
under test and N
is the total number of instances.
4.1 Corpora Description
The corpus UNINA was originally collected from the
web site of the University of Naples Federico II (Un-
ina) and labelled by a domain expert. It consists of a
total of 469 documents, divided into four categories
statistically characterized in the Table 1.
The corpus Medical Records consists of about
5.000 medical diagnoses coming from various health
Table 1: Categories distribution for corpus UNINA.
Class Number of documents
Amministrativo 17
Bandi 111
Didattica 224
Relazioni Attivit´a 117
TOT. 469
Figure 1: Main Schema.
Table 2: Categories distribution for corpus Medical
Class Number of documents
Consulenze 96
Doppler 593
Ecoc 702
Ecografia 1171
Endoscopia 365
Intervento 346
Radiologia 1726
TOT. 4999
care organization in Campania (Italy). Since each
fragment is a document produced from Medical Cen-
ter, containing a description of a patient health care.
For privacy issues, these documents are opportunely
anonymized. The medical records are divided into
seven categories detailed within the Table 2.
4.2 Experimental Results
The results of the two case studies are reported in Ta-
ble 3 and Table 4. The first consideration is that not all
the classes are characterized with a cluster, this fact is
directly correlated to the number of documents belong
to each of them.
For example, the absence of the class Amministra-
tivo within the Corpus UNINA is due to the few doc-
uments that belongs to that class, see Table 1. For the
same motivation it is possible to justify the absence of
the classes Consulenze, Intervento and Endoscopia in
the corpus Medical Records, see Table 2.
Table 3: Clusters assignments for Unina.
Assigned category Precision Recall Coverage
Didattica 100.0% 4.0% 1.9%
Didattica 100.0% 3.1% 1.5%
Didattica 100.0% 12.5% 6%
Bandi 100.0% 36.0% 8.5%
Relazioni Attivit´a 99.0% 81.2% 20.5%
Didattica 41.1% 13.4% 15.6%
Didattica 67.5% 62.1% 43.9%
Didattica 100.0% 2.2% 1.1%
Didattica 100.0% 1.8% 0.9%
Didattica 100.0% 0.4% 0.2%
Average Parameters 76.4% 50.0% 100.0%
Table 4: Clusters assignments for medical records.
Assigned category Precision Recall Coverage
Ecografia 91.6% 59.8% 15.3%
Ecoc 99.7% 99.4% 14.0%
Ecografia 61.0% 35.1% 13.5%
Doppler 100.0% 67.3% 8.0%
Radiologia 41.0% 35.0% 29.4%
Radiologia 94.5% 12.9% 4.7%
Radiologia 100.0% 24.5% 8.5%
Radiologia 100.0% 1.0% 0.4%
Radiologia 100.0% 0.8% 0.3%
Radiologia 100.0% 17.4% 6.0%
Average Parameters 75.9% 47.22% 100.0%
Another important results is that the cluster with
the highest coverage is composed in large part by
noise. A possible motivation could be that the biggest
cluster contains a collection of documents that are
Table 5: Topic detection for dataset Unina.
Cluster Rel. Att. Amm. Bandi Didat- tica Coverage Top features
6 3% 29% 67% 43.9% emanato, norme, seguito, conto, u.s.r
4 99% 1% 20.5%
legittimata, odierna, giudizi, alfabetico,
5 21% 23% 15% 41% 15.6% gara, foro, cauzione, possedute, addebito
3 100% 8.5%
incombenza, destituzione, rimborsabile,
risiedere, assunzione
100% 6%
facilitarne, aggrega, prefiggono, consecutivo,
100% 1.9%
regolamentazioni, oligopolio, monopolio,
microeconomia, macroeconomia
1 100% 1.5% ebbe, opzione, roffredo, lictera, spagnole
7 100% 1.1%
pneumoconiosi, 2607, extraepatiche, ards,
100% 0.9%
ril, discip, coordinatoredel, periimplantari,
100% 0.2%
anafilotossine, passivazione, overjet, overbite,
Table 6: Topic detection for dataset Medical records.
Cluster Radio-
Ecoc Consu-
Doppler Inter-
Coverage Top features
4 41.0% 4.1% 0.3% 2.6% 15.3% 13.2% 23.5% 29.4% norma, alterazioni, esame, eseguito, volume
8.4% 91.6% 15.3% fegato, pancreas, milza, colecisti, reni
99.7% 0.3% 14.0% sezioni, normali, aortica, sinistre, deficit
12.0% 61.0% 6.2% 20.8% 13.5% tiroide, lobo, prevalente, nodulari,
100.0% 8.5% compatibile, cardiaca, lesioni,
aortica.immagine, focolaio
100.0% 8.0% intimale, vasale, ispessimento, assi, succlavio
100.0% 6.0% carattere, periferica, attivit , ilare,
94.5% 5.5% 4.7% ingrandita, stasi, cardiaca, piccolo, costo
100.0% 0.4% prominenza, attivit .regolare, arco,
100.0% 0.3% aerea, bozzatura, tracheale, emidiaframma,
very close to each other, even if they belong to differ-
ent categories. A possible solution is to not consider
this cluster of documents or to use approachesto clean
this data (Gargiulo and Sansone, 2010) or to use multi
classification schemas (Gargiulo et al., 2013).
Within the Table 5 and Table 6 we represented the
top features evaluated for each cluster with the per-
centage of documents belongs to each original cate-
Topic extraction from documents is a challenging
problem within the data mining field. The main mo-
tivation is due to its effectiveness in many tasks such
as: information retrieval, information filtering and or-
ganization of documents collection in digital library.
In this paper we presented a methodology to im-
plement an unsupervised topic detection for high di-
mensional datasets.
To this aim we used a preliminary clustering ap-
proach over the t f id f matrix computed starting
from the corpora and we built n binary problems, one
for each cluster obtained; we considered a supervised
features selection over such problems to select the
most important features and consequently the asso-
ciated topics.
We showed the effectiveness of this approach on
two different corpora, UNINA and Medical Records,
obtaining interesting results.
As feature work we are planned to evaluate a set
of distance measures to automatically figure out the
degree of belonging between the selected features set
and the most interesting topics set.
This work has been partially supported by the
STAYWELL project, funded by MIUR (Ministero
dellIstruzione, dellUniversit`a e della Ricerca).
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