Table 2: Precision and NDCG values for all users.
P@5 P@10 NDCG @5 NDCG @10
Entity-centric Profile (Abbar et al., 2013) 0.512 0.551 0.806 0.786
Global Profile 0.586 0.593 0.855 0.797
is computed as follows:
NDCG(E, k) =
k j
rel( j,i)
− 1
(1 +i)
where Z
k j
is a normalization factor calculated to make
NDCG at k equal to 1 in case of perfect ranking, and
rel( j, i) is the relevance score of a news article at rank
In our setting, relevance scores rel( j, i) have two
different values: 1(relevant) if the news article was
commented by the user u, and 0(not relevant) if the
news article was not commented by the user u. The
precision and NDCG results for the three strategies
are shown in Table 1.
We can see in Table 1 that our approach of using
global profile outperforms the baseline approach with
a gain between 4 and 7 of % in term of precision
and 5% in term of ranking at NDCG@5. The reason
is that most of news articles do not address entities
without relating them to some key-concepts. More-
over, when viewpoints are expressed about entities,
they usually refer to certain key-concepts of those en-
tities. Thus, using only entities to build profiles gives
less room for diversification which penalizes the per-
formance. Consequently the combination of both en-
tities and key-concepts give the best results.
In this paper, we have proposed a two-stage personal-
ized news recommendation approach that takes into
account users interests based on their comments in
news sites. We recommend a set of diverse news arti-
cles using dissimilarity measure based on (1) seman-
tic diversification and/or (3) sentiment diversification.
As future works, we plan to first test our model in a
bigger set of users and explore more diversification
techniques based on users’ comments.
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