Automatically Generated Classifiers for Opinion Mining with
Different Term Weighting Schemes
Shakhnaz Akhmedova
, Eugene Semenkin
and Roman Sergienko
Institute of Computer Science and Telecommunications, Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Institute of Communications Engineering, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
Keywords: Opinion Mining, Support Vector Machine, Neural Networks, Bio-Inspired Algorithms.
Abstract: Automatically generated classifiers using different term weighting schemes for Opinion Mining are
presented. New collective nature-inspired self-tuning meta-heuristic for solving unconstrained and
constrained real- and binary-parameter optimization problems called Co-Operation of Biology Related
Algorithms was developed and used for classifiers design. Three Opinion Mining problems from DEFT’07
competition were solved by proposed classifiers. Also different weighting schemes were used for data
processing. Obtained results were compared between themselves and with results obtained by methods
which were proposed by other researchers. As the result workability and usefulness of designed classifiers
were established and best data processing approach for them was found.
Opinion Mining (also called sentiment analysis) is
the process of determining the attitude of a speaker
or a writer with respect to some topic or the overall
context of a document (Pang and Lee, 2008). The
attitude may be some person’s judgment or
evaluation, affective or emotional state, or the
intended emotional communication.
Most opinion mining algorithms use simple
terms to express sentiment about a product or
service (for example, a “positive” or “negative”
review). However, cultural factors, linguistic
nuances and differing contexts make it extremely
difficult to turn a string of written text into a simple
pro or con sentiment.
Nowadays various techniques are developed for
solving opinion mining problems, for example latent
semantic analysis, "bag of words" and other machine
learning algorithms (Pang, Lee and Vaithyanathan,
2002). But it is well known that the way that
documents are represented influences on the
performance of the text classification (opinion
mining problems can also be considered as text
categorization problems) algorithms (Youngjoong
Ko, 2012).
In this work artificial neural networks and
support vector machines automatically generated by
collective bionic algorithm and its modifications are
decribed. They were used with eleven different text
preprocessing techniques for solving three opinion
mining problems which were taken from the
DEFFT’07 competition. The best combinations (text
preprocessing for problems) for classifiers were
In the second section proposed algorithms are
described. Term weighting schemes are shown in the
third section. Next experimntal results are presented
and some conclusions are given.
2.1 Co-Operation of Biology Related
A new collective bionic method called Co-Operation
of Biology Related Algorithms (COBRA) was
introduced in (Akhmedova and Semenkin, 2013).
It’s based on the co-operative work of five well
known heuristics: Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) (Kennedy and Eberhart, 1995), Wolf Pack
Search (WPS) (Yang, Tu and Chen, 2007), Firefly
Algorithm (FFA) (Yang, 2009), Cuckoo Search
Algorithm (CSA) (Yang and Deb, 2009) and Bat
Algorithm (BA) (Yang, 2010).
Akhmedova S., Semenkin E. and Sergienko R..
Automatically Generated Classifiers for Opinion Mining with Different Term Weighting Schemes.
DOI: 10.5220/0005148508450850
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ASAAHMI-2014), pages 845-850
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The proposed approach is a self-tuning algorithm:
the population size for each method can increase or
decrease during the program run. Besides,
populations communicate with each other: they
exchange individuals after a given number of
objective function evaluations.
The proposed heuristic’s workability and
usefulness were established by its testing on various
optimization problems (Liang et al., 2012). Also it
was established that COBRA outperforms its
component-algorithms and exhibits a competitive
level of performance compared to alternative
optimization techniques.
The COBRA heuristic was originally developed
for solving real-parameter unconstrained
optimization problems. Later it was modified for
solving not only real but also binary-parameter
constrained and unconstrained optimization
Using the technique described in (Kennedy and
Eberhart, 1997), the COBRA binary modification
(COBRA-b) was developed. COBRA was adapted to
search in binary spaces by applying a sigmoid
transformation which also was taken from (Kennedy
and Eberhart, 1997) to the velocity (PSO, BA) and
coordinates (FFA, CSA, WPS) to compress them
into a range [0, 1] and force the component values of
the individual position to be 0’s or 1’s.
Then COBRA’s modification for solving
constrained optimization problems was also
developed. Three constraints handling methods were
used for this purpose: dynamic penalties (Eiben and
Smith, 2003), Deb’s rule (Deb, 2000) and the
technique described in (Liang, Shang and Li, 2010).
Method proposed in (Liang, Shang and Li, 2010)
was implemented to PSO-component of COBRA; at
the same time other components were modified by
implementing Deb’s rule followed by calculating
function values using dynamic penalties. The new
algorithm was called COBRA-c (Akhmedova and
Semenkin, 2013).
The performance of both modifications was
evaluated with a set of various test functions. For
example, 18 scalable benchmark functions provided
by the CEC 2010 competition and a special session
on single objective constrained real-parameter
optimization (Mallipeddi, Suganthan, 2009) were
used for heuristic COBRA-c testing. The constrained
modification of COBRA was compared with
algorithms that took part in the CEC’2010
competition. It was established that COBRA-b and
COBRA-c work successfully and are sufficiently
reliable. Besides, the proposed approach for
constrained optimization problems is superior to 3-4
of the 14 winning methods from this competition.
And finally, COBRA’s modifications outperform all
of its component algorithms.
2.2 ANN-Based Classifiers
The feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN)
models have three primary components: the input
data layer, the hidden layer(s) and the output layer.
Each of these layers contains nodes and these nodes
are connected to nodes at adjacent layer(s). Also
each node has its own activation function. So the
number of hidden layers, the number of nodes
(neurons), and the type of activation function on
each node will be denoted as “ANN’s structure”.
Before solving a classification problem by neural
network its structure should be chosen.
Besides, nodes in network are interconnected and
each connection has a weight coefficient; the
number of these coefficients depends on the solving
problem (number of inputs) and the number of
hidden layers and nodes. Thus, networks with a
more or less complex structure usually have many
weight coefficients which should be adjusted.
The neural networks’ structure design and the
tuning of their weight coefficients are considered as
the solving two unconstrained optimization
problems: the first one with binary variables and the
second one with real-valued variables. The type of
variables depends on the representation of the
ANN’s structure and coefficients.
For this work we set a maximum number of
hidden layers and a maximum number of neurons on
each hidden layer (both equal to 5), so that the
maximum number of hidden neurons is equal to 25.
We could have chosen a larger number of layers and
nodes, but our aim was to show that an even network
with a relatively small structure can show good
results if it is tuned with effective optimization
Each node was represented by a binary string of
length 4. If the string consisted only of zeros
(“0000”) then this node wouldn’t exist in ANN. So,
the whole structure of the neural network was
represented by a binary string of length 100 (25x4),
and each 20 variables represented one hidden layer.
The number of input layers depended on the
problem in hand.
Also we used 15 different activation functions
for all nodes, for example, sigmoidal function, linear
function, hyperbolic tangent function and so on. For
determining which activation function would be
used on a given node, the integer corresponding to
its binary string was calculated. Namely, if some
neuron had the binary string “0110”, then the integer
was calculated in the following way: 0×2
+ 1×2
+ 0×2
= 6. So for this neuron we used the
sixth activation function from the 15 mentioned
Thus we used the optimization method COBRA-
b for finding the best ANN’s structure and the
optimization method COBRA for the weight
coefficients adjustment of every structure.
2.3 SVM-based Classifiers
Support vector machines are linear classification
mechanisms, which represent examples from a
training set as points in space mapped so that the
examples of the separate categories are divided by a
clear gap that is as wide as possible (Vapnik and
Chervonenkis, 1974). New examples (from a test
set) are then mapped into the same space and
predicted to belong to a category based on which
side of the gap they fall. So, SVM-based classifiers
linearly divide examples from different classes.
SVM is based on the maximization of the
distance between the discriminating hyper-plane and
the closest examples. This maximization reduces the
so-called structural risk, which is related to the
quality of the decision function. The most
discriminating hyper-plane can be computed by
solving constrained the real-parameter optimization
problem described in (Vapnik and Chervonenkis,
However, instances from different categories are
not always linearly separable, and in this case SVM
(as a linear classifier) does not provide satisfying
classification results. One way to resolve this
problem is to map the data onto a higher dimension
space and then to use a linear classifier in that space.
The general idea is to map the original feature space
to a higher-dimensional feature space where the
training set is linearly separable. SVM provides an
easy and efficient way of performing this mapping
to a higher dimensional space, which is referred to
as the kernel trick (Boser, Guyon and Vapnik, 1992).
In this study we use COBRA and COBRA-c to
automatically design appropriate SVM-based
classifiers for the problem in hand.
Generally, text documents are not classified as
sequences of symbols. They are usually transformed
into vector representation in so-called feature space
because most machine learning algorithms are
designed for vector space models. The document
mapping into the feature space remains a complex
non-trivial task.
Text pre-processing techniques can be
considered as term weighting schemes: calculating
the weight of each word. The term weighting
methods can be roughly divided into two groups:
supervised and unsupervised methods. Almost all of
them use the frequency of the term occurring.
Two of the most popular text pre-processing
approaches among researchers are the TF-IDF
technique (Salton and Buckley, 1988) and the
ConfWeight method (Soucy and Mineau, 2005). In
this study we used the above schemes and also the
term weighting method proposed in (Gasanova et al.,
2013) called C-values. It has some similarities with
the ConfWeight method, but has improved
computational efficiency: no morphological or stop-
word filtering before text pre-processing was used. It
means that the text pre-processing can be performed
without a human expert or linguistic knowledge and
that the text pre-processing technique doesn’t
depend on the language. All term weighting schemes
(binary pre-processing, 8 TF-IDF techniques,
ConfWeights, C-values) which were used are briefly
described in (Gasanova et al., 2014).
Thus we tried to determine which of the term
weighting schemes mentioned is the most useful for
solving Opinion Mining problems.
The DEFT07 (“Défi Fouille de Texte”) Evaluation
Package (Plate-forme AFIA 2007) has been used for
the application of algorithms and the comparison of
results. For the testing of the proposed approach
three corpora were used: “Books”, “Video games”
(later just “Games”) and “Debates in Parliament”
(later just “Debates”). Descriptions of corpora are
given in Table 1.
These corpora are divided into train (60%) and
test (40%) sets by the organizers of the DEFT’07
competition and this partition has been retained in
our study to be able to directly compare the
performance achieved using the methods developed
in this work with the algorithms of participants. The
train and test set parameters of all corpora are shown
in Table 2.
In order to apply the classification algorithms, all
words which appear in the train set have been
extracted. Then words have been brought to the
same letter case: dots, commas and other
punctuation marks have been removed. It should be
mentioned that no other information related to the
language or domain (no stop or ignore word lists)
has been used in the pre-processing.
Table 1: Test corpora.
Corpus Description
3000 commentaries
about books, films
and shows
4000 commentaries
about video games
28800 interventions
by Representatives in
the French Assembly
0:against the
proposed law,
1:for it
Table 2: Corpora sizes.
Corpus Data set sizes
(test set)
Train size = 2074
Test size = 1386
Vocabulary = 52507
1:615, 2:
1:411, 2:
Train size = 2537
Test size = 1694
Vocabulary = 63144
Train size = 17299
Test size = 11533
Vocabulary = 59615
The F-score value (Van Rijsbergen, 1979) was
used for evaluating the obtained results. The F-score
depends on the “precision” and “recall” of each
criterion. The classification “precision” for each
class is calculated as the number of correctly
classified instances for a given class divided by the
number of all instances which the algorithm has
assigned for this class. “Recall” is the number of
correctly classified instances for a given class
divided by the number of instances that should have
been in this class.
From the viewpoint of optimization, the design
of ANN-based classifiers for the mentioned corpora
requires solving optimisation problems having from
115 to 120 real-valued variables for ANN weight
coefficients and 100 binary variables for the ANN
structure. For example, here is the structure of the
neural network with the best obtained result using
the C-values pre-processing scheme for the problem
“Books” which has five hidden layers, three neurons
on the first layer, four neurons on the third layer and
five neurons on the other layers:
The first layer is (0000 0000 0011 1100 1100),
i.e. neurons with the 3rd and 12th activation
The second layer is (0001 0111 1100 0111
1111), i.e., neurons with the 1st, 7th, 12th, and
15th activation functions;
The third layer is (1011 0111 1110 1111 0000),
i.e., neurons with the 11th, 7th, 14th, and 15th
activation functions
The fourth layer is (0001 1001 0100 1101
1111), i.e., neurons with the 1st, 9th, 4th, 13th,
and 15th activation functions;
The fifth layer is (0011 0110 1011 0101 1110),
i.e., neurons with the 3rd, 6th, 11th, 5th and
15th activation functions.
The results for all text categorization problems
obtained by generated SVM-based and ANN-based
classifiers with different term weighting schemes are
presented in Tables 3, 4 and 5.
Table 3: Results obtained for corpus “Books”.
C-values 0.619 0.585137
ConfWeight 0.588023
Binary_SUM 0.558442 0.566378
TF-IDF_1 0.580087 0.554113
TF-IDF_2 0.563492 0.533189
TF-IDF_3_0.1 0.577201 0.518038
TF-IDF_3_0.5 0.576479 0.460317
TF-IDF_3_0.9 0.55772 0.505051
TF-IDF_4_0.1 0.549784 0.553719
TF-IDF_4_0.5 0.559163 0.550767
TF-IDF_4_0.9 0.561328 0.541913
Table 4: Results obtained for corpus “Games”.
C-values 0.695772 0.691919
ConfWeight 0.645218
Binary_SUM 0.681818 0.65368
TF-IDF_1 0.668831 0.642136
TF-IDF_2 0.661157 0.649351
TF-IDF_3_0.1 0.686541 0.678932
TF-IDF_3_0.5 0.65987 0.643579
TF-IDF_3_0.9 0.603896 0.627706
TF-IDF_4_0.1 0.691263 0.701299
TF-IDF_4_0.5 0.645218 0.678932
TF-IDF_4_0.9 0.657096 0.551948
So the best classification quality for the problem
“Books” is provided with the C-values approach for
text pre-processing and Support Vector Machine
generated with COBRA as a classification method.
This result is better than the one obtained by the
DEFT’07 participants although no term filtering has
been used in the text pre-processing. The second
best result for the “Books” corpora was obtained by
Artificial Neural Network generated by COBRA but
with the ConfWeight term weighting scheme.
Table 5: Results obtained for corpus “Debates”.
Debates SVM ANN
C-values 0.699905 0.704587
ConfWeight 0.714211 0.709269
Binary_SUM 0.641984 0.6471
TF-IDF_1 0.638429 0.640336
TF-IDF_2 0.64129 0.640683
TF-IDF_3_0.1 0.661406 0.645712
TF-IDF_3_0.5 0.668659 0.611983
TF-IDF_3_0.9 0.669323 0.6436
TF-IDF_4_0.1 0.663314 0.643284
TF-IDF_4_0.5 0.665135 0.601231
TF-IDF_4_0.9 0.660827 0.566375
For the problem “Games” ANN-based classifiers
showed better results than Support Vector Machines.
And again the best result achieved by SVM-based
classifiers was provided with the C-values pre-
processing technique, while the best result achieved
by ANN-based classifiers was with the ConfWeight
There is no significant difference between the
results obtained by neural networks with the C-
values term weighting scheme and the ConfWeight
method for the problem “Debates”. However ANN-
based classifiers showed the best results with the
text pre-processing technique ConfWeight for this
corpus. Support Vector Machines were more
successful while solving the given problem. But that
time the best result was achieved by SVM-based
classifiers also with the ConfWeight approach.
It was established that generally the best term
relevance scheme for SVM-based classifiers is the
C-values technique and the ConfWeight method was
more useful for neural networks.
Table 6 contains the best results obtained with
SVM-based and ANN-based classifiers
automatically generated by developed bionic
algorithms. There are also results obtained for the
best submission of other researchers for each corpus.
The results for each corpus were ranked and then the
total rank was evaluated as a mean value. So the best
results were obtained by the method with the
smallest total rank, and vice versa, and the worst
results were obtained by the method with the largest
total rank value.
It should be noted that in Table 6 only the best
combinations of text pre-processing methods for our
algorithms are presented. Thus the proposed
classification methods outperformed almost all
alternative approaches. In (Gasanova et al., 2014)
results obtained by k-nearest neighbours algorithm
(k varied from 1 to 15) were presented. The best F-
score achieved by k-NN classifiers (with k equal to
15) for corpus “Books” was equal to 0.5593 and for
Table 6: Results obtained for all corpora, comparison of
the performance.
Team or
J.-M. Torres-
Moreno (LIA)
0.603 (3) 0.784 (1) 0.720 (1) 1
G. Denhiere
0.599 (4) 0.699 (6) 0.681 (6) 4
S. Maurel
(CELI France)
0.519 (8) 0.706 (5) 0.697 (5) 5
M. Vernier
0.577 (5) 0.761 (3) 0.673 (7) 6
E. Crestan
(Yahoo ! Inc.)
0.529 (7) 0.673 (8) 0.703 (4) 7
M. Plantie
0.783 (2) 0.671 (9) 8
A.-P. Trinh
0.542 (6) 0.659 (9) 0.676 (8) 9
M. Genereux
E. Charton
0.504 (9)
A. Acosta
SVM+COBRA 0.619 (1) 0.696 (7) 0.714 (2) 3
ANN+COBRA 0.613 (2) 0.727 (4) 0.709 (3) 2
corpus “Debates” it was equal to 0.695. But for
problem “Games” k-NN algorithm outperformed
SVM-based classifiers generated by COBRA, its
result was 0.7203.
In this paper we have described a new meta-
heuristic, called Co-Operation of Biology Related
Algorithms, and introduced its modification for
solving unconstrained optimization problems with
binary variables (COBRA-b) and constrained
optimization problems with real-valued variables
(COBRA-c). The proposed algorithms’ usefulness
and workability were established by their testing on
sets of benchmark problems.
Then we used described optimization methods
for the automated design of ANN-based and SVM-
based classifiers. These approaches were applied to
three Opinion Mining problems which were taken
from the DEFT’07 competition. For that purpose
different text pre-processing techniques were used.
Solving these problems is equivalent to solving
big and hard optimization problems where objective
functions have many variables and are given in the
form of a computational program. The suggested
algorithms successfully solved all the problems of
designing classifiers with competitive performance.
A comparison with alternative classification
methods showed that SVM-based and ANN-based
classifiers designed by COBRA outperformed
almost all of them. This fact allows us to consider
the study results as confirmation of the reliability,
workability and usefulness of the algorithms in
solving real world optimization problems.
Having these appropriate tools for data mining,
we consider the following directions for the
approach development: the design of other types of
neural network models, the design of Support Vector
Machines with alternative kinds of kernel function,
the application to the design of fuzzy systems, the
improvement in optimization performance of
developed algorithms COBRA, COBRA-b and
Research is performed with the financial support of
the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Russian Federation within the federal R&D
programme (project RFMEFI57414X0037).
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