An Open Architecture for Affective Traits in a BDI Agent
Bexy Alfonso, Emilio Vivancos and Vicente J. Botti
Department of Informatic Systems and Computing, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Agents, Emotions, Personality, Mood, Architecture, BDI, Human Behavior.
Recently an increasing amount of research focuses on improving agents believability by adding affective fea-
tures to the traditional agent-based modeling. This is probably due to the demand of reaching ever more
realistic behaviors on agent-based simulations which extends to several and diverse application fields. The
present work proposes O3A: an Open Affective Agent Architecture, which extends a traditional BDI agent
architecture improving a practical reasoning with more “human” characteristics. This architecture tries to ad-
dress disperse definitions combining the main elements of supporting psychological and neurological theories.
Artificial intelligence constantly evolves. New meth-
ods, algorithms and techniques are created or im-
proved in order to achieve more sophisticated solu-
tions. The agents field is not far behind. With the vi-
sion of a computational agent as a reactive and proac-
tive entity, with its own goals, desires, sensing and
planning mechanisms, more steps are taken to simu-
late human behavior and human interactions. Never-
theless for a simulation that truly reflects how humans
behave, it is necessary to model also the affective side.
Neuroscience methods have found significant ev-
idence that emotions are associated to regions in the
brain in charge of controlling the related functions.
They have also demonstrated that these functions are
necessary for the individual because they act as in-
ternal heuristics guiding decisions in uncertain situa-
tions. Psychological and cognitive sciences have also
made important contributions to further research on
emotional computing, considered a “computing that
relates to, arises from, or influences emotions” (Pi-
card, 1997). One of the challenges to deal with when
addressing issues in emotional computing is to ef-
fectively combine results of several and varied sci-
ences. Specifically cognitive science has received
special interest by affective computing researchers
due to its suitability for creating computational mod-
els. Among the psychological perspectives of person-
ality and emotion, the cognitive is the most widely
studied because, in some degree, it is contained in
the other perspectives. Results of research in affec-
tive computing have been applied in fields like educa-
tion, training, therapies and the simulation of disaster
The aim of this work is to present O3A (an Open
Affective Agent Architecture): general enough to
consider aspects of rational agents as well as their
affective nature and whose components can be cus-
tomized or replaced according to the domain require-
ments. In this article it is shown how this mechanism
of emotion can be integrated into a practical reasoning
architecture. We take the widely accepted BDI (Be-
liefs, Desires and Intentions) architecture of agents as
starting point and we also endow the agent with the
main affectiveconcepts inherited from supporting sci-
ences. We provide a summary of the main concepts
extracted from psychological and neurological litera-
ture that had shed light over our work and briefly com-
ment some significant related works. Then we present
our architecture and its main components, pointing
out how it is integrated with a traditional BDI algo-
rithm. Final conclusions provide some annotations of
the work performed.
1.1 Motivation
The BDI agent architecture has been widely ac-
cepted in the agents community because it has impor-
tant advantages compared to other agent architectures
(logic based, reactive, or layered architectures (Weiss,
1999)). It has been able to effectively reflect the hu-
man reasoning process having strong philosophical
roots. Besides, many logical and software frame-
works based on the BDI architecture have been de-
veloped. It offers cognitive processes and compo-
Alfonso B., Vivancos E. and Botti V..
An Open Architecture for Affective Traits in a BDI Agent.
DOI: 10.5220/0005153603200325
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2014), pages 320-325
ISBN: 978-989-758-052-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nents, meaning the processing of perceptions, beliefs,
and goals that are necessary and are directly affected
by the emotional internal state (Castelfranchi, 2000).
That makes this model to become a suitable alterna-
tive in order to represent the practical rational side of
an agent. Although many approaches havetried to im-
prove the BDI architecture with the human emotional
process, they result disperse and confusing on their
definitions, and also sometimes they don’t follow an
incremental line where one reuses the others results
(Marsella et al., 2010).
According to Castelfranchi (Castelfranchi, 2000)
the basic elements constituting emotions are: beliefs,
evaluations, goals, arousal, and the “tendency towards
action”. Beliefs are individual representations of the
world that activate emotions with a level of arousal,
and motivate the conduct. Then emotions come from
the interpretation of facts and sensations (“recogni-
tion” of emotions). On the other hand individuals
tend to avoid or maybe to pursue some goal if this
leads to a desirable emotional state; in this sense emo-
tions itself can be considered as goals. But also emo-
tions can monitor the goals offering guidance about
the goals consequences and besides they can activate
new goals. Castelfranchi highlighted the difference
between the two kinds of appreciation of events’ eval-
uations: 1) adaptive and non rational, which are auto-
matic, intuitive and unconscious orientations to what
can be wrong or bad, called also primary in the lit-
erature (Ortony and Turner, 1990; Dam´asio, 2005;
Becker-Asano and Wachsmuth, 2010), and 2) declar-
ative or explicit, which is an evaluation based on rea-
soning, can be explained and is closely related to
goals called also secondary. These and other ideas
have laid the ground for structuring O3A.
The psychological literature related to affective hu-
man characteristics talks about cognitive concepts
like emotions, moods, feelings, and personality (Fri-
jda, 1987; Castelfranchi, 2000; Ryckman, 2007).
They generally agree in that emotions are reactions
as a consequence of agents, other actions and/or ob-
jects (Ortony et al., 1988). Mood, as emotions, is
considered to be an experiential component too but
it is not necessarily associated with a cause, lasts
longer and has less intensity than emotions (Mehra-
bian, 1997). On the other hand, personality is seen as
a set of individual characteristics which generally in-
fluence motivations and behaviors of the agent (John
and Srivastava, 1999; Ryckman, 2007). Among the
perspectives that address personality and emotions,
the cognitive perspective has special relevance for af-
fective computing due to its suitability to be used in
computational applications. Moreover, in the neuro-
logical field we found important works which have
laid the foundations for future applications in artificial
intelligence and human-computer interaction areas.
LeDoux and Dam´asio made important contributions
in this area (LeDoux, 1998; Dam´asio, 2005). They
found evidences of the relationship between emotions
and the way in which the brain works.
Based on some interdisciplinary works (Mehra-
bian and Russell, 1974; Ortony et al., 1988), sev-
eral approaches have tried to embody agents or virtual
characters with affective traits and expressive func-
tions (Gebhard, 2005; Becker-Asano and Wachsmuth,
2010; Neto and Silva, 2012). Many of them are also
based on the BDI architecture. For example an inter-
esting work is the one proposed in (Parunak et al.,
2006) where authors propose the DETT (Disposi-
tion, Emotion, Trigger, Tendency) model for situated
agents. It is a domain specific approach that aims to
model agents whose goal is to anticipate the actions of
an enemy in a combat scenario. It proposes a reason-
ing for the agents suitable to perform fast actions, and
it takes the features of the OCC model (Ortony et al.,
1988) for extending a BDI architecture. In this model
emotions influence perception and analysis. The dis-
position element modulates the appraisal, and so, the
way that emotions are triggered from beliefs. On the
other hand, a tendency is imposed to intentions in that
analysis is modulated by emotions. The analysis pro-
cess together with the agent desires produce the in-
tentions. The EBDI architecture for emotional agents
(Jiang et al., 2007) is another similar work. The au-
thor points out that the way that changes in the en-
vironment affect emotions and how these changes in-
fluence human behavior differ even individually, so
he separates the practical reasoning from the emo-
tion mechanism. But he doesn’t use any psycholog-
ical concept to represent such individual differences.
In his work a distinction between primary and sec-
ondary emotions is made. Primary emotions are con-
sidered reactive responses of the brain and secondary
emotions appear later and can be caused by primary
ones or by more complex chains of thinking. Sim-
ilarly in (Neto and Silva, 2012) an architecture for
emotional agents is presented. This architecture in-
cludes a personality and a mood component and it
describes how affective characteristics influence per-
ception, motivation, memory and the decision making
in a BDI architecture. Its emotional component uses
the results of the ALMA project (Gebhard, 2005), and
therefore integrates personality, emotions and mood
components which are modeled through the Five Fac-
tor Model (FFM) of personality (McCrae and John,
1992; Goldberg et al., 1990), the OCC model (Ortony
et al., 1988) and the PAD model (Mehrabian and Rus-
sell, 1974) respectively. This approach focuses on
the cognitive state. The coping actions (Marsella and
Gratch, 2009) are linked to “filters” that select each
time the percepts or facts that are aligned with the
agent emotional state or plans that doesn’t lead the
agent to an undesirable emotional state. An approach
that integrates the majority of issues of previous ap-
proaches is the one proposed in (Becker-Asano and
Wachsmuth, 2010). The authors propose an archi-
tecture suitable for virtual characters. They include
primary and secondary emotions where the former is
directly linked to expressivecapabilities like facial ex-
pressions and the latter comes as the result of reason-
ing about current events, and by considering expec-
tations and past experiences. In this approach mood
values are in a bipolar scale and move from positiveto
negative. Emotions mix theories from P. Ekman (Ek-
man, 1999) and OCC. This architecture also included
a memory component which is used to generate the
character expectations.
Marsella et. al. present a general computational
appraisal model (Marsella et al., 2010), which tries to
cope with the main issues associated with emotions
and their impact on the cognitive processes and state
of the agent. This architecture is composed of three
elements: the person-environment relationship, the
appraisal variables, and the emotion or affect compo-
nent. These components are linked in such a way that
links have associated a transformation model and the
component in the pointing side of the link needs ele-
ments from the previous component in the link. The
person-environment relationship represents the rela-
tionship between the entities in the social environ-
ment, beliefs, desires or intentions, and the external
events. Other works like (Dastani and Meyer, 2006;
Steunebrink et al., 2012) also propose the syntax and
semantic of a logic-based agent language and the log-
ical formulation of the OCC model of emotions re-
spectively. They specify how external stimuli and the
current state of the agent beliefs and goals may de-
rive in emotions. Specifically in (Dastani and Meyer,
2006), the authors propose transition rules for the ex-
ecution of actions according the current emotions, so
emotion evaluation, as well as action tendency is de-
scribed through programming constructs. These ap-
proaches do not contradict the proposed architecture.
Conversely they could support some of its compo-
nents (as detailed in section 3.1).
Generally existing approaches offer specific struc-
tures for particular models of emotions where primary
and secondary emotions are often treated through the
same mechanism. Besides, the concept of a central
core affect (or mood) found in the psychological lit-
erature as well as the individual differences like those
determined by the personality are not always consid-
ered. In section 3 we try to address this issues by
presenting our affectiveagent architecture called O3A
(an Open Affective Agent Architecture).
The O3A architecture addresses mental, cognitive and
motivational components of emotions, what, accord-
ing to (Castelfranchi, 2000), makes them a complex,
hybrid subjective state of mind. O3A is based on the
appraisal theory that is currently the most accepted
computational model of emotions. O3A is general be-
cause its components are integrated into a BDI agent-
based architecture aiming to provide a model useful
to build believable agents behaviors in any domain.
3.1 Main Components
The O3A architecture (Figure 1), consists of four
main components in charge of controlling the agents
emotional issues. These components have a well de-
fined interface that allows to easily re-implement any
component if other emotional approach is used in the
The Appraisal Component is in charge of deriving
emotions from perceptions and from the agent state.
Two sub-components make this task. The Emotion
reactive component takes what has been observed in
the environment to obtain the Primary emotions. The
function of this component is based on the idea of
the non-rational, automatic, unconscious and adaptive
evaluation of events stated in (Castelfranchi, 2000),
that derives in primary emotions. In order to imple-
ment this component we have labeled each percept
with a set of “more probable emotions” to be exper-
imented by the agent after perceiving the event. Our
taxonomy of emotions is based on the cognitive per-
spective of emotions proposed by Clore & Collins in
1988 (Ortony et al., 1988), that was later improved by
Ortony in 2003 (Ortony, 2003). This model of emo-
tions, popularly know as OCC, consist of 22 emotions
types with their specifications and attributes. These
emotions are linked to eliciting conditions, and their
intensity is affected by a set of variables. The emo-
tion deliberative component is in charge of deriving
Secondary emotions, and corresponds to the declara-
tive and explicit evaluation of events that can be ex-
plained and argumented upon (Castelfranchi, 2000).
As these emotions are the result of more complex
chains of thinking it is necessary to check current be-
liefs, options available, as well as information from
previous results (e.g. how successful or ineffective
has been an action or plan, or the emotional experi-
ence after a plan in previous executions). We use the
ideas proposed in (Marsella and Gratch, 2009) for this
component, where emotions emerge from evaluating
appraisal variables of propositions. A work like (Ste-
unebrink et al., 2012) is also suitable to be used in this
component of the architecture. The authors make log-
ical formalizations to derive emotions starting from
the agent mental attitudes.
The Beliefs Component determines how Current
Mood influences the percepts before they become the
agent’s Beliefs. It starts from the idea that mood can
intensify or blur perceptions and hence generate dif-
ferent perceptions for each agent (Neto and Silva,
2012; Niedenthal and Setterlund, 1994).
The Mood Component feeds on the agents Person-
ality to establish the agent’s initial mood and to update
the Current Mood. This is based on the idea that indi-
viduals differentiate from each other in the way their
mood changes depending on their personality traits.
An explosive individual may reach a mood with high
levels of arousal more easily than one that has a less
neurotic personality. The Mood component updates
the Current Mood also considering the primary and
secondary emotions elicited. We use the dimensional
representation of the core affect made by A. Mehra-
bian and A. Russell (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974;
Russell and Mehrabian, 1977) in order to describe
mood. A three dimensional space whose dimensions
are Pleassure, Arousal and Dominance (PAD) de-
scribes any emotional state of the agent. This com-
ponent also deals with the concurrence of “evaluation
and appraisal about the same entity/event”, which can
“give rise to convergence and enhancement of the va-
lence, or to conflicts” (Castelfranchi, 2000). Another
issue that is addressed in this component is the du-
ration and the return to an “equilibrium” state of the
The Coping Component decides if the changes ex-
perimented in the current mood deserve to take ac-
tions in the cognitive processes of the agent, deter-
mining in this case the way intentions are selected to
be achieved. As stated in (Castelfranchi, 2000) the
responses of the agents to external events having the
same knowledge, desires, and abilities will be differ-
ent depending on each agent internal state. We use
a plans prioritization strategy but elements of previ-
Current mood
by mood
Figure 1: Main components of the O3A architecture.
ous works can also be used, such as the programming
constructs offered in (Dastani and Meyer, 2006), that
offer transition rules for the execution of actions ac-
cording to the current emotions
Just as the mood can be modeled through a di-
mensional representation, there are models like the
Five Factor Model of personality (McCrae and John,
1992) that are useful to build Personality profiles.
This model uses a set of five dimensions to describe
each individual personality quite accurately.
3.2 Integration into a BDI Architecture
Starting from the control cycle of a BDI practical rea-
soning agent offered in (Bordini et al., 2007), we pro-
pose the main cycle for agents under O3A. The algo-
rithm of Figure 2 integrates a traditional BDI agent
architecture with the emotional components proposed
in O3A. Note that this architecture is independent of
the internal implementation of these emotional com-
ponents that can be substituted in the future. In lines
1-3 the initial values for Beliefs (B
), Intentions (I
and Current Mood (M
) are respectively set. In par-
ticular, Current Mood is initialized according to the
Personality profile (P). We use the proposal made
in (Mehrabian, 1996) to establish the correlation be-
tween the PAD space (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974)
and the Five Factor Model (McCrae and John, 1992).
Lines 4-31 represent the basic control loop. The main
actions performed in this loop are: observe, execute,
and update options. In line 5 the next percept (ρ)
is observed from the environment. This percept may
have associated a set of the “more probable emotions”
to experiment with this percept. In line 6 Beliefs are
updated considering the agent’s current Beliefs (B),
the new percept (ρ), and the Current Mood (M). In
this algorithm, Desires are considered “candidate op-
tions”, and are determined in line 7 on the basis of
the current Beliefs and Intentions. In lines 8 and 9
This is valid only if, according to the requirements of the do-
main, a centralized processing of a “mood” is not considered and
the emotional internal state is represented directly by the emotions
1: B B
; {B
are initial beliefs}
2: I I
; {I
are initial beliefs}
3: M
= M = initialize
mood(P); {P: personality}
4: while (true) do
5: get next percept ρ via sensors;
6: B get
new beliefs(B, ρ, M);
7: D get
options(B, I);
8: PEm get
primary Em(ρ);
9: SEm get
secondary Em(B, M, D);
10: M update
M(PEm, SEm, M, P);
11: I filter(B, D, I, M);
12: π plan(B, I, Ac); {Ac: set of actions}
13: while not (empty(π) or succeeded(I, B) or
impossible(I, B)) do
14: α first element of π;
15: execute(α);
16: π tail of π;
17: observe environment to get next percept ρ
18: B get
new beliefs(B, ρ, M);
19: PEm get
primary Em(ρ);
20: SEm get
secondary Em(B, M, D);
21: M update
M(PEm, SEm, M, P);
22: if (reconsider(I, B, M)) then
23: D get
options(B, I);
24: I filter(B, D, I, M);
25: end if
26: if not (sound(π, I, B)) then
27: π plan(B, I, Ac);
28: end if
29: SuccRate
succ rate(SuccRate
, π);
30: end while
31: end while
Figure 2: Control loop for an emotional BDI agent.
Primary and Secondary emotions are obtained. Sec-
ondary Emotions also consider Desires and Beliefs
because they are the product of a more complex de-
liberative process that may emerge from evaluating
the agent options, current Beliefs (including past ex-
periences and/or expectations) and current Mood. As
it has been posed in section 3.1, some previous ap-
proaches may be used in this last two steps such as
(Dastani and Meyer, 2006; Steunebrink et al., 2012).
In particular we derive PEm directly from percepts
and SEm according to (Marsella and Gratch, 2009).
Current Mood is updated taking into account Pri-
mary and Secondary Emotions as well as the previous
Mood and the agent’s personality (line 10). The main
goal of this step is to perform a transformation from
a set of emotions to a mood in a coherent way. Inten-
tions are updated in the same way in line 11 on the
basis of the selected Desires and the Current Mood.
Then in line 12 the plan function generates a plan for
achieving the selected intentions. The actions of the
loop in lines 13-30 will be executed as soon as the
plan is not empty, succeeded, or impossible. In lines
14-16 the first action of the plan is selected and ex-
ecuted, and the plan is updated with the remaining
actions. Lines 18-21 represent a pause that the agent
makes to detect changes in the environment (which is
verified in line 17), and reconsider its Intentions, de-
riving again Primary Emotions, Secondary Emotions
and Mood as previously in lines 8-10. If it’s worth
to reconsider and to deliberate (Intentions may suffer
changes according to the current state and Mood) the
Desires and Intentions are reevaluated (lines 23-24).
In lines 26-28 a replanning is made in case the cur-
rent plan doesn’t fit well any more with the current
Intentions and Beliefs
. Finally, in line 29 a measure
of the relation between the times the plan has success-
fully fulfilled the committed Intentions and the times
it has been executed is saved. This indicator is used
for future deliberations
The O3A architecture is inspired on the most promi-
nent results of psychological and neurological areas.
It offers a general agent structure, with an open com-
ponent implementation in order to be applied in a
wide range of domains. It’s integration into a typical
BDI architecture allows to combine practical ratio-
nal elements with more “human” features, that results
in believable behaviors for the agents. At the same
time it offers an open structure in order to be flexible
enough to adapt to several domains and applications.
A proposal of design for each component of the archi-
tecture is also offered. This approach has many prac-
tical uses in human-computer interaction applications
like education, pathologies treatments, training, enter-
tainment and human simulation behavior in general.
Nevertheless, the main challenge after roughly define
how the agent reasoning processes are integrated into
the architecture, is the detailed specification of each
one of the particular components and how to achieve
a coherent behavior aligned with real situations.
This approach is a work in progress. We are cur-
rently engaged on implementing a practical applica-
tion in order to test the strength of the proposal as well
as to identify improvements and/or necessary mod-
ifications. Specifically it is been tested in classical
games of experimental economy where humans take
Note that lines 22-28 are kept from the original algorithm in
(Bordini et al., 2007) where the authors point out that reconsidera-
tion is performed only if this leads to a change of intentions and a
replanning is performed if the plan is not sound any more accord-
ing to what the agent wants to achieve (intentions) and it thinks is
the current state of the world (beliefs).
The intention in this step is above all to keep the necessary
records associated to the results of current results of plans executed
and/or achievement of goals in order to reuse this information as a
“memory” for further deliberations.
decisions that are often biased from the most ratio-
nal’ solution.
This work was supported by the Spanish government
grant MINECO/FEDER TIN2012-36586-C03-01and
HUMBACE (Human and Social Behaviour Models
for Agent-Based Computational Economics) project.
Thanks also to the Research and Development Sup-
port Programme of the UniversidadPolit´ecnica de Va-
lencia PAID-06-11 Project.
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