projects. We defined five categories, and verified the
correctness of the discovered projects using three cri-
teria. The discovered performances have great vari-
ability, depending also on the query. The most pop-
ular project categories we defined have low perfor-
mances in RepoFinder, while, increasing the speci-
ficity of the query, performances raise.
The discovery time is one of the quality factors
in RepoFinder. To collect the results on RepoFinder,
it took from 5 to 15 minutes, while the same task on
Google took from 1 to 2 hours. The motivation is very
simple: RepoFinder reports projects in a structured
and uniform way, showing the name, labels and de-
scription of projects. Web pages, instead, mostly re-
port the name of the project, and sometimes the link to
the official site, making the discovery process slower.
We did not describe in this paper the analyses we
can perform on the retrieved projects, by exploiting
the different tools we have integrated for metrics com-
putation and code smell detection. We wanted to fo-
cus instead on the discovery functionalities of Re-
poFinder, leaving the demonstration of the analysis
phases for another future work.
Regarding future work, we identified some direc-
tions in which RepoFinder’s discovery functionalities
can be extended:
• Online query support. As we outlined, the crawl-
ing process can be slow, also because of limita-
tions imposed by Code Forges, and can lead to a
partial exploration of the available projects. We
are planning to combine our local index search
with online queries submitted to the supported
Code Forges. This hybrid solution should increase
the chance of discovering new projects, and will
leverage the existing search engines available on
each Code Forge.
• Similar projects search. As we outlined in Sec-
tion 5, software categories often have one or
more famous projects. It happens many times
that developers look for alternatives to an existing
project, rather than directly searching a software
by identifying its category. This is a common use
case, and we plan to integrate automated support
for it.
This work was partly funded by KIE S.r.l. of Milano,
Italy ( http://www.kie-services.com/ ). The authors
kindly thank this society.
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