projects in that we build ontology-based contextual
profiles and we introduce an approach used
metadata-based in ontology search and expert
system technologies. This work presents an
intelligent approach for optimize a search engine in
the specific domain of university storehouses. It
incorporates Semantic Web and AI technologies to
enable not only precise location of public resources
but also the automatic or semi-automatic learning.
The contribution has been divided into next
sections. In the first section, short descriptions of
important aspects in digital library domain and
semantic interoperability, the research problems and
current work in it are reported. The second section
focuses on the Ontology design process and provides
a general overview about our prototype architecture.
Then we summarize its main components and
describe how can interact AI and Semantic Web to
enhancement a search engine. Finally we present the
results of our on going work on the adaptation of the
framework and we outline the future works.
Repositories and digital archives are privileged area
for the application of innovative, knowledge
intensive services that provide a flexible and
efficient method for searching information and
guarantee the user with a set of results actually
related to his/her interest. These network
information systems support search and display of
items from organized collections. A Digital Library
(DL) is an electronic storage and access environment
for information and knowledge stored in the digital
format either locally in a library, in a group of
networked libraries, or at remote location. Reuse this
knowledge is an important area in this domain. The
Semantic Web provides a common framework that
allows knowledge to be shared and reused across
user’s community (Sure & Studer, 2005).
Seville University institutional repository is
dedicated to the production, maintenance, delivery,
and preservation of a wide range of high-quality
networked resources for scholars, and students at
University and elsewhere. DL means an integrated
set of services for capturing, cataloguing, storing,
searching, protecting, and retrieving knowledge. It
comprises digital collections, services, and
infrastructure to support lifelong learning, research,
scholarly communication, preservation, etc.
Our aim here is thus to contribute to a better
knowledge retrieval in the institutional repositories
field. This scheme is based on the next principles:
knowledge items are abstracted to a characterization
by metadada description which is used for further
processing. This begets new challenges to docent
community and motivates researchers to look for
intelligent information retrieval approach and
ontologies that search and/or filter information
automatically based on some higher level of
understanding are required. To reach these goals we
need to consider information interoperability. In
other words the capacity of different information
systems, applications and services to communicate,
share and interchange data, information and
knowledge in an effective and precise way, as well
as to integrate with other systems, applications and
services in order to deliver new electronic products
and services.
European initiatives, such as interoperability
between public services, require establishing
collaborative semantic repositories among public
and private sector organizations. In this paper we
study architecture of the search layer in this
particular dominium, a web-based catalogue for the
University of Seville. The hypothesis is that with a
case-based reasoning expert system and by
incorporating limited semantic knowledge, it is
possible to improve the effectiveness of an
information retrieval system (Sun and Finnie, 2004).
More specifically, the objective is to explore and
understand the requirements for rendering semantic
search in an institutional repository and investigate
from a search perspective possible intelligent
infrastructures form constructing decentralized
digital repositories where no global schema exists.
2.1 Interoperability Requirements
Particularly we require Semantic Interoperability,
which is one of the key elements of the programme
to support the set-up of the European E-Services In
June 2002; European heads of state adopted the
Europe Action Plan 2005 at the Seville summit. It
calls on the European Commission to issue an
agreed interoperability framework to support the
delivery of European E-Government services to
users and citizens. This recommends technical
policies and specifications for joining up public
administration information systems across the EU.
These aspects are the pillars to support the
European delivery of E-Services of the recently
adopted European Interoperability Framework (EIF)
(SEC, 2003) and its Spanish equivalent (MAP,
2014). European Institutions and Agencies should