have got different natured, but similar notations, the
presented approach is limited to following aspects:
1. static specific rules (BPMN to ED)
2. portability of approach to other material flow sim-
ulation is not ensured
3. portability of approach to other business process
modeling notations like EPC is not ensured
The negotiability to other material flow simula-
tion software systems as well as other modeling no-
tations is disputable. Difference between modeling
methods (e.g. focus) of other software and notations,
lead to different used elements. As a result, there is
no standardized meta-model of material flow simu-
lation. However, relevant tasks, e.g. logic detection
remain relevant to other modeling notations as wells
as to other material flow simulation software. Further
research steps will include the analysis of common
material flow simulation software. In comparison to
BPMN notation, an ontology based approach will be
developed. Goal is the interoperability of BPMN to
material flow simulation software.
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Towards Simulation of Business Processes - Transforming BPMN Models to Enterprise Dynamics Models