Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
A New Challenge for Computational Intelligence Community
Giovanni Acampora
, Autilia Vitiello
, Ciro Di Nunzio
, Maurizio Saliva
and Luciano Garofano
School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Lane, Nottingham, U.K.
Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Via San Giovanni Paolo II, Fisciano, Italy
University ”Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy
Azienda Sanitaria Locale ASL Napoli 3 Sud, Torre del Greco, Italy
Arma dei Carabinieri, Italy
Italian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Forensic Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Fuzzy Reasoning.
Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) is a forensic discipline that plays a key role in tracing events which caused
a bloodshed at a crime scene. Indeed, BPA supports worldwide investigation agencies (US FBI, Italian Cara-
binieri and so on) in interpreting the morphology and distribution of bloodspots at a crime scene in order to
enable a potentially complete reconstruction of the dynamics of the act of violence with a consequent iden-
tification of potential suspects for that crime. However, in spite of its importance, this forensic discipline is
still based on completely manual approaches, making the analysis of a crime scene long, tedious and poten-
tially imperfect. This position paper is aimed at proving that computational intelligence methodologies can
be efficiently integrated with image processing techniques to support forensic investigators in increasing their
performance in examining bloodstains, both in terms of time and accuracy of analysis. A preliminary study
involving the application of fuzzy clustering has been carried out in order to validate our opinion and stimu-
late computational intelligence community to face this new challenge towards a formal definition of Forensic
Bloody crimes among strangers, acquaintances or
family members are becoming more and more fre-
quent in our society, resulting in a growing sense of
fear in the population with related sociological and
relational issues. In order to address this increasing
wave of violence, worldwide investigation agencies
are making strong efforts to improve their abilities
in analysing crime scenes through sophisticated sci-
entific methods aimed at efficiently solving complex
cases and acting as a deterrent to violent crimes. In
this novel investigation scenario, Bloodstain Pattern
Analysis (BPA) is assuming a crucial role thanks to its
potential skills in identifying precious clues useful for
the complete reconstruction of the dynamics of acts
of violence. Precisely, BPA is a forensic investiga-
tion discipline that deals with the analysis of morphol-
ogy and distribution of bloodstains at crime scene.
Its principal aim is to shed light on various forensic
matters including reconstruction of events, differen-
tial diagnosis of homicide/suicide/accident and iden-
tifying areas with high likelihood of offender move-
ments for taking DNA samples. The first systematic
study of bloodstains was published in 1895 by Eduard
Piotrowski from the University of Krakow. In this
study, entitled “On the formation, form, direction and
spreading of blood stains resulting from blunt trauma
at the head” at the University of Vienna, Piotrowski
covered the corner of a room with sheets of white
paper and observed and documented the bloodstains
that resulted from beating rabbits to death (Brodbeck,
2012). Since that time, BPA has become an estab-
lished analytical technique in forensic investigations
and the International Association of Bloodstain Pat-
tern Analysts (IABPA) was founded to support the
continuing development of the discipline. However,
in spite of its importance, BPA is still based on a
fully manual approach, making the analysis of a crime
scene long, tedious and potentially imperfect. Indeed,
Acampora G., Vitiello A., Di Nunzio C., Saliva M. and Garofano L..
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis - A New Challenge for Computational Intelligence Community.
DOI: 10.5220/0005155602110216
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications (FCTA-2014), pages 211-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-053-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by following the current BPA guidelines, investigators
use their experience to manually identify blood spat-
ter patterns and perform geometrical measures to lo-
cate the point of origin, i.e. the spatial location where
the identified bloodstains has been originated. The
collection of points of origin is then used by investi-
gators to try to determine the full dynamics of events
at the crime scene.
This position paper is aimed at proving that com-
putational intelligence methodologies can be effi-
ciently integrated with image processing techniques
to support forensic investigators in increasing their
performance in applying BPA, both in terms of time
and accuracy of analysis. In particular, image pro-
cessing techniques can be used to capture pictures
from a crime scene, remove noise, register that pic-
tures and extract the collection of features that com-
putational intelligence methods can efficiently anal-
yse to make BPA faster and more precise than cur-
rent manual approaches. A preliminary study involv-
ing the application of fuzzy clustering for reproducing
the well-known string method has been carried out in
order to validate our opinion and stimulate computa-
tional intelligence community to face this new chal-
lenge towards a formal definition of Forensic Intelli-
Blood is one of the most significant and frequently en-
countered types of physical evidence associated with
a violent crime (James et al., 2005). Consequently,
forensic investigators use a formal methodology, the
BPA, to assesses bloodstains left at crime scenes by
using an approach based on visual pattern recognition
(Brodbeck, 2012). Thanks to this visual approach,
BPA investigators analyse the size, shape, and distri-
bution of bloodstains resulting from bloodshed events
in order to determine the types of activities and mech-
anisms that produced them. In particular, BPA may
provide several types of information to forensic in-
vestigators as, for example (James et al., 2005): 1)
areas of convergence and origin of the bloodstains,
2) type and direction of impact that produced blood-
stains or spatter, 3) mechanisms by which spatter
patterns were produced, 4) assistance with the un-
derstanding of how bloodstains were deposited onto
items of evidence, 5) possible position of victim, as-
sailant, or objects at the scene during bloodshed, 6)
possible movement and direction of victim, assailant,
or objects at the scene after bloodshed, support or
contradiction of statements given by accused and/or
witnesses, 7) additional criteria for estimation of post-
mortem interval. Moreover, BPA is used to shed light
on other forensic matters such as differential diagno-
sis of homicide/suicide/accident and identifying areas
with high likelihood of offender movements for tak-
ing DNA samples.
BPA activities are based on a bloodstain classifi-
cation from S. James, P. Kish and P. Sutton (James
et al., 2005) which divides bloodstains into three cat-
egories, passive/gravity, spatter and altered based on
stain physical features of size, shape, location, con-
centration, and distribution (Brodbeck, 2012). In de-
tail, passive category describes bloodstain patterns
that are formed under the influence of gravity. This
group includes contact stains, which result from con-
tact between two surfaces, of which at least one has
blood on it. Contact stains often provide information
about sequences of movement. Flow patterns, pool-
ing/saturation and drip stains also belong to this cat-
egory. Spatter category includes spatters that result
from active events such as a shot, as well as spatters
that are caused by, for example, expiration or cast-off
from objects that are swung. Altered category con-
tains all further stain types, such as blood clots and
diluted blood that results from the addition of other
All the BPA analysis depends on the fact that
blood is a complex non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluid.
For this reason, a drop of blood tends to form into
a sphere rather than a teardrop shape when in flight.
Ideally, once the sphere lands on a flat surface, the
collision flattens the liquid creating an elliptical or cir-
cular stain depending on the angle of impact. The an-
gle of impact is the angle at which a blood droplet im-
pacts a surface, measured with respect to a imaginary
line perpendicular to that surface. In particular, the
more acute the angle of impact, the greater the elon-
gation of the bloodstain as the width decreases and the
length increases (James et al., 2005) (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Elongation of bloodstains in terms of the angle of
Starting from the aforementioned bloodstain clas-
sification and the physical features of blood, BPA an-
alyst can determine the impact angle of blood on a
flat surface by evaluating the shape of the blood spat-
ter stain through trigonometric principles. In detail,
the analyst has to locate each spatter and measure its
length L (major diameter) and width W (minor diam-
eter) using a scale, a ruler or calipers (see Fig. 2).
Then, he or she computes the angle of impact α by
using the following formula:
α = arcsin
BPA analysis focuses only on primary stains (the
stain obtained when the blood drop just touches a sur-
face), however, it is worth noting that the collision is
a complex interaction that produces also non-primary
spatter patterns caused by displacement, dispersion,
and retraction processes. Moreover, target surface ab-
sorbency, surface texture, and blood volume are im-
portant variable in blood pattern formation and BPA
analysts need to adapt their evaluations to these dif-
ferent factors.
Figure 2: Schematic image (Boonkhong et al., 2010) of the
bloodstain from a blood droplet with an impact angle α. In
the calculation of α, an analogy is made between line c and
b and the width W and length L of the stain.
The consolidated method to determine the point
from which the blood originated, named point of ori-
gin, is known as string method (James et al., 2005).
The name of this method comes from the way in
which forensic experts analyse the bloodstains (see
Fig. 3). In particular, once identified a spatter pat-
tern, the analyst attaches elastic strings at the tip
of the bloodstains’ ellipse and extends them back-
ward, or 180
opposite of their individual directions
of travel. The two dimensional point, named point or
area of convergence, where the strings intersect rep-
resents the two-dimensional geographic location of
blood source. Determining the area or point of origin
combines the two-dimensional area of convergence
plus the angle of impact α discussed above for each of
the stains belonging to the pattern. In detail, analysts
pull elastic strings from the surface according to the
angle α. In this way, the angle of impact adds the third
dimension to the point of convergence determination,
creating a spatial representation of the location of the
blood source. This method gives forensic experts an
upper bound on the height at which the victim was
struck. However, repeating this process for up to hun-
dreds of blood stains takes substantial time and effort
(Shen et al., 2006). Moreover, it assumes the identi-
fication of a spatter pattern based on forensic experts’
Figure 3: Analyst performing the string method (James
et al., 2005).
As highlighted in Section 2, BPA and, in particular
the string method, represents a crucial activity in each
investigation task related to a violent crime. However,
BPA activities could be affected by a set of strong
uncertainties due to different factors that can make
the overall forensic analysis not significant. Indeed,
firstly, a crime scene is inherently imprecise due to
high interaction occurring among victim, aggressor
and surrounding environment. Moreover, the string
method is performed manually by means of impre-
cise tools and, as a consequence, each step related
to this activity adds more and more inaccuracies. In
our vision, all this imprecision make BPA an applica-
tion domain particularly suitable to be addressed by
computational intelligence techniques. Indeed, fuzzy
reasoning methods could be efficiently used to sup-
port pattern recognition activities in BPA in order to
analyse the shape of blood spots and compute conver-
gence points and areas, and points of origin of hits.
At the same way, neural networks and other learn-
ing approaches could be used to automatically clas-
sify bloodstains by taking into account the heuristic
classification of bloodstains perfumed by James et al.
2005. Finally, optimisation capabilities provided by
evolutionary algorithms could be useful to derive the
most suitable path followed by victim and aggressor
in a crime scene that is characterised by the presence
of an appropriatelyanalysed collection of bloodstains.
These are just few examples of application of compu-
tational intelligence techniques to BPA but, however,
in our opinion a very fruitful research path could start
in this scenario, making BPA as the mainstream ap-
plication of Forensic Intelligence area. Fig. 4 shows
our idea for a general template of a system architec-
ture where image processing and computational intel-
ligence techniques are integrated in forensic investi-
gation activities to implement intelligent BPA tools.
Intelligent BPA
Crime Scene
Observation and Analysis of
Evident Blood Traces
Highlighting (Luminol), Observation
and Analysis of Latent Blood Traces
Image Processing and Computer Vision
Computational Intelligence Methodologies
Documentation and Validation
Photos from Crime Scene
Bloodstain Features
Automatic BPA Report
Figure 4: Overview of the proposed generic architecture for
intelligent BPA.
In order to validate our vision, an embryonic in-
telligent tool for BPA is introduced. This tool uses
a computer vision algorithm for image rectification
and the fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm extended
with the silhouette approach for identifying differ-
ent bloodstain patterns present in a given image and,
for each pattern, computes the convergence area and
point of origin. In other words, the proposed tool
represents the first attempt to make the BPA string
method completely automatic and unrelated to impre-
cise tools and tasks.
3.1 An Intelligent Tool for BPA
This section presents an embryonic tool designed to
perform the string method in an automatic, fast and
precise way. The proposed system performs a se-
quence of tasks summarized in Fig. 5. In particular,
Figure 5: Overview of tasks performed by the proposed sys-
the first task consists in registering all photographs of
a crime scene to a common virtual image.
Indeed, in order perform an opportune analy-
sis, the bloodstain images should satisfy the follow-
ing constraint: to be photographed with the image
plane parallel to the surface where the bloodstains im-
pacted. Unfortunately, often the captured images at a
crime scene have not this feature. Therefore, the pro-
posed system performs a rectification process through
image processing techniques, as described in (Shen
et al., 2006), in order to obtain to look as if the cam-
era had been looking down at the crime scene from
directly above. Fig. 6 presents an example of a pho-
tograph subject to the rectification process.
(a) Original photo (b) Relative rectified photo
Figure 6: Example of the rectification phase.
After the rectification phase, the proposed system
executes a direct least squares fitting method (Fitzgib-
bon et al., 1999) in order to identify blood spots in a
photograph. Fig. 7 shows a photograph where the
Figure 7: Image where the dotted lines show the identified
blood spots.
dotted lines are the identified blood spots.
Successively, the proposed system computes the
major and minor diameters of each identified blood
spot. In detail, for the i
identified blood spot, the
proposed method computes two points p
= (x
, y
and p
= (x
, y
) corresponding to the farthest points
on the ellipse related to the bloodstain under analysis
and two points p
= (x
, y
) and p
= (x
, y
) cor-
responding to the nearest points. The distance be-
tween the points p
and p
represents the length of
the i
blood stain L
, whereas, the distance between
the points p
and p
represents the width W
. L
are used to compute the angle of impact of the i
bloodstain as described in section 2.
Then, the successive step performed by the pro-
posed approach is to build a dataset useful for the the
identification of the number of blood spatter patterns
in a photograph. Firstly, the proposed system uses
the conventional formula to compute a straight line
through the farthest two points p
and p
for each
blood i:
y y
x x
Then, the system gathers a set of points F, where
each point represents the cross between two drawn
lines. These points, denoted as pairwise points of con-
vergence, represent the blood source for the involved
couple of bloodstains. Fig. 8 shows the building of
the collection of the pairwise points of convergence.
Once a photographhas been registered and a set of
pairwise points of convergencehas been collected, the
system exploits a fuzzy clustering procedure extended
with silhouette method (Rousseeuw, 1987) to iden-
tify the number of the blood spatter patterns present
in the photograph and the relative points of conver-
gence. These points of convergence together with the
previously computed values of angles of impact will
be used to compute the points of origin. In detail,
the proposed system computes the number of blood
Figure 8: Pairwise points of convergence computation.
spatter patterns as the number of obtained clusters
and the relative points of convergence as the center of
the correspondent cluster. The exploited fuzzy clus-
tering procedure is the well-known Fuzzy C-Means
(Bezdek, 1981) which allows one piece of data to be-
long to two or more clusters with a different member-
ship degree. This feature is useful in an environment
characterized by high uncertainty such as a crime
scene. The dataset in input of the Fuzzy C-Means
are the set of pairwise points of convergence. The
most opportune number of clusters in which dataset
must be divided is computed by using the silhouette
method. In detail, the proposed approach performs
the Fuzzy C-Means M times by using each time a dif-
ferent number of clusters k {1, 2, . . . , M}, where M
is the number of bloodstains in the photograph. This
upper bound for value k is chosen by reflecting that
there is at least a bloodstain for each spatter pattern,
and as a consequence, the number of spatter patterns
can not be greater than the number of bloodstains.
Then, the best number of clusters is chosen by apply-
ing the silhouette method, i.e., it is chosen the number
of clusters which allows to obtain the greatest value
of the overall average silhouette width (Rousseeuw,
1987). By considering our example, Fig. 9 shows
the values of the overall average silhouette widths for
each tested k = 2, . . . , 9. As shown, in our example,
the best number of clusters in which dataset should
be divided is 3. Fig. 10 shows the output of the fuzzy
clustering procedure for k = 3.
However, as highlighted in (Rousseeuw, 1987),
one should not merely accept a high overall average
silhouette width, but also look the output of cluster-
ing procedure in order to observe the presence of out-
lier values. Indeed, when a cluster contains only a
point of the input dataset, it is very probable that this
point is an outlier. Therefore, the proposed system
removes singleton clusters. Hence, in our example
characterised by one singleton cluster (see Fig. 10),
the resulting number of blood spatter patterns is two.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
number of clusters
overall average silhouette width
Figure 9: The overall average silhouette widths for each
tested number of clusters k.
Once identified the number of blood spatter patterns
in a photograph, it is necessary to map the blood-
stains to one of the identified patterns. This mapping
is computed by considering the membership degrees
of the pairwise points of convergence with respect to
the computed clusters. In detail, the proposed ap-
proach assumes that a bloodstain belongs to the pat-
tern/cluster for which the membership degrees of the
pairwise points of convergence involving the blood-
stain are higher. Precisely, for each bloodstain, a so-
called pattern membership value is computed for each
identified pattern/cluster by performing the mean of
the membership degrees of pairwise points of conver-
gence involving the bloodstain and belonging to the
considered cluster. At the end, the bloodstain belongs
to the cluster/pattern for which the computed pattern
membership value is the highest. Once identified the
blood spatter patterns and the relative bloodstains, the
pairwise points of convergence involving bloodstains
belonging to different patterns are removed from the
set F since they are considered outliers. At this mo-
ment, the proposed system computes the center of
the updated clusters (changed by removing outliers)
which represents the point of convergence of the rel-
ative blood spatter pattern. By using the point of con-
vergence and the angles of impact of each bloodstain
belonging to the pattern, it possible to compute the
point of origin of each pattern as described in section
This position paper introduces a novel application do-
main in the area of computational intelligence: BPA.
As proved by a preliminary study, fuzzy reasoning
can strongly improve the capabilities of investigators
in addressing BPA issues and try to solve complex
14 16 18 20 22 24
Figure 10: Output of Fuzzy C-Means for the number of
clusters equals to 3.
cases in a faster and more precise way than current
manual techniques. Our opinion is that BPA could
represent a breakthroughapplication in computational
intelligence community and open new research sce-
narios in a novel challenging area such as the Forensic
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