Figure 3: Ontology-based constraint solving for parametric
product data.
Future work is supposed to extend the existing
framework for the control of uncertainty in different
The uncertainty information model has to
be extended by time dependent properties.
Strategies for an automated A-Box
Ontology generation will be defined.
Existing feature- and B-Rep-Ontologies
will be combined and extended for
parametric modelling.
Existing translation algorithms between
feature-Ontologies and features have to be
Parametric modelling is a well-known standard in
CAD-systems. Combining this technology with
ontologies opens up the possibility to reason over
incomplete information and uncertainty information.
We provide an overview of current literature about
semantics in CAD and PLM and deduce challenges
for future research and development. Our concept
for the use of Ontologies in parametric modelling
extends our existing research findings on the field of
uncertainty representation and proposes new
capabilities for the integration of PLM knowledge
into CAD. Future research on the properties of
probabilistic first-order and description logic opens
up possible applications of Ontologies in CAD.
The authors like to thank the German Research
Foundation DFG for funding this research within the
Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 805 “Control
of Uncertainties in Load-Carrying Structures in
Mechanical Engineering”
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