Vulnerability Assessment in Quantitative Risk Management
State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Raed Labassi and Mohamed Hamdi
Engineering school of communications, Techno-parc El Ghazala, Route de Raoued, Ariana, 2083, Tunisia
The ubiquitous use of information and
communication technologies has resulted in more
dependency on digital infrastructures. The
proliferation of information systems and
communication networks had certainly enabled a
substantial progress in many aspects of the daily life
but it also had opened the possibilities for malicious
users to exploit their weaknesses. Thus, there are
new risk factors that have huge implications such as
economic dependency on the information and
communication systems security (CSI, 2010).
Vulnerability assessment is one key step in the
quantitative risk management approach. Nowadays,
analyzing information system vulnerabilities is one
of the main operations in a day-to-day workload of
security professionals and a crucial step in a
quantitative risk management lifecycle. Mitre’s
CVE/CWE databases (Mitre, 2012) and OSVDB
database (OSVDB, 2013) are examples of libraries
whose large use among security products, aimed at
big companies and organizations, shows the
importance of vulnerability assessment in the risk
management task.
Assessing information system vulnerabilities
enables security professionals to design accurate
threat scenarios based on concrete data. The
complexity of several risk analysis tasks is due to the
identification of security weaknesses and
vulnerabilities. This operation is either disregarded,
leading to a wide spectrum of threats that are very
complex to assess and quantify, or relies on complex
methodologies which are rarely assisted by a
software solution.
The present paper provides a state-of-the-art of
the vulnerability assessment step in quantitative risk
analysis methods. These methods have been using
different vulnerability assessment techniques. It
should be noted that some methods do not even have
a vulnerability assessment step. The techniques
proposed by risk analysis methodologies have
several shortcomings: (a) a limited vulnerability
spectrum, (b) reliance on mathematical abstractions
which may fail to translate the reality of the security
level of an information system, (c) approximations
which may not provide an accurate quantification of
The objectives of the paper are structured as follows:
First, the vulnerability assessment step of several
quantitative risk management methodologies is
analyzed using state-of-the-art Sahinoglu’s Security
Meter model and NetRAM’s vulnerability
assessment techniques, in addition to other
quantitative approaches found in the literature.
Second, some shortcomings in these approaches are
investigated. Then, a vulnerability assessment
technique, which may correct these shortcomings, is
proposed. Finally a conclusion suggests further
research in the field.
3.1 Evolution of IT Vulnerabilities
Classical security audits or penetration tests do not
provide the best evaluation of security weaknesses
and vulnerabilities of a system or a network. Their
results may no longer be valid when the target is
modified (a new element is added, a change in the
architecture is performed, etc.). They only provide a
static picture of the security level at a given moment.
They are only a snapshot of the security level by
evaluating parameters supposed to be static, such as
software and hardware configurations, source codes
of applications and procedures and processes.
Labassi R. and Hamdi M..
Vulnerability Assessment in Quantitative Risk Management Methodologies - State-of-the-Art and Challenges.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Besides, some evasion techniques are used by
attackers to bypass security protections like
firewalls, IPS/IDS, application firewalls and other
security measures. Such old and conventional
techniques keep changing to adapt themselves to the
new security features implemented by the targets.
Several vulnerability scanners have evasion
techniques embedded in them.
It seems that a new vision is needed to accurately
represent and model security weaknesses and
vulnerabilities. Indeed, these parameters; the key
elements of a risk analysis process, are no longer
persistent as they have formerly been represented in
most paradigms. Vulnerabilities could be dormant;
they cannot be detected by the security analysts
during the audit or the penetration tests but still
could be exploited by attackers. Moreover, attackers
exploit vulnerabilities affecting vital services of
companies or organizations or even individuals.
White list security principles, allowing only what is
needed to the right profile, are still pertinent but not
sufficient. For instance, some companies cannot
disable services such as their VPN remote access or
some of their vital applications used in their internal
network. Thus, attackers, most of the time, target
these vital services.
Therefore an adaptive security model that takes
into consideration this aspect of vulnerability
assessment in a risk analysis process can provide
better results. These results are used as inputs for the
next step of the risk analysis.
3.2 Challenges
3.2.1 Correlating Vulnerabilities
Once the vulnerability assessment step is complete,
vulnerabilities are used as the input of the next step,
which is the threat assessment. The correlation of the
different vulnerabilities in a model is one of the
major challenges during this transition. This model
is often represented in the quantitative risk analysis
methodologies as the attack tree model. The
difficulty of the task consists in building the threat or
attack scenarios related to the vulnerabilities.
Specific mathematical operators can be used
depending on the mathematical representation of the
vulnerabilities and their relationship, which lead to
the threat scenarios. In most of the quantitative risk
analysis methodologies the security expert is
responsible for the vulnerabilities correlation. This
could lead to different diagnostics and threat
scenarios with different experts.
3.2.2 Monitoring Vulnerabilities
This challenge has two aspects: the first consists in
monitoring the target to discover its vulnerabilities
and the second in keeping the vulnerability
databases up to date. Quantitative risk analysis is
applied on an existing operating environment and
continually sensitive to attacks or security incidents.
A permanent monitoring of the target’s weaknesses
and vulnerabilities is needed to feed the risk
management cycle, so that a pertinent evaluation is
achieved. This task raises issues in a quantitative
risk management approach: what resources to
monitor, how to select these resources (which
metrics to use) and what means to use in the
monitoring operation (security monitoring
solutions). The choice of the vulnerability database
to be used is crucial. The vulnerabilities should
cover the largest spectrum possible. Security experts
generally use those present in vulnerability scanners,
which cover the technical spectrum, and those in
security norms such as ISO27000, which cover the
organizational aspects of security. Nevertheless, the
vulnerability databases need to be kept up to date.
An update mechanism must be defined on the
database design phase. This rule applies for every
vulnerability database especially the technical ones.
3.2.3 Real-time Reaction
The real-time reaction is another major challenge of
the vulnerability assessment techniques; applied to
quantitative risk management methodologies.
Security experts sometimes face incidents and
discover vulnerabilities that need instant reaction.
This challenge raises the following questions: What
triggers the security alert? Which reaction is suitable
for which alert level? How to reduce the false
positive and false negative rates of alerts in the
information system? When performing monitoring
tasks, security experts use alert levels that are often
defined by default by the security monitoring
solution. These levels classify security incidents
according to the service level agreements (SLA) of
the monitored resources and the security incident or
vulnerability detected. Most of the time, this
approach leads to arbitrations made by security
experts on the priority of the measures taken to stop
the attack or the incident and limit its impact.
Security experts face false positive security alerts
daily. They are not inherent in the monitoring or
scanning solutions, but they often depend, not only
on the way these solutions are configured and used,
but also on the resources they monitor or scan.
The analysis covers the Security Meter model
developed by Sahinoglu, the NetRAM methodology,
and other quantitative methodologies that lack a
fully qualified vulnerability assessment step. These
quantitative risk management methodologies,
applied to information and communication systems,
are not normalized and have many differences in
their core steps.
4.1 State-of-the-Art of Vulnerability
Assessment Techniques
The vulnerability assessment step shapes the threat
scenarios and the following steps of the risk
management cycle. In the methodologies under
study, hypotheses and approximations are set in
order to t in the quantitative risk management
mathematical model.
In this section, the vulnerability assessment step
of several quantitative risk management
methodologies is analyzed.
Sahinoglu defines vulnerability in the following
“A vulnerability is a weakness in any
information system, system security procedure,
internal controls, or implementation that an attacker
could exploit. It can also be a weakness in a system,
such as a coding bug or design flaw. An attack
occurs when an attacker with a reason to strike takes
advantage of a vulnerability to threaten an asset.”
(Sahinoglu, 2005).
A wider definition would include flaws,
misconfigurations and weaknesses that could result
(exploited by an attacker or accidental events) in a
security flaw. The absence of redundancy of the
electricity source of an information system is an
example of a vulnerability that is not included in the
definition of Sahinoglu. In case of unavailability
(due to an incident on the electricity providers part)
of the electricity source, the availability of the
information system is corrupted. This is an example,
among others, which is not exploited by attackers.
Nevertheless vulnerabilities lead to a loss in the
security level of the information system.
A company may have its own methods of
assessing the vulnerabilities affecting its information
system. This may include security equipments
placed on the network (IDS, log analyzers, etc.), or
regular audits and penetration tests, as well as
vulnerability scanners performing planned scan. The
result of such tasks constitutes the output of the
vulnerability assessment step in a risk analysis cycle.
In the quantitative risk management approach,
only exploitable vulnerabilities are taken into
account and combined with threats to build risk
scenarios. This means that these vulnerabilities can
lead to a security level downgrade if exploited in an
attack or an incident.
In Sahinoglu’s Security Meter model,
vulnerabilities are inputs to the probability model.
Each vulnerability is determined by a probability of
occurrence and the sum of all the vulnerabilities’
probabilities is one (Sahinoglu, 2005). In this model,
the risk analyst is responsible for defining the
vulnerabilities to be included in the risk analysis
process (Sahinoglu, 2008). The parameters used to
calculate the vulnerabilities’ probabilities are the
presence or absence of countermeasures and the
number of cyber attacks witnessed by the target. In
fact a vulnerability probability is calculated as a
percentage of the cyber attacks that harmed the
information system of the target of the risk analysis
The NetRAM approach is different. The
vulnerability identification step is based on pre-built
vulnerability libraries that are checked (Hamdi et al.,
2003). These libraries should be as exhaustive as
possible in order to cover most of the vulnerabilities
that can affect information and communication
systems. Bugs, misconfiguration, physical,
conceptual and procedural vulnerabilities are the
types listed in the NetRAM methodology. The set of
vulnerabilities can be collected from scanners
databases for the technical ones, and from the risk
analyst’s expertise for the organizational ones.
Contrary to the Security Meter model, NetRAM
does not assign a probability to each vulnerability,
but probabilities are assigned to the attacks based on
expert’s opinions and on statistics provided by
security institutes.
Security Assurance is another methodology of
assessing a system’s security level. It allows
measuring quantitatively the efficiency of the
existing security measures at the design phase (of
software for example) and at the runtime. The
methodology is based on five steps which are:
modelling; metric specification; assurance
evaluation; aggregation; and display and monitor
(Moussa et al., 2013) (Haddad et al., 2011). The
assurance evaluation and the monitoring depend on
the metric specification step, which consists of
collecting data from logs, configuration files and
dedicated network probes (Haddad et al., 2011). The
measurement is constantly taking place via the
network probes and the operation assurance. The
metrics used in this methodology are:
Coverage: This is related to the nature of the
verified key functionality of the assessed
security mechanism.
Depth: This is related to the level of detail to
which the security mechanism is assessed.
This metric depends on the presence of a
document detailing the security mechanism’s
key properties.
Rigour of verification: This metrics measures
whether the verification follows a systematic
process and to which extent this process is
Independence of verification: This metric
denotes the independence of the persons
performing the verification from the ones that
deployed the security mechanism.
The Adaptive Security Management approach
was developed to provide a paradigm that provides
learning, anticipation, evolution and adaptation to a
changing environment at runtime (Savola et al.,
2010). It proposes metrics that respond to the
security requirement of the target’s scope.
Managerial and operational nodes are defined by this
methodology. The managerial nodes conduct the
following tasks: runtime monitoring (anomaly
monitors, QoS managers, logging tools), control
(audit tools) and decision-making (Blasi et al.,
2010). The vulnerability discovery and anomaly
detection in this approach is performed with a set of
detectors placed on the operational nodes of the
scope. The Adaptive Security methodology offers a
vulnerability assessment approach that responds to
the operational need of the target in terms of security
and offers a constant monitoring of the security
The present study addresses another quantitative
risk analysis methodology presented by Felani and
Dwiputra. Their work aims at developing an
information system solution for risk analysis, which
may resolve some of the drawbacks of the
qualitative risk analysis methodologies (Felani and
Dwiputra, 2012). This methodology relies on the
same steps as ISO International Standard, thus it is
based on risk identification with questionnaires.
Thus, vulnerability assessment is assimilated with
risk identification through a series of questions. The
main difference with qualitative risk analysis
methodologies is the use of the Delphi method. This
method relies on several rounds of the same
questionnaire where experts revise their answers
based on the answers of their peers in order to
reduce the subjectivity of the answers.
Game theory is used in many risk analysis
approaches (Bier and Azaiez, 2008) (Abie and
Balasingham, 2012) (Cox, 2012). Manshaei et al.
(Manshaei et al., 2013) made a survey about the
game theoretic approaches of security for privacy
and intrusion detection. There are advantages of
using game theory to model a security approach,
which mainly are the quantitative nature of strategies
used by the attacker and the defender, the abstraction
of security policies as probabilities, formal decision-
making and behaviour prediction for risk analysis
(Manshaei et al., 2013). Hamdi and Abie in (Hamdi
and Abie, 2013) state that security games is a
quantitative framework for modelling the
interactions between malicious users and defence
systems. This definition takes into account the
mathematical modelling of the conflict between the
two parties in an attack and defence vision of the
network security, the players. Abie and Balasingham
implemented this model in risk-based adaptive
security applied to a specific context, which is
Internet of Things for e- Health (Abie and
Balasingham, 2012). The data produced by this
model allows a measure of threat level and a
prediction of risk damages based on data collected
and analyzed in security games fashion applied to
the context of IoT in e-Health. The process of the
developed framework is aligned to the ISOs Plan-
Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle in an adaptive security
4.2 Shortcomings of existing Techniques
The Security Meter model developed by Sahinoglu
is a deterministic model in which the probabilities of
all the vulnerabilities add up to one (Sahinoglu,
2005) (Sahinoglu, 2008). This approach assumes a
“probabilistic sample space of feasible outcomes”
(exploitable vulnerabilities). Vulnerabilities are then
represented in a tree diagram as the roots of the
scenarios. The following stage is the threat one. In
this model, the probabilities of the vulnerabilities are
taken from recorded security breach statistics of the
target. The condition about the probabilities adding
up to one is not realistic because not all
vulnerabilities that can be exploited are present in
the target security breach statistics. In fact in a real
case, there are always vulnerabilities that have not
been detected as security breaches and that are
discovered by attackers and not figuring in the
target’s security statistics. Also vulnerabilities taken
into account i the Security Meter model are only
those that are have been exploited in the past, but
there are no details about how to judge if a
vulnerability is exploitable or not. In real life
scenarios, the exploitable character of a vulnerability
comes from the expertise level and skills of the
attacker not only from statistics or lack of
countermeasures. In some cases, even security
equipments can bread vulnerabilities if their
configuration is not hardened.
NetRAM has another approach to the
vulnerability assessment. It is based on pre-built
vulnerability libraries (Hamdi et al., 2003). These
libraries can be vulnerability scanners databases for
technical vulnerabilities. As for the organizational
and human behaviour vulnerabilities, the security
expert’s opinion could be valid. This approach of
vulnerability assessment has some deficiencies: a)
The vulnerability scanners on the market have
different databases. Sometimes there are huge
differences between the vulnerability databases since
there are different vulnerability assessment
paradigms. Besides, the update level of the
vulnerability database is a key issue while
performing the vulnerability assessment. b) False-
positives and false-negatives need to be assessed in
the NetRAM approach which adds a new level of
complexity to the process. c) Organizational
vulnerabilities and the ones that do not depend on a
scanner rely on the expert’s opinion.
In the NetRAM methodology the information
system’s security fields or categories that are to be
assessed by the expert are not specified. This can
lead to different results with different experts.
Nevertheless, expert opinion in risk management is a
mandatory component. Carl S. Young stresses this
particular issue saying:
“Direct experience is indeed relevant to a
security risk assessment process. Both experience
and science are crucial to risk decisions in a world
that seems to be neither completely deterministic nor
entirely random. But rejecting science would be just
as foolish as ignoring intuition developed through
years of experience. Scientific reasoning and
experience are not mutually exclusive in the world
of security. Both should contribute to a rational
assessment process that informs judgment in
assessing the totality of risk.” (Young, 2010)
The Security Assurance methodology is used to
measure the pertinence of the deployed security
mechanisms. It also helps security specialists to
organize their process when choosing which tools
and which methodologies to use. When applied in a
risk assessment process, this methodology is adapted
to a scope where security has already been taken into
account. Thus, the Security Assurance methodology
helps identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses of
security mechanisms that are already deployed. In
order to identify the gap between the security
objectives and the existing security level, or the
running security and the deployed security, the
Security Assurance methodology (Operational
Assurance) is not relevant. The developers of this
methodology insist on the fact that to measure these
gaps, other methodologies like Common Criteria
(ISO/IEC 15408) or BUGYO. Security Assurance is
complementary to these two methodologies (Haddad
et al., 2011) its the vulnerability assessment is
related to operational security mechanisms that are
already deployed.
The Adaptive Security Management approach
has a vulnerability assessment node that is designed
to identify operational anomalies on the technical
level of the scope. The difficulty of applicability of
such a methodology is that it needs to be deployed
on the design step of the solution or scope on which
it is applied. This methodology focuses on the
process of adaptive security management, especially
by monitoring the operational nodes of the scope to
meet their security requirements. A monitoring tool
defines the security levels to meet and raises alerts
whenever an attack that compromises the
operational security requirements is detected (Blasi
et al., 2010). The organizational side of the
vulnerability assessment or monitoring step is not
detailed in this approach. Responses to the alerts are
not defined and organizational aspects of security
are not detailed.
The third methodology, presented by Felani and
Dwiputra, relies heavily on qualitative
methodologies. In fact the vulnerability assessment
step relies on questionnaires enhanced with the
Delphi method. This approach does not provide
reliable results as respondents; often prepare their
answers in advance. Besides, the output data of the
risk identification step -assimilated here to
vulnerability assessment- is then qualified on a
qualitative scale depending on probability and
impact. In fact the vulnerability assessment step in
this methodology provides a less subjective output
than the one provided by a questionnaire answered
in a qualitative approach.
The adaptive security model relying on game
theory is very context dependent. The game theory
core of the framework is used in the step of analysis
and prediction. This step relies on the results
obtained from the monitoring step which is
dependent on the threat model. The process is
inspired from the PDCA cycle but its threat model is
not detailed and is heavily dependent on the IoT
context, which generates a limited risk spectrum.
4.3 Summary of the existing
The following table compares the methodologies
cited in the previous section through the three
criteria of vulnerability correlation, monitoring and
real-time reaction.
Table 1: Comparison of the methodologies.
g vulns.
++ 0 0
NetRAM ++ + -
+ ++ -
Security Mgt
- ++ +
Delphi - - 0
Scale: 0 is mentioned but not integrated; + is
mentioned and detailed but not fully integrated; ++
is fully integrated; - means absent.
This comparison shows that none of the studied
methodologies fully covers the three criteria. In fact
this is due to the fact that their conception is not
based on an adaptive paradigm. Quantitatively they
allow measuring a certain level of the vulnerability
but the output data is not exploited in an adaptive
In this section, a framework for vulnerability
analysis is presented. This framework is adapted for
a quantitative risk analysis approach in order to be
integrated in an adaptive security model. Figure 1
details the process of the framework. Inspired from
the PDCA cycle, this framework is adapted to
Figure 1: Proposed framework for vulnerability
assessment in an adaptive quantitative approach.
Figure 2: An example of a classical network structure of
an enterprise information system.
classic communication and information networks
with various security zones, which make it
convenient for most enterprise information systems.
Figure 2 details an example of a generic network for
which this framework is adapted.
In the ISMS system, risk management process is
a cycle in which vulnerability discovery is a key step
to properly estimate risk and threat scenarios. The
framework is developed in order to provide
quantitative output for the next steps of the risk
management process. It follows these four main
steps (i) initialization step during which the context
is analyzed and data is collected, (ii) the
vulnerability discovery step during which the
collected data is analyzed and vulnerabilities are
extracted, (iii) vulnerability analysis is the phase
during which the abstraction and quantitative
modeling of vulnerabilities as security vectors and
metrics is performed, (iv) and the final step is the
metrics analysis in order to extract usable security
indicators as values to assess risks.
5.1 Initialization (Plan)
During this step the context is studied in order to
perform accurate vulnerability assessment. The
following tasks are performed:
Scope definition: The analyst and the Chief
Security Officer (CSO) limit the perimeter of
the vulnerability assessment. This defines the
borders of the studied perimeter.
Threat model: In order to know what to look
for when assessing the scope, a threat model
must be defined. The threat model is basically
the answer to the question: What are we trying
to prevent? (Abie and Balasingham, 2012)
Data collection: The analyst collects Security
policy and all the available documents and
data concerning the security of the scope.
Example: Service Level Agreements (SLAs),
Access Control Lists (ACLs), security
procedures in case of incidents, security
reports, real-time data if available, etc. For the
unavailable data, targeted and redundant
vulnerability scans, audits, interviews and
penetration tests can be performed by the
analyst depending on the scope.
5.2 Vulnerability Discovery (Do)
Collected data is analyzed to extract vulnerabilities:
technical and organizational.
Technical Vulnerabilities are discovered
mainly through the assessment of the various
reports of security sensors: scan reports cross-
checked through redundant scans with
different vulnerability scanners, log analysis,
IDS reports. False positives must be avoided,
so once the vulnerabilities are discovered, they
are exploited in false flag operations (or
simulated attacks) in order to confirm that
they can be used by attackers in real threat
scenarios. Technical incidents cannot be
simulated; statistics about the equipments
failures can be used as data to assess
Organizational Vulnerabilities: these are
discovered through analysis of the different
procedures (if they exist), interviews are very
often the main source of information when an
analyst is checking organizational security, the
reliability of collected information can be
enhanced with cross-checking as described in
[?] and material proof.
5.3 Vulnerability Analysis (Check)
Once the previous step is complete, the analyst
knows exploitable vulnerabilities affecting the
analyzed scope. In order to attack the scope, the
attacker (or the incident) has to exploit one or a set
of vulnerabilities to cause damage. A rule-based
reasoning is applied in this step. Security policy and
procedures are modelled into a set of rules against
which the vulnerabilities are analyzed. Game theory
approach can be used in this step to confront the two
sides (defence and attack through vulnerabilities).
Rules and context are represented as strategies in
game theory. This representation takes into account
the technical side as well as the organizational side
of security. Collected data in the previous step is
used in the security games model as the attackers
strategy. The defence strategy is based on vectors
like flow matrix, ACLs, SLAs, security policy,
filtering rules, etc. These strategies are learned and
applied in a continuous monitoring process in order
to provide the adaptive and predictive side for the
risk management cycle. Changes in these strategies
(new rules, a change of the context, new
vulnerabilities, etc.) must be easily applied in order
to have a flexible framework.
5.3 Metrics Analysis (Act/ Adapt)
Security metrics are necessary in a quantitative
approach. They allow measuring as objectively as
possible the vulnerability vector used in the risk
management process. In this framework, the metrics
are linked with security objectives, which are
inherent to the context and scope of the analysis. In
this step the defined metrics must allow to measure
the gap between the assessed vulnerability level and
the security requirements of the scope on the
technical and organizational levels. The link
between vulnerability and security objective is
considered in this approach because a vulnerability
implictaes a risk only if it lowers a security level of
an asset. Practically, before starting the vulnerability
discovery, each resource of the assessed scope must
be given security objectives values. These values are
usually defined by assessing the criticality of the
resource in the whole business process and its need
to the security services (confidentiality, availability,
integrity and authentication). This step is performed
quantitatively in the initialization process of the risk
management when assessing the resources on the
scope (Evesti and Ovaska, 2010). So depending on
the evaluation of the security objectives, which are
generally defined in a qualitative manner, values are
defined by assessing the mechanisms that ensure the
objectives. For example a server that has high
confidentiality and integrity requirements will have
metrics related to these objectives with high
coefficients. The vulnerability analysis phase will
then take place (scanning, interviewing, penetration
testing, monitoring, etc.) then metrics will be
affected with values that correspond to the degree of
impact of the vulnerability on the security objective.
On each round of analysis the metrics’ values are
updated depending on the counter-measures
performed on the next steps of the risk management
The work on the quantitative vulnerability
assessment is a part in the development of an
adaptive quantitative security management model.
The thesis in which this work is incorporated is
entitles “Adaptive Security Models for Information
and Communication Systems”. The expected
outcome of this thesis is to shed light on the
quantitative and adaptive security models, identify
the main reasons why they are not widely used in IT
as opposed to other fields (industrial and financial
for example). Once these reasons identified, a model
that can be used in an enterprise environment will be
developed. This model should avoid complexity and
should allow security analysts to accurately measure
their security indicators for risk management and to
be able to have a security environment that is
adaptive to all sorts of changes in its scope.
A mathematical model based on quantitative
metric that translate the changes in an IT
environment will first be developed and then
integrated in a risk management process.
Adaptability will then be the core feature of
operational security.
This research project has been carried out within a
MOBIDOC thesis financed by the European Union
through the PASRI program.
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