Marble Initiative
Monitoring the Impact of Events on Customers Opinion
M. Fernandes Caíña, R. Díaz Redondo and A. Fernández Vilas
I&C Lab. AtlantTIC Research Center, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain
Keywords: Opinion Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Business Decision-Making, Longitudinal Analysis.
Abstract: Social networks have become a major source of information, opinions and sentiments about almost any
subject. The purpose of this work is to provide evidences of the applicability of opinion mining methods to
find out how some events may impact into public opinion about a brand, product or service. We report an
experiment that mined Twitter data related to two particular brands during specific periods that have been
selected from events that was supposed to affect the user’s perception. To find out conclusions, the
methodology of the experiment applies several pre-processing techniques to extract sentiment information
from the posts (e.g., case alterations, Part-of-Speech tagging using a Natural Language Toolkit, symbols
removal, sentence and n-gram separation). The SenticNet 2 Corpus is used for polarity classification by
means of a supervised algorithm where several threshold values are defined to mark positive, negative and
neutral opinions. A longitudinal inspection of the polarized results on histograms allows identifying the "hot
spots" and relating them to real world events. Although this paper shows the finding in our initial
experiments, the ultimate goal of the research initiative, which we call Marble, is to provide a cloud solution
for early detection of opinion shifts by the automatic classification of events according to their impact on
opinion (propagation speed, intensity and duration), and its relationship with the normal behavior around a
brand, product or service.
Internet has become more and more a
communication and expression platform, rather than
just a static information source. Mailing lists, forums
and chats have been part of it since the very
beginning, but over the last years, social networks
have become the primary platform of
communication for the majority of its users.
Facebook and Twitter are the most notable
examples, even if the latter is considered to be a
microblogging platform rather than a social network.
For Twitter, the imposed limit of 140 characters
encourages its users to post frequently without the
associated hassle of writing an entire article in a blog
site. This, along with a large user base, provides a
network with a huge flow of real time information
(about 500 million tweets per day in 2013
(Krikorian, 2013)) expressing opinions about almost
everything, including events, experiences, products
or services. Moreover, the public availability of the
data turns this microblogging platform into an ideal
vehicle to evaluate public opinion.
The value-added information offered by Twitter
could provide an important insight about the real
effect of certain business decisions on the
customer’s opinion, as well as environmental or
external effects, and offers new indicators that could
prove useful while managing the public image of a
service, product or company. Decisions like
maintaining a current line of marketing, retiring a
product, selecting a damage control technique or
continuing a viral campaign, could all benefit from
this new data. Any company could use this new
source of information on its benefit, improving or
minimizing the impact on future business decisions.
The exchange of user’s opinions throughout
Internet is nothing new, as shopping and reviews
sites have been collecting users opinions since more
than a decade ago (e.g., Epinions, Amazon), but the
main difference strikes in the method of expression
at Social Media. Review sites usually give the users
a customized form to fill, including pre-established
categories for product features, rating fields, and
some free form space for non-categorized
information. On the contrary, Twitter lacks that
Fernandes Caíña M., Díaz Redondo R. and Fernández Vilas A..
Marble Initiative - Monitoring the Impact of Events on Customers Opinion.
DOI: 10.5220/0005151504030410
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 403-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
structure and the information is exchanged in a
totally free format.
Natural Language Processing (NLP), defined as
the ability of a system to process human language
(Preeti and BrahmaleenKaurSidhu, 2013), is an
artificial intelligence component that can be used to
mine opinion and sentiment from social networks,
and classify each post as being positive, negative or
neutral towards a specific subject, that is, to define a
polarity for each one. According to (Pang and Lee,
2008), when broad interpretations are applied,
“sentiment analysis” and “opinion mining” denote
the same field of study (which itself can be
considered a sub-area of subjectivity analysis). We
use these terms more or less interchangeably.
By combining NLP and opinion mining and
sentiment analysis techniques, a new research area
emerges which allows processing free comments in
Social Media and to infer the impact of business
decisions such as a product reformulation or a new
service offering, but also external phenomena such
as new competitor’s’ strategies. For the experiment
in this paper, two consumer electronics brands and
two specific time intervals were selected with the
objective of measuring the impact of external and
internal events on the users’ opinion in Social Media
(Twitter). After extracting the polarity of Twitter
posts, events’ impact was evaluated and measured
according to three features of the Social response:
intensity, propagation speed and duration.
This first experiment is part of a research
initiative, which we call Marble, a platform to assist
decision making on the fly by continuously
monitoring Twitter posts to (1) detect signs of
opinion variations about brands and (2) discover
causation from corporative internal information (so
internal business decision) and from outside
information in the Web (external context not
controlled by the brand’s strategy). This kind of
early assistance is essential today since user’s
opinion is a direct indicator of the satisfaction
associated with a company, but it also could affect
the brand’s perception on their followers, with the
potential risk of becoming viral.
NLP is on its own a big area of current research and
development with a quite wide range of toolkits.
Apache OpenNLP (The Apache Software
Foundation, 2014), Stanford CoreNLP (The Stanford
Natural Language Processing Group, 2014) and
NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit for Python
Project, 2014) represent some of the most important
names in this development area which offers
different types of classifiers, tokenizers and corpora
to be customized according to the needs of the
application purposes. Leaving apart language
processing, numerous lexical databases like
WordNet® (Miller, 1995) have been created to map
the words functions and meanings. One step further,
SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) adds
opinion polarity and affective information at a
syntactical level to the WordNet® data, and is
available to be used by opinion mining systems.
SenticNet 2 corpus (Cambria et al., 2012) represents
another lexical database that differentiates itself
from SentiWordNet by including polarity and
affective information for not only words but
common sense knowledge concepts (e.g., phrases),
commonly used to express an opinion.
Multiple models have been proposed to
implement the whole opinion mining process. The
work shown in (Pak and Paroubek, 2010) introduces
a methodology to collect a corpus of Twitter posts to
train a sentiment classifier. This classifier will be
able to determine the polarity of a text using a
multinomial Naïve Bayes classifier. Also with
Twitter as workbench, in (Gokulakrishnan et al.,
2012) some preprocessing techniques (case
alterations, word and letter substitution, and
emoticon handling) and different classifiers are
compared in terms of accuracy and performance.
Outside the Twitter-sphere, a different approach
is described in (Tchalakova et al., 2011). In this
model, a Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset (Blitzer
et al., 2007), containing tagged product reviews
from Amazon website, is used as the training data to
extract distinctive phrases (i.e., phrases that usually
occur in a particular type of document with a pre-
assigned polarity) from the processed texts with the
ultimate goal of establishing the polarity of the
In the field of Business Intelligence (BI), some
other works have addressed problems related with
the objectives in Marble initiative. In (Funk et al.,
2008), a supervised machine-learning system is
presented to classify texts by ratings. Sentences are
tokenized, words are tagged depending on their
function and lemmatization is applied. Uppercase
and lowercase combinations are also considered
while calculating the polarity. Later, (Dey et al.,
2010) introduce a mining platform with three main
stages: preprocessing, NLP and text mining, also
including a dependency extractor to identify
relationships between words in a sentence. Some of
the techniques employed include phrase grouping,
entity extraction, modifiers and synonyms handling,
while the polarity calculation depends highly on the
word function in the sentence.
Distinctively, Marble pursues a dynamic where
time and on-the-fly analysis is considered from the
very beginning. The main novelty in Marble and
also in the initial experiences introduced in this
paper focuses on longitudinal analysis over time,
which could be used to detect important shifts on
public opinion, and to correlate them with external
and internal (to the brand/company/service/product)
events on the same time window.
is a Java-based platform with a MongoDB
instance (MongoDB Inc. 2014) for tweets storage.
The platform performs all the stages of the opinion
mining process: tweets collection, processing and
polarity rating. Finally, Marble also presents the
results online.
1 shows the high level
architecture of Marble, highlighting its modular
Figure 1: Marble High Level Architecture.
For the particular experiment in this paper, two
main topics were selected: the BlackBerry® brand,
and the Whatsapp® mobile application. The
objective was to evaluate the impact on user’s
opinion of external and internal events related to
both topics. The impact was measured in terms of
intensity (number of tweets), polarity change
(variation of opinion over time), propagation speed
(how fast the event is reflected in Twitter) and
duration in time.
Avaliable at:
3.1 Blackberry Context
On Nov. 04, 2013, Blackberry made an important
decision regarding its current directive. Thorsten
Heins, who had been the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of the company since early 2012, was
replaced by John Chen. This decision followed a
failed takeover offer from an important investment
group that affected the company value (Austen and
Gelles, 2013).
Another event of minor impact took place on
Oct. 29, when the company published the adoption
rate for the Blackberry Messenger (BBM)
application on Android™ and iPhone® platforms
(Bocking, 2013).
An interesting external event occurred on Oct.
31, from one of the main competitors of the
Blackberry platform: the presentation of a new
Android version (Google Official Blog 2013).
3.2 Whatsapp Context
On Feb. 19, 2014, Facebook announced that it had
reached an agreement to acquire Whatsapp for a
total amount of approximately $16 billion. The
announcement came after months of speculation
about which company will acquire it (Facebook
A few days later, the Whatsapp service was
down due to technical issues in their servers. The
outage lasted 210 minutes, and also caused problems
to Telegram, another mobile messaging service, due
to a rush in the service usage as many users installed
it to be able to communicate during the outage
(Constine, 2014). Although this event was generated
inside the company, it can be considered an external
event, as it could be caused by external factors (e.g.,
flood of users, network problems).
Data was extracted by means of GET search/tweets
resource of Twitter’s Public REST API, which had
certain restrictions: extracted data is not exhaustive
but a reduced set of the whole twitter universe, as
not all tweets are indexed and searchable (Twitter
2013). The extraction module was developed over
Twitter4J public library for Java (Twitter4J 2014),
and linked to a Mongo DB which stores all the
gathered information.
Table 1 shows details about the collected
datasets. The collection intervals were selected to
cover the events described in the previous sections,
and brand names were used as search keywords in
Twitter as these brand names are usually associated
with themselves. Finally, due to the NLP toolkit, we
only extracted tweets written in English.
We made a distinction between original tweets
(i.e., tweets authored by the publisher), and retweets.
In both cases, the percentage of original tweets is
larger than the number for retweets, but in the case
of Blackberry (75,6%) it is more acute than in the
case of Whatsapp (61%). Also, we extracted the
proportion of unique users vs. tweets, and it was
quite similar for both cases: Blackberry 55,33% and
Whatsapp 54,19%.
Table 1: Datasets Properties.
Blackberry Whatsapp
Intervals 2013-10-26 04h
2013-11-06 03h
(~ 11 days)
2014-02-15 19h
2014-03-12 20h
(~ 25 days)
Keyword blackberry whatsapp
Tweets 329.919 2.211.673
Originals 249.532 1.349.162
Retweets 80.387 862.511
Unique Users 182.558 1.198.688
TZ Available 230.723 1.655.247
Unique TZ 141 248
Finally, we were interested in checking the
geographic distribution of the dataset using the
geolocation fields of each tweet. Unfortunately, this
information is not available for an important amount
of tweets on each dataset, maybe due to privacy
concerns or technical difficulties on a big group of
users. As an alternative, the time zone (TZ) used by
the user publishing each tweet was available for
approximately the 69% of the Blackberry tweets,
and for 74% of the Whatsapp ones.
Table 2: Top Time Zones per Dataset.
Blackberry Whatsapp
Eastern Time
(USA & Canada)
35.590 London 164.832
London 20.925 Eastern Time
(USA & Canada)
Pacific Time
(USA & Canada)
18.629 Amsterdam 105.147
Central Time
(USA & Canada)
17.127 Pacific Time
(USA & Canada)
Amsterdam 12.065 Central Time
(USA & Canada)
Quito 9.573 Singapore 61.917
Table 2 shows the top time zones of each dataset,
that is, time zones with most occurrences. As could
be noted, USA and UK are the top contributors on
each dataset, which was expected as we selected
English as the language of the tweets, but they only
contributed 45% of the Blackberry tweets with
defined TZ. For the Whatsapp dataset the quantity is
significantly lower (31%), and the number of unique
TZ (248) indicates a further expanded distribution,
and a more global potential impact.
The data processing was divided into two phases:
preprocessing and polarity extraction.
First, the tweets were pre-processed. Sentences
within tweets were separated applying regular
expressions over punctuation marks, all words were
changed to lowercase, and invalid characters and
words (e.g., punctuation marks, quotations, word
with numbers) were removed and substituted with
white spaces. After the tweets were separated into
individual sentences, each one was tokenized using
the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK).
Next, to assign the polarity of each sentence, a
modified bag-of-words approach was used. This
model disregarded grammar and word functions
inside a sentence, but kept a count on word
appearances while preserving the order of them. A
polarity valued is assigned to the words and phrases
which results of the pre-processing stage.
Consequently, the polarity of the whole is assigned
as the sum of these individual values (words and
phrases). In this process, the dimensional level of the
SenticNet 2 corpus (hereafter SenticNet) is used as
the source for polarity information of words and
phrase. The entire corpus was loaded together with
tweets into the same MongoDB instance. SenticNet
corpus contained polarity information in three
levels: positive, negative or neutral, but also
additional concepts like sensitivity, attention,
aptitude and pleasantness that could be useful for
fine tuning future versions of the classification
system (the polarity is in fact derived from these
four values).
SenticNet corpus contains not only words but
phrases up to four words. Thus, the tokenized words
are organized into groups of four. If the group
matches a SenticNet group, the polarity of it is the
one provided by SenticNet. If it is not the case, the
group is progressively reduced by extracting words.
The matching process continues to the next not-
found word or group of words, and starts again in a
four-word group. Finally, the sentence polarity is the
sum of the polarity of all the groups found. Figure 2
shows a graphical representation of the matching
algorithm, where “n=3” represents the maximum
number of words in each group, as indexes start at 0.
Once we have the polarity of all the sentences,
Tweets having multiple sentences were assigned the
average polarity of all the sentences, that is, the sum
of the polarities divided by the number of sentences.
Figure 2: Basic Polarity Calculation Algorithm.
At this point, we were interested in a longitudinal
analysis to identify events which impact on users’
perception about a brand, that is, analyzing the
variances of polarity over time. For that, we defined
the “normal polarity” of a brand (keyword in
general) by measuring the polarity in a normal
period, i.e., a period without relevant events. On this
basis, we defined a threshold that allowed
identifying a variation of polarity. This threshold of
normal polarity was calculated as the average of
polarity in the normal period, defined as the sum of
every tweet’s polarity divided by the number of
For the Blackberry dataset, we selected two dates
to be used as the polarity baseline: Oct. 27 and 28.
The average polarity for each one was 0,2511 and
0,2508 respectively, so we selected 0,251 as the
threshold value for this dataset.
In the case of Whatsapp, Feb. 16, 17 and 18 were
used as baseline dates, each one with average
polarity of 0,1406, 0,1506 and 0,1525, respectively.
The mean value of these three amounts, 0,1479, was
consequently used as the polarity threshold value.
Taking the above thresholds as signs of variation,
Tweets were classified as showing a positive
(polarity above the threshold), negative (polarity
below the threshold) or neutral (polarity between
95% and 105% of the threshold value).
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the total tweets
captured in the defined intervals for each dataset. In
the Blackberry case, we observed some unusual
tweet counts around the dates selected for the
internal events, especially on Nov. 4, where it
peaked to 12.000 tweets per hour in our dataset. Its
intensity was greater than that of Oct. 29, where its
highest value was 6.000 tweets per hour. Also the
impact duration on Nov. 4 was a few hours longer
than that of Oct. 29. In contrast, no impact was
found for the external event on Oct. 31.
Figure 3: Blackberry Tweets per Interval.
Similarly, Figure 4 shows peaks of traffic on
Feb. 19 and 22, the two dates selected for this study.
The peak traffic was greater on Feb. 22, but the
impact duration was longer on Feb. 19.
Figure 4: Whastapp Tweets per Interval.
After all the polarities were extracted in each
dataset, an hourly ratio was calculated as the sum of
all the positive-shift tweets minus the negative-shift
ones. Using this ratio, a shift of opinion could be
detected using automated mechanisms.
Figure 5 shows the shift ratio for the Blackberry
dataset. On Oct. 29 at 13:00 UTC, a positive shift of
opinion occurred, but it lasted only 7 hours before
returning to the normal situation. On the other hand,
on Nov. 4, the opinion shifted toward negative
perception, and both the intensity and duration of the
opinion shift was greater than the previous event.
Figure 5: Blackberry Polarity Ratio.
In the case of Whatsapp, Figure 6 shows two
main opinion shifts. On Feb. 19, the perception of
the Facebook acquisition was positive, and the
duration of the positive effect was prolonged for
almost two days. At the end of Feb. 22, a big
negative opinion shift occurred, just at the same time
that the platform was down. As can be seen, the
intensity was more than three times the one present
on Feb. 19, although the duration of it was shorter.
Figure 6: Whastapp Polarity Ratio.
Additionally, we found another shift of opinion
not included in the context of the study around
midnight of Feb. 22. This was also negative, but it
had a very short duration and a lower intensity,
compared to the other two. After manually checking
the tweets and the news archives, we found out that
another outage occurred that day, but affected a
lower number of users (Stieber, 2014).
Information from social networks provides business
managers with a valuable resource for making
decisions. Precisely, our research approach, Marble
Initiative, proposes a methodology that collects
relevant data from Twitter (about a single brand or
product) to analyze and infer the evolution of users’
opinion over time. This information allows business
managers to assess the impact on their customers’
opinion of internal decision-making and also to
detect external events which seems to affect to that
The data extracted by means of Twitter’s Public
API, although limited in time and volume, was not
irrelevant for the purpose of this study. Moreover,
the application of simple preprocessing techniques,
SenticNet corpus and a bag-of-words approach
provides a fast way to get opinion polarity, which
allows a real-time analysis of users’ opinion and
enables the deployment of an alarms system in the
company about perceived image of a product or
As the initial launch of the Marble Initiative, the
methodology described in this paper provides only a
glimpse of all the potential that the system could
offer. All the system modules provide plenty of
room for improvements, and are being already tested
for the next iterations of the platform.
First, the pre-processing techniques could be
further expanded. Stemming and lemmatization
(Manning et al., 2008) can be used to group similar
concepts and avoid getting missing polarities from
the SenticNet corpus when the root of the word is in
fact present. Synonyms could also be used in cases
were the exact word is not found but similar
concepts are present. Also the common appearance
in Twitter of bad grammar, slangs and text shorthand
may be improved by incorporating other NLP
Second, a disambiguation stage is needed when
extracting and processing Tweets. We need to verify
that the concept is in fact the one that is being
expressed upon and not just being referenced. For
example, a user could be talking about how he
dislikes something and will review it through his
blackberry. Using the described approach, the
sentence most probably will have a negative
polarity, although the user was referring to
something else. Another user could be talking about
the blackberry fruit, and his opinion will also be
included in the opinion mining results for the brand
The disambiguation of the terms, including the
concept verification, is a complex task that requires
advanced techniques of natural language processing,
but a simple approach, at least for the first example,
will be to use the tagging system already
incorporated in the NLTK, and identify the keyword
function inside the sentence. Techniques like
(Michelson and Macskassy 2010) that use Wikipedia
as a knowledge base could also be applied.
Finally, for the polarity rating stage, the bag-of-
words approach does not handle the effect of
modifiers (e.g., not) on the expressed idea, neither
the use of complementary sentences that could
influence the polarity of the whole Tweet. Both
effects need to be included in the rating system, in
order to improve its accuracy.
Work funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness under the National Science
Program (TIN2010-20797 and TEC2013-47665-C4-
3-R); the European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF) and the Galician Regional Government
under agreement for funding the Atlantic Research
Center for Information and Communication
Technologies (AtlantTIC); and the Spanish
Government and the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF) under project
TACTICA. The authors also thank the PhD
Programme in Information and Communications
Technology from the University of Vigo (Doc_TIC)
for supporting travel expenses of this conference.
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