A Case for Embedded Natural Logic for Ontological Knowledge Bases
Troels Andreasen
and Jørgen Fischer Nilsson
Computer Science, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
Ontological Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Natural Logic, Domain Modeling.
We argue in favour of adopting a form of natural logic for ontology-structured knowledge bases as an al-
ternative to description logic and rule based languages. Natural logic is a form of logic resembling natural
language assertions, unlike description logic. This is essential e.g. in life sciences, where the large and evolv-
ing knowledge specifications should be directly accessible to domain experts. Moreover, natural logic comes
with intuitive inference rules. The considered version of natural logic leans toward the closed world assump-
tion (CWA) unlike the open world assumption with classical negation in description logic. We embed the
natural logic in DATALOG clauses which is to take care of the computational inference in connection with
This position paper discusses a novel specification
language framework for logical knowledge bases. We
have in mind in particular but not exclusively the life
science application domains.
We take as departure the following desiderata for
ontological knowledge base languages:
Readability of the knowledge base for domain ex-
Appropriate level and range of expressivity bal-
anced against computational complexity concerns
Semantic rigor: a precise logical semantics, af-
fording intuitive and computationally manageable
reasoning rules
Ability to cope with classes and relationships in-
tensionally in querying, that is not just as exten-
sional sets.
We argue that these desiderata may be met with
the following set-up: A form of natural logic embed-
ded in clausal logic, the latter as known from logic
programming. The natural logic endorses arbitrarily
complex formulations by recursive forms reflecting
natural language phrase forms.
In this set-up the innermost level of natural logic
serves to represent domain assertions, whereas the
outermost logic provide the means of formulating log-
ical inference rules as well as ad hoc domain rules.
In other words we advocate a metalogic framework,
where the interaction between the two language lay-
ers is facilitated by the variable free form of natural
logic. Thus there is no confusion between quantified
variables at the metalevel and the natural logic level.
It should be mentioned that the proposal is not an at-
tempt to merge the two mentioned logical languages
into one language, cf. (Grosof et al., 2003).
As a key point in our approach the compound
natural logic assertions are broken down into atomic
assertions in the form of triples admitting a labeled
graph representation conducive to pathway computa-
tions in the entire semantic graph.
The ideas in our approach appeared in seminal
form in (Andreasen and Fischer Nilsson, 2004; Nils-
son, 2011; Andreasen et al., 2013). The brief presen-
tation here draws on and reflects on our (Andreasen
et al., 2014a), which focusses on life science appli-
cation domains and (Andreasen et al., 2014b), which
describes the natural logic forms, and the semantic
net internal representation for pathway computations
in the knowledge base.
We consider knowledge bases as conventionally
conceived as classes of entities and relationships ex-
pressed as logical assertions. As usual the backbone
ontology is formed by the class inclusion relationship
conventionally known as isa. The inclusion relation
comes with inheritance of attached properties.
In addition there may be introduced domain spe-
cific relationships such as locative, causative, prop-
Andreasen T. and Fischer Nilsson J..
A Case for Embedded Natural Logic for Ontological Knowledge Bases.
DOI: 10.5220/0005156504230427
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2014), pages 423-427
ISBN: 978-989-758-049-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
erty ascribing, and partonomic as well as more do-
main specific relationships.
Natural logic is a common term for logics which re-
semble natural language and which are further sup-
posed to apply more intuitive reasoning rules than
mathematical logics (van Benthem, 1986; van Ben-
them, 2011; Muskens, 2011; Sanchez Valencia, 2004,
MacCartney and Manning, 2009). The price paid is
limited expressivity compared, say, with first order
The general linguistic form of assertions in the
natural logic considered here, called NATURALOG, is
Verb Q
where Q
is either of the determiners every and some,
are common noun terms, and Verb is a tran-
sitive verb. In the simplest case CNterm
is a class
As an example, in the context of a knowledge base
for biological cells we have
every eukariot has-part some nucleus
where the verb form ”has part” is stylized into has-
part, cf. the handling of partonomies in (Smith and
Rosse, 2004).
In compound noun terms a class name forming
the head noun is attached modifiers corresponding to
adjectives, compound nouns, adnominal prepositional
phrases, and restrictive relative clauses. The latter two
modifiers have recursive syntactic structure. Individ-
ual class entities are handled by being re-conceived as
singleton classes. This complies with scientific terms
such as substance names being considered as class
In the logical conception the above NATURALOG
assertion becomes
Rterm Q
where Cterm
are class or concept terms and Rterm
is a binary relation name coming from the transitive
verb. In compound concept terms a class name is at-
tached modifiers. Here we consider the form [that]
Rterm some Cterm, where that is an optional key-
word, serving to improve readability, only. Modifiers
are supposed always to restrict a class to a subclass.
Presence of multiple modifiers in a class term forms a
The above propositional form yields four quanti-
fier cases:
every c r some d
every c r every d
some c r some d
some c r every d
The first one covers most cases in knowledge base
practice. By appropriate default rules for quantifiers
the sample
alphacell secrete glucagon
is interpreted logically as the proposition
every alphacell secrete some glucagon
that is, in the predicate logic explication
x(al phacell(x) y(secrete(x, y) glucagon(y)))
As a slightly more complex example, let us con-
sider the natural language sentence
cells that produce glucagon reside in pancreas
In predicate logic it would be
x(cell(x) y(glucagon(y) produce(x, y))
z(pancreas(z) residein(x, z))
In description logic:
cell u produce.glucagon v residein.pancreas
In natural logic
(cell that produce glucagon) reside-in pancreas
or simply
cell that produce glucagon reside-in pancreas
Our ∀∀ natural logic sentence every c r every d
should not be confused with the description logic sen-
tence c v r.d.
2.1 Class Inclusion
The key relationship of class inclusion, convention-
ally denoted isa, actually comes about as a special
case of the natural logic forms every c r some d,
namely with the relation r being equality. However,
we use c isa d for every c equals some d.
As an example of class inclusion we can state
alphacell isa cell
By contrast we need not state that pancreatic cell isa a
cell explicitly because pancreatic acts as a restrictive
By default two classes (simple or compound) are
conceived to be disjoint unless either
one is a subclass of the other, or
they have a common subclass.
Unlike description logic classes are formally consid-
ered nonempty: xc(x) for all classes c. A common
subclass cd is readily obtained by stating the two as-
sertions cd isa c and cd isa d.
Unlike (Smith and Rosse, 2004) we accept taxo-
nomic cross categories (common subclasses). For in-
stance in our ontology the blood (cf. bloodstream) is
conceived of as a bodily organ as well as an substance
coming in quantities (figure 1).
Figure 1: Blood as cross categories in the ontology.
Another example, there is presumably peptide
hormone, where there are peptides which are not hor-
mones and hormones which are not peptides. The
common noun peptide hormone is an example of a
compound noun formed by two class names where
peptide acts as a restrictive modifier.
2.2 Reduction to Predicate Logic
Let us consider the above main quantifier case ∀∃, that
every c r some d
where c is the class name c
possibly with modifiers
and analogously for d.
This case has the following backtranslation to
predicate logic:
(x) y(r
(x, y) d
(x) c
(x, y
) c
(x) d
(x, y
) d
where c
and d
simple or complex with recursively
the same structure
The special class inclusion case:
x(c(x) y(x = y) d(y)))
reduces to
x(c(x) d(x))
It should be stressed that this reduction to pred-
icate logic is for explicatory reasons, only. The ap-
plied variable-free forms are subject to reasoning at
the metalogic level as to be explained next.
We now turn to the clausal logic level into which the
natural logic assertions are embedded. At the meta
level NATURALOG knowledge base assertions appear
encoded as data. The applied meta level logic consist
of the well known DATALOG clauses
, ..., t
, ..., t
where the logical terms t are either constants or uni-
versally quantified variables. The variables are distin-
guished by upper case initial letter. The case of k be-
ing 0 yields an atomic fact p(t
, ..., t
). These clauses
are occasionally enriched with use of stratified nega-
tion by non-provability for which is used the symbol
6` referred to as DATALOG
A NATURALOG assertion with simple classes, ev-
ery c r some d, may then be represented straightfor-
wardly at the meta level, say, in principle with the
ground atomic
assert∀∃(c, r, d)
We remind that this framework is not an attempt
to extend the natural logic with the rule language cf.
(Grosof et al., 2012), since the two languages are kept
at two different levels.
3.1 Decomposition of Natural Logic
Compound class terms (class names with modifiers)
call for encoding with the functional logic terms be-
ing available in the general form of definite clauses.
However, since we stick to DATALOG we have to de-
compose compound class terms.
Consider again the assertion
cell that produce glucagon reside-in pancreas
This assertion is decomposed into the DATALOG
reside-in, pancreas)
where cell-that-produce-glucagon is conceived of as a
new, auxiliary class name, which is in turn defined by
the ground atomic facts
isa(cell-that-produce-glucagon, cell)
de f (cell-that-produce-glucagon,
produces, glucagon)
This decomposition principle admits representa-
tion of unlimited complex assertions as labeled graphs
as illustrated in figure 2, where the adjoined arc tells
that the two edges form a definition. The graph for
one NATURALOG assertion forms part of the graph
conception for the entire knowledge base, cf. seman-
tic nets (Sowa, 1991; Sowa, 2000).
cell glucagon
isa producesreside_in
Figure 2: Complex assertions represented as labeled graphs.
3.2 Logical Inference Rules
The natural logic is supported by the logic inference
rules stated in DATALOG and comprising
partial order rules for class inclusion isa
monotonicity rules (van Benthem, 1986, 2011)
, R, D)
, C) assert∀∃(C, R, D)
assert∀∃(C, R, D
isa(D, D
) assert∀∃(C, R, D)
a subsumption rule which adds isa relationships
following logically from the given assertions.
For instance alphacell is subsumed by cell-that-
produce-glucagon, cf. figure 3, because alphacell
isa cell and alphacell produces glucagon
ad hoc domain rules e.g. quasi-transitivity for
causation and partonomy
integrity constraints e.g. for location (it being a
functional relation)
The disjointness of two classes is verified with
dis joint(C, D) 6` overlap(C, D)
overlap(C, D) isa(CD, C) isa(CD, D)
where the variable CD ranging over applied class
names may be conceived to be existentially quantified
to the right of the inverse implication.
From the point of view of ontology development
the non-monotonic negation by non-provability im-
plies that addition of new overlapping classes to the
knowledge base incurs retraction of previous disjoint-
cell glucagon
isa producesreside_in
Figure 3: Inferred relationship alphacell reside-in pancreas.
3.3 Intensional Querying and
The NATURALOG knowledge base may now be
queried deductively via the clause language appeal-
ing to the above-mentioned inference rules. The given
class names are introduced by
The concepts (simple or complex) may be queried,
say, with
isa(X, c)
giving for variable X all concept terms below c, or
more restrictively with
class(X) isa(X, c)
giving all applied subordinate class names.
Figure 3 illustrates derivation of the assertion al-
phacell reside-in pancreas using a monotonicity in-
ference rule.
Furthermore, the framework affords conceptual
pathfinding between a pair of stated terms to be an-
swered by computing shortest paths in the graph be-
tween the two terms, see further (Andreasen et al.,
2014). In the graph conception derived assertions
may act as shortcuts in the pathways. For instance,
giving the pair of terms pancreas and alphacell, the
inferred sentence forms a shortcut.
We summarise our position as follows:
Natural logic is like a stylized form of natural lan-
guage and thus easy to read for domain experts.
Predicate logic is ”unreadable” and complex for
practical reasoning tasks.
Natural logic possesses intuitive reasoning rules.
Description logics is ”unnatural” from a knowl-
edge engineering point of view by enforcing cop-
ula form (c
) As an alternative to our natu-
ral logic approach, (de Azevedo, 2014) generates
internal description logic representations.
We wish to distinguish definitional (analytic) and
empirical (synthetic) facts.
We prefer CWA in favour of classical negation
e.g. for class disjointness.
Our natural logic comes with a semantic graph
form facilitating computational pathfinding and
intensional querying.
We have advocated use of natural logic embedded in
clausal logic for ontology structured knowledge bases
as an alternative to the prevailing use of description
logic dialects and derivatives. Our approach differs
from description logic approaches primarily in that
it recognizes and supports the role of the main verb
in knowledge base assertions. Moreover, the two
level set-up affords an intensional view in which class
terms appear in query answers.
We are in the process of building a prototype sys-
tem as a test bed for domain specifications within
selected bio- and medico-domains for ascertaining
whether this is a viable approach meeting the desider-
ata in the introduction. The DATALOG level in a scal-
ing up of the prototype may readily be realized by
appealing to state-of-the-art relational database tech-
nology offering efficient access to massive data.
An open issue in knowledge bases is the handling
of denials. The use of CWA seems appealing since it
departures with classes being born disjoint in accor-
dance with scientific practice in classification. More-
over, it opens for means of dealing with exceptions in
the non-monotonic fashion.
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