Improving Computer-Support for
Collaborative Business Model Design and Exploration
Marin Zec
, Peter D
, Alexander W. Schneider
and Florian Matthes
at f
ur Informatik, Technische Universit
at M
unchen, Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany
Applied Social Sciences, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Am Stadtpark 20, 81243 M
unchen, Germany
{marin.zec, alexander.schneider, matthes},
Business Model Innovation, Business Model Canvas, Business Model Development, Business Model
Exploration, Morphological Analysis, Computer-Aided Business Model Design, Computer-Aided Business
Model Generation, Group Dynamics
Finding a viable and sustainable business model is a major challenge not only for startup companies. Estab-
lished companies are re-thinking their existing business models and explore new business opportunities. The
Business Model Canvas is currently one of the most popular frameworks for business model innovation. While
computer-aided design (CAD) tools are well-established in mechanical engineering, business model design is
still mostly done using pen-and-paper methods. In this paper, we (1) discuss benefits and shortcomings of
the Business Model Canvas approach, (2) show how it can borrow techniques from General Morphological
Analysis to overcome shortcomings, and (3) derive three key requirements for future collaborative CAD tools
for business model design. Our analysis contributes to an understanding of how software support can improve
collaborative design and evaluation of business models.
Business model innovation plays an increasingly im-
portant role for both startup as well as mature com-
panies due to increasing competition (Mitchell and
Coles, 2003; Mitchell and Coles, 2004). On one hand,
the primary organizational goal of startup companies
is to generate a viable business model – sometimes re-
sulting in disruption of whole markets. On the other
hand, established companies primarily aim to execute
their business model as efficiently as possible. As a
result, they tend to struggle with rapid and/or pro-
found market changes.
However, many established companies realize the
strategic importance of business model innovation for
the sustainability of their organization (e.g. Ama-
zon Web Services, a collection of cloud computing
services offered by in addition to their
primary e-commerce business). Consequently, an
increasing number of companies strive for continu-
ous business model innovation. They pursue vari-
ous strategies to do so, such as promoting and estab-
lishing intrapreneurship, corporate venturing or cre-
ation of corporate venture capital units. Examples in-
clude Google Ventures, Siemens Venture Capital and
Unilever Ventures. Still business model innovation re-
mains to be a complex problem for both startups and
more mature companies (Chesbrough, 2010).
Business model innovation is typically conducted
in teamwork since expertise in different domains such
as marketing, engineering and accounting is needed
for holistic business model design. However, each
expert tends to maintain his/her domain-specific men-
tal model and terminology. Boundary objects make
collaboration across different groups possible since
they provide a common point of reference for discus-
sion and collaboration. Individuals/groups with dif-
ferent background can interpret them differently with-
out surrendering the shared boundary object’s iden-
tity (Carlile, 2002). The Business Model Canvas
(BMC) (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010), an artifact
designed to facilitate business model design by pro-
viding a problem structure and focus of thought (Ep-
pler et al., 2011), can serve as boundary object for
business model innovation.
The BMC was at first proposed as a pen-and-paper
or whiteboard tool for business model design work-
shops. However, Osterwalder et al. (2013) call for
CAD software for business modeling since they ex-
pect it to yield benefits for strategic planning similar
to the benefits and features CAD software brought to
engineering or architecture, e.g. “[. . . ] speed, rapid
Zec M., DÃijrr P., Schneider A. and Matthes F.
Improving Computer-Support for Collaborative Business Model Design and Exploration.
DOI: 10.5220/0005424000290037
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2014), pages 29-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-032-1
2014 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
prototyping, quicker visualization, better collabora-
tion, simulation, and better planning [. . . ]”.
In this paper, we discuss the strengths and short-
comings of state-of-the art BMC software (e.g. facil-
itation capabilities). We introduce General Morpho-
logical Analysis as a powerful technique for complex
problem modeling and argue, that the design of CAD
software for business model design should borrow
useful concepts from computer-aided General Mor-
phological Analysis. The contribution of this paper
is the identification of three key requirements for col-
laborative CAD software for business model design.
The BMC gained popularity in practice since it pro-
vides a simple framework and, as a result, facilitates
structured discussion about a hypothesized or actual
business model. The BMC promotes visual thinking
and a holistic perspective on a business model. Visual
thinking is a way to develop and clarify ideas about
designs and acts as a catalyst for new ideas (Bux-
ton, 2007). Furthermore, part of the power of visuals
is their ability to serve as a visible external memory
(Baddeley, 1998). Particularly whiteboards are an ef-
fective medium for visual thinking due to their free-
form nature (Walny et al., 2012).
The BMC is a visual one-page template for de-
scribing a business model (Osterwalder and Pigneur,
2010). The BMC comprises four perspectives on a
business model: Customers, Offer, Infrastructure, and
Financial Viability. Each perspective subsumes one or
more business model building blocks; (1) Customer:
Customer Segments, Customer Relationships, Chan-
nels, (2) Offer: Value Propositions, (3) Infrastructure:
Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, and (4)
Financial Viability: Cost Structure, Revenue Streams.
The BMC is comprised of nine building blocks in to-
tal (see Figure 1).
The BMC is based on the Business Model On-
tology developed in (Osterwalder, 2004). The key
idea of the BMC is to provide a simple and com-
mon visual framework for communicating and de-
veloping business models. The BMC reached wide
adoption among practitioners such as business devel-
opment units, startup companies or seed accelerators.
There is no mandatory sequence according to
which the building blocks of the canvas have to be
worked out (Fritscher and Pigneur, 2010). Since the
building blocks are interrelated, various elements of
the business model have to be modified during mul-
tiple iterations anyway. However, many practitioners
start with identifying customer segments (Who are we
creating value for?) or the value proposition (Which
value are we creating?) and iterate over all remaining
Irrespective of which starting point was chosen,
the business model designers scrape through the re-
maining building blocks in a sequence that seems rea-
sonable to them. They jump back and forth to refine
the business model until they are satisfied. During the
process, alternative versions can be sketched out on
separate canvases or on the same canvas using differ-
ent colors. The finished BMC represents a business
model hypothesis and serves as a basis for subsequent
steps in the business model innovation process such as
validation or implementation.
In a workshop setting, the BMC can be printed out
on a poster or sketched on a whiteboard to provide a
shared display. The simple structure and the visual
arrangement of the building blocks provide a shared
language and point of reference for group discussions.
A major advantage of the pen-and-paper or white-
board approach is that elements (i.e. ideas) can be
added, edited, moved around and, if necessary, re-
moved spontaneously. Thus, the current state of the
group discussion is captured at any time and group
members do not forget ideas in the heat of the dis-
cussion. The use of color coding, drawings and rear-
rangement of elements helps maintain a clear organi-
zation of the canvas elements.
2.1 Software Support for BMC
A major drawback of the pen-and-paper as well as
whiteboard approach is that the BMC cannot easily
be shared with interested stakeholders. In addition,
the more elements the canvas contains the harder it
is to keep track of them since it gets more and more
difficult to maintain clarity.
One way to share a physical BMC is to take a dig-
ital picture of it and send the picture to the relevant
stakeholder. Another way is to (re)create the canvas
using text-processing/graphics/slide-based presenta-
tion software or embedding the picture in an elec-
tronic document. In any case, creating a BMC using
generic software tends to be rather time-consuming
(Fritscher and Pigneur, 2010).
Despite a lack of thorough scientific investiga-
tion on the effectiveness of BMC mapping soft-
ware (Eppler et al., 2011), various BMC mod-
eling tools emerged for computer-aided business
model design to facilitate easier sharing while pro-
viding specific modeling facilities well adapted for
the BMC. CAD software for business model design
based on the BMC ranges from rather lightweight
browser-based canvas tools such as BM|DESIGN|ER
Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Figure 1: The Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2010).
Figure 2: Screenshot of Business Model Fiddle
(Steenkamp, 2012).
(Fritscher and Pigneur, 2010), Business Model Fiddle
Fig. 2(Steenkamp, 2012), Canvanizer (Proud Sourc-
ing GmbH, 2011) and Strategyzer (Business Model
Foundry GmbH, 2013) over meta-model-based wiz-
ards (Hauksson and Johannesson, 2014) to rich desk-
top software suites, e.g. BiZZdesign Architect (BiZ-
Zdesign, 2004).
Eppler et al. (2011) compared the use of generic
slide-based presentation software to BMC mapping
software. Their study found a positive effect of the
BMC on perceived collaboration and a negative ef-
fect on perceived creativity. The authors conclude
“that artefacts can have considerable power in shap-
ing group interactions and idea generation in the con-
text of business model innovation” and call for further
research on visual artefacts used to facilitate business
model innovation.
2.2 Benefits of BMC Software
Particularly collaborative, web-based BMC soft-
ware offers two major advantages over pen-and-
paper/whiteboard sessions and general-purpose soft-
1. Support for Distributed Teams. Web appli-
cations facilitate collaboration across time, lo-
cation and organizational boundaries. Since
teams are often distributed in terms of at least
one of these dimensions, software-based business
modeling saves costs in comparison to pen-and-
paper/whiteboard workshops.
2. Easier and More Flexible Customization, Re-
use and Sharing. Canvas elements can be easily
customized in terms of coloring, typography and
position. Various media can be embedded (e.g.
images, video or spreadsheets). Canvases can be
saved in various formats, re-opened for further re-
finement and easily shared with stakeholders.
We analyzed three popular web-based BMC mod-
eling tools: Business Model Fiddle, Canvanizer, and
Strategyzer. All tool sticks to the one-page layout of
the paper template for their main view. The tools
differ slightly in the way how building blocks can
be filled with content and how elements can be cus-
tomized. Some tools offer features which extend the
original idea of the BMC. For instance, Strategyzer
provides a financial estimator. Strategyzer and Can-
vanizer offer real-time collaboration, i.e. concurrent
editing and chat support. Business Model Fiddle
allows many customization of the canvas (e.g. re-
naming of building blocks) and the creation of snap-
shots to record changes. In addition, designers can
sketch on uploaded images and assign them to build-
ing blocks.
The main benefits of CAD for the BMC approach
is the support for collaboration across time, location
Improving Computer-Support for Collaborative Business Model Design and Exploration
and organizational boundaries as well as reuse. The
analyzed tools mimic a paper/whiteboard and exploit
benefits of information technology. However, there is
little facilitation support since in both, on-site meet-
ings and asynchronous distributed modeling sessions,
many methodological questions such as finding a rea-
sonable starting point have to be answered by the
modelers. None of the analyzed tools guides busi-
ness modelers through the process. While sticking to
the one-page layout, they slightly differ in the way
how building blocks can be filled with content and el-
ements be customized.
2.3 BMC and Facilitation
The role of the BMC in business model design is sim-
ilar to the notion of grammatical design which con-
stitutes boundaries within which designers can find
creative solutions if they deviate from standard solu-
tions (Brown and Cagan, 1996). The BMC frames
the discussion and predetermines the general struc-
ture of the boundary object. BMC designers tend to
“think ‘within’ the given domains of the template”
(Eppler et al., 2011). They are supposed to be creative
within said domains. However, there is little guid-
ance on how to make use of one’s full creative poten-
tial. In practice, groups often ideate through sponta-
neous associations between concepts. Thus, the busi-
ness model design process that supplements the BMC
is intentionally informal and generic. It consists of
five phases which do not necessarily have to be gone
through in a linear manner (Osterwalder and Pigneur,
2010): (1) Mobilize (i.e. preparation), (2) Understand
(i.e. research and analyze the context), (3) Design
(i.e. generation of business model hypotheses using
the canvas), (4) Implement (i.e. implementing the best
hypothesis in the field), and (5) Manage (i.e. moni-
tor the market and update the business model accord-
ingly). The process model does not prescribe what to
do in a specific phase. Instead, the authors refer to
various other tools and methods.
Business model generation demands a broad range
of skills, knowledge and experience as well as cre-
ativity. Thus, business model generation is often con-
ducted in teamwork. There is a widespread belief
that the performance of interactive groups is higher
than the performance of nominal groups (i.e. the
aggregate performance of the same number of non-
interacting individuals). However, this does not nec-
essarily hold true. For instance, various studies on
group performance in brainstorming have shown that
nominal groups outperform interactive groups, e.g.
(Diehl and Stroebe, 1987; Mullen et al., 1991). While
teams tend to generate more ideas if they follow Os-
born’s brainstorming rules (Osborn, 1957) than when
they do not stick to those rules, they are still not as ef-
fective as nominal groups. Explanations for this phe-
nomenon include social loafing (Paulus et al., 1993),
social anxiety (Camacho and Paulus, 1995) and pro-
duction block (Diehl and Stroebe, 1987).
While the BMC deserves merit for providing a
common language for group discussion, teams have
to be careful. Pitfalls in group brainstorming are only
one example illustrating the intricacy of group dy-
namics in collaborative settings.
Teamwork can yield group process gains as well.
For instance, team members might become more mo-
tivated when facing social competition. They might
also improve their skills due to knowledge transfer.
And even coordination gains are possible (e.g. con-
ductor of an orchestra).
Generally, process gains as well as losses can oc-
cur in terms of motivation, capabilities and coordina-
tion. A skilled and experienced facilitator promotes
process gains and mitigates process losses. For in-
stance, they play devil’s advocate to encourage al-
ternative or counter-intuitive thoughts and, conse-
quently, avoid groupthink and shared information bias
(Baker, 2010). However, teams often do not involve a
skilled facilitator because it is considered too expen-
sive, they think there is no need for a facilitator (since
negative effects are implicit and thus hard to notice)
or there is simply no facilitator available.
In many situations, collaborative web-based CAD
software is expected to be used without a dedicated
facilitator, mostly to save time and money. There-
fore, we argue that collaborative BMC software has
to compensate for the lack of a skilled facilitator as
much as possible. We expect CAD software for busi-
ness design to enforce meta-model constraints and
validate the model (e.g. impose mappings between
value propositions and customer segments). This
way, the BMC modeling tool can provide, for in-
stance, helpful directions in the case of meta-model
violations. Hauksson et al. (2014) implemented
a desktop-based wizard for business model design
which enforces BMC meta-model constraints.
While it is unlikely that software can fully replace
a human facilitator, there are some simple yet power-
ful techniques to improve collaboration and ideation
in groups. For instance, gamification techniques can
help mitigate motivation losses. Allowing anonymous
contributions might reduce social anxiety or evalu-
ation apprehension and, as a result, increase diver-
sity of ideas since ideas can be expressed uninhib-
itedly. Separation between divergent thinking (de-
ferring judgment, creating as many ideas as possi-
ble) and convergent thinking (think and evaluate ideas
Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
analytically), shown to improve creativity processes
and results (Cropley, 2006), can be supported by im-
plementing different views and means of interaction
for each of those phases. In addition, differentiat-
ing between single and team phases might increase
the quantity of ideas: during single phases contribu-
tions from other team members should be hidden to
avoid production block and mutual influence, during
team phases contributions from others should be visi-
ble such that they can serve as an inspiration for addi-
tional ideas and refinements. While we do not pro-
vide an exhaustive list of design recommendations,
we argue for the integration of insights from social
psychology and creativity research into the design of
future CAD tools for business modeling.
2.4 Discussion
In general, the BMC captures one specific business
model. While it is possible to sketch more business
models on the same canvas at the same time, the can-
vas tends to get confusing. Therefore, in practice,
each business model is usually sketched out on a sep-
arate canvas.
The BMC facilitates a structured discussion about
a business model but it does not guide its users
to explore the formal solution space systematically.
Rather, users tend to start with specifying one build-
ing block and then scrape from building block to
building block. However, this heuristic approach
might miss innovative and viable solutions. One
method to circumvent this disadvantage and to ex-
plore the full solution space is Morphological Anal-
ysis which is presented in the next section.
Another issue that arises in collaborative settings
which is not addressed by the BMC is group dynam-
ics. Social psychology literature has shown how vari-
ous negative effects such as social loafing tend to oc-
cur in group settings. As a result, team performance
and productivity might degrade considerably.
In this section, we introduce General Morphological
Analysis (GMA), a generic problem modeling tech-
nique, and associated software tools. We argue that
they feature useful concepts which should be con-
sidered to be adopted by CAD software for business
modeling. In a broader sense, Morphological Analy-
sis (MA) is concerned with the study of form, struc-
Figure 3: The general structure of a morphological field.
One specific formal configuration is highlighted in gray.
ture and interconnections between structural elements
(Shurig, 1986). Various disciplines such as linguistics
or biology conduct subject-specific variants of MA.
Swiss Astronomer Fritz Zwicky developed a generic
type of MA commonly referred to as General Mor-
phological Analysis (GMA) (Ritchey, 1998). GMA is
a method which aims to facilitate system or problem
understanding and structuring. GMA is particularly
suited for multi-dimensional, non-quantifiable prob-
lems for which mathematical or causal modeling is
not applicable or appropriate (Ritchey, 1998). The
general idea of GMA is to derive a non-quantified
model of the system or problem under examination
by identifying its key structural components. In the
following, we will focus on GMA for problem struc-
turing and solving.
3.1 Method
The initial step of GMA is to clarify the problem
statement such that there is a shared understanding
of the problem. The result of this step is a set of as-
pects, or parameters, that seem to be the most relevant
characteristics of the problem at hand.
GMA distinguishes between parameters (also:
components or dimensions) and parameter values.
The first step of GMA is to break down the prob-
lem into subcomponents. Ideally, the subcomponents
are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. In
practice, there might be some overlap between pa-
rameters. However, the overlap should be as small
as possible. Team members have to discuss and col-
laboratively devise a set of parameters which captures
all key aspects of the problem at hand. This step fos-
ters a shared understanding of the problem because
the group needs to reach a consensus about what the
key aspects of the issue are. For business model de-
sign, the BMC provides an established problem struc-
ture (i.e. the nine building blocks).
Once an adequate set of parameters is found, the
range of parameter values has to be specified for each
parameter. Parameter values can be qualitative or
quantitative. The level of abstraction is specific to the
concrete problem and purpose of the analysis. What
is important in this step of GMA is to investigate each
parameter independently. This approach promotes di-
Improving Computer-Support for Collaborative Business Model Design and Exploration
Figure 4: A screenshot from Parmenides EIDOS showing a morphological field which represents the strategic option space
for an eBike Mobility Service.
vergent thinking and openness for counter-intuitive
values. The focus at this point is on formal properties.
Evaluation of feasibility should be deferred. We argue
that this is a major advantage over the BMC method
because individuals are tempted to think about differ-
ent building blocks at the same time because they in-
stinctively try to interrelate different building blocks
(e.g. ”‘if we want to sell our product to young people
we have to build a mobile platform as a channel”’).
While this approach can make sense, innovative ideas
might not be taken into consideration because the dis-
cussion is centering around familiar business model
patterns. Thus, business modelers constrain their cre-
ativity and, consequently, might miss particularly in-
novative business model designs.
Parameters and their value ranges constitute a
morphological field (MF) which is usually repre-
sented by a matrix (see Figure 3). The MF matrix
is a dense representation of the formal configuration
space. The formal configuration space is the set of
all morphological configurations (i.e. parameter value
combinations containing one and only one value per
parameter). Depending on the perspective and pur-
pose of the analysis, the formal configuration space is
sometimes referred to as formal problem space or for-
mal solution space. To sum up, GMA is a structured
problem modeling method which enables its users to
establish the space of all formal solutions, systemati-
cally discuss the contained formal configurations and
identify the best solution.
GMA prescribes clear separation between diver-
gent thinking and convergent thinking. By contrast, in
BMC workshops, participants tend to mix both styles
of thinking too frequently and, as a result, do not sys-
tematically explore the space of bounded creativity.
3.2 Example
GMA can be used for various purposes such as sce-
nario analysis, product innovation or strategy devel-
opment. Figure 4 shows an example for a MF rep-
resenting the strategic option space for an eBike Mo-
bility Service in terms of BMC terminology. Each
parameter (i.e. “building block”, gray background)
can take a value from its parameter range (depicted
in yellow or white, respectively). A formal business
model is given by a specific configuration from the
morphological field (i.e. solution space). For in-
stance, a specific formal business model is given by
(“First in Technology”, “Pragmatists: Short-distance
Travelers”, “One-Stop Information Shop”, “Flagship
Stores”, “Vehicle Leasing”, “Public Transport Com-
panies”, “Research & Development”, “Promotion”,
“Patents”). Not all possible configurations represent
viable business models since some business model el-
ements might be incompatible. However, using GMA
the complete set of formal solutions can be identified
and systematically evaluated. GMA software can help
Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Figure 5: Consistency matrix in MA/Carma. Adopted from
(Ritchey, 2005).
reduce the formal solution space to a viable solution
space using various techniques such as cross consis-
tency assessment or clustering.
3.3 Sofware Support for GMA
Conducting a GMA by hand has one major challenge:
the size of the solution space grows exponentially
with each additional parameter. As a result, it is of-
ten not possible to evaluate all formal solutions of
the MF (e.g. a 5-parameter MF with 6 possible val-
ues for each parameter yields 6
= 7776 formal so-
lutions. The example in Figure 4 contains 480.000
formal business models.). Therefore, in workshops
without software support, the solution space cannot
be analyzed exhaustively. Rather, only a small subset
of configurations is selected for deeper analysis ac-
cording to subjective preferences and within objective
constraints (e.g. time limit). GMA software addresses
the challenge of large solution spaces by providing
means for reduction of the formal configuration space
to a practical solution space. Examples for software
which supports GMA and solution space reduction
include Parmenides EIDOS (Parmenides Foundation,
2014) and MA/Carma (Ritchey, 2005).
MA/Carma allows the creation of an inference
model. First, the user has to specify the consis-
tency (or compatibility) of each pair of parameter val-
ues. Given such a consistency matrix (see Figure 5),
MA/Carma generates an interactive inference model
(see Figure 6). The user can declare arbitrary param-
eter values to be exogenous (colored red or medium
Figure 6: An interactive inference model constructed by
MA/Carma. Adopted from (Ritchey, 2005).
gray, respectively) and the software calculates which
values are still viable for the remaining parameters
(colored blue or dark gray, respectively). A detailed
description can be found in (Ritchey, 2005). Par-
menides EIDOS supports a similar technique: users
have to specify a numeric consistency value for each
pair of parameters. Then, a consistency value for
each configuration is calculated by the software. As
a result, in their subsequent analysis, users can focus
on configurations which yield the highest consistency
values. In contrast to MA/Carma, Parmenides EIDOS
supports clustering of similar configurations to iden-
tify more abstract patterns among viable solutions.
3.4 Discussion
GMA is a simple problem structuring method for in-
dividuals and groups. It can be used for various prob-
lems such as product innovation, strategy develop-
ment or scenario analysis. MA is particularly useful if
the problem at hand cannot be adequately expressed
in a mathematical model, many different stakeholders
are involved and various viewpoints have to be con-
MA aims at constructing a formal solution space.
Formal solutions in the solution space might be in-
consistent and/or impractical. Solution space reduc-
tion techniques such as cross consistency assessment
in combination with complementary software support
help rule out inconsistent configurations and reduce
the solution space significantly. This way, the solution
space can be explored exhaustively yet efficiently.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no GMA
software that is inherently collaborative and supports
distributed teams. While GMA software such as Par-
menides EIDOS or MA/Carma is used by facilitators
to provide a shared display in workshops, their user
interface and interaction design is tailored to individ-
ual users.
Moreover, we have not found any GMA software
Improving Computer-Support for Collaborative Business Model Design and Exploration
that accounts for psychological aspects and group dy-
namics. However, we argue that BMC software de-
sign can borrow from GMA and respective software.
They key advantage of the software-based GMA ap-
proach to modeling of complex problems such as
business model innovation is the systematic construc-
tion of the formal solution space and leveraging soft-
ware to find viable solutions within the practical solu-
tion space.
A key feature of MA/Carma is the construction
of an inference model of the solution space. Design-
ers can interact with the model and analyze the de-
pendencies of strategic decisions by treating specific
parameter values as fixed input. Given a consistency
matrix, the software automatically calculates which
options remain to be viable for all other parameters.
We argue that such an inference model provides more
insights into the business modeling space than the de-
piction of the BMC. The BMC is a descriptive model
that only represents one particular business model (or
multiple descriptive models if colors are used.).
In the previous sections, we identified three key re-
quirements for future CAD software for business
model design: (1) the ability to perform an interactive
“what-if” analysis (inference capability), (2) method-
ical guidance throughout the design process (facilita-
tion capability) to mitigate negative effects of group
dynamics, and (3) the ability to collaborate across
time, location and organizational boundaries (support
of distributed teams).
The inference capability enables designers to ex-
periment with business models by declaring partic-
ular business model elements as exogenous and an-
alyzing the implications for the remaining building
blocks. The facilitation capability offers guidance
during the design process in order to increase cre-
ativity of the designers while limiting negative effects
stemming from group dynamics. In addition, bor-
rowing techniques from GMA software, future BMC
software might provide a concrete process model for
systematic generation of business models within the
conceptual boundaries of the BMC while still allow-
ing and promoting creativity (i.e. parameter (value)
definition, cross consistency assessment and config-
uration space reduction). The support of distributed
teams refers to the ability to carry out the business
model design process cost-efficiently in a distributed
Collaborative, web-based CAD software support-
ing the BMC is readily available. Thus, there is BMC
support for distributed teams. However, those tools
lack inference and facilitation capabilities.
Therefore, we propose to extend BMC software
by borrowing concepts from GMA and respective
software. Neither BMC methodology nor GMA ad-
dress potential group process losses such as motiva-
tion loss (e.g. social loafing) or skill impairment (e.g.
social anxiety). Thus, groups might not exploit their
full cognitive and creative potential.
We argue that methods as well as tools for col-
laborative business model generation have to address
negative effects of teamwork and try to mitigate them.
Skilled human facilitators might accomplish this task.
However, assessing the skill of a human facilitator is
hard. In addition, in some contexts there is no possi-
bility to hire an experienced facilitator or it might be
considered too expensive.
The absence of a facilitator can be compensated in
BMC software by implementing various facilitation
and creativity techniques. For instance, creativity can
be increased by clearly separating between divergent
and convergent thinking phases. Alternating between
individual and team ideation helps decreasing nega-
tive impact of anchoring and groupthink. Anonymity
can help reduce social anxiety. On the other hand,
anonymity might increase social loafing since contri-
butions cannot be attributed to individuals and, thus,
individuals might ”‘hide”’ behind the team. Facilita-
tion capabilities have to be well-conceived and evalu-
We identified benefits and shortcomings of state-of-
the art CAD software for the BMC methodology.
We agree with Osterwalder, Fritscher et al. that
CAD software for business model design is likely
to improve strategic planning, particularly for dis-
tributed business model design teams which face in-
creasing competition (Osterwalder and Pigneur, 2013;
Fritscher and Pigneur, 2014). The BMC deserves
merit for providing a common (visual) language for
business model design. However, we think that CAD
support for business model design is still only in its in-
fancy and that various questions need to be answered
about how to design effective next-generation CAD
software for collaborative business model design. We
expect future BMC software to leverage the potential
of software support and provide additional value that
goes beyond mere digitization of the BMC approach.
Our next step is to refine the general requirements
Fourth International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
identified in this paper. Then, we will build a pro-
totype which implements the ideas discussed above
(e.g. inference and facilitation capabilities) and vali-
date our hypotheses.
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