Self-Service Data Discovery and Information Sharing
Fostering the Engineering Capacity of the Data-Driven Mindset
Kurt Englmeier
and Hugo Román
Faculty of Computer Science, Schmalkalden University of Applied Science, Blechhammer, Schmalkalden, Germany
Soluciones S.A., 33 Nueva York, Santiago, Chile
Keywords: Data Discovery, Information Integration, Language Pattern, Natural Language, Data Governance,
Simplicity, Information Extraction, Metadata.
Abstract: People dealing with information in IT-based environments tend to develop a data-driven mindset that
constitutes shallow engineering knowledge and turns them into tech-savvy information consumers. We
argue that these consumers can manage data discovery and information sharing on their own without
explicit support from IT. We argue furthermore that user-driven discovery can even be mandatory when
mainstream discovery concentrates on facts appearing massively in data and bypasses the little and
unspectacular facts consumers expect to discover in their data. Finally we argue that tech-savvy users can
depict blueprints of these facts using a pattern language that combines the users work jargon with a simple
syntax. We present a working solution for such an easy-to-learn pattern language for self-service data
discovery and information sharing (DISL). The language has been developed in an industry-academia
partnership and was applied in the area of assessment in the real estate sector in Chile. A prototypical
discovery service operating on DISL gathers information from contracts and related certificates and
prepares the discovered facts for information sharing.
Information discovery requires, in general, profound
technical and linguistic skills. Systems designed in
close cooperation between IT specialists and
knowledge management experts serve the need for
mainstream discovery from business and other areas.
Mainstream discovery addresses facts that are
massively observable in data and thus commonly
described in global metadata descriptions like or addressed by the organization's
master data management. Example addressees are
named entities like “organization”, or “person”,
“location”, monetary expressions, or temporal
expressions. Pattern recognition as well as linguistic
and probabilistic methods serve to identify candi-
dates in data that match these schemas. Mainstream
discovery defines also the qualities that make up the
facts to be discovered. These definitions are not
quite sensitive to the peculiarities of individual
discovery requests. They have to serve data patterns
that are generic enough in order to justify the
development of the corresponding discovery systems
from an economic point of view. Industrial practice,
however, shows that there are many “light-weight”
discovery requests that are not addressed by
mainstream discovery. The inclusion of the
information consumers' individual requirements into
application development is usually considered as too
expensive or too time-consuming. Further-more,
their requests tend to change dynamically. Even
when addressing the same data collection, different
users are likely interested in different facts and,
furthermore, this interest may vary over time. Users
may analyze complaints of clients about machine
failures, for instance. One user may be interested in
the affected part of the machine, while the other one
wants to explore the cause of the failure. In many a
case, discovery and its corre-sponding data
descriptions even serve only a one-time purpose,
that is, they are disposable artifacts. In short,
discovery can address very specific, small-scale, and
ad hoc contexts that lie outside the scope of
mainstream information discovery. Consequently,
users have to handle many of their individual
requests manually, they have to check data and
extract the required facts by hand.
We present here a working solution for self
Englmeier K. and Román H..
Self-Service Data Discovery and Information Sharing - Fostering the Engineering Capacity of the Data-Driven Mindset.
DOI: 10.5220/0005153303390345
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 339-345
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
-service IT that enables tech-savvy end-users to
design and manage their discovery processes and to
share their findings with their colleagues. Its
objective is merging smoothly two knowledge areas,
namely domain knowledge and engineering knowl-
edge required for “light-weight” data extraction and
information sharing. We want to encourage users to
translate their vision of the facts they expect to
discover in data directly into machine-processable
In this article we explain the principles of self-
service information discovery and the role and
significance of the information consumers data-
driven mindset. The practical part outlines our data
discovery and information sharing language (DISL),
emerging from the rationale of self-service dis-
covery. It also provides results from the first
application in the area of assessment in the real
estate sector and describes how data integration and
information sharing is supported. Even though DISL
focuses on discovery in unstructured data in general,
here we concentrate on its application on texts.
What we want to discover in data is facts. For
instance, we want to know “the birthdate of Bert
Brecht” or the “the age of the broken machine part,
as indicated by the customer in his mail”. The facts
emerge from data that depict certain qualities. With a
blueprint of these facts in mind we can steer our
discovery process and detect these facts in structured
as well as unstructured data.
People working with information have a data-
driven mindset per se (Pentland, 2013; Viaene,
2013), that is, they resort to mental models (Norman,
1987) that abstractly reflect the facts they expect to
encounter in their information environment (Brandt
and Uden, 2003). This mindset enables them to
sketch blueprints of the things they are looking for.
We argue that their computer literacy helps them to
express these blueprints in forms that can be
processed by machines. These expressions are far
from being programming instructions but reflect the
users’ “natural” engineering knowledge. The
machine then takes the blueprints and identifies
these facts in data, even though the blueprint
abstracts away many details of the facts.
Experimenting with data is an essential attitude
that stimulates data discovery experiences. People
initiate and control discovery by a certain belief -
predisposition or bias reinforced by years of
expertise - and gradually refine this belief. They
gather data, try their hypotheses in a sandbox first
and check the results against their blueprints, and
then, after sufficient iterations, they operationalize
their findings in their individual world and then
discuss them with their colleagues. After having
thoroughly tested their hypotheses, information
consumers institutionalize them to their corporate
world, that is, cultivate them in their information
ecosystem. The language knowledge and their
mental models constitute shallow knowledge
necessary and sufficient to engineer statements that
are processable by the discovery services (Sawyer et
al., 2005).
The blueprints thus serve two purposes: they
reflect semantic qualities of the facts the discovery
engine shall locate and extract. Simultaneously, they
are the building blocks of the meta-language that,
when correctly syndicated, support data integration
and sharing. While syndicating metadata along their
domain competence, users foster implicitly active
compliance with organizational data governance
The design of DISL is guided by the paradigm of
simplicity in IT (Magaria and Hinchey, 2013). We
want users to concentrate on discovery and sharing,
to stick to their data-driven mindset, and to express
their requests as far as possible in their own
language. A good starting point therefore is the
workplace jargon of information consumers. To
avoid any irritations or ambiguities, people try to be
quite precise in their descriptions. Even though these
descriptions are composed of natural language terms
and statements, humans are quite good in safe-
guarding literal meaning in their descriptions
(Iwanska, 2000). We avail ourselves of literal
meaning because we can interpret statements
correctly in the absence of any further explicit and
implicit context. This aspect is also important when
it later comes to machine interpretation of these
statements. In the end, we need discovery engines
that support semantic search (Ding et al., 2005;
Zhao, 2007). They operate on data enriched by
annotations that make implicit meaning explicit.
They also set up the semantic skeleton of the
information ecosystem where search and discovery
happens. This skeleton represented as a network of
metadata emerges from the domain knowledge of
the information consumers. For us, the data-driven
mindset becomes evident when users can turn their
domain and shallow engineering knowledge into
machine instructions suitable for the precise
detection and extraction of the facts they expect to
Information discovery starts with information
extraction (IE) (Cowie and Lehnert, 1996) that
distils text or even scattered documents to a germ of
the original raw material. IT experts engineer
information extraction systems that operate on
templates for the facts to be extracted. Labelled slots
constitute these templates whereby the labels
represent annotated terms.
Self-service information discovery starts with
user-driven IE. The users first have to engineer their
extraction templates that can also be considered as
entity recognizers. This means, a certain amount of
engineering is indispensable in IE. The key question
is whether information consumers have the neces-
sary engineering knowledge to handle discovery
services on their own. This shallow knowledge is
assumed to be acquire easily and thoroughly specific
to the task at hand (Fan et al., 2012). The assumption
in self-service discovery is that users with their
domain competence and shallow engineering knowl-
edge are in the position to manage a certain level of
data discovery and information sharing on their own.
The users' blueprints may be simple and concise,
but they are comprehensive enough to cover their
request. This, in turn, fosters the control of the
discovery process. A template with, say eight to
twelve slots, can comprehensively cover real-world
requests in small-scale domains. This low level of
complexity makes it easy for the information
consumer to manually control discovery. Whenever
they encounter unfilled slots or mistakenly filled
slots they may check the corresponding document
for obvious errors. On the other hand, they may
adapt their blueprint if the representation of a fact
appears to be sound in text, but the slots do not
consistently correspond to the qualities of the fact.
3.1 Basic Language Elements
IE knows a lot of methods to match text excerpts
(i.e. candidates for information entities) with slot
keys (i.e. labels) and to fill the slots. In our approach
we focus on pattern recognition. Each template slot
is thus linked to a descriptive pattern that is rendered
as Regular Expression in combination with key
terms. Regular Expressions are a powerful instru-
ment to precisely detect all kind of patterns in data.
Their application is in particular useful for the
detection of facts in unstructured information.
Furthermore, they offer the opportunity to sketch a
variety of patterns for a particular fact that may
appear in many variant forms. A date, for instance,
can be expressed in different forms even within the
same language. Regular Expressions have a partic-
ular advantage, too, if data represent a named entity,
e.g. as combination of numerical data and words. A
birthdate may be rendered by keywords (“born on”)
or symbols (an asterisk) forming a specific pattern
with an adjacent date. The position within text may
also suffice to qualify a date as birthday: “Franz
Kafka (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924)”.
In each text we can identify numerous facts of
different complexities. Many of them can be
identified in patterns that comprise facts located in
close proximity. Information on a person may span
over more basic facts like name, tax payer number,
birthdate, address, etc. Some fact may comprise
constituent facts that are widely scattered over a
broader area of the data, even over more text pages
or documents for instance.
Regular Expressions are a powerful, but abso-
lutely not a user-friendly instrument. They require
special skills and are not easy to handle, in
particular, when they are addressing complex, i.e.
real-world, patterns. Besides, Regular Expressions
representing high level facts are extremely complex
and barely manageable, even for professionals. Their
application also has limitations, when relevant
elements (qualities) of facts are too dispersed over
the data set, that means when too much “noise”
appears between facts or their qualities. We therefore
propose a language for discovery and sharing that
adopts Regular Expressions but shields users from
their complexity. IT provides users with a stock of
labelled Regular Expressions addressing entities like
“word”, “tax payer number”, “phrase”, “decimal”
etc. (see Figure 1). Instead of defining Regular
Expressions, the users compose their patterns by
resorting to these basic patterns or to the patterns
they have already defined by themselves. The DISL
syntax serves to describe how facts, as the
constituent parts of the fact requested by the user,
appear as sequences of word patterns in data. The
corresponding descriptive pattern gradually aggreg-
ates into the complex pattern for the requested fact.
Figure 1: Examples of basic patterns (entity recognizer).
Usually, IT experts provide these patterns to information
consumers that construct their patterns from here.
3.2 The Syntax of DISL
The users achieve the definition of complex
descriptive patterns by iteratively aggregating their
pattern definitions starting from the basic patterns
(see Figure 1) provided by their IT colleagues. This
means, any pattern (if not a basic pattern) can be
decomposed into smaller units from top to bottom,
eventually into basic patterns and key terms. The
discovery service sees any pattern as more or less
big Regular Expression. We call the patterns at the
bottom layer also “connector patterns” because they
link to the respective data representation technique,
used by the service, in our case Regular Expressions.
They act as primitive data types.
Table 1: Operators of the discovery language.
The dot indicates strong sequence
(“followed by”). The fact indicated
before the dot must be located before the
one indicated after the dot.
Comma means weak sequence. Some of
indicated facts (at least one) shall appear
sequentially in the data. However, they
may appear in any order (inclusive
The semicolon is used to indicate an
exclusive combination. Just one of the
facts ought to be located.
Labeling operator: the name after the
colon is assigned to facts or a group of
facts. Labeling serves the implicit
introduction of (local) nested patterns.
Parentheses serve to indicate a group of
facts. Grouping only makes sense
together with the labeling operator.
The question mark indicates that a fact or
group of facts can be optional, that is, the
corresponding fact can but need not be
located in the data sources.
The discovery service treats keywords
indicated between quotation marks as
fixed expressions. If it represents a verb,
the keyword is reduced to its principal
part. Each noun or adjective is expanded
to a Regular Expression covering their
possible grammatical forms (flections).
Three dots (...) within a constant indicate
that there may appear a small number of
irrelevant terms between the elements of
the fixed expressions.
The syntax for the definition of patterns is quite
simple. It supports a handful of operators the users
employ to define a descriptive pattern as a sequence
of constituent elements, i.e. word patterns.
The following generic definition of a descriptive
pattern summarizes the syntax of our DISL for
discovery and integration, Table 1 explains in more
detail the functionality of the operators:
concept, concepts = element1.element2;
On the left side of the equation the user defines
the name of the pattern. The right side of the
equation lists the sequence of pattern elements. The
pattern can be assigned to a singular term and
optionally also to its corresponding plural term.
When defining their own patterns, people intuitively
apply both forms.
4.1 Illustrative Example
To illustrate DISL we delegated a request to our
discovery engine and let it operate on the (English)
Wikipedia collection. We wanted to extract birth and
death dates of German writers and to list their works
with their original title and the corresponding
English translation of the title. By checking a sample
Figure 2: Original text sections from a larger sample of
texts. The snippets contain the requested information on
the authors’ birth and death date and on the titles of their
of Wikipedia pages, we familiarized ourselves with
the way how these facts are represented (Figure 2)
and defined the corresponding descriptive patterns
using DISL (Figure 3). The discovery engine applied
our blueprints on this collection and returned the
extracted information in XML format (Figure 4).
The example illustrates also the rationale for data
integration and information sharing behind DISL
that supports the collaborative development of a
metadata schema. This schema can constitute the
semantic skeleton of an information ecosystem on
group or organizational level. In this context, self-
service discovery and integration supports “active
compliance”, that is, the collaborative agreement on
a unified overarching metadata schema.
Figure 3: Patterns to discover information on birth and
death dates of (German) writers and the titles of their
works (original title and English translation). On the left
side appear the labels of the patterns.
Figure 4: Example of the results rendered in XML. The
discovery engine takes the patterns as defined by the users
(similar to those in Figure 3), detects the corresponding
data in the texts (like the ones shown in Figure 2), extracts
these data and stores them in XML. The tags of the XML
elements (or slots) correspond to the pattern labels.
As already said, self-service discovery addresses,
among other things, ad hoc requests for discovery
that, like in the example above, are not too complex.
The integration in terms of consolidating metadata
schema on a broader organizational level is thus not
the only issue in integration. Many blueprints for
small-scale and ad hoc requests are disposable
artifacts for individual purposes. The integration into
the technical environment is more important for
discovery requests that need to be shared. What kind
of input formats are supported by the discovery
service, how are the results presented? For the time
being, our service accepts input such as HTML,
PDF, or plain text documents. The output is simply
rendered in XML, in order to enable a smooth
integration into follow-up processes for data
analytics, visualization, reporting and the like. The
slots (with annotated terms) capture the facts
according to the users’ pattern definitions render
them by XML elements. Basic patterns are treated
like primitive data types; entity elements that
correspond to them are not explicitly tagged.
4.2 Results from the First Application
The design of DISL had a highly experimental
character. The examples above relate to experiments
we ran with Wikipedia articles on writers. However,
we applied DISL and our discovery service on legal
texts addressing real estate contracts and related
certificates from land registries. The objective was a
cross-collection search for comprehensive infor-
mation on vendors, purchasers, and real estates. The
application passed through a number of cycles until
it reached a sufficient level of maturity and
acceptance. At the same time, the language has been
tested by a mixed group of domain experts (lawyers
and their assistants), students, and programmers.
The over-arching objective was and still is to
ensure that the language has a high level of usability,
in particular in terms of learnability, memorability,
and ease of use. During the iterative design we got
familiar with the shared mental model information
consumers have about appearance and nature of
descriptive (word) patterns: entities corresponding to
an information blueprint can be dispersed over a
number of text blocks (facts), for instance: [vendor]
sells [object] to [buyer]. Within each block, terms
may appear in arbitrary order, like the characteristics
of a person or organization. Some terms are optional
and there are keywords like “sell” or “buy” that
essentially characterize the fact “transaction pur-
chase”. The question then was, how the appearance
of terms and term blocks can be expressed by
The operators as listed above (see Table 1) and
their functionality turned out to be “intuitive”, i.e.
matching the information consumers’ mental model.
There were syntax elements considered as highly
intuitive, like the quotation marks indicating some
sort of fixed text in an otherwise parametric
presentation of a pattern. The users immediately
perceived dots as separators of building blocks of
their patterns. The role of the comma was apparent,
too. However, there were also things to learn, the
difference between comma and semicolon, for
instance. Some had to learn that the question mark
has to be put ahead of the expression to mark it as
optional rather than thereafter. For others, however,
it was more intuitive for this purpose to have a
leading question mark than a trailing one.
We ran our experiments with about 2000
documents (real estate contracts with related
certificates) distributed over 18 data sources. In the
first place, this sample may seem small to validate
our approach or to underpin its scalability. However,
the inherent character of basically unstructured data
distributed over different sources reflects the nature
of the challenge we face in data discovery, even
within the context of Big Data. The language applied
in contracts and related certificates is quite uniform
and not narratively complex. We are convinced that
our document sample covers this language in its
entirety, and thus scales for even larger collections.
In many information ecosystems we barely have to
deal with highly complex narrative forms. Due to
this fact, we consider our approach as scalable also
towards thematic areas outside legal information as
long as the narrative nature is relatively uniform,
such as is the case for legal texts.
Our work-in-progress demonstrates the feasibil-ity
of self-service data discovery and information
sharing. With a simple instrument like DISL the
information consumers can leverage their shallow
engineering knowledge for managing discovery
services on their own. Over the time, information
consumers naturally develop a data-driven mindset
and with their computer literacy a certain level of
“natural” engineering knowledge that enables them
to handle these discovery tools, including the tools’
command language. Our experiments indicate that
users can develop shallow engineering knowledge
without much effort. If the discovery tool requires
not more than that level of knowledge they can
transform their domain knowledge easily into
machine instructions. This smooth integration of
domain and tool knowledge completes the picture of
self-service discovery that meanwhile is also
demanded by the industry (Sallam et al., 2014).
There are many discovery tasks that serve
individual, ad hoc, and transient purposes. Main
stream discovery, in contrast, supports reoccurring
discovery requests commonly shared by large user
communities and operates on large data collection,
including sometimes the entire Web. We can
conceive manifold scenarios for non-mainstream
discovery. Users may have to analyse from time to
time dozens of failure descriptions or complaints, for
instance. The corresponding data collections are
personal or shared among small groups and consist
of bunches of PDF files or emails, for instance,
barely documents on the Web. Dynamically
changing small-scale requests would mean
permanent system adaptation, which is too intricate
and too expensive in the majority of cases. With a
flexible self-service solution like DISL information
consumers can reap the benefits of automatic
information discovery and sharing and avoid the
drawbacks of mainstream discovery.
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