there is room for future developments, mainly regard-
ing the range of result values, the differentiation of
values and eventually the introdution of a threshold.
The issue is to determine where to place the threshold
to make the right decision. Usually the threshold is
set ”half-way”, however, for this test case, it should
be placed above 0.73, which is a high value.
Future work includes continuing exploration of
the measure for other contexts as well as a compari-
son of our measure with other state-of-the-art metrics.
It is also very important the effort to make the process
as much autonomous as possible, by giving to the pro-
cess the ability of automatic disambiguation.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support
of the Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Instituto
ecnico de Set
ubal (EST-IPS) and Instituto de
oes (IT-IST).
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