What If We Considered Awareness for Sustainable Knowledge
Towards a Model for Self Regulated Knowledge Management Systems Based on
Acceptance Models of Technologies and Awareness
Carine Edith Toure
, Christine Michel
and Jean-Charles Marty
Université de Lyon, CNRS, Lyon, France
INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, Villeurbanne, France
Université de Savoie, LIRIS, UMR5205, Villeurbanne, France
Keywords: Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), Acceptance, Continuance, Awareness, Regulation, Collaborative
Abstract: We propose, in this paper, a model of continuous use of corporate collaborative KMS. Companies do not
always have the guaranty that their KMS will be continuously used. This statement can constitute an
important obstacle for knowledge management processes. Our work is based on the analysis of classical
models for initial and continuous use of technologies. We also analyse the regulation concept and explain
how it is valuable to support a continuous use of KMS. We observed that awareness may be a regulation
means that allows taking this problem into account. Awareness is a concept, which has been profusely used
to improve user experience in collaborative environments. It is an important element for regulation of
activity. In our model, we assume that one can integrate awareness in information systems to positively
influence beliefs about them. The final objective of our work is to refine some concepts to fit the
particularities of collaborative KMS and to propose an awareness regulation process using the traces of the
users’ interactions with the systems.
Using KMS to support knowledge management
(KM) initiatives in companies is, nowadays, one of
the most often used approaches for KM (Boughzala
& Ermine, 2007). Companies increasingly invest in
collaborative or cooperative information systems
that promote capitalization of knowledge and
interactions between actors using this knowledge
through the system (Ermine, 2008). A successful
corporate KM process will thus maintain continuous
interactions between users and the system. The core
functionalities of KMS being publication, discovery,
collaboration and learning (Maier, 2007),
collaborators must publish/share, seek for
information, collaborate via the KMS in order to
sustain the knowledge flow within the system.
Nevertheless, this is not always the case and
companies usually have to deal with problems of
acceptance and use of their KMS.
The acceptance of a system can occur only when the
initial acceptance has been considered. Initial
acceptance corresponds to the first effective use of
the system. The acceptance is then satisfied when
users realize continuous use of the system, this is
called continuance (Bhattacherjee, 2001). Thus, to
carry out a sustainable KM initiative, companies
have to ensure a continuous use of their KMS.
In this paper, we propose to address the general
issue of regulation while using corporate
collaborative KMS. By regulation, we mean the
sustained commitment of the users toward the KMS
that guarantees the effective and long-term sharing,
seeking, learning and collaboration within users of
the company via the system.
It has been proven that activity awareness has a
prominent role in improvement and regulation of
interactions between the users and the information
system (Antunes, Herskovic, Ochoa, & Pino, 2014)
(Carroll et al., 2011). Being in the context of
collaborative systems, we will propose a model, for
self-regulation and sustainable KMS, which takes
Edith Toure C., Michel C. and Marty J..
What If We Considered Awareness for Sustainable Knowledge Management? - Towards a Model for Self Regulated Knowledge Management Systems
Based on Acceptance Models of Technologies and Awareness.
DOI: 10.5220/0005158604130418
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 413-418
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
into account the concept of awareness in the use
activity. Our paper is organized as follows: in
section 2, we first propose to present an overview of
models for initial acceptance and continuance, and
then we discuss them and finally propose our model
for self-regulation of systems. In the last section, we
conclude and provide possible directions for future
Most of acceptance models that have been published
in literature derived from social psychology theories.
They propose to explain people behaviours. These
researches led to models that are designed according
to a pattern published in the book of (Fishbein &
Ajzen, 1975). This pattern, as shown in the above
picture, contains causal links between the beliefs
about an object, the attitudes toward it, and the
intentions and behaviours associated to it. In the
following, we present some of the core models of
Figure 1: View of the pattern showing causal relationships
between beliefs, attitude, intention and behaviours.
2.1 Initial Use of Systems
In order to predict the effective use of information
systems in corporate environments, (Davis, 1993)
proposed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
In the TAM model, the beliefs of perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use of a system are
the two fundamental criteria to build a positive
attitude toward technology and to stimulate the user
to start first experiments. More recently, (Venkatesh
et al., 2003) published the Unified Theory of
Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
model, a unified model of 8 reference models and
theories for acceptance. About a decade later,
(Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu, 2012) proposed the
UTAUT2 which is an updated and more complete
version of their previous model. In addition to
factors like performance expectancy or effort
expectancy, they add some moderators such as the
age, the gender and the experience of the users.
2.2 Continuous Use of Systems
The different models cited previously were very
useful to figure out the intention of use and the
effective behaviours of people regarding
technologies. To address continuance,
(Bhattacherjee, 2001) proposed the Expectation
Confirmation Model (ECM) that uses variables like
perceived usefulness, confirmation and satisfaction.
Confirmation can be defined as the extent to which
the user opinion before using the system meets the
perception after an effective use. This confirmation
belief, which is constructed from user experience,
influences variables of satisfaction, continued use
intention and effective continued use.
Likewise, the Information System Success Model
(ISSM) of (Delone, 2003) also takes the use of the
system as a factor for a successful acceptance
process. The ISSM model indeed considers that the
system quality, the information quality, and the
service quality are to be considered independently.
They condition differently the intention of use and
also the satisfaction and the net benefits, ensuring
(Jennex & Olfman, 2004) have adapted the ISSM
model for KMS systems by considering knowledge
quality and have validated it use, for KMS use
2.3 Discussions
We can observe a good level of coherence between
models of initial acceptance and those of
continuance. Indeed, the process of acceptance
begins with first beliefs that can be generated by
external stimuli like system quality or information
quality (cf. TAM or UTAUT models). Those beliefs
impact the user’s attitude toward the system, the
intention of use and therefore the effective behaviour
of use. After, this initial cycle of use, the user
acquires an experience that helps him to construct a
new belief confirming or disconfirming the previous
ones. This confirmation/disconfirmation thus
impacts his/her attitude (satisfaction or
dissatisfaction) and intention of use in the future,
and so on.
We can thus infer a spiral model (fig.2) of
sustainable use of systems based on the models
pattern of acceptance and continuance. The system
with its functionalities (information sharing,
discovering, publishing and learning) is in the centre
of the figure. When the user is first confronted with
the system, it is not necessarily through a use. It can
be through a presentation, a talk or an advertisement.
This first confrontation will influence emerging
beliefs (e.g. perceived usefulness, performance
expectancy, or effort), attitudes/intentions (e.g.
satisfaction, use intention) and behaviours (e.g.
initial use, continuance). Then s/he chooses to use it
or not, to build a new experience with it, to confirm
or not its beliefs, and so on as we explained before.
The continued use thus depends on the results of
each phase.
Figure 2: View of our synthetic model for sustainable use
of systems.
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) notice in their book that
attitudes and intentions are constructed at the same
time in someone brain. So, in order to simplify our
model, we merged the attitude and intention
variables under a unique label that is intention. We
also replaced the use behaviour by the user
experience to express that use have an impact on
user. This synthetic model will inspire us to propose
a model of sustainable use of KMS integrating
awareness concept. Our objective is to find a means
to reinforce positive beliefs and satisfaction in order
to sustain the continuance of use. We make the
hypotheses that awareness functions can be helpful
to do that.
2.4 Considering Awareness to Regulate
the Use of KMS
2.4.1 Awareness in Collaborative Systems
The concept of awareness has been used for many
years in the domain of computer supported
collaborative work (CSCW). (Harrison & Dourish,
1996) defines awareness as: “The sense of other
people’s presence and the ongoing awareness of
activity which allows us to structure our own
activity, seamlessly integrating communication and
collaboration ongoingly and unproblematically.” It
helps to support and facilitates interactions between
the users and the system (Antunes et al., 2014). It
also helps the user to construct the requisite
knowledge for performing his/her complex tasks
(Gutwin & Greenberg, 2002). Being aware of the
actual activities allows people to take autonomous
decisions for problem resolution. Awareness has
been profusely used to improve user experience in
collaborative environments. It allows the effective
regulation between actors participating in a shared
activity (Carroll et al., 2011). There are various
types of awareness (Antunes et al., 2014). Indeed
awareness can point out some specific elements
about the activity: collaboration awareness, location
awareness, context awareness, social awareness,
workspace awareness, situation awareness,
metacognitive awareness. Awareness can also
reflect the activities of a particular person or a group
of people: group awareness, individual awareness.
Awareness is used to support reflexive practices. In
his study of professional practises, (Schön, 1987)
showed that reflexive thought is a continuous
cognitive process, in which knowledge appears
through an iterative thinking process. A reflexive
process allows learners to be conscious of what they
have to do and how they do it, to analyse their
learning processes, to change and adapt their
behaviours in order to improve their way of learning.
The awareness of the action being performed then
becomes the source of knowledge and learning. The
group awareness has been defined by (Janssen,
Erkens, & Kirschner, 2011) as knowledge about the
social and collaborative environment the person is
working in (e.g., knowledge about the activities,
presence or participation of group members). The
authors argue that group awareness tools supply
information to users to facilitate coordination of
activities in the content space (space of collaboration
where users exchange information, discuss or solve
problems) or the social space (space for positive
group climate, effective and efficient collaboration).
The model of (Krogstie, Schmidt, & Mora, 2013)
describes the links between reflection and
knowledge in professional contexts.
Figure 3: A model connecting knowledge and reflection
(Krogstie et al., 2013).
Reflection sessions are supported by the
visualisation of indicators of the activities or the
state of mind. In some cases, the indicators are
presented directly near the activities they reflect.
NAVI surface (Charleer, Klerkx, Santos, & Duval,
2013) for example presents visualizations of user’s
communication activities by a “badge” presentation.
In other case, indicators are presented globally, into
a dashboard as it is the case in (Ji et al., 2013). The
reflection can be done by the user him/herself or
collaboratively, guided by an animator. In the
individual and group cases, the change process
occurring into this reflection session is called a
regulation process.
Regulation is defined as the “individual and social
processes of adaptation, engagement, participation,
learning, and development.” The authors also
introduce Self-regulation as “the cognitive and
metacognitive regulatory processes used by
individuals to plan, enact, and sustain their desired
courses of action”(Volet, Vauras, & Salonen, 2009).
Self-regulation is defined by (Zimmerman, 2000) as
a three steps process: self-monitoring, self-
judgement, and self-reaction.
2.4.2 Awareness for Knowledge
Management Systems
In collaborative KMS perspective, awareness can be
useful to encourage users to publish and share
information. They can also be informed of new
sharing and updates, and thus improve access to
recent content. This is an improvement for
discovery, publication and collaboration functions of
KMS systems. For example, in a collaborative
process of submission/publication of articles in a
corporate blogging platform, it is really useful for
both the contributor and the validator to have pieces
of information about the status of their activity. The
contributor will need to know whether or not his/her
new articles are actually processed by the validator,
who will need to have an overview of all the
submissions s/he has to validate (Gendron, 2010).
In addition, metacognitive awareness can improve
the learning process (Peña, Kayashima, Mizoguchi,
& Dominguez, 2013), which is another KMS core
functionality. Indeed, indicators of cognitive
awareness can for example present to the learner
his/her knowledge level or the improvement of
knowledge, the most difficult or easiest knowledge
and the number of solutions proposed by each
learner (Ji et al., 2013).
We thus assume that by proposing awareness
functionalities within the KMS, we could get a better
support of the regulation process and improve the
whole cycle of KMS use. Our model of continuous
use of systems who integrates awareness function is
presented in fig.4.
Figure 4: View of the model for sustainable use of KMS
systems with awareness functions.
This cycle for sustainable use of KMS begins, as our
synthetic model presented previously, with an initial
confrontation of the user with the system. This will
incent the emergence of different beliefs (perceived
usefulness, effort expectancy, etc.), and intentions.
To improve the user experience phase, we will add
some awareness functionalities in the system. When
the user will use the system, he will become aware
of collaboration and publication done by the others
or by him/herself. Moreover, awareness functions on
KMS can improve the discovery and learning
processes. These interactions with the system will
promote judgments, reaction and changes in the
behaviours of the user. The user will adapt
him/herself according to the system. We assume that
this phenomenon of regulation can positively
influence beliefs of confirmation, then intentions
(e.g. satisfaction, continued use intention) and
behaviours (continued use).
According to ECM model, these beliefs evolution
can reinforce the user’s engagement and
participation. Awareness indicators also help the
user to improve his/her skills, because s/he learns
from a global view on available information. His/her
behaviour can thus change. As an example, the
(Jennex & Olfman, 2004) KMS success model
presents the perceived benefit belief that positively
influences the continued KMS use.
In this work, we investigated awareness as an
incentive in the process of continuous use of
systems. We first reviewed several models of
acceptance of technologies and information systems.
This preliminary work helped us to deduct a
synthetic model of acceptance that inspired us to
propose a model for sustainable use of collaborative
KMS. We integrated in this model the concept of
awareness to emphasize users’ beliefs and reinforce
continuous use of the system.
Nevertheless, our work has just begun and we can
identify a number of steps we still have to achieve.
First, this model is based on researches made for
information systems and CSCW. As we are
interested in continuous use of collaborative KMS,
we need to precise, according to characteristics of
KMS, what sub-elements of each square are relevant
for our context. This will lead us to analyse more
deeply, each variable of the different identified
models, and keep only those that are valuable.
Then, we will implement and then evaluate our
model. Indeed, we are working with the Société du
Canal de Provence (SCP), a hydraulics Services
Company located in the Provence Alpes Côte
d’Azur French region. This company has massively
invested in a KMS for about a couple of decade. But
the initiative didn’t prove a great success because of
a lack of use. We want to add several awareness
functionalities in their KMS, and thanks to activity
indicators calculated with activity traces (Karray,
Chebel-Morello, & Zerhouni, 2014), we will
hopefully observe and measure the usage of the
Finally, we also aim, based on this model, at
designing a cyclic methodology for implementation
of collaborative KMS that are self-regulated thanks
to awareness functionalities within the system.
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