Ensemble Method for Prediction of Prostate Cancer
from RNA-Seq Data
Yongjun Piao, Nak Hyun Choi, Meijing Li, Minghao Piao and Keun Ho Ryu
Database/Bioinformatics Laboratory, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea
The main idea of our research is to develop an
ensemble machine learning algorithm to accurately
classify prostate cancer using RNA-Seq data. To
date, many studies have focused on predicting
prostate cancer using microarray data. These days,
RNA-Seq is rapidly being used for cancer studies as
an alternative to microarrays. Thus, new machine
learning algorithms are needed to analyze RNA-Seq
data, which have different characteristics compared
to microarray data. The current PhD research has
been running for one year and has focused on
analyzing existing state-of-the-art normalization
methods, gene expression data analysis, and
ensemble methods. Besides that, we designed an
ensemble feature selection algorithm to select
relevant genes from the gene expression data.
Moreover, we developed a “digital” gene expression
data simulator for evaluating the performance of the
proposed algorithms. The next step will be to
construct an accurate ensemble prediction model to
diagnose prostate cancer. Finally, the model will be
fine-tuned based on feedback from medical doctors.
The goal of this research is to accurately predict
prostate cancer using RNA-Seq data. To ensure a
systemic approach, the overall research problem is
divided into a set of sub-problems: i) comparative
analysis of normalization methods, ii) development
of RNA-Seq simulators, and iii) ensemble algorithm
design and implementation. The specific objectives
in each sub-problem are as follows.
Provide a Clear Guideline for Choosing the
Appropriate Normalization Methods. Bullard
et al. (2010) indicated that the choice of
normalization procedure has a decisive effect on
identifying candidate genes. The aim of data
normalization is to minimize the effects caused
by technical variations, such as library size or
sequencing depth, gene length, and GC-content.
Various normalization methods have been
developed. However, it is difficult to decide
which normalization methods should be used
among the various approaches. Therefore,
comparative analysis of these normalization
methods will improve the performance of final
Develop a Gene Expression Data Simulator.
Various computational methods have been
proposed, and new methods are continuously
being developed for identifying candidate genes
in gene expression data. One major problem with
newly developed approaches is the issue of
assessing accuracy and false positive rates in the
absence of a so-called “gold standard.” Thus,
using both simulated and real datasets to evaluate
proposed methods will increase the reliability of
the prediction model.
Propose an
Ensemble Classification Algorithm.
In general, ensembles of classifiers provide
better classification accuracy than a single
predictor. The main characteristic of expression
data is high dimensionality. Thus, we need to
consider both dimension reduction techniques
that identify a small set of genes and ensemble
classification methods to achieve better learning
Cancer is a class of complex genetic diseases
characterized by out-of-control cell growth. Cancer
classification has been a crucial topic of research in
cancer treatment. For the last decade, microarray
data have been widely used to classify the different
types of human cancers (Kim et al., 2013). Recently,
the emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS)
technology has brought significant changes in many
biological and medical applications (Metzker, 2010;
Lee et al., 2013; Shon et al., 2013). Whole
transcriptome shotgun sequencing, also known as
Piao Y., Choi N., Li M., Piao M. and Ryu K..
Ensemble Method for Prediction of Prostate Cancer from RNA-Seq Data.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
RNA-Seq, is often being used for cancer studies as
an alternative to microarrays (Rapaport et al., 2013).
Generally, an RNA-Seq analysis pipeline consists of
the following procedures. An RNA sample is
converted to cDNA fragments or RNA fragments
with adapters and sequenced on a high-throughput
sequencing platform, such as Illumina or Roche 454.
As a result, millions of short reads (30-400 bp) are
produced. Next, these short reads are mapped back
to a reference genome or transcriptome. After that,
the expression levels are estimated for each gene.
Then, the count data are normalized. Finally, a
machine learning technique is adopted to identify
candidate genes. However, several issues still exist
in RNA-Seq data analysis. Various normalization
methods have been developed for removing the bias
of RNA-Seq experiments. However, there is no clear
guideline as to how the normalization procedure
affects downstream analysis. Thus, it is difficult to
decide which normalization methods should be used
from among the various approaches. Moreover,
there is not much work focused on machine learning
approaches with RNA-Seq data for prostate cancer
In general, ensembles of classifiers provide
better classification accuracy than a single predictor.
To improve classification accuracy, ensemble
methods, also known as classifier combinations, first
generate a set of base classifiers from training data
and then perform actual classification by combining
the results of base classifiers. To achieve better
accuracy in the combined set of multiple classifiers,
each base classifier should be diverse and
independent. When it comes to building each base
classifier, ensemble classifier generation methods
can be broadly categorized into four groups
(Rahman and Verma, 2013): i) by selecting different
subsets of instances from a training set to build each
base classifier, ii) by choosing different subsets of
features from the input features to construct each
base classifier, iii) by basing the selection on
different categories of class labels to build each base
classifier, and iv) by manipulating the learning
algorithm. Theoretical and empirical results (Tumer
and Oza, 1999) indicate that the most effective
method of achieving independence on high-
dimensional data is by training base classifiers on
different feature subsets (Bryll et al., 2003; Bashir et
al., 2012). The basic idea of a feature subset–based
ensemble is simply to give each classifier a different
projection of the training set (Rokach, 2008).
Especially for high-dimensional data, adopting
independent feature subsets for ensemble generation
has been shown to be more efficient (Rokach, 2010)
compared with manipulating the training samples.
This may be due to the following: i) a feature subset-
based ensemble can perform faster due to the
reduced size of input space; or ii) it can reduce the
correlation among the classifiers.
4.1 Gene Expression Data Analysis
Much research has been performed on analyzing
microarray gene expression data for cancer
classification over the past several years. For
example, Fujibuchi and Kato (2007) proposed the
maximum entropy kernel, which they applied in the
field of support vector machine (SVM) classification
of microarray data. For classifying a leukemia
dataset, Cho and Ryu (2002) proposed an ensemble
classifier trained from a subset selected using SNR
measurement. Cho and Won (2007) also proposed
an ensemble model. Hsu et al. (2011) introduced a
hybrid feature selection model based on information
gain and F-score, and performed the classification
task using SVM. Dettling and Buhlmann (2003)
modified the boosting classifiers and applied
Wilcoxon’s two-sample test to select discriminative
genes on the breast and lymphoma dataset. Lee et al.
(2005) noted that SVM with a BSS/WSS feature-
ranking criterion outperforms other classifiers on a
lymphoma dataset. Liu et al. (2010) proposed an
ensemble gene selection method based on
normalized conditional mutual information and
evaluated their method on a central nervous system
(CNS), lymphoma and prostate dataset with a Naïve
Bayes classifier and a k-nearest-neighbor classifier.
Kanna and Ramaraj (2010) used a correlation-based
memetic feature selection algorithm to select genes
on a CNS and leukemia dataset. Tan and Gilbert
(2003) and Yeh (2008) also worked on CNS
datasets, and Yang et al. (2006) proposed two gene
selection methods that were not affected by
unbalanced sample class sizes. Yang et al. (2009)
introduced a hybrid feature selection method based
on information gain and a genetic algorithm.
4.2 Ensemble Methods
4.2.1 Bagging
Bagging (Breiman, 1996) is a method for generating
multiple versions of classifiers and using these to get
an aggregated classifier. Each base classifier is
generated by different bootstrap samples. Algorithm
1 shows the bagging algorithm (Bauer and Kohavi,
1999). The algorithm takes training data D, inducer
I, and the number of bootstrap samples N as input,
and then produces an ensemble classifier that is the
combination of the classifiers trained from the
multiple bootstrap samples. D is obtained by
repeatedly sampling instances from a data set
according to probability distribution (line 2). Since
the sampling is done with replacement, some
instances may appear several times in the same
training set, while others may not. Consequently, N
bootstrap samples, D
, D
, ..., D
, are generated,
from which a classifier C
is trained by using each
bootstrap sample D
(line 3). Finally, a combined
classifier C* is built from C
, C
, …, C
, and C*
predicts the class label of a given instance x by
counting votes (line 5).
Algorithm 1 Bagging
Input: training data D, Inducer I, number of bootstrap
samples N
1. for i = 1 to N {
D = bootstrap sample from D (sample
with replacement)
= I(D)
4. }
Output: Aggregated classifier C*
4.2.2 Boosting
Boosting (Freund and Schapire, 1996) is also a
widely used ensemble method developed to improve
the performance of learning algorithms that generate
multiple classifiers and vote on them. Unlike
bagging, boosting assigns a weight to each training
instance and may adaptively change the weight at
the end of each boosting round. AdaBoost is an
improved boosting algorithm, with the pseudo code
shown in Algorithm 2. The algorithm takes as input
training data D containing m instances, inducer I,
and iteration parameter N, and then outputs a
combined classifier. Initially, all of the instances are
equally assigned the same weight (line 1). Then, the
algorithm gradually constructs classifiers by
modifying the weights of training instances based on
the previous classifier's performance (lines 2-9).
This is accomplished by computing the new
classifier while putting more emphasis on those
objects previously found to be difficult to accurately
classify. After generating each classifier, a
proportion of the incorrect classification rate is
calculated (line 4). If the weighted error is larger
than 0.5, the current D will be set to a bootstrap
sample with weight 1 for every instance. Otherwise,
the weight of correctly classified instances will be
updated by a factor inversely proportional to the
error (lines 6-8). In other words, if the current
classifier finds a certain object difficult to classify,
then that object will be assigned a greater weight for
the next iteration. Conversely, if an object is found
to be easy to classify, then it will have less weight in
the next iteration. Finally, the classifiers are
combined using a weighted voting scheme (line 10).
Algorithm 2 AdaBoost
Input: training data D, size m, Inducer I, number of
iterations N
D = D with instance weights assigned at 1
2. for i = 1 to N {
= I(D)
, set D to a bootstrap sample
from D with weight 1 for
every instance and go to
step 3
For each
, if
yxC )(
Normalize the weights of instances so the
total weight of D is m
9. }
Output: Aggregated classifier C*
4.2.3 Random Forest
Random forest is an ensemble classification method
that consists of multiple unpruned decision trees.
Unlike bagging, random forest forms bootstrap
samples by randomly partitioning the original
feature space instead of using the whole input
features. As shown in Algorithm 3, to construct
individual decision trees, bootstrap samples are
selected from the training instances, with
replacement (line 2). Then, a classification and
regression tree (CART) algorithm is applied to grow
the decision tree. At the node selection stage, it
decides the best splitting node from a randomly
selected subspace of m features (lines 3-4).
Algorithm 3 Random forest
Input: training data D, number of selected variables m,
number of trees N
1. for i = 1 to N {
D = bootstrap sample from D (sample
with replacement)
S size of m= S (S will be randomly
selected from original input space)
= I(D, S
) (I: Classification and
regression tree)
5. }
Output: Aggregated classifier C*
5.1 Normalization
As mentioned above, the choice of normalization
procedure has a decisive effect on identifying
differentially expressed genes. The aim of data
normalization is to minimize the effects caused by
technical variations, such as library size or
sequencing depth, gene length, and GC-content. In
general, a larger sequencing depth results in higher
counts, which means that the observed counts are
not directly comparable between different samples
(Soneson and Delorenzi, 2013). Likewise, long
genes tend to be mapped to a larger number of reads.
These systematic variations make it difficult to
capture true differential expression. Several
normalization methods have been developed, such as
Total Count, Upper Quality, Median, Trimmed
Mean of M values (TMM), Quartile, the Reads Per
Kilobase per Million mapped reads (RPKM), and
RSEM, to reduce the biases existing in RNA-Seq
analysis. Thus, these methods will be carefully re-
evaluated by comparing the correlations with qRT-
PCR data.
5.2 Simulation
To obtain a reliable prostate prediction model, the
proposed methods will be tested on both real and
simulated data. Thus, we developed a gene
expression data simulator. As input, the simulator
simply takes several parameters, such as number of
samples in condition 1, the number of samples in
condition 2, the number of genes, the number of
differentially expressed genes, the number of co-
expressed genes, the number of highly expressed
genes, and the number of zero count genes,
distribution types, and distribution parameters. Then,
simulated data is generated as output.
5.3 Ensemble Gene Selection
In our previous work (Piao et al., 2012), we
proposed a hybrid feature selection algorithm and
demonstrated that there are lots of feature subsets
with good discriminative capability, and the
proposed algorithm was more efficient than FCBF
and other feature selection mechanisms for gene
expression data analysis. While the goal of our
previous work was to find the best feature subset
that is most relevant to the target, there needs to be
an additional goal of finding a set of feature subsets.
Therefore, we extend our previous work to generate
a set of feature subsets by considering the relevance
and redundancy of the features.
5.4 Ensemble Construction
Over the past few years, SVM has been widely used
for classification because of its good performance on
high-dimensional data. SVM was developed to solve
the problems occurring in applications like
handwritten digit recognition, object recognition,
text classification, cancer diagnosis, and
bioinformatics. Hence, we use SVM as the base
classifier in our ensemble method. The goal of SVM
is to find a hyper-plane with a maximal margin (the
distance between two groups of data points) as
defined and illustrated in Figure 1. Given some data
points that are assumed to be divided into two
groups (circles and squares), the hyper-plane can be
written as:
1 bxw
Figure 1: Example of support vector machine.
Hence, the learning task in SVM can be formalized
as the following constrained optimization problem:
n ..., 2, 1,i 1,b)x(wy subject to
This is also known as a convex optimization
problem, which can be solved by using the standard
Lagrange multiplier method:
where parameters σ
are called the Lagrange
multipliers. With the Lagrange multipliers, the
decision function can be written as follows:
Additionally, the results of each classifier are
combined by majority voting, and classification of
unknown data is performed based on the class label
to obtain the most frequent votes. The mathematical
function of our ensemble method with k classifiers
can be written as:
))c ,(x)(fmax( argclass(x)
At the end of this PhD research, a new ensemble
classification method will be available for predicting
prostate cancer from RNA-Seq data. Moreover, a
complete gene expression data simulator will be
developed. The simulator may help to research non-
parametric methods for cancer classification. The
research will lead to new insights for understanding
prostate cancer by identifying candidate genes from
high-dimensional gene expression data. If this is
proven successful, our approach could be applied to
other types of disease.
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the
Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2008-0062611) and
the Basic Science Research Program through the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future
Planning (No.2013R1A2A2A01068923).
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