2013), we investigated the problem of DW evolution
only in the case of tables and columns addition.
Besides, we chose the schema evolution approach as
the base of the work.
The comparative study express that the current
proposed approach offers coherent analysis results
unlike results given in (Azaiez et al., 2013). In fact,
in this latter, queries are unable to return data which
are the results of an evolution phenomenon contin-
ued in several time intervals, since the schema evo-
lution approach is based on the hypothesis that the
DW schema has only one version; it’s the current
The following table compares of our proposed
approach versus the previous one:
Table 4: Comparative study.
(Azaiez et
al., 2013)
Schema Evolution
Schema Versioning
In this paper, we presented an overview on the DW
evolution problems. Indeed, we exposed some solu-
tions proposed by different authors in recent years.
To overcome the problem related of the DW schema
changes and their impacts on DMs, we proposed an
approach which deals with the propagation problem
of DW changes on its DMs; this approach is based
on "if-then" type rules. However, this is not enough
to ensure the analysis results coherence and con-
sistency. Therefore, we relied on the schema ver-
sioning approach to keep trace of evolutions affect-
ing DW model and their impacts on related DMs.
This paper is limited at studying the evolution
modeling of classic DWs that includes data which
concerned only fixed objects, and neglected moving
objects activities that generate a new data type so
called “trajectory data”; those latter are stored in a
mobile data central repository that called Trajectory
Data Warehouse (TDW). As perspective, we pro-
pose to deal with the TDW evolution problems tak-
ing into account its new data type and structure
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